Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

I'll be going over what's happened in the Med later on.

...also, if I left a reference about repairing from Taranto damage in there, that's something from an earlier draft that escaped the editing pass >.>

(My intention is that Littorio and VV have been hit again since then. This is both to reflect how often they got hit IRL, and also to allow me having the WW1 BBs as the main force. I need it that way for the scenes I want to write.

Similarly, with Bisko not sunk, the Brits are keeping all their modern capital ships (sans PoW) close to home.)

Ah, yes, that makes sense.

Also, I smell an old-style showdown between WW1 ships, and I can't wait!

Should be interesting. The old British BBs have an obvious advantage in armor and firepower but the Italian rebuilds have better speed and fire control.

Warspite won her gunnery duel with Cesare*, but there's no doubt Cesare's fire control and speed allowed her to dictate the terms of the engagement from start to finish (heck, Warspite had already stopped firing and was changing heading when her last shell struck the Italian BB) - and that's with Cesare's old style fire control - the Duilios have Littorio-tier FC.

No wonder Cunningham was asking for better battleships after the very first battle.

Then again - the rebuilds are basically glass cannons. No immune zone whatsoever, very light displacement for a BB, reduced TDS effectiveness and no auxiliary rudders. No surprise the Italians retired Cesare from active duties as soon as they could and only used the Duilios for convoy duties in 1942, when the axis had temporary battleship superiority in the Med, or when they didn't have many other choices.

Whoever wins (or even if the fight stops for some other reason) I foresee many feels in the next chapter.

*There is some circumstantial evidence that Cesare or Trento may have hit Warspite first, prompting the battleship to disengage, but no proof. Research on the matter is still ongoing, but unless more info suddenly surfaces, it's more than reasonable to say Cesare just bracketed her target a few times.
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Memories of the Great War
Side Story: Memories of the Great War

"No sign of the Italians. Cowards."

To HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Mediterranean was as familiar as breathing. The warm waters and calm Sea was more familiar than the North Sea that her family operated in. Fighting in this Sea was, if anything, even more familiar. Her very first battles had been fought here. Against the Turks, in the Great War. Then, the Italians had been allies. She may well have sailed with them against the Austrians, if the cowards had ever bothered to properly sortie.

Now, the Italians were her enemy and she was sailing against them. Against ships that may, once, have been friends. Ships as old and heavily rebuilt as she was. The Italians didn't have any of their modern battleships in the fight, from what she knew. With Bismarck and the other Germans up in Norway, none of her modern cousins were around either. If they found the Italians, this would be a fight between old ships. Her, Barham and Valiant against three or so smaller Italian dreadnoughts.

It's like Jutland all over again. At least that idiot Beatty isn't in charge this time.

It went without saying that she also didn't have the entire Grand Fleet ranged behind her, either.

"Any idea where they are, sis?" Barham's smooth voice, silk upon her ears, echoed in Elizabeth's head. Whomever had come up with this system of talking to each other was a madman. A genius, but a madman. "I can't see a thing out here."

Ah, of course. She didn't get the same refits as herself and Valiant.

"I can't see anything, Barham. Not a damn thing." Elizabeth was always more foul-mouthed than her sister. Back when the Grand Fleet was around, the battlecruisers liked to say it was because she was a redhead and took after her namesake. 'Queen Liz' never quite understood that. "Bloody Italians are a bunch of cowards."

"Come now, sister, isn't that a bit harsh?" Valiant's coarse tone was nothing like Barham, and much more like Elizabeth herself. "We may be enemies now...but they were allies once. Just as the French were."

That got a wince from Barham, audible even over this distance. And a scoff from Elizabeth. The French were a bunch of cowards too. Even the bloody Dutch were more willing to fight on than the French, and their entire country was occupied. So did the Belgians and the Polish and the Norwegians. The French? Oh no, let's surrender and let our fleet sit where the Germans can get it! Brilliant!

I wish I'd been in Barham's place. I would have shown that Frenchie what for!

"I'm not as eager to get into a fight as you are, sis."
Speaking of which, Barham's silky voice rang out again. The least-modernized battleship in their little squadron, she sat at the rear of the formation. Her old bridge distinctive in the thin morning sunlight. "Remember what happened at Jutland? Or what happened to Revenge? Do you really want to risk that happening again?"

Elizabeth had the grace to at least look away. A hand rose up to brush at her long red hair, idly flipping a lock away from her ice-blue eyes. Her long dress shifted with the movement, blowing in the wind. If anyone could see her, they'd see someone who wore the air of a proper Queen, even if lacking a crown. The dark fabric of her dress contrasted sharply with her pale skin and red hair, her high- aristocratic -cheeks narrowed in a frown.

"I remember Jutland."

She didn't need to say anything else. She had missed that battle. Her sisters? They'd come home in varying degrees of pain. Elizabeth had been utterly frantic with worry, looking over Warspite. Her little sister still didn't quite walk right, all these years later. She never wanted to see her sisters come home like that again. She certainly didn't want it to happen when she wasn't in a place to help them, like Jutland.

Even so. Even so.

"I also remember Gallipoli. You know what happened there, yeah?" Elizabeth turned her ice-cold eyes over on Barham and Valiant. Her sisters were silent. "If we just let the Italians go, it's just as bad as that was. Do either of you want Guderian in Egypt?"

" aren't wrong, sister." Valiant sighed heavily. In the distance, a light flashed atop her mast. A signal. "Still, I find no joy in fighting former allies."

"I don't want you getting hurt, that's all."
Barham was, if nothing else, always completely honest. She couldn't lie if she tried. "Do we even know that the new ships aren't there?"

It was impossible to know that, for sure. Every indication was that the Littorios weren't around. It was only the old battleships. A right battle of the geriatrics, really. Elizabeth couldn't help but snort at the thought. She wasn't worried like Barham was. This was going to be an old-fashioned brawl right out of the Great War, wasn't it? Something she had missed because of a refit.

She wouldn't miss it again.

"Should only be those old dreadnoughts. And they're not a threat. You know what Warspite did to Cesare, right?" Elizabeth felt a rush of pride for her sister, when she thought about it. Warspite had landed a hit at a range no other battleship could even come close to. Her little sister was a crack shot, she was! "'sides, those old guns aren't even close to our own."

"...the Germans had smaller guns too, you know." Barham's voice was quiet and filled with old pain.

Elizabeth fought the sudden urge to hug her sister, and settled instead for scoffing. No need to show any worry. "Bah! The Germans knew what to do with their ships. The Italians can't find their way out to sea without help. I'm not worried! They can't hit the broadside of a barn, and even if they could, their guns are weak."

"I hope that you're correct, sister, because I have little desire to repeat Jutland." Valiant gave off the impression of a shrug over their little communication link. And the impression of stiffening in place. "Radar is picking something up. We don't have any other ships out here, correct?"

"Not that I know of. Do you think...?"
Barham was instantly all business. Whatever doubts she may have held buried deep under a veneer of experience and professionalism. She was a veteran.

"Most likely. Sister?" Directing that question at Elizabeth, Valiant's signals officers were sending similar messages to the flagship's own crew.

For her part? Elizabeth wore a wide grin on her pale face. This was her chance to shine. She had missed Jutland. She hadn't been used properly at Gallipoli. She was the flagship. The lead ship of her class. She'd never properly seen combat.

It was time to change that, yeah?

"Come on sisters, let's go show the Italians what the Royal Navy can do." Her voice dropped an octave, smoke pouring from her stack. Elizabeth brushed lingering red hair from her face, baring her teeth in a smirk. "They won't know what hit them. You two fought at Jutland, and I'm the big sister. I don't think they have any chance, do you?"

"I certainly know they aren't as experienced." Valiant was serious as ever.

Barham was silent, before sighing. Her smooth voice much less sure, though still filled with the steel of a battleship. "We're right behind you, sis. Don't do anything reckless."

"Bah! I'm not a young idiot like Wales. I won't do anything stupid, you know that!"

Even so, Elizabeth couldn't hold back her excitement at finally getting to put her guns to their proper job. Who cared about shooting up some unfortunate shoreline. This was what she was built for!

And she wasn't going to fail.

Initially, I wanted to put this as part of the proper chapter. Then I looked at the pacing, and the fact I struggle enough with big combat sequences as is. So I decided, instead, to make this a side story. To introduce the Royal Navy side of the battle.

Liz is...yeah. :V

Barham clearly wasn't sunk, since her sinking was around when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in this timeline (November 1941, OTL). Clearly, well past the point of butterflies. She's probably the most cautious of her sisters, in light of her experiences.

Valiant is the serious sister.

Next, we'll actually have the battle. I don't need to do something similar for Doria, clearly, since she got that with Taranto. Hopefully it won't take as long to get that up >.>
Death flags? Seems the right proper moment for the author to pull our heartstrings and kill one of the brits... or your just paranoid.
Huh. Why do I see things going badly here for the Brits?

Because they did in real life. So Barham wasn't torpedoed and sunk 25 November 1941. What about Ark Royal? Was she also not torpedoed and sunk 13 November? Will Queen Elizabeth and Valiant get mined by the Italians in Alexandria before Christmas 1941, like they did in real life? Will Operation C catch the Royal Navy at Trincomalee, like it did in March-April 1942? Will ABDA suffer horrific losses again, attempting to defend the DEI?

November 1941 was the start of catastrophic losses by the Royal Navy (IRL), up until September 1942, when the US Navy and America's industrial might started to turn the tide.
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Because they did in real life. So Barham wasn't torpedoed and sunk 25 November 1941. What about Ark Royal? Was she also torpedoed and sunk 13 November? Will Queen Elizabeth and Valiant get mined by the Italians in Alexandria before Christmas 1941, like they did in real life? Will Operation C catch the Royal Navy at Trincomalee, like it did in March-April 1942? Will ABDA suffer horrific losses again, attempting to defend the DEI?

November 1941 was the start of catastrophic losses by the Royal Navy (IRL), up until September 1942, when the US Navy and America's industrial might started to turn the tide.
considering at least three of those are already butterflied away based on when this chapter is happening. my moneys on this time period going far better for the Brits.
And let's face it, the British Army's little fiasco of Operation Crusader blowing up in their face sort of eats up the bad juju that might have bled over to the Royal Navy.
So unless Liz is really over-exaggerating, Warspite hit a lot more than just Cesare's smokestacks this time?

And I'm guessing this is... Matapan, I'm assuming? Seems like Queen Liz is standing in for Warspite here. My assumption for now is that Vittorio Venito won't be damaged by Furious's bombers and will be able to join in the battle. Unless the Italians magically un-fucked their guns though, she's still outnumbered 3-1, and the Italians will still be turned back, though not with the same losses as the real Matapan and not without giving the British a few good hits in return. Does make me wonder what the Royal Navy's doing with Warspite though. My guess would be re-located to the home station due to the presence of Bismarck, along with I guess Malaya.
So unless Liz is really over-exaggerating, Warspite hit a lot more than just Cesare's smokestacks this time?
Or it may just be Fog of War. Remember, kill and damage claims during wartime are almost always exaggerated, and nobody gets the real numbers until after it's all over and records from both sides can be correlated. By way of example, the Japanese claimed sinking Enterprise something like four times during the war; it's entirely plausible that Warspite reported doing more damage than Cesare actually suffered, not out of falsification, but simply because it's really, really hard to judge how much damage your hits did from fifteen miles away. If Cesare retired due to the hit to the stacks, it might well be mistakenly seen as indications of having scored a more solid, more damaging hit that forced the withdrawal.
So unless Liz is really over-exaggerating, Warspite hit a lot more than just Cesare's smokestacks this time?

And I'm guessing this is... Matapan, I'm assuming? Seems like Queen Liz is standing in for Warspite here. My assumption for now is that Vittorio Venito won't be damaged by Furious's bombers and will be able to join in the battle. Unless the Italians magically un-fucked their guns though, she's still outnumbered 3-1, and the Italians will still be turned back, though not with the same losses as the real Matapan and not without giving the British a few good hits in return. Does make me wonder what the Royal Navy's doing with Warspite though. My guess would be re-located to the home station due to the presence of Bismarck, along with I guess Malaya.

Matapan is long past. That was 27-29 March 1941.
In OTL Warspite is still getting refit in Puget Sound Naval Shipyard having AA added, her guns rebarreled and fixing minor damage from the Med. It is quite likely that she is there in this timeline as well, considering she arrived in Bremerton in OTL August 41.
Side Story: Memories of the Great War

Ouch. I don't want to say anything, but whenever the British got this arrogant about the Italians OTL it didn't end well for them (see, for example, Operation Agreement, Kastelorizo, Alexandria). As I said before, I foresee feels in the next chapter. Most probably from both sides.

And I'm guessing this is... Matapan, I'm assuming? Seems like Queen Liz is standing in for Warspite here.

Nah, the timing doesn't match. Also, Matapan was a heavily German-influenced initiative that has probably been already butterflied away by Schreiber.

So unless Liz is really over-exaggerating, Warspite hit a lot more than just Cesare's smokestacks this time?
Nah, as @rdfox said, it's probably just fog-of-war. Heck, the reason the Italians opened the distance once Cesare was hit is that they themselves thought the damage was worse than it was. Once they realized the damage wasn't serious it was already too late to re-engage.
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Ouch. I don't want to say anything, but whenever the British got this arrogant about the Italians OTL it didn't end well for them (see, for example, Operation Agreement, Kastelorizo, Alexandria). As I said before, I foresee feels in the next chapter. Most probably from both sides.

You would think that after overconfidence caused Operation: Crusader and Operation: Abstention backfiring that they wouldn't be so suicidally overconfident. I think that the British are going to lose at least one battlewagon.
Or for Britain, the worst result wouldn't be losing any one of the QEs here. The nightmare scenario is that all three get damaged enough to require dockyard time and space. Space and time that Britain doesn't have. See the mention of poor Revenge? She's just sitting around as a hulk that will not get fixed. However, we do have a WOG future peek at QE herself chewing out Churchill in the Atlantic, so obviously she doesn't end up badly hurt.
Or for Britain, the worst result wouldn't be losing any one of the QEs here. The nightmare scenario is that all three get damaged enough to require dockyard time and space. Space and time that Britain doesn't have. See the mention of poor Revenge? She's just sitting around as a hulk that will not get fixed. However, we do have a WOG future peek at QE herself chewing out Churchill in the Atlantic, so obviously she doesn't end up badly hurt.

That's why Hood is at NY Shipbuilding in Camden. If they wanted, I could see them sending Revenge to Newport News. In real life, Warspite was in Bremerton for a stay.
I could see Liz and Barham going to Long Beach or Boston Navy Yard for work if needed.
I know we're past Matapan OTL, but just like how several events have happened sooner or later than OTL, I think it might be the case here as well. After all, Bahram and Valiant were both present for Matapan, and with mention of the Littorios we seem to be gearing up for VV (or possibly Littorio now since Warspite swapped out for QE) + Cruisers vs British task force + Cruisers, with a night engagement thrown in.

As for Warspite getting refit in Puget Sound... this would make how many Battleships Britain has sent to the US for repair now? That's gotta cause some sort of commotion, even during wartime.
I know we're past Matapan OTL, but just like how several events have happened sooner or later than OTL, I think it might be the case here as well. After all, Bahram and Valiant were both present for Matapan, and with mention of the Littorios we seem to be gearing up for VV (or possibly Littorio now since Warspite swapped out for QE) + Cruisers vs British task force + Cruisers, with a night engagement thrown in.

As for Warspite getting refit in Puget Sound... this would make how many Battleships Britain has sent to the US for repair now? That's gotta cause some sort of commotion, even during wartime.

Oh dear, so the British are going to get bushwhacked then?