Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

About ships not sinking, I disagree. Look at OTL Oklahoma. She rolled over, in water so shallow, it scraped her superstructure off.

Where'd you get that figure?

Yeah, I'm only seeing the 12"/45 as being able to penetrate 16.6 inches of Harvey Plated armor. Problem with that is, Harvey Plated armor is what they used in the 1890s, and was outdated almost immediately by Krupp Armor, which I think is what Yamato had (or a knock-off of it). A Krupp plate of 10.2 inches offered the same protection as as Harvey plate of 12 inches, so it's roughly 17.6% more effective. So... let's see, Yamato had 16.1 inches of Krupp, so that'd means it's the equivalent of 18.94 inches of Harvey. So, yeah, no... Utah couldn't penetrate her belt.

Keep in mind that those penetration values for the guns are usually calculated at optimal angles, so with the shell hitting as close to a 90 degree angle to the face as possible.
Yeah... maybe not so much. That means the wall, barrier, or whatever it is that keeps the spirits of the ships out until the Abyssals show up is weak enough to allow them to manifest. This means that Abyssals may be, or soon will be, present.

oh god you're right!
This could get really bad, really fast.
If someone started firing those shells inside a corridor, would ANY battleship be able to survive the fire?

You know this gives me an slight idea for funnys...

January 1946

...Utah wouldn't have believed it if someone told her several years ago that she would be in the Philippines lugging the ice cream barge. Hell even now she was in slight disbelief that she was being used as a glorified tugboat, but at least the war was over. As she pulled in to Manilla Harbor, she called out to the dockworkers, "ICE CREAM!"

She was thus completely shocked as several US Marines jumped off the pier while at least a half a dozen Fletchers charged at her. Bracing herself, she prepared to catch them, only for the destroyers to run past her and swarm Beryl. Lightly smiling, Utah looked on at the peaceful sight....
Uh, Utah didn't carry those guns. She carried the 12"/45 Mk. 6, which has significantly lower penetration figures.
Wrong 305mm shell data, as Utah's a Florida class (which uses 305mm/45 barrels), not a Wyoming (which uses 305mm/50 barrels). Her AP shells can pen roughly 15.6 inches of belt armor at 6000 yards.
Even so the Yamato will be feeling it.

Its still almost a half ton shell moving at almost supersonic speed. With at least 4 of the 12 hitting. All that energy is going to go somewhere.

Pening or not will still cause good solid damages on Yamato. From the frames breaking to spalling damage, to shattering armor plates. And that not taking into account of the steel quality which makes things all the worse for the hotals.

That is if they hit the belt, the sides of the turrets are thin enough to be pen for example and all those 155mm seconds are just ammo dets waiting to happen.
Wait, aren't the Abyssals the manifestation of the anger felt during WW2 and the Ship-girls the opposite? Meaning that the manifestation of the Ship-girls now act as a pressure release valve delaying if not outright preventing the Abyssals from manifesting?

[insert crossfingersandhopefprbest.jpg]
That means the wall, barrier, or whatever it is that keeps the spirits of the ships out until the Abyssals show up is weak enough to allow them to manifest. This means that Abyssals may be, or soon will be, present.
The only question would be where are the Abyssals coming from on a spiritual level. Personally, I believe that Abyssals are more or less a congregated manifestations of the malice, suffering, anger, and vengeance of those who died in WW2 and there after. More precisely I believe Abyssals, as far as Sky's works and BelBat goes, are realizations of the desires of the souls of all the civilians and soldiers who died because of the machinations of a few. To put it more simply: Abyssals are the end result of the negative emotions given physical form. Though this wouldn't just cover only soldiers; it would also include civilians as well and given the time period..... yeah, there's bound to be literal tens of millions angry ghosts before the war is even over.
Wait, aren't the Abyssals the manifestation of the anger felt during WW2 and the Ship-girls the opposite? Meaning that the manifestation of the Ship-girls now act as a pressure release valve delaying if not outright preventing the Abyssals from manifesting?

[insert crossfingersandhopefprbest.jpg]
It depends on the theory. The barrier theory states that nothing can cross the barrier between life and death, and once the first crossing happens, everything else can cross. Your's is the spillover theory, there is only enough force to push an entity past the barrier. The barrier is immovable and unchanging, but taking force out the reservoir is enough to delay or even prevent manifestation
Yeah, I'm only seeing the 12"/45 as being able to penetrate 16.6 inches of Harvey Plated armor. Problem with that is, Harvey Plated armor is what they used in the 1890s, and was outdated almost immediately by Krupp Armor, which I think is what Yamato had (or a knock-off of it). A Krupp plate of 10.2 inches offered the same protection as as Harvey plate of 12 inches, so it's roughly 17.6% more effective. So... let's see, Yamato had 16.1 inches of Krupp, so that'd means it's the equivalent of 18.94 inches of Harvey. So, yeah, no... Utah couldn't penetrate her belt.

Keep in mind that those penetration values for the guns are usually calculated at optimal angles, so with the shell hitting as close to a 90 degree angle to the face as possible.
Navweaps has another penetration table on its page on the gun, which has both more modern shells and tests against what is presumably Krupp armor, or a USN derivative of it. 15.6" at 6000 yards.

Also, I said "Anything short of a Yamato", so... yeah.
Nevada: Two bomb hits, one five-inch magazine detonated.

California: Multiple hits, one massive detonation. Sinking rapidly.

WeeVee: Several hits, including one suicide bomber to the bridge.

Oklahoma: Several torpedo hits, sinking.

Arizona: At least one bomb direct hit, one near-miss.

Next chapter...may or may not be up tonight, depending on how fast I can write it. Won't be quite as long as this one regardless.

(also, another cameo for those eagle-eyed among you)

I assume that the destroyer going up was Shaw's forward magazines blowing again?

As for the scorecard:

Nevada's in bad shape but probably repairable unless something else happens. California looks to wind up as the Martyr of Pearl. WeeVee looks to be in the same state that she was historically with counterflooding but salvageable, especially since her Damage Control officer was really good.. Oklahoma's saved from capsizing, and she can be repaired and refloated. Arizona's going to probably live with one bomb and one torpedo hit. I suspect that Tennessee will get the 'Old Falling Apart' nickname as the angel of vengeance for her martyred sister rather than Pennsy.
If Utah did in fact manifest as a shipgirl, how would the reports from the pilots be taken by Yamamoto? More importantly, Nagato?
If Utah did in fact manifest as a shipgirl, how would the reports from the pilots be taken by Yamamoto? More importantly, Nagato?
Hallucinations from stress or pulling high Gs, and who knows what having been kicked up from fires, explosions, etc for Yamamoto. Nagato will know, though.
Even if California sinks, from the description she appears to be going down upright so they could very well refloat her. It would appear that while Utah lost her physical hull, she's still with us. Good.
A couple corrections:

1) The American pilot wouldn't know anything about the Zero. He's never seen one before, never been briefed about its capabilities, or anything. He has no idea if they carry 20mm cannons.

2) It's not "machine cannon", it's "autocannon". It's self-loading.

3) Outside of soldiers whom are extremely close with each other and in truly extraordinary circumstances, they'd refer to each other by last name, not first name.

4) Why wouldn't Utah be loaded with ammo if she's got AA guns mounted? Not only is that something Richardson and Thompson would make sure of, it also defeats the purpose of having such mounts to begin with.

5) As a matter of fact, outside of the higher-ranking officers (captain level at minimum), none of the men would have been expecting war with Japan at all. It's rather telling that, in the OTL, even as the planes were swarming into the harbor, no one really started reacting like there was an enemy attacking them (or about to attack them) until the first bombs blew up.
3) Outside of soldiers whom are extremely close with each other and in truly extraordinary circumstances, they'd refer to each other by last name, not first name.
Just to chime in here, a Marine NCO will call you whatever he wants. Also, a gun crew would be fairly close to each other, certainly on a first name basis.
4) Why wouldn't Utah be loaded with ammo if she's got AA guns mounted?
Training ship, she only gets loaded when she goes on exercises. The US is just beginning to recover from the Depression and the funds for the Navy aren't limitless (they will be after this though, or close enough to it.)
Poor David. He's not a prophet.

What's SCARY, is Japan's going to have a heart attack when they finally buy it.

"... the Gods are with the AMERICANS."
Training ship, she only gets loaded when she goes on exercises. The US is just beginning to recover from the Depression and the funds for the Navy aren't limitless (they will be after this though, or close enough to it.)
Ordinarily, yes. But Pearl Harbor was clearly being prepared for attack, and they already had the ammo and the guns; they just needed to move the ammo onto the ship. Besides, didn't Congress pass the Two Ocean Navy Act well before Pearl Harbor?
So Utah may be shipgirl and Cali is sunk... probably.
*goes to grab a M3 Grease Gun* Shit it hasn't been invented yet!

But seriously, I don't think Cali would get the moniker the Martyr of Pearl... if she gets summoned, then she very well might be the Avenging _______ of Pearl

I'm not sure what would fit in the blank...
Avenging Peanut of Pearl?
Ordinarily, yes. But Pearl Harbor was clearly being prepared for attack, and they already had the ammo and the guns; they just needed to move the ammo onto the ship. Besides, didn't Congress pass the Two Ocean Navy Act well before Pearl Harbor?
I think those are due to the human delays. They aren't at war and thus you could say that the delivery of those would be fairly relaxed. It could also be that they know that Japan will attack and thus they equipped their newest and stronger battleships first with Utah being at the bottom of the supply chain for being a training (or target) ship.
Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think that Utah really mattered in the long run as a ship.
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The US is just beginning to recover from the Depression and the funds for the Navy aren't limitless (they will be after this though, or close enough to it.)

QFT. Congress is about to cut the USN the proverbial blank check. Going to be a lot of busy shipyards on both coasts.

Ordinarily, yes. But Pearl Harbor was clearly being prepared for attack, and they already had the ammo and the guns; they just needed to move the ammo onto the ship. Besides, didn't Congress pass the Two Ocean Navy Act well before Pearl Harbor?
I think those are due to the human delays. They aren't at war and thus you could say that the delivery of those would be fairly relaxed. It could also be that they know that Japan will attack and thus they equipped their newest and stronger battleships first with Utah being at the bottom of the supply chain for being a training (or target) ship.
Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think that Utah really mattered in the long run as a ship.

I agree about the human delays.

The Two-Ocean Navy Act was passed back on July 19th, 1940 but a large bulk of the funding was for shipbuilding (257 ships authorized!!) with 'only' 65 million for munitions. With that in mind and the folks allocating munitions not 'knowing' what the future held and a shooting war in the Atlantic between the Germans and British, not all those monies would go to munitions stockpiles in the Pacific, much less specifically at Pearl. Combine that with Utah being a training ship and not in the war plans any more, and I can see her not storing ammunition in harbor because it should not be used outside of exercises, there's safety issues with having explosives on board a ship, and she's not all that well armed for AA compared to the ships on active duty. So she's unloaded when the Japanese attack.

Besides this lets her self summon and go nuts with her AAA.

Utah... needs all the hugs. Gather the Fletch... wait, crap. They haven't been built yet.

They will be... Oh they will be....

I feel sorry for the IJN Kanmasu now that their leaders have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve. Certainly they can run free for a time, but against the power that now rises in the Pacific there is no victory for them. Just an endless wall of steel coming to crush them one by one.
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