well,that was my rolls left to waste

edit: eyeofsauron oof,that was one awfull rolling

we failed 74DC

let me re-roll that one as usual thanks to re-roll first failure for free perk
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 76
76 76
Welp, looks like we are going to be strapped for cash again this turn so no steam engine.

We should really consider either coke tech or the preservatives one, or maybe the other small techs. They may be small reductions but every bit counts.
Sauron already put the re-roll in his post. It was the 02

wich roll was it?

he rolled 7 dices of 100 faces for 7 actions

15, if successful, roll 1d3, 1d40 = we rolled 72
01 rolled with +15 = we rolled 2,total 17
74/84/94 rolled with +37 = we rolled 11 tota 48
20/30/40 rolled with +30 = we rolled 66 total 96
01, if successful, roll 2d12 = we rolled 22,total 22
40 rolled with +30 = we rolled 90,total 120
40 rolled with +43 = we rolled 24,total 67

i thought the following ones where merely budget and reward ones let me check

*insert a few seconds later*,ah yes,his re-roll was a 2 and then he tried to re-roll again (cheeky trickster lul),and still didnt manage
bad luck
[X] Plan Expeditions into the Forest Of Rust
-[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
Needed: 15 Rolled: 72
1d3 Goodwill = 2
1d40 COE Damage = 11

-[X][Faith] Expand Your Hospices - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
1d5+1 Goodwill = 4
1d30 COE Damage = 25

-[X][Diplomacy] Shouldn't we hug-bomb the newbies? - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-7.20 Materials)
Needed: 01 Rolled: 65 + 15 = 81

-[X][Martial] Tour With The Daughter - (1/1 Turns Complete)
[Event Turns Incoming]

-[X][Learning] Ailments Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (6/6 Successes)
--[X] PD, DoD, SC, How-To Romance Novel(+5 to Common Psychology), "Obedience And You - Training People!"(+5 to Common Psychology)
Needed: 74/84/94 Rolled: 22 + 37 = 59, Re-Roll: 76 + 37 = 113
+2 Automatic Successes!
+3 Successes!
+2 Overflow into Ilness Of The Mind

-[X][Learning] Tools of the Trade - (Medical/Biological) - (3/2 Successes)
--[X] Surgeons Kit (+20 to Advanced Medicine), Hygienic Instructions (+5 to Common Medicine), Antibiotics (+5 to Common Medicine)
Needed: 20/30/40 Rolled: 90 + 30 = 120 Minor Artificial Critical Success!
+3 Successes

-[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (HB-01) - (1/1 Turns Complete)
Needed: 01 Rolled: 24
2d12 Artifacts = 5
Grades: 5d100 = Rare (51), Rare (48), Lost Tech (74), Rare (25), Rare (52)

-[X][Tree] Electronics Workshop - (2/7 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress.

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Storerooms - Continuous Expansion

-[X][Holdings] Build A Wall - (8/8 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)

-[X][Aria action] Interface With The Daugther's Core - (Aria) - (1/1 Turns Complete)

-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Crystal-Garden Expedition - (1/1 Turns Complete)) - (-15 Materials))
--[X] 5FF
Needed: 40 Rolled: 02 + 30 = 32
Goodwill: Needed 50 Rolled: 52
2 Goodwill Used.
+1 Large Suspendium Shard

-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Attack TOP-03 - (Tech Scouts, The Unbroken, THE WALL)
--[X] All on TOP-03, try to lure the mobile robots away from the turret and let them fight THE WALL while our other units shoot/bomb them. If that is impossible, destroy the turret first and use firebombs on caretakers
Needed: 40 Rolled: 51 + 43 = 94
See Rumor Mill for Battle Report.

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - Soup kitchens

--[X] Selling Artifacts (Rare Pigments, Ancient Music Instruments) - (+0,91 Materials)

-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Study Sessions - (4/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials each Turn)
+1 Turn of Progress.

-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[X] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (1/6 Turns Complete) - (1FF)- (-15 Materials each Turn)
+1 Turn of Progress.

Further Rolls:


3d2 Rare+ = 5

1d6-5 = 1 - 5 = 0% Piety reduction

Needed: Irrelevant Rolled: Irrelevant
+1 Faithful

22d4+3d12+76 = 73 + 76 = 149 Materials!

The Event Turn/s will be online on the 21.02.21
Further Turns follow in a 2-day moratorium, 2-day voting, 3-day writing intervals.
The Update will be online six days after the last Event Turn.
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Rumor Mill Turn 40

It seemed like a fantasy, a dream, as the titanic airship roared over our heads the last season, displaying the defiance of humanity over the Mutants and Machines which prowl the world. After House Dall had been granted the boon of an ARO in exchange for their world-shattering discovery of Suspendium, the House seemed unsatisfied with its assigned lot of being a mere supplier of such a, soon to be, vital resource, seeking to serve the Empire further! With help from the experienced scouts and scavengers of the Pilgrims, ventured deep into the Forest of Rust, into the Berths whose purpose had recently been revealed for what they indeed are, and uncovered one of the ancient dreadnoughts which undoubtedly had ruled the skies before the Collapse. Wasting no time at all, House Dall restored the venerable machine and set course towards friendly lands, greeted by cheers and impromptu celebrations all across the northern territories. Once those same people awakened from their hangovers and festivals, they were happily surprised to see that an entire regiment of Royal Guardians had appeared overnight, sent by the Emperor Himself once word had made it to him of this monumental find. Wasting no time, the Rabbitaur Regiment settled inside the nearby village Norqod, and within the, now revealed to be called, Daughter of Dawn, setting up banners of the Empire, the Emperor, and House Dall across the whole of the ship.

As word traveled from traders and visitors about the Daughter, a grumbling started to shake the Region, as a massive caravan consisting of Artisans, Forge-Clan Members, and vast amounts of machines, both stationary and drones, made towards Norqod, intent on studying, repairing and soothing the Machine-Mind of the ancient Dreadnought. None dared to stand in the way of such an awe-inspiring sight of expertise and seniority, either intimidated by the large amount of technology on display or the ever-present complaints about shoddy craftsmanship seemingly everywhere. One can only shudder at the horror those venerable Elders must have felt to see the Daughter, to know that her Machine-Mind had waited dutifully for a Millenium, only to fall ever closer towards disrepair and madness without any proper administration and maintenance. Having settled down, the Elders soon set upon to explore and identify any faults within the Daughter, giving the okay to the already impatient House Dall for a proposed victory tour across the Region, to appear over every settlement larger than a thousand inhabitants.

And such it did, soaring across the sky in majestic ease, defying binding gravity and laws of reality with impunity, showing all that even now, as old Horrors appear from ruins, the Empire does not lack in defenses or the will to brave danger to see it's own safe and secure. And, honestly, what else can be said? Glory to the Empire, to the Emperor, and House Dall!
Mutated Opinion Decrease due to Invasion: DC50: 72+15=87 Pass, no decrease.
Corrupted Tribe To Attack From The North, Near Jokvi
In slightly less fantastic news, it seems that one tribe from the Wastes up north has decided that being human and sane is overrated and boring, disfiguring both mind and body with an ancient weapon to kill all before them. While some already accuse the other Tribes who had fought a losing war against the Nek-Ne of hiding this to weaken Tessen, others are more interested in securing all the refugees to examine the capabilities and methods of warfare the Nek-Ne possess. While at least a fair amount of troops are present near Jokvi for training purposes, and the Daughter has anchored near the city as the last stop, many are worried that if such a situation is not expertly handled, many of the tribe's warriors will splitter into independent bands, ravaging the Region for years to come. One can only hope that the Sub-General knows what he does.
[Event Turns Incoming]

Shield-Belt-Alliance Diplomats Make Overtures About Possible Alliance
In a surprising twist of fate and diplomatic stance, the SBA has now made Overtures to the Emperor about the possible idea of maybe entering talks of a defensive pact and deepened trade-ties. While a few are suspicious about the timing, the recent discovery of the Daughter fresh in everyone's mind, the distances and travel-time involved wouldn't have impacted such a decision by the SBA's Leadership, who couldn't have heard about such a thing, even if they had spies in the area. InSec would have been more than alert enough to catch them after the recent troubles with the COE and the Tribes. Only time will tell why they had such a turn-about of their diplomatic stance or what they intend to achieve.


Battle Report:
Turn 0: Pilgrim Approach Vs. Machine Notice
284 (78,93,11,73+29(Training, Equipment and Traits)) Vs. 63 (26,4,33) = Pilgrim Success. All Units in position, Caretakers, and Sentinels near THE WALL and Martyris.

Turn 1 Ranged Stealth: Pilgrim TS+TU Vs. MBLT
95 (27,45+23(Training, Equipment and Traits)) Vs. 8 (8) = Pilgrim Success.
TS 1d6+2(3AP) = 3 Armor, 3 Structure (Rolled 4+2)
TU 1d12+2(3AP) = 8 Armor, 3 Structure (Rolled 9+2)
MBLT reduced to -12 Structure, destroyed.
TS+TU exhaust War Lessons.

Turn 1 Melee Stealth: Pilgrim TW+M Vs. C, S
92 (42,92-42(Equipment and Traits)) Vs. 128 (59,69) = Pilgrim Failure, Attack Commences Immediatly.

Turn 1 Combat: TW+M Vs. C, S
Initiative: TW: -02 (-6 Training, Traits, and Equipment), M: 98 (+4 Traits), C: 92, S: 67 (+40 Trait)
Free Attack: Firebomb 1d4-1 = 3 (Rolled 4-1). Hits: Caretakers (Rolled 1)
Caretakers now at 5.
M 1+1d4+3(2AP) = 4 Armor, 2 Structure (Rolled 2+4). Hits: Sentinels (Rolled 2)
Sentinels now at 3.
C attacks M (Rolled 2, No allied Units to repair). 9 Armor (Rolled: 2,2,2,1,2)
M at (47/56) Armor.
S attack M (Rolled 2). 13 Armor (1,4,2+6)
M at (34/56) Armor.
TW 1d6+1d4+3(2AP) = 3 Armor, 2 Structure (Rolled 1, 1+3). Hits: Sentinels
Sentinels now at 2.

Turn 2 Combat: TS, TU, TW, M Vs. C, S
Initiative: TS: 21 , TU: 74 (+5 Training), TW: 8 (-10 Training and Equipment), M: 96, C: 62, S: 112 (+20 Trait)
S continue attacking M (TW poses no significant threat, TS and TU have yet to join). 7 (Rolled 1,2+4)
M at (27/56) Armor.
M attacks Sentinels (Greatest Danger). 1+1d4+3(2AP) = 5 Armor, 2 Structure (Rolled 3+4)
Sentinels now at 1 (S: 2/2 A: 5/6)
TU attack C in Ranged (Rolled 1, 2). 1d12+2(3AP) = 5 Armor, 3 Structure (Rolled 6+2)
Caretakers now at 2. 1 at (1/2 Armor)
C attack TU (Greatest Danger). 2 Armor (Rolled 1, 1)
TU at (7/9) Armor
TS attack Sentinels in Ranged (Rolled 2, 2). 1d6+2(3AP) = 3 Structure (Rolled 1+2).
Sentinels Destroyed.
TW attacks Caretakers (Only Enemies Left). 1d6+1d4+3(2AP) = 8 Armor, 2 Structrue (Rolled 5, 2+3)
Caretakers Destroyed.

Combat ends.
Result: Pilgrim Success.

Casualties: None.

Cost: 0.03 Materials (Firebomb).

Gained: 2 Damaged, 2 Destroyed Sentinel Remains, 4 Damaged, 2 Destroyed Caretaker Remains, 1 Destroyed Minor Bright-Lance Turret. Access to TOP-03 and a choice.

Recommendation: Re-Training of THE WALL due to lacking battlefield performance.


Internal Report:

Our efforts to welcome the Royal Guardians, the Elder Forge-Clan Engineers, and their respective families and support staff were a resounding success. Even though some Elders had to be physically nagged or dragged away by their spouses and/or families, and some Guardians had to rotate for the welcoming, all proceeded smoothly. Tensions between the Elders and our more headstrong members have abated as both are now arguing about how to improve things instead of how shoddy or not things are. Their families, that of the Royal Guard, said Guard, and their artificers have responded positively to the initiative to welcome them, enjoying the hospitality and lack of ill-will many had expected. Several relationships have inadvertently resulted from the mingling, with Phan, our Engineering Student, having been married to one Savi by her family to "officialize" her studies in the Elders' eyes, having taken the surname of Rivet. Both approved of the marriage wholeheartedly.

On an unrelated note, our silphium supplier wishes to discuss loaning a space in our warehouse due to our steadily increasing use of the herb, saying that...



The Military is busy up north. [Event Turns Incoming]

The Church Of Eden is drinking heavily. Aside from that, they are intimidated like hell while questioning if they even can hurt you right now, or ever, due to the DoD.

The Criminal Organizations are not making any move right now; being under the control of InSec will do that.

The Common People are in awe of the Daugther, though wary of the news from up north. Militias are already sharpening their skill for potential fights, with the Weapon-sellers quite excited about that.

The Mutated are feeling vindicated about their arming, though not for the reasons they did so. They are cautiously optimistic about the continuation of their better treatment.
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i think we should initiate a foreign legion like aproach

create a small gang of adventurers that work as mercernaries,and use them to do jobs and quest in order to gain money for the community we are building
then offer those that become part of the gang a small chunk of their own in territory around our little settlement as well a good chunk of the rewards gained in quests and logistical support from us

and in our settlement we should make some tax exceptions to attract settlers

The Church Of Eden is drinking heavily. Aside from that, they are intimidated like hell while questioning if they even can hurt you right now, or ever, due to the DoD.

create a small gang of adventurers that work as mercernaries,and use them to do jobs and quest in order to gain money for the community we are building
then offer those that become part of the gang a small chunk of their own in territory around our little settlement as well a good chunk of the rewards gained in quests and logistical support from us
The problem with that is that it would still count as a unit and we would have to pay upkeep for it. So it would be better to just send what units have nothing else to do to earn some money to pay for their upkeep.

Also I don't think that we will need to do something that complicated to get settlers for Norqod. The Daughter (and her security detail) already ensures that at least some people will move for the security it has.
The problem with that is that it would still count as a unit and we would have to pay upkeep for it. So it would be better to just send what units have nothing else to do to earn some money to pay for their upkeep.

Also I don't think that we will need to do something that complicated to get settlers for Norqod. The Daughter (and her security detail) already ensures that at least some people will move for the security it has.
And the best thing we can do for Norqod is set up industries. Getting the electronics workshop up and running will get people to come. Getting a steam engine workshop or a airship work shop will do even more.
I wonder if Silvia is going to get engament offers despite being a mutated.

It wouldn't surprise me if house Tessen offered a younger son or relative.
We need to advance our troops and actually get them to make guns

actually agree on this,we must get basic chemistry to get gunpowder done
and create some machinery and forges to create gun parts

needle guns and percussion revolvers should be something we could build

revolvers would be really useful as personal side arms,a gun for people that cant afford to engage on meele and security agents