Sooo. Just read everything, a few things to note:
1) I liked the Astronomy and Architecture club introductions, would like to see the Anna visit them again sometime.
2) I still remember that the Anna
also liked bacon.
3) I think that Blue Wave (long-range option) is a better development path, mostly because it's more in line with the Ginnungagap Cannon design idea.
4) I worry that main character might be targeted by Lunar Death Beam (because Ginnungagap Cannon sounds like a mouthful and is also counterintuitive)
5) God-Cannon is an acceptable name substitute for Lunar Death Beam, even if sadly not
quite enough on the nose for my tastes.
6) The format of character descriptions makes it
really difficult to read from mobile. Too much space taken by the boxes, pushing the actual written words to a far narrow a space.
7) I wonder if Anna will ever visit the Baking Club again, in the morning. Just to learn
why exactly her oh-so-finely-crushed flour was not suitable for product making - and how to do better. Of course, I wouldn't object to the repeat of the Cooking Club Incident.

8) Speaking of which, I wonder how Sandra would react to learning Anna has substituted natural bodily processes with fine manipulation of Impeller field. And is it at all common anyway?
9) Speaking of which, I wonder if it's possible to design an Enherjahr Core (i.e. as Valkyrie Core, with all the core functions - but much more cheaper, compatible with nearly all of humanity, at the cost of effectiveness - basically a mass produced cheap knockoff).
Now, let's take a look at all the informational posts.
Noooot really. Humanity can still escape from Earth if they wanted to, Abraxas is classified as a Class A Type Zero but if all 315 of the 300 frames were to escort a mega colony ship that then also had all 20,000 of the normal Valkyries on it, he'd be shit outta luck. The thing is, Humanity does not want to abandon Earth. They're winning, and in perhaps a decade, the last of the Minor Breaches should be eliminated leaving on the Major Breaches left. They hope so anyway.
Question then.
You've previously claimed that our
starting choices would have influenced the tone of the series. Automation vs Personal Prowess, you said.
Question - would humanity still be
winning had we had temerity enough to pick all the bleak choices for character generation?
On that note,
Praise The Sun* that Sandra is a positive-outlook option. Seriously, she's like literally the glue holding the Flight One together. We'd expect Shuri and Anna to clash severely in short order, which may or may not set Coke-Zero and Setsuna adrift from the two Aces as well.
* Praise The Sun: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. On the other hand, considering that energy output of the star our planet is orbiting kept Anna alive through the first years of her vigil (what with solar panels recharging her equipment), I dictate that Sun is no part of Heaven and has actually proven beneficial. Therefore, not inappropriate.
Not quite, I may have accidentally given that impression when I said "humanity don't know how to make more of the 300 whilst Major Breaches pump out type Zeros etc," but what I meant by that is that Humanity has a rather extreme surplus of 'normal' Valkyrie cores and no where enough Valk core compatible humans to use them.
Hmmm. Okay, I stand corrected. The supposed Enherjar Project (see point 9) is probably something that ought to be sought out heavily. Assuming that prolonged use of a Core improves general compatibility, having the "training wheels" version of the Core that can connect to just about everyone is a sound investment.
Immediately Post Impact humanity is suffering pretty much as you would expect, global commerce extinct, CONUS, North West Africa and EU nations directly hit by the major fragments of the Impactor and smaller meteorites raining down pretty much globally, tsunamis for all Pacific and Atlantic coastlines, global firestorms, global super storms, acid rain which was thankfully not global, USA and Russia Deadhand systems launching their WMD stocks thankfully most knocked off course by inclement weather, the whole nine yards. The methane release from frozen stocks being disrupted countered the nuclear winter effect so yay I guess?
Now amongst all the wreckage there would be these tiny white globes could occasionally be found.
Naturally, people started hitting them with hammers to see if they would break. No one hit quite hard enough to the relief of historians currently.
But occasionally, with direct skin contact, they would apparently just disappear into humans body, which would naturally freak them out and have them say "do not want"which would cause it to reappear.
Or at least, it could have been, had Valkyrie Cores been
manufactured, rather than
All the more reason to put your backs into it and actually find a way to produce new cores artificially. Quest-Humanity even managed artificial Higgs generators - even if they suck very much compared to naturally harvested article...
...Only one thing left to do -
pet fluffy tail read Apocrypha. TT4N!