I wonder if Silvia is going to get engament offers despite being a mutated.

It wouldn't surprise me if house Tessen offered a younger son or relative.
She is getting about a dozen per season, with many families trying different children when Selene shoots their offer down. Being a Mutated is a downside for marriage, but if these families introduce the only Human (who would become regent by law until a Human heir is born), then their fortunes would skyrocket.

And certain families are entertaining a union...
This world has crossbows that function as SMGs. We do not need guns.

We need to finish electronics 2, crack out a bunch of computers to give us extra actions, and start working on personal laser weapons.

Even if they end up having backpacks with jewel capacitors powering them, I bet personal bright lances as weapons is possible.
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This world has crossbows that function as SMGs. We do not need guns.

>the future potential forauto fire and semi-automatic fire in guns
>the logistical ease of carrying ammo (a dozen bullets take less space that a dozen bolts)
>the fact they are low tech compared to laser guns you mention,meaning we and the empire could actually suply them to people in mass quantities without needing super magic capacitotors made of highly expensive jewels
>artillery and cannons
>indirect fire

and no,crossbows arent SMG,they fire a few dozens flechetes per minutes,that still leave them like 1 or 2 bolts per second,wich while respectable still a lot slower than we could have

cant deny that compared tu crossbows rigth now fire guns might be outperformed,but that is compared to late 1800's guns,inmediatly after that follow early 1900's guns wich outperfom every form of personal gun either on effectivity (crosbows) or cost efficiency (lasers)

plus the fact that kinetic projectile will never be replaced by energy guns because both have their issues and advantages

gun needles are necesary step towards machine guns,but once machine guns are achieved,even primitive ones,they will be a massive force multiplier for any and all forces
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yep,we are hitting soft caps already
advanced research is getting massive maluses because we lack enough bonuses

using bonuses to try and brute force our chances is not working as the odds are getting more and skewed against us,soon we will be facing -50 chance in a single succes

expanding revenue and researching some basic tech instead of super expensive goodies wich we dont have any real aplicatio for yet is better

like cracking computer without electricity grid,mining of materials,building of circuits etc is not viable
and all those are industrial actions that need minimally late 1900's industry

not medieval schizo tech
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The Tree does have an energy grid. We even took an action to place lightbulbs all across it. The problem is that the circuit research takes 13 successes while we can barely get one per turn with the current DC.

cant really take things seriously with only a single energy based around the tree,capacitators,transformators,tension lines etc,having electricity and having high quality reliabe supply of it are 2 big differences

basically,with the kind of infrastructure we got,this would be our computers

not saying we shouldnt build them,im saying we should upgrade other areas of our base infrastructure so our tech doesnt end up being esentially ork tek that could explode at any moment

i dont want to repeat the behavior of forge cults of being obsesed with maintainance of a dozen relics while esentially not producing nothing else
reliabe industry has merits on its own
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not saying we shouldnt build them,im saying we should upgrade other areas of our base infrastructure so our tech doesnt end up being esentially ork tek that could explode at any moment
But building something like a power plant would take even more upkeep, never mind the upfront cost of building it.

We just lack the wealth to build that kind of thing.
But building something like a power plant would take even more upkeep, never mind the upfront cost of building it.

We just lack the wealth to build that kind of thing.

building a power plant is expensive,and we will never have the necesary wealth is we keep sinking resources in non practical research all the time

the process should be:

>do research
>get new industry upgrade
>get money through improved basic industry
>get relics and pay for third party support
>do research with the bonuses adquired

issue is we been skipping the whole upgrading industry and infrastructure,so the effectiveness of our bonuses has been reducing as research difficulty is spiking up

so we just research,sink bonuses,then research again but we are hitting diminishing returns without much benefit in practical aplications,what good is knowing how somwthing works if you cant maintain it,build it,use it or even make it of decent quality?

actually our only really sucesful home made project werent the big ones of high tech,but the mining upgrades and the steam engine
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so we just research,sing bonuses,then research again but we are hitting diminishing returns without much benefit in practical aplications
We have also been binge building stuff like poorhouses, soup kitchens and the school, which we will keep on doing if we want to expand our cult. So we can't put all our money into improving our industry all the time.

So we have done more than research with no practical applications.
if we were investing heavily into industry to the point it has turned detrimental,wich isnt the case
But we are a religion, not a state or noble house. Nothing should be detrimental to our growth or the fullfillment of our religious duties.

Besides our usual pattern of expansion is to increase our income until we get a big surplus and then stop growing it until our upkeep catches up again. We are just entering another income growth phase. So I don't think we've been doing that bad on action priority.
-[X][Diplomacy] Shouldn't we hug-bomb the newbies? - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-7.20 Materials)
Needed: 01 Rolled: 02 + 15 = 17
-[X][Learning] Ailments Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (6/6 Successes)
--[X] PD, DoD, SC, How-To Romance Novel(+5 to Common Psychology), "Obedience And You - Training People!"(+5 to Common Psychology)
Needed: 74/84/94 Rolled: 11 + 37 = 48. Re-Roll: 02 + 37 = 39

@HeroCooky, you've got these rolls wrong. The 2 and 11 here were from a 1d3 and 1d40 for Healing for All.

The rolls should be

Healing for all: 72, 2 goodwill, 11 Coe damage.

Hug-Bomb: 66+15 = 81

Ailments of the mind: 22 + 37 = 59, failure, +2 automatic successes.

Tools of the Trade: 90+30=120, +3 successes

Scavengers: 24, 2d12= 2, 3

Crystal-Garden: 2+30 = 32, failure.

Top-03: 51+43 = 94.

Goodwill= 3+1 = 4

Coe damage = 25

Piety = 1-5 = -4

Income= 31 + 26 + 16 = 73

Then, Armentho's re-roll should count,

Ailments of the Mind = 76 + 37 = 113, +3 successes

Armentho's 3d2 for rare artifacts: 5

And then 4d100: 48, 74, 25, 52

Honestly, how am I the only one who noticed this?
-[X][Diplomacy] Shouldn't we hug-bomb the newbies? - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-7.20 Materials)
Needed: 01 Rolled: 02 + 15 = 17

@HeroCooky, you've got these rolls wrong. The 2 and 11 here were from a 1d3 and 1d40 for Healing for All.

The rolls should be

Healing for all: 72, 2 goodwill, 11 Coe damage.

Hug-Bomb: 66+15 = 81

Ailments of the mind: 22 + 37 = 59, failure, +2 automatic successes.

Tools of the Trade: 90+30=120, +3 successes

Scavengers: 24, 2d12= 2, 3

Crystal-Garden: 2+30 = 32, failure.

Top-03: 51+43 = 94.

Goodwill= 3+1 = 4

Coe damage = 25

Piety = 1-5 = -4

Income= 31 + 26 + 16 = 73

Then, Armentho's re-roll should count,

Ailments of the Mind = 76 + 37 = 113, +3 successes

Armentho's 3d2 for rare artifacts: 5

And then 4d100: 48, 74, 25, 52

Honestly, how am I the only one who noticed this?

is easy to miss because in general people do first action rolls,then they do the reward rolls later

@EyeOfSauron really mixed things up with the way he did his tally

well,that should serve us a friendly reminder to name our dices when we roll

edit: hey we mightily succeded at tools of trade and ailments of the mind tho,+5 succeses and artificial critical in in tools and +3 and a artificial critical in ailments of the mind
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: naming my dice Total: 52
52 52
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No idea. But thanks for catching that!

On that note, armentho rolled the GW dice and passed the DC.

Spend 2 Goodwill to complete the Crystal-Pass?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Will check tomorrow for the results.

huh,our QM is being generous given we all fucked up today :V

[X] Yes

im actually quite happy over tools of trade,+5 succeses (2 automatic + 3 of the dice) + artificial critic,honestly this will do some great things for people
and ailments did pretty good (+3 succes + artificial critic)

we might have the first psicological foundations on generations
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