Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Stark: I send a bunch of ground pounders to get a battleship, and they turn her into a destroyer...

"On the other hand, we now have the means to get literally any ship at all through the Panama Canal, just wait until she reaches the other side to resupply her while she's rather beyond the end of her endurance during the crossing."
No one cares enough to mention the cute birdie, the Wake Island Rail? :(

Hiryuu and Souryuu on their detour to Wake are screwed then, because with the planes on Wake helping occupy their air wings, Enterprise and Lexington can jump them using larger air groups.
Depends on their airgroups, yep, and other factors, but if this happens (the raid) in canon, Big E and Lexy can savage them.
XO: "Captain, we have a problem! We've touched the harbour floor! Thankfully there's no damage though..."
CO: "How? We're stationary and there's no flooding... right?"
XO: "And the tug near the front wants to file a complaint over damage from shoving him into a destroyer overnight."
CO: "I'm looking out the bridge at the exact same point as I was last night. We are stationary, so how is that possible?"
XO: "The men are reporting major changes to the machinery spaces. It looks like a Yorktown-class fit."
CO: "Huh... Wasp was always a trimmed Yorktown... I KNEW that skinniness was unnatural! WASP, WE NEED TO TALK!"
Wasp: "MMMPHH??"
CO: "Where..." *leans over bridge railing, looks at the deck parking lot of food trucks* "Why was I not informed that the 'food exhibition' on the deck, arranged as a fundraiser for the troops, was in fact a disguise for feeding the ship?"
Wasp: "MMM HMMMPH MMMGG NNNNGGGHH!" (WE DID TELL YOU!) *while shovelling more food down*
CO: "Notify the nearby ships that we're pulling out to a bigger berth, I have no idea what she's saying while she's stuffing her face like that."

The US Navy's new strategy for boosting carrier strength: docking Wasp somewhere and feeding her lots.
Bwahahahahahahaha. Dooo eeett...
And for boosting escort strength in the Pacific, start a campaign among grannies for feeding destroyers so much they grow into Gearings, or even Atlantas if class jumping is possible (Inb4 Standards with same four-turret configuration can upgrade to Montanas by overeating).

Over in the New Ironsides thread, I had to shove down the urge to write out a short essay on the effects of Tsushima on 20th century geopolitics.

*snicker* Would it be short? I've seen frigging PhD thesis on that precise topic.
Depends on their airgroups, yep, and other factors, but if this happens (the raid) in canon, Big E and Lexy can savage them.

Bwahahahahahahaha. Dooo eeett...

*snicker* Would it be short? I've seen frigging PhD thesis on that precise topic.
Heh. I don't have the source material, time, or inclination to write a PhD thesis. It'd be more a summary and might crest the thousand-word mark.
I could probably write one myself (not necessarily on Tsushima :V ) were I so inclined.

Also: Will see if I need to reply to anything when I get home. For now, have cutes

For now, have cutes.

Captain: "The bridge now has a huge dome of metal plates over it, with a big rim too. Admiral... what have you and Sara been doing recently in preparation for the meeting?"
Thompson: "Sara, please take the hat off so that we don't alarm the guests any more than strictly necessary..."
Captain: "...the huge mechanical arms that come out of the flight deck and meld back in seamlessly after they remove the hat obviously shouldn't frighten any guests, no sir." *grinning*
Thompson: "Sara's a fan of your sense of humour, so she's considering getting a scuba suit for the next time we go into combat."
Captain: " have me beat, sir."
Thompson: "An umbrella might be a better idea though, safer in my opinion..."

EDIT: Meanwhile, Yamato is buttmad over her umbrella not working to similar effect.
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Allied assault and later Pacific Assault for me. I'm so sad that they no longer work for me.
I played SIlent Hunter: Commander's Edition like crazy in high school. No music to be had, but a really fun game.
Have to go a bit old school in first WWII game was "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich"...
Men of War. Assault Squad, Assault Squad 2 and a whole ton of mods.

And messing around with editing so that I can create huge defense networks.
My first WWII game was Red Alert 1. Yes, I do realize that's a bit off from our WWII.

For our WWII, MoH: Allied Assault was my first game.
My first WW2 game?

Silent Service. Not Silent Hunter. The original Silent Service.

You have permission to spend one (1) minute laughing at what an old fart I am. After that, get back to work!
My first WW2 game?

Silent Service. Not Silent Hunter. The original Silent Service.

You have permission to spend one (1) minute laughing at what an old fart I am. After that, get back to work!
Meh. I see your Microprose game and raise it to "Gato submarine simulator". Played in CGA, four colors, including black and white, and a resolution of 320X200.

And I'm only counting my oldest PC WW2 game. I don't remember if I played any WW2 themed games in my ZX-81 or ZX-Spectrum.
Then again, I have very fond memories of the original Axis and cousins and I once spent all night gaming one weekend...

...and recently I picked up the Axis and Allies 1940 Europe and Pacific 2nd editions. And as much as I love WoWS and other WWII computer games, nothing is more satisfying as staring across a table at your opponent as you twist the knife...
Meh. I see your Microprose game and raise it to "Gato submarine simulator". Played in CGA, four colors, including black and white, and a resolution of 320X200.

And I'm only counting my oldest PC WW2 game. I don't remember if I played any WW2 themed games in my ZX-81 or ZX-Spectrum.
I had that, too, actually! But I never played it before playing the library's copy of Silent Service, partly because it was a very badly botched pirate job that didn't work right, and it wasn't until the 90s that I managed to get a non-borked version...

And if you're willing to go with non-PC, I had a game called "Kamikaze" for my TRS-80 Coco; it basically was a game of being an AA gunner on a carrier fighting off an endless wave of kamikazes.