The Admiral of the PT Boats
- Location
- The Strange land of Florida
Chances of the Japanese taking these random visions seriously? This is the military that teaches by fists. The folks who can see the girls will tend to keep their traps damned well shut unless it's Yamamoto himself or something.
...Hold on, Imma go buy a lottery ticket, better chance of the jackpot happening to me than the above question.
This is the go-to for any WWII KanColle story.
I would say that Sky should break the mould and go for "Abyssals happen post-war when denialist scum try to summon shipgirls."
There's also the "Abyssals are just struggling to survive, it's the shipgirls' Loyalty Program that makes them innately hostile to Abyssals and forces the Abyssals to fight back." angle that could potentially be chosen. Sure, you hear about them being all evil and stuff, but many post-WWI Allied textbooks taught that Germans were all barbaric apes...
There's also a chance that it could be the Soviets who do it, whether by capturing (and I shudder at the thought) someone who know how to the perform the ritual/process that allows one to summon a ship girl. In all frank honesty, I wouldn't be surprise if the first Abyssal to appear was by complete accident. Whether its the Italians( after they switch sides maybe.) or Hell the US Accidentally summons one when trying to summon additional ship girls either during the war, or immediately after its end (Because I know not what the State of the USSR will be by the time the war ends in the story, but I do run the assumption that there'll be a Cold War of some sorts afterwards.) in order to 'hold an advantage over the Reds' Given the views of the time. Granted though, this story (and its spin-off, Holding the Line) have been the only Kancole stories I've read that are set in WW2, so I have neither the wariness nor the awareness of any 'Go-to's for such stories.
To be honest, I have a (second) Wall of Crazy dedicated to my theories of things related to this story and its various plot threads alone. A big theory I've had for a while now is that, assuming Gunter's maid was the very first Shipgirl to return (His own ship which was Sunk) her return has thus opened the door for the other shipgirls that have appeared thus far to return as well. Such as Utah's self summoning and . Conversely, I do theorize, if or rather when the First Abyssal appears, whether by intentional summons, accident, unwittingly or worse of all; unknowingly. The door for them to roar onto the seas would then be, metaphorically, kicked wide open.
I'm not ridgid on my theories, I'm constantly updating them, or discarding old ones n making new ones as things in the story develop, or other things make me go "hey wait a second' or "I wonder..."
Chaotic? certainly, but I go in expecting nearly all my theories to be wrong either completely or partially, or for some, never answered. At least going in with that mindset, its makes it pleasant, or terrifying, or even both to see one or more of my theories actually being correct or coming close to being so. Hell even them being partially correct
Like one of my theories here is that, in a sense, with each shipgirl that is summoned (or self-summoned like Utah) the border between the here and 'there' goes thinner, in a sense. Eventually something nasty will get out through the cracks. What is the trigger, should the abyssals appear before the War's over, I know not, it could be anything. From a Admiral praying for retribution from the heavens to smite his enemies, to a wounded soldier sitting inside a hastily dug foxhole or shell crater among the bloodied sands and carnage on some pacific island; wishing damnation upon his enemies. Or perhaps the crew of a sunken ship, abandoned and a drift at sea, slowly dying from the elements and prolong exposure, collectively wishing with their dying thoughts for one last chance at vengeance against the enemy who had sunken their ship and the comrades that had seemingly abandoned them to their cruel fate at sea.
There's more possible ideas of what the 'Trigger' would be for the emergence of the Abyssals, though I personally believe that it will be more than just one singular thing that unlocks the chained gates of the abyss. However all I can do, all any of us can do really is theorize and then wait and see what Sky does. I for one, very much look forwards to that far-away point down the story's road and all the subtle guide markers that may cryptically hint to it.
Oh my, I didn't realize I'd write this much.
I shall go put my tin-foil admiral's hat back on now.
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