Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Only a bit? Don't worry, I'll save the day.

My thoughts exactly seeing as Sky is probably busy.
And I don't know if that helps or not.
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At least the thread stayed on the tracks, sort of. They're both Saratoga. Best we can do, without actually being Sky.

EDIT: Also, I apologize for the tiny pictures. Google Images doesn't exactly size them right, and Wikipedia makes them tiny anyway. You can find the images on the respective wiki articles.
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Which we would all be ok with, but for now, let's stop cluttering the thread, and let it rest for now.
You know maybe the us can give Bismarck sancutary as a means of saying " we aren't picking sides " then the us can if they so choose intern her under the condition that she will not be used against the German war effort or that should war arise between the us and Germany she will be de armed under German supervision and her cannon and tbadk to Germany but her hull remaining in the us hell another option is " if Germany/ her allies attacks we keep Bismarck if the Germans are found to be commuting war crimes we keep Bismarck but if a us ship attacks a German one the Bismarck will be returned "
then hitlers hands are tied ether he demands japan back down in the pacific or he looses his biggest bb two fold

( she's no doubt going to stay in the Atlantic she's not built for the kinds of battles he pacific holds
(unless she's put on island duty in witch case we may get kirishima vs bis and that won't end well at all, for kirishima that is ) and if we capture Bismarck we get a chance to maybe capture a sub aswell ( Germans trade a couple u-boats for the Bismarck back and then when bu ord sees how superior the German magnetic detonators ( even though they had issues just like the American one's but they work far better )
they may just start making half decent torpedoes then of course the next sub class to come out will be better
( don't know when he first gators where being designed and built but I'd assume fairly soon ) then agian all of theses benefits take longer

than the town difference between bis and Pearl ouccuring hell if the japs had planned (and launched ) the attack just a few month earlier the us could have been at war in time to help sink the Bismarck sorry for the wall of text but I figured I'd put this out there along with my other crazy ideas for the good admiral to put to use addendum isn't the New York in refit right now ? (In story ) don't remember exact dates but I'm fairly certain she was in refit during 41 getting 5/38 duals installed that Tex sadly never got ( the aa on Texas is already like having an Atlanta on each side so she didn't really need them )
They wanted her sunk because she sunk the Hood. That hasn't/may not happen in this timeline. Without that event, the RN might not be so dedicated to her destruction.
Maybe but then again, Bismarck could end up sinking some other ship that would take the place of Hood.
Either way we have to wait for the word of God first before making any assumptions.
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Maybe but then again, Bismarck could end up sinking some other ship that would take the place of Hood.
Either way we have to wait for the word of God first before making any assumptions.

Well considering the damage and slight disrepair that HMS Hood was in after the battle for the former bit and for the latter before the battle she had partaken in. It's likely safe to say that she won't be back in service until maybe early 1942 or late 1941. Because well, let's see, she had two 11in shells, go through her upper belt and had their 14.55 Pound Bursting Charges explode inside, she had another that with it's 14.55 pound bursting charge mangle her bridge. Combined with the disrepair she was in before she took the battle damage she suffered. So besides the repairs, they are also going to overhaul her, one that she needs desperately. Of course, this is just a best guess on my part.

However, I am willing to bet that we might see more of HMS Repulse because she wasn't sent to the Pacific until late 1941 in OTL. So while I seriously doubt that they will send Repulse in company with Prince of Wales, mainly because of the damage that HMS Hood suffered from mere 11in guns and hopefully Mi-6 will get the information on what she is armed with correct. They might be willing to send a Queen Elizabeth class Battleship or another King George V class Fast Battleship after Bismarck and Prinz Eugen in company with HMS Prince of Wales. But I digress and this is just a best guess here. The reason they wouldn't send a Revenge class or a Nelson class is because they only have a top speed of 21 and 23 knots respectively. A Queen Elizabeth class has a top speed of 25 knots so it might be able to get their in time, and the King George V class has a top speed of 28 knots. The Renown class has a top speed of 31 knots, but not a lot of armor.

So, considering the distance, and the fact that they need to make an intercept. The Admiralty will likely send a combination of likely two ships, probably one of the following combinations: Two King George V class Fast Battleships, two Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleships, a Renown class Battlecruiser and a King George V class Fast Battleship, a Renown class Battlecruiser and a Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleship, or a Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleship and a King George V class Fast Battleship. These are the most likely candidates, but the ones with the Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleships and the Renown class Battlecruisers should be taken with a grain of salt due to for the former they are old and not quickest ships in the world not anymore and the later because of the fact that her armor is rather lacking, but the combinations with a King George V class Fast Battleship are more likely because they are the newest and fastest battleships the Royal Navy has at the moment.

However, until we get the word of god, we simply don't know, but by my research the ship classes listed above are more than likely going to be the ones that are sent out to intercept Bismarck.
We also can't forget about Tirpitz cause who knows what she'll do or her captain more specifically.
(I find it amusing whenever someone replies to this thread and everyone jumps in immediately.)
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We also can't forget about Tirpitz cause who knows what she'll do or her captain more specifically.

That would be a real serious pain train. KMS Prinz Eugen, sailing in company with both of the Bismarck sisters. I mean, ouch. A force like that will certainly be able to sweep aside almost any similar sized force sent against them. Not to mention, we don't know if the German Destroyers have had their range problem fixed. Judging by the fact that German Destroyers were present in the Battle HMS Hood and HMS Repulse fought against the Scharnhorst sisters, it appears that yes, the range issue that the German Destroyers had has been fixed thanks to the Butterfly Effect.
Warning For Marginal Behavior
Well considering the damage and slight disrepair that HMS Hood was in after the battle for the former bit and for the latter before the battle she had partaken in. It's likely safe to say that she won't be back in service until maybe early 1942 or late 1941. Because well, let's see, she had two 11in shells, go through her upper belt and had their 14.55 Pound Bursting Charges explode inside, she had another that with it's 14.55 pound bursting charge mangle her bridge. Combined with the disrepair she was in before she took the battle damage she suffered. So besides the repairs, they are also going to overhaul her, one that she needs desperately. Of course, this is just a best guess on my part.

However, I am willing to bet that we might see more of HMS Repulse because she wasn't sent to the Pacific until late 1941 in OTL. So while I seriously doubt that they will send Repulse in company with Prince of Wales, mainly because of the damage that HMS Hood suffered from mere 11in guns and hopefully Mi-6 will get the information on what she is armed with correct. They might be willing to send a Queen Elizabeth class Battleship or another King George V class Fast Battleship after Bismarck and Prinz Eugen in company with HMS Prince of Wales. But I digress and this is just a best guess here. The reason they wouldn't send a Revenge class or a Nelson class is because they only have a top speed of 21 and 23 knots respectively. A Queen Elizabeth class has a top speed of 25 knots so it might be able to get their in time, and the King George V class has a top speed of 28 knots. The Renown class has a top speed of 31 knots, but not a lot of armor.

So, considering the distance, and the fact that they need to make an intercept. The Admiralty will likely send a combination of likely two ships, probably one of the following combinations: Two King George V class Fast Battleships, two Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleships, a Renown class Battlecruiser and a King George V class Fast Battleship, a Renown class Battlecruiser and a Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleship, or a Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleship and a King George V class Fast Battleship. These are the most likely candidates, but the ones with the Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleships and the Renown class Battlecruisers should be taken with a grain of salt due to for the former they are old and not quickest ships in the world not anymore and the later because of the fact that her armor is rather lacking, but the combinations with a King George V class Fast Battleship are more likely because they are the newest and fastest battleships the Royal Navy has at the moment.

However, until we get the word of god, we simply don't know, but by my research the ship classes listed above are more than likely going to be the ones that are sent out to intercept Bismarck.
Then you need to do more research. Queen Elizabeth, Valiant, Warspite, and Barham are in the Mediterranean, and Malaya is being patched up in the United States. They can't be used against Bismarck simply because none of them are at sea in the Atlantic.

That would be a real serious pain train. KMS Prinz Eugen, sailing in company with both of the Bismarck sisters. I mean, ouch. A force like that will certainly be able to sweep aside almost any similar sized force sent against them. Not to mention, we don't know if the German Destroyers have had their range problem fixed. Judging by the fact that German Destroyers were present in the Battle HMS Hood and HMS Repulse fought against the Scharnhorst sisters, it appears that yes, the range issue that the German Destroyers had has been fixed thanks to the Butterfly Effect.
No, that battle was in the North Sea, which German destroyers proved time and again was in their range envelope, you fucking idiot.
Then you need to do more research. Queen Elizabeth, Valiant, Warspite, and Barham are in the Mediterranean, and Malaya is being patched up in the United States. They can't be used against Bismarck simply because none of them are at sea in the Atlantic.

No, that battle was in the North Sea, which German destroyers proved time and again was in their range envelope, you fucking idiot.

But that OTL! Remember Butterfly Effect? Because of the Butterfly Effect we don't know where are all of the Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleships are. The same with the German Navy Destroyers, for all we know they probably don't have the range issue that they had due to the Butterfly effect. So in that case, I am not an idiot, but actually bringing up valid points of arguement.
Then you need to do more research. Queen Elizabeth, Valiant, Warspite, and Barham are in the Mediterranean, and Malaya is being patched up in the United States. They can't be used against Bismarck simply because none of them are at sea in the Atlantic.

No, that battle was in the North Sea, which German destroyers proved time and again was in their range envelope, you fucking idiot.
It's Thorthemighty. Whenever he says 'best guess', 'research', or uses big proper titles for things, you can generally conclude he's full of it.
It's Thorthemighty. Whenever he says 'best guess', 'research', or uses big proper titles for things, you can generally conclude he's full of it.

No I did go to Wikipedia and look it all up. However, I was taking were the Queen Elizabeth battleships were at this moment with a very large grain of salt because of the Butterfly Effect. For all we know, one could be in Scapa Flow. But I am willing to say that the German Destroyers had major problems, however if the German Zerstorer 1942 enters service sooner, than the problem will be fixed, they had a range of 5,500 nautical miles at 19 knots, that's pretty good range for a destroyer, on par with a Fletcher class Destroyer.
No I did go to Wikipedia and look it all up. However, I was taking were the Queen Elizabeth battleships were at this moment with a very large grain of salt because of the Butterfly Effect. For all we know, one could be in Scapa Flow. But I am willing to say that the German Destroyers had major problems, however if the German Zerstorer 1942 enters service sooner, than the problem will be fixed, they had a range of 5,500 nautical miles at 19 knots, that's pretty good range for a destroyer, on par with a Fletcher class Destroyer.
And even if butterflies prevent Malaya from being torpedoed, she's more likely to be on convoy duty than in Scapa Flow. She's old, slow (the QEs were down to 23 knots by this point in their careers), and lacks the upgrades to fire control and deck armor the three modernized ships got.

And I call bullshit on you doing research, because otherwise you'd know that the Zerstorer 1942s were all laid down in 1943, and pushing up their lay-down date by two years is seriously pushing the butterfly effect at best.
But that OTL! Remember Butterfly Effect? Because of the Butterfly Effect we don't know where are all of the Queen Elizabeth class Fast Battleships are. The same with the German Navy Destroyers, for all we know they probably don't have the range issue that they had due to the Butterfly effect. So in that case, I am not an idiot, but actually bringing up valid points of arguement.
Thor, here's a little rule you'd pick up if you ever take a debate class, which I highly suggest you so. It's called 'burden of proof'. It means that if you're making a claim, you need to provide evidence that directly supports your claim. Saying 'but they could be anywhere woooooo, we don't know ooooooh!' is a very weak counter-argument and makes you look bad, especially if it's in response to that person's evidence being disproven, because it's the verbal equivalent of flipping the board. It's not saying where the Elizabeth's are, which would be a more proper rebuttal, and shorthand for fanfiction has always been 'assume canon until shown otherwise', so you are still behind the eight-ball on this one.
No I did go to Wikipedia and look it all up.
Well there's a third your problem right there.
However, I was taking were the Queen Elizabeth battleships were at this moment with a very large grain of salt because of the Butterfly Effect.
And there's the second third: You're shit at making your arguments. You at no point in your original post stated such a thing.