Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

What; Her crew were calling out to anyone to save them, and She answered the calls of Her Boys?

Pretty much, yeah.

You guys are assuming that Utah's self-summoning etc means she's sticking around long term.

For all we know, this stunt is only going to last a short while and she's intending to take down as many planes as possible before she vanishes:

Hope not, I'm shipping her with her Captain so she better stick around. :)
hmm, I don't know if the Ship-girls swear at all, but if they do will they swear to 'CNO Stark' or something similar, in vein of the swearing to SECNAV as seen in Belabatt and HPatSG? When one of the crew ask why swear to him they respond to the effect that "God, in his infinite wisdom, delegated His duties to His representative CNO Stark so He can continue His Plan."
Looks like my call of California catching the Golden BB turned out correct.

As for WeeVee, the bridge hit isn't good, but as long as there's somebody in the conning tower she still has active command staff. And as long as she didn't take multiple torps in the same location, her TDS should be enough to keep her afloat, albeit hurting. And as long as she doesn't take anymore torps....
We are seeing MSSB here Boys! NEVER Make a Momma Battleship Angry!
So Utah may be shipgirl and Cali is sunk... probably.
*goes to grab a M3 Grease Gun* Shit it hasn't been invented yet!

But seriously, I don't think Cali would get the moniker the Martyr of Pearl... if she gets summoned, then she very well might be the Avenging _______ of Pearl

I'm not sure what would fit in the blank...
If, IF, Ship-girls manifest, how will people take the second big religious thing, the Fairy Grew members? Everyone knows you go to Heaven or Hell, yet here are these spirits, holding off from entering their place in the hereafter. Wouldn't that also send a shock through the nation.
If, IF, Ship-girls manifest, how will people take the second big religious thing, the Fairy Grew members? Everyone knows you go to Heaven or Hell, yet here are these spirits, holding off from entering their place in the hereafter. Wouldn't that also send a shock through the nation.
With potentially deceased crew members on board. The theological shitstorm would be tremendous.

"This person, who is actually a ship, has a tiny, bizarrely shaped representation of my dead family member."
*goes to grab a M3 Grease Gun* Shit it hasn't been invented yet!
Better off with a tommy gun anyways...

as for the damage so far, right now only Cali and Utah are likely to be write offs. Everyone else looks to be equal to or better off than OTL Wee Vee, and if we managed to rebuild her...
Nevada: Two bomb hits, one five-inch magazine detonated.
California: Multiple hits, one massive detonation. Sinking rapidly.
WeeVee: Several hits, including one suicide bomber to the bridge.
Oklahoma: Several torpedo hits, sinking.
Arizona: At least one bomb direct hit, one near-miss.

There's only one critical problem with this whole "OMG ship waifus are dying!" situation.

It is not possible to kill a shipgirl in Pearl Harbour so long as a significant chunk of hull is intact.

OTL Arizona could, in theory, have been repaired. It was a write-off because it wasn't worth fixing.
They even had to build a memorial over it to not have the ghostly ship-girl walking around twiddling her thumbs scaring tourists who aren't in on the secret.

Capsized or sunk ships can IN THEORY be righted and refloated until they sink far enough to implode. PH doesn't allow for that end... so ship-girls are next to unkillable when in harbour.

Implications abound o_O

If you can't see Utah in this picture with her hands cupped to the sides of her mouth, hollering over at Arizona, that's "user error".

And then there's how Utah was summoned by "Blood and Iron"... "Blood for the Blood God" is going to be, according to Utah, incredibly "Corny" (Khorne-y). She says this with grinding teeth, because she doesn't want to beat anyone up for shouting that incredibly rude shit whenever a shipgirl shows up.
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I'll say one thing before I go to bed:

Fairies are not the dead crew in this universe. Partially because I really don't want to get bogged down in religious 'fun' partially because none of these girls have enough dead crew to...well. Form a full crew.

In this universe, they may resemble a crew member, but they're a reflection at best.
If Utah sticks around and gets her full armament? She's going to be a damn scary opponent. Small as she is, she's going to be damn near impossible to hit, and if she gets close enough her 12" guns are punching through any Japanese belt short of a Yamato.
Speaking of fairies, does this whole shebang mean that, in the future, Thomspon will be on board Sara?
Looks like my call of California catching the Golden BB turned out correct.

As for WeeVee, the bridge hit isn't good, but as long as there's somebody in the conning tower she still has active command staff. And as long as she didn't take multiple torps in the same location, her TDS should be enough to keep her afloat, albeit hurting. And as long as she doesn't take anymore torps....
In tge scheme of things the Hit to the bridge means all off jack and shit.

In real life WeeVees bridge was removed and rebuild from the deck up more or less as part of the refit standard.

As for the Torpedoes...

As said before so long as she doesnt capsized she good. She ate 7 torps and 2 AP bombs in real life. But since both her captain and Damcon cheif were paranoid fucks so had plans for something like this, she went down on a even keel. Making it child plays for repairing here.
Capsized or sunk ships can IN THEORY be righted and refloated until they sink far enough to implode. PH doesn't allow for that end... so ship-girls are next to unkillable when in harbour.
A couple things:
Assuming Utah's feat is a universal occurrence is premature, considering the remaining Italian and French ship spirits firmly believe their sisters and friends that were sunk in the Royal Navy's raids on Mers-el-Kebir and Taranto are gone for good.

Also, even assuming that your theory has some validity, I think it would be more accurate to say they can be killed, they just don't stay dead. And who's to say such "temporary deaths", for lack of a better phrase, don't come with consequences like significant personality shifts (ie the ship girl that comes back is effectively a different Entity altogether).
A couple things:
Assuming Utah's feat is a universal occurrence is premature, considering the remaining Italian and French ship spirits firmly believe their sisters and friends that were sunk in the Royal Navy's raids on Mers-el-Kebir and Taranto are gone for good.

Also, even assuming that your theory has some validity, I think it would be more accurate to say they can be killed, they just don't stay dead. And who's to say such "temporary deaths", for lack of a better phrase, don't come with consequences like significant personality shifts (ie the ship girl that comes back is effectively a different Entity altogether).
Eh I just treat capsized ships as people with their hearts stopped, revivable, but still technically dead.
If Utah sticks around and gets her full armament? She's going to be a damn scary opponent. Small as she is, she's going to be damn near impossible to hit, and if she gets close enough her 12" guns are punching through any Japanese belt short of a Yamato.
Even the Yamato are not safe.

At 6000 yards those guns can go thru 17.5 inchs of armor. Yamatos only have 16 inches.
What if Utah was able to manifest her rigging because she was able to communicate with members of her crew? That the reason Turbine (sp?) wasn't able to manifest was because no one knew she existed before hand?
Shit. Something I just realized. If Utah is now a fully-fledged shipgirl, it can't be revealed. At all. If the Axis learned you can summon up the spirit of a sunken ship...

Bad. Very Bad.

Germany might have faint indications about shipgirls, so they might not know, and hopefully, Schrieber will keep it that way. Not that big an issue

But Japan? If they learn that their ships have a chance at a second life? The number of casualties they can inflict with desperation attacks increased a lot. Even if the pilots aren't believed when they report a female with the fire power of a battleship attacking them, the carriergirls can see what their pilots see. They'll know. And they might share with other units of the IJN.

Of course, this assumes that the IJN is competent for once.

Now the girls can somehow summon themselves? There better be some kind of limit to this because it is completely OP. It is like making two ships for the price of one.

At least Utah should get a Dying Moment of Awesome. Arizona is still 50-50 if she doesn't fully sink.
Actually, its far FAR worse than that.

Depending on how this fic views summons, if the shipgirl dies....She DOESN'T come back. And guess what will be desperately needed come the Abyssal War?

If the ships self-summon, and then die, they aren't going to be able to help later, as they simply won't be able to be summoned back, which could be disastrous in the long run.

But as people have already mentioned, there are groups that, due to the war right NOW, won't give a damn whatsoever, and thus would deliberately send out their shipgirls into combat against other ships and/or shipgirls. Thompson might end up being horrified at this realization, if, that is, it happens.

If that little fact is discovered, and/or Thompson reveals what will happen in 40-50 years time.....

All bets are off.
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There's only one critical problem with this whole "OMG ship waifus are dying!" situation.

It is not possible to kill a shipgirl in Pearl Harbour so long as a significant chunk of hull is intact.

OTL Arizona could, in theory, have been repaired. It was a write-off because it wasn't worth fixing.
They even had to build a memorial over it to not have the ghostly ship-girl walking around twiddling her thumbs scaring tourists who aren't in on the secret.

Capsized or sunk ships can IN THEORY be righted and refloated until they sink far enough to implode. PH doesn't allow for that end... so ship-girls are next to unkillable when in harbour.

Implications abound o_O


I mean, heck, California actually did sink! Sure it took her 3 days, but she did sink until only her superstructure was above water. They raised her on the 25th of March, 42, and had her underway under her own power on June 7th.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if any ship that had manifested as a shipgirl just actively refuses to float no matter what. Or if raising the ship binds the shipgirl to the hull, only now they are physically able to interact with the crew even though they can't leave the hull until it sinks or is scrapped.

Either way I don't see them raising Utah for the same reasons they didn't in reality, she's a training ship and severely outdated. Heck she doesn't even have her main guns anymore.

I wonder how fast the war would just end if Abyssals suddenly arrived?

What concerns me the most, though, is this: Shipgirls appear to be summoning. That's great, right? Other than the implications for the war, I mean.

Yeah... maybe not so much. That means the wall, barrier, or whatever it is that keeps the spirits of the ships out until the Abyssals show up is weak enough to allow them to manifest. This means that Abyssals may be, or soon will be, present.
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