Well duh. Shuri's literally higher on the security clearance totem pole than Sandra.
The report Sandra read? It's likely that Shuri would be able to get the exact same document (including the censored bits) if she actually bothered digging.

Unlikely actually.

Sandra may have lower Valkyrie type clearance, but she's also an Undersecretary of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. She would have much greater access than you think when it comes to things like, well, refugees and humanitarian crises, both of which apply to the situation in Anna's hometown.

Shuri might get the combat data relevant bits, but the population and population dynamics bits? That'd get censored.
Well duh. Shuri's literally higher on the security clearance totem pole than Sandra.
The report Sandra read? It's likely that Shuri would be able to get the exact same document (including the censored bits) if she actually bothered digging.
I guess I didn't make it clear. What I actually wanted to say was that Shuri knowing stuff that Sandra doesn't would be one of the reasons for Sandra to share what she knows, especially because she would be cleared for different things than Sandra would be.
Unlikely actually.

Sandra may have lower Valkyrie type clearance, but she's also an Undersecretary of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. She would have much greater access than you think when it comes to things like, well, refugees and humanitarian crises, both of which apply to the situation in Anna's hometown.

Shuri might get the combat data relevant bits, but the population and population dynamics bits? That'd get censored.
This basically. Sandra gets the UN Humanitarian Affairs bits and Shuri gets the military bits. Put together, they'd come pretty close to the whole truth.
Hm, might be my unfamiliarity with the words, but Undersecretary doesn't seem that important to me so I thought even if she does have higher clearance on some things, I don't think she'll get much more compared to what a high ranking Ace could get.

and most of all, the nice guys at UNOMIs would probably pay them a visit.
Hm, might be my unfamiliarity with the words, but Undersecretary doesn't seem that important to me so I thought even if she does have higher clearance on some things, I don't think she'll get much more compared to what a high ranking Ace could get.

and most of all, the nice guys at UNOMIs would probably pay them a visit.
a subordinate official, in particular (in the US) the principal assistant to a member of the cabinet, or (in the UK) a junior minister or senior civil servant.

So, Sandra is second-in-command there.

Basically, Sandra is an administrator and an important one. We know that she has access to the UN super-computer's requests. Likely, of the two Sandra has a wider access to information, but Suri has a deeper one.
Hm, might be my unfamiliarity with the words, but Undersecretary doesn't seem that important to me so I thought even if she does have higher clearance on some things, I don't think she'll get much more compared to what a high ranking Ace could get.

and most of all, the nice guys at UNOMIs would probably pay them a visit.

Undersecretary on the High Commission for Refugees. It's... I'm not sure how to make this clearer, but basically? This is a junior position on a top level policy commission. She might get asked to leave the room if the really sensitive stuff gets discussed, and even then she can probably request and receive partially redacted minutes of the meeting that scrub out names and codenames and little else.
I'd say it's the opposite. Sandra has access to more info on things related to her position, but Shuri has access to a wider variety of classified info.
Ace or not. She's still a cadet.

Sandra is literally second-in-command in a global administrative position. And has shown she knows about the UN supercomputer's military requests. Like how its specifically requesting Anna. And she knows about the G-gun's money hole, if not the G-gun itself.

Shuri may know about the G-gun but she has no idea who Anna is.
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They all start building sand castles. Anna's is the largest and most complex. She receives complements for hers. Eventually, someone notices the perturbed look on her face. Anna explains that while she is happy with her current preliminary model, no matter how she runs the numbers the beach's sand is not suitable for full-scale construction and there simply isn't enough sand to form sandstone. Anna apologizes, saying she didn't realize the others simpler models were already taking this onto account.
Nah. Annas sandcastle is an artillery fort, and she'll lament she does not have enough exotic materials to power up the castles Higgs reactor.
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>>Name: Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge
>>Sex: Female
>>Age: 16
>>Position: Perth 2070 First Year Cadets, Squadron Four, Flight One
>>Name: Shuri Kravala
>>Sex: Female
>>Age: 16
>>Position: Perth 2070 First Year Cadets, Squadron Four, Flight One / 300 Ranking: 201
>>Name: Anna Sanchez
>>Sex: Female
>>Age: [Unknown] ~16
>>Position: Perth 2070 First Year Cadets, Squadron Four, Flight Seven, Keeper Position / United Nations Air Force Lieutenant (OF-1) / Emergency Fast Response Squadron: Pinnacle, "Trump" / Type Zero Subjugation Squadron: Last Word, "Coroner" / 300 Ranking: 1

Looking at these now, there are probably missing pieces (that to some degree are retconned, Sandra, or likely will be rectonned at some point, Shuri). For instance, Aleksandra's Position list fails to mention being Undersecretary. And given what we know of Shuri, and what we know of what Shuri knows, it seems a bit dubious that Shuri has no military rank greater than her present Cadet assignment.

I had initially thought that the above quotes might prove useful to the classification discussion, but it turned out to be less directly helpful to that subject than I had hoped.
Though it washing away, Anna having a flashback and beach episode being the reveal episode would be the most evil thing in anime ever.

As well as cement the show in fan history. Viewer comes for fan service gets the equalvalent to a Vietnam flashback.

The net would explode.
ok do remember that she has a personal watcher
aka Durga is smart enough to prevent such a foolish trigger from happening.
Thing is, whilst she's taller than average sure, she's not the tallest, just one of the taller first years. Just height doesn't seem enough for the reactions she's getting.
Maybe she's ripped? Fits with Setsuna's "gorilla woman" comments.
Dem perfect abs? That sounds like the kind of thing that would make FauxChan go crazy.
Anna: Do you even lift?* Revealing abs that seem carved*

*Shuri left eye twitches as she stands up and begin taking off her top shirt*

Sandra: Shuri, Stahp what are you doing

*At the backgrounds, girls begin to cheer and wolf whistle*
Anonymous No.002▶No.004
File: randomimage.gif
Anyone who though Anna was another Rei expy has been shown the truth today. She actually escaped from Jojo's and trained under Kenshiro.
Reminder of some discussion relevant for the beach episode.
Reminder of some discussion relevant for the beach episode.
Don't forget that Anna wouldn't need abs earlier and that Durga has been making anna into more of a average teen girl shape.
Anna propyl looks malformed and thin in a bad way considering her organs have been rearranged/removed as needed to be a better fighting machine and that we voted to prevent her from fixing herself up in this way when it came up.
Anna propyl looks malformed and thin in a bad way considering her organs have been rearranged/removed as needed to be a better fighting machine and that we voted to prevent her from fixing herself up in this way when it came up.
Huh? The vote was on whether or not we would restart our organs, not rearrange them. We got the lungs in the right place, the stomach, the digestive system, the heart seems to be in the thoracic cavity …
You shove your face into your pillows, but your cheeks just burn hotter. Not helping is that your heart and lungs had restarted themselves again, the constant jackhammering in your chest echoing through your head.
The aromas and tastes had been incredible and actually eating food, allowing it to sit in your stomach—the fullness—had felt good at first.
You correct your Impeller slightly, change the activation thresholds for the layers cradling your Internal organs and then take another step. Your Impeller holds your stomach firm and you twist your torso around and back to test some more. Not optimal, even though your organs no longer shifted against each other, the food was still compressible and would change in properties under high pressure, shifting in phase and thus volume.
Nota bene: we specifically have Impeller surrounding our organs. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but that doesn't sound like "major reconstruction of bodily systems for combat efficiency."
Your digestive system still worked. You think so anyway, it had been awhile since you last used it. It is slower than just shifting the mass into storage and stripping away all the necessary nutrients manually, but it's a natural function of your body that wouldn't take any concentration to run.
Is there some GM post or is this extra angst you're trying to add? I've just reread the entire quest bar GM posts, and I have no recollection of moving organs around.
Is there some GM post or is this extra angst you're trying to add? I've just reread the entire quest bar GM posts, and I have no recollection of moving organs around.
She grew to 6+ feet.
Her internal organs were not originally made for a 6+ foot person.
They had to be shifted in order for them to still be workable at all.
Your Impeller holds your stomach firm and you twist your torso around and back to test some more. Not optimal, even though your organs no longer shifted against each other,
Meaning that they once were, meaning that they have been moved majorly at least 2 times.