So 5 people broke the scale rather than just Anna and we have confirmation that the Genius 20 is spread around rather than concentrated in Pinnacle.
Come on UN, get better scaling!
Remember too though that the squadrons are swapped on the fly by Stratnet, as we saw in the post-Alaska simulation. A valk can be operating as part of one of their assigned squadrons one moment and then be swapped to another with a different role the next, within the battlespace. I suspect that most of the 20 have two squadron assignments and that the squadron leadership is more administrative and for the purposes of rank / chain of command.
Remember too though that the squadrons are swapped on the fly by Stratnet, as we saw in the post-Alaska simulation. A valk can be operating as part of one of their assigned squadrons one moment and then be swapped to another with a different role the next, within the battlespace. I suspect that most of the 20 have two squadron assignments and that the squadron leadership is more administrative and for the purposes of rank / chain of command.

Also, as I noted previously, a way to communicate battlefield wide messages without too many words. 'Last Word has taken the field' sends a different message than 'Pinnacle has taken the field,' for all that both are bad news.
Also, as I noted previously, a way to communicate battlefield wide messages without too many words. 'Last Word has taken the field' sends a different message than 'Pinnacle has taken the field,' for all that both are bad news.

The more important part is that the squadron designation is probably tied to Stratnet's protocols. Pinnacle is likely to be fragmented to cover a larger portion of the front. Orders for them are about putting out bushfires and stomping on conventional hard-points. Last Word, on the other hand is for engaging Type Zeroes, and as such are to be kept together to maximize force concentration. Last word also likely has standing orders to ignore or abandon other engagements in favor of engaging Type Zeroes. Changing squadron designations may be a simpler solution to use in the coding that makes up Stratnet than other options. The squadron designations also inform various levels of command of what the squadron is intended to do, to allow the human parts of the system to keep track of what orders should be given to whom during battle, if jamming should remove access to Stratnet.

And, of course, squadrons are named in two separate themes. Theophagy, Last Word, and Ragnarok, are the presently named Type Zero suppression squadrons. Pinnacle, and probably Deus Ex, are emergency fast response. Just hearing the name* can in an instant tell you what a squadron is for (and thus, how likely they are to save your ass in a given situation), even without access to Stratnet.

*much as you noted in what I quoted
??? Care to explain the logic, am I missing some jargon???

A bushfire is a tiny, inconsequential fire that can escalate. The implication is that Pinnacle is all about stopping small problems from becoming big ones due to compromised lines of battle.

Also, regarding the names, in order, they're roughly interpretabel as God Eater, Last Word and End of Gods for the Type-Zero suppression squadrons, and Highest Possible and From God for the Fast Response squadrons. Deus Ex is more a reference I expect from the 'Deus ex Machina' term, which is about a convenient literary convention that saves the day. Which is kinda Deus Ex' job when you think about it.
A bushfire is a tiny, inconsequential fire that can escalate. The implication is that Pinnacle is all about stopping small problems from becoming big ones due to compromised lines of battle.

Also, regarding the names, in order, they're roughly interpretabel as God Eater, Last Word and End of Gods for the Type-Zero suppression squadrons, and Highest Possible and From God for the Fast Response squadrons. Deus Ex is more a reference I expect from the 'Deus ex Machina' term, which is about a convenient literary convention that saves the day. Which is kinda Deus Ex' job when you think about it.
Bushfire is a metaphor then. Good, I was worried you were being literal about them firefighting.
I feel you're underestimating the emphasis on Emergency Fast. I imagine Pinnacle is generally scrambled when shit hits the fan, like 'Abraxis just came out of its hive.' or 'The Antagonists are about to breakthrough.'. I don't think its worth the concentration of force that a squadron of aces represents for a problem that might escalate.
I don't think its worth the concentration of force that a squadron of aces represents for a problem that might escalate.

Of course not. That's what other Emergency Fast Response squadrons in 300 frames are for.

Pinnacle is the 'oh fuck' button for theater scale threats I would expect. Like Abraxis taking a stroll, or a 100 kilometer stretch of the front up and shattering and the Antagonists pouring through.

However, expect that instead of Pinnacle taking the field if Abraxis starts moving the force that takes the field is Last Word.

Type Zero is Type Zero after all.
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Bushfire is a metaphor then. Good, I was worried you were being literal about them firefighting.
I feel you're underestimating the emphasis on Emergency Fast. I imagine Pinnacle is generally scrambled when shit hits the fan, like 'Abraxis just came out of its hive.' or 'The Antagonists are about to breakthrough.'. I don't think its worth the concentration of force that a squadron of aces represents for a problem that might escalate.

The point is that emergency fast response is going to be kept to looser formations. Against anything short of a Type Zero keeping a full squadron of the 300 in a volume less than a few hundred km across is gross overkill. Elements of two or three or flights of four to six are the order of the day.

I think that you are overestimating the ability of average Valkyries and conventional forces to deal with Types. Not once so far have we seen in a simulation how a non ace would deal with a Type on their own, but given how the rest of Flight 1 did against the Dragonflies in the Clean Sweep sim, I suspect that the answer would be 'rather poorly'. Further, waiting for things to go to shit is an excellent way to loose forces or territory that humanity can ill afford at this point.

Of course not. That's what other Emergency Fast Response squadrons in 300 frames are for.

Pinnacle is the 'oh fuck' button for theater scale threats I would expect. Like Abraxis taking a stroll, or a 100 kilometer stretch of the front up and shattering and the Antagonists pouring through.

However, expect that instead of Pinnacle taking the field if Abraxis starts moving the force that takes the field is Last Word.

Type Zero is Type Zero after all.

Note that theater scale is not 100km, but rather things like North America. Against an area of 100km a flight of 4-6 from the 300 should be more than sufficient assuming that no Type Zeroes are present.

Now then, it is possible that there is a third 300 squadron designation for deployments on the standard line of battle, but Avalanche has not named any such. Therefore, at this point it is likely that emergency fast response is for dealing with situations on the main line of battle that exceed the capabilities of the average Valkyrie, such as clusters of Types threatening the line.
Now then, it is possible that there is a third 300 squadron designation for deployments on the standard line of battle, but Avalanche has not named any such. Therefore, at this point it is likely that emergency fast response is for dealing with situations on the main line of battle that exceed the capabilities of the average Valkyrie, such as clusters of Types threatening the line.
I'm not sure if top level 300 even get deployed as squadrons in the standard line of battle. At the flight level, they can probably provide on call response for other formations. You don't throw Anna into the main line. You toss her at a wing in distress and get results.
Note that theater scale is not 100km, but rather things like North America. Against an area of 100km a flight of 4-6 from the 300 should be more than sufficient assuming that no Type Zeroes are present.
This is something very important to remember about this quest; everything happens on a massive scale.

For example our combat ranges are defined as:
  1. Zero Ranged: <100 meters
  2. Short Ranged: 100m - 15km
  3. Medium Range: 15km - 100km
  4. Long Range: 100km - 600km
  5. Extreme Ranged: >600km
Combined with Valkyrie cruising speeds:
"How fast is your zero to five? Can you make zero to five under ten?"

Oh hey, you knew… some of those words…


"Zero to five kilometers per second. How long does it take you?"

You direct more power towards your thrusters; while maximum airspeed was limited to just six kilometers per second, your acceleration is, as intended, unlimited.
As you fly over the Pacific, you review the missions requirements in more detail. With the flight plan speed limit of just under six kilometers per second, it would take you almost half an hour to fly the eight and a half thousand kilometer trip from Perth to Seosan.
and it's easy to see that a single battle could stretch over a radius of 500 to a thousand kilometers.

That's not even getting into stuff like Shifting. After all we know Anna going all out, in a highly inefficient manner, covered 400km in less then thirty seconds:
It only takes you a little less than half a minute in total to cross the four hundred or so kilometers from central Perth Arcology to Ordinance Testing Group Five Zero Seven.
This is important because she notes she could have teleported that distance cheaper:
The strain on your Impeller is actually worse than what would have occurred if you had just chosen to shift all the way here.

Basically: battles in BAHHSCQ are massive in both numbers and volume covered.
Note that theater scale is not 100km, but rather things like North America. Against an area of 100km a flight of 4-6 from the 300 should be more than sufficient assuming that no Type Zeroes are present.

That depends on a vast number of factors. A 100 kilometer stretch of front that has failed is a threat at the speeds this setting travels and plays at, especially if there's enough Antagonists pouring through. The major threat here is deep raids forced through weakened AA lines and attempts to flank neighbouring sectors of the front.

If this means that a continent wide war effort is about to be compromised, that's a theater scale threat.
That depends on a vast number of factors. A 100 kilometer stretch of front that has failed is a threat at the speeds this setting travels and plays at, especially if there's enough Antagonists pouring through. The major threat here is deep raids forced through weakened AA lines and attempts to flank neighbouring sectors of the front.

If this means that a continent wide war effort is about to be compromised, that's a theater scale threat.

Fair enough. I misread that part of your previous post.
Also keep verticality in mind. You saw a preview of that with the tournament fights. Hell that shit might go straight up to space in some battles.
You'll be back on Wednesday for the semi-finals, and this time… this time you think you can watch on with all of you.

Right finally got around to reading this between work and a million tabs in the browser.

This right here out of everything makes me feel all WAFFY.

Now to read close to 50 pages of comments!
The point is that emergency fast response is going to be kept to looser formations. Against anything short of a Type Zero keeping a full squadron of the 300 in a volume less than a few hundred km across is gross overkill. Elements of two or three or flights of four to six are the order of the day.

I think that you are overestimating the ability of average Valkyries and conventional forces to deal with Types. Not once so far have we seen in a simulation how a non ace would deal with a Type on their own, but given how the rest of Flight 1 did against the Dragonflies in the Clean Sweep sim, I suspect that the answer would be 'rather poorly'. Further, waiting for things to go to shit is an excellent way to loose forces or territory that humanity can ill afford at this point.

Note that theater scale is not 100km, but rather things like North America. Against an area of 100km a flight of 4-6 from the 300 should be more than sufficient assuming that no Type Zeroes are present.

Now then, it is possible that there is a third 300 squadron designation for deployments on the standard line of battle, but Avalanche has not named any such. Therefore, at this point it is likely that emergency fast response is for dealing with situations on the main line of battle that exceed the capabilities of the average Valkyrie, such as clusters of Types threatening the line.
On mobile so I'm afraid I can't provide quote but didn't we see Pinnacle flying as a flight in the America sim? I believe they were described or a least mentioned to be cutting through an equal number of types effortlessly.
While it's not a typical occurance it does suggest that when deployed they deploy as squadrons.
On mobile so I'm afraid I can't provide quote but didn't we see Pinnacle flying as a flight in the America sim?
Continuing the rhythmic breathing, Koujirou sweeps the front of the Flight. To the south of their Flight, one hundred and fifty or so kilometers distant, another cluster of white lights pull ahead of the surface-hugging cruise missiles and raced forwards to slam into the Antagonists on the shore.

[ID Confirm: Emergency Fast Response Squadron: Pinnacle]

Koujirou sighed as he watched them pull ahead of his Flight rapidly. He had just been told to watch right ahead, but... this was another one of the top squadrons from the Three Hundred that he got to watch.

There were only eighteen Valkyries in Pinnacle, not really enough to be called a squadron, but then again, they were part of the Three Hundred. Rules didn't really apply the same way for them.

[Higgs Particle Reaction detected!]

Type Twos. Dozens of them lifted off from the shore and converged.

Koujirou's breath hitched. This was what he had feared, that there would be Types hiding along the shore. Pinnacle was nearly one hundred and fifty kilometers distant, flying high with no regard to the anti-air fire, and he had nothing that could reach nearly that far.

The two forces smashed into each other-

-and Pinnacle ripped apart two dozen Type Twos in a tenth as many seconds and continued on without a pause.

…Weren't Type Twos supposed to be even matches for individual Elite Valks?

They just got shitstomped.
Anna isn't the only Valk that can hilariously roflstomp everything that isn't a zero.

Now take a squadron of Valks with not quite as much power as Anna. Sure, Anna could stomp most of the squadron with minimal effort, but together, they can carve a nice path through what used to be the line and a squadron or ten of Types.
Anna isn't the only Valk that can hilariously roflstomp everything that isn't a zero.

Now take a squadron of Valks with not quite as much power as Anna. Sure, Anna could stomp most of the squadron with minimal effort, but together, they can carve a nice path through what used to be the line and a squadron or ten of Types.
Look it seems strongly implied that they were all together when Koujiros started saying 18 was small for a squadron.
Unless you can provide a conflicting source of evidence then I at least am done discussing this.
Thought - since this story uses the rules of an anime, which is to say it follows narrative rules rather then just real world esque rules of logic, then actions could be looked at as how they provide metaphorical, symbolic or simply spelled out character development. For example choosing to narrate the competition helps show Anna trying to move beyond some of her issues caused by her backstory for good or ill.

Now as noted by some, this choice can go very wrong depending on the follow up. I think these follow up choices help decide if the relatively gritty story we decided on char/world gen is a reconstruction vs a deconstruction. Basically if we go down the wrong rabbit hole we are going to end up like NGE where everything is very very messed up. On the other hand we choose correctly and we get a story about a girl trying to improve herself and how while that is not an easy task, one with setbacks and issues all its own, it is one that is possible.

Just a thought for when we decide things purely out of 'efficiency' or mental health logic that is more in line with real life concerns.