Look it seems strongly implied that they were all together when Koujiros started saying 18 was small for a squadron.
Unless you can provide a conflicting source of evidence then I at least am done discussing this.

Given how rushed operations were during Single Sweep, I disagree that it counts a good example of SOP, but I have no counter citation, so if you wish to leave things as they stand then I shall do so as well.
Was there any mention of a Valk's top speed (or was it missed in the flood of posts)? Im certain there was mention of how a Valk can go 5km/s so 18000 km/h. But then there is mention as well how the speed limit for Anna's transit from Aus to Jap is 6km/s so its 21600 km/h. So it can be assumed that Valks can go faster than this. Is there a top speed ceiling for Valks?
Was there any mention of a Valk's top speed (or was it missed in the flood of posts)? Im certain there was mention of how a Valk can go 5km/s so 18000 km/h. But then there is mention as well how the speed limit for Anna's transit from Aus to Jap is 6km/s so its 21600 km/h. So it can be assumed that Valks can go faster than this. Is there a top speed ceiling for Valks?
When Anna dumped her fusion reactor exhaust, she went roughly 400 km in about 30 seconds, which is about 13.3 km/s.
Was there any mention of a Valk's top speed (or was it missed in the flood of posts)? Im certain there was mention of how a Valk can go 5km/s so 18000 km/h. But then there is mention as well how the speed limit for Anna's transit from Aus to Jap is 6km/s so its 21600 km/h. So it can be assumed that Valks can go faster than this. Is there a top speed ceiling for Valks?
that was acceleration.
What? V-max?"

"It's shorthand for maximum change in velocity. Acceleration in other words. Valkyrie Frames have safeties in them that prevent you from using the full power of your thrusters until your inertial control is good enough that you can survive the acceleration. Anna and Valkyrie Kravala had both pushed their frames to V-max quite a few times from the looks of the video, so have you been using your frame at V-max?"


"I uh, am not sure? Did you use it yesterday?"

"I didn't see a need to use it last night," Yukari replies, then hums for a moment in thought.

"How fast is your zero to five? Can you make zero to five under ten?"

Oh hey, you knew… some of those words…


"Zero to five kilometers per second. How long does it take you?"

What. That wasn't an exercise you had tried before. The squadron formation thing where you needed to run the course then get back had you putting some kick into your frame, but not nearly that far. You don't think you've even broken mach 6 yet, let alone mach 15. Not to mention pure speed wasn't what Yuka-nee was talking about here, getting to 5 kilometers per second under 10 seconds?

So accelerate at more than 500 meters per second squared for at least 10 seconds?

Also, a bunch of Valks are capable of going to space, so they can go escape velocity.
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Was there any mention of a Valk's top speed (or was it missed in the flood of posts)? Im certain there was mention of how a Valk can go 5km/s so 18000 km/h. But then there is mention as well how the speed limit for Anna's transit from Aus to Jap is 6km/s so its 21600 km/h. So it can be assumed that Valks can go faster than this. Is there a top speed ceiling for Valks?
Well in space their speed limit would probably be single digit percentages of the speed of light since that is around the point where the various dust and debris they hit would have impacts equvilant to nuclear bombs.

In an atmosphere the greatest speed feat we have is:
It is 400 kilometers from Perth to the Ordinance Testing Ground, around three to four minutes of flight at cruising speed, but… you never did properly test out your straight line flight speed, even though you now have a fusion reactor.

You first check and then double check that the airspace surrounding your route is clear. Groups of Valkyries fly along the outer perimeters of Perth on return routes, mostly Third year cadets from their signals, transport jets take off and land at the various airfields nearby and patrolling combat fighters are circling the Arcology, but nothing is in close enough proximity to be damaged by the likely side effects of your experiment. You take off, straining your thrusters, and accelerate to your conventional top speed of twenty kilometres per second in a little under nineteen seconds. The air around you explodes into plasma upon contact with your Impeller, first orange, then yellow, brightening further up to blue-white on your bow shock as you continue accelerating. Having left both the Troposphere and friendly units behind, you decide to see exactly how far you can push it.

You open the reactor taps on your backpack unit to full and eject multi-million degree hydrogen and helium, still in the process of fusion. Freed from the tremendous pressure of the fusion reactor, the fuel literally detonates as it rushes out behind you and your acceleration jumps up well past anything you have experienced before. It only takes you a little less than half a minute in total to cross the four hundred or so kilometers from central Perth Arcology to Ordinance Testing Group Five Zero Seven. You spread your Impeller wide, reverse your thrusters, adjust your inertia and haul yourself out of your descent to a dead stop in the space of a little over a kilometer. Another fireball expands around you from the violence of your deceleration, blindingly bright even to you as your wake of nuclear fuel overtakes you and washes over your Impeller.

Flying clear from the conflagration, you ascend and survey your trail. A wide wake of vapour marks your route, blooming dramatically into a horizontally continuous fireball where you had opened your reactor taps, drawing an orange flaming arch through the blue sky. Below you, your arrival has sparked yet another fireball and burning dust rises from the ground as the shockwave from the explosion rebounds off the ground, sending rocks bouncing and setting alight the few scraggly bushes close to the hypocenter.


Ahahaha. Wow!

The fusion reactor was amazing, flying such distances at such speed used to be all theory work for you before, especially if you wanted to fight within the same time period. You'd forgotten how much you enjoy flying. It used to be hard for you to even reach half of your maximum conventional speed on a reasonable energy budget, although…

The strain on your Impeller is actually worse than what would have occurred if you had just chosen to shift all the way here. The effort of shunting through so much air, protecting yourself from your fusion fuel and then decelerating from such speeds ended up savagely depleting your Impeller. The reactor tap had also, as expected, drained your energy production. You spread your solar dynamos and wait for your reactor power levels to rise back into the positives.

Before that happens though, another complication reveals itself in the form of an irate Automatic Flight Controller, who pointedly reminds you of the local speed limit of Mach Ten. In the distance, air patrols shift. Apparently the continuous explosion your speedrun had left behind it ended up blinding many of the local ground-based sensor arrays.
Anna pushes her engine to the limit to hit her conventional top speed of 20km/s in 19 seconds, average acceleration of 107 gees, then she does a reactor purge to boost her speed even higher.

Unfortunately we can't really calculate how much higher Anna goes since she bounces up into the Troposphere (6km to 10km up) before her reactor purge. This means she followed some kind of upwards arrow, like ^ , path and thus covered more then the 400km straight between Perth and her destination.

Also, a bunch of Valks are capable of going to space, so they can go escape velocity.
That word; it doesn't mean what you think it means. There is no magical limit speed required to get into space. You can get into, and stay in, space as long as you can maintain greater then 1g of acceleration. There are orbital velocities; speeds at which your traveling fast enough sideways that you don't fall back down but that's quite a different thing since there is almost no friction in space and thus your only concern is Delta-V (IE: how much fuel you have).

Escape velocity meanwhile is the speed needed exit a body's gravitational well, excluding drag and other sources of friction, on a ballistic trajectory. Or put simply; escape velocity is how fast you need to fire something out of a cannon for it to, ignoring the Earth's atmosphere, fly off out of the Earth's sphere of influence and start orbiting the Sun.
Was there any mention of a Valk's top speed (or was it missed in the flood of posts)? Im certain there was mention of how a Valk can go 5km/s so 18000 km/h. But then there is mention as well how the speed limit for Anna's transit from Aus to Jap is 6km/s so its 21600 km/h. So it can be assumed that Valks can go faster than this. Is there a top speed ceiling for Valks?
You're asking the wrong question.
Because of Inertial Manipulation what you want to be asking is what limits Valks speeds.
Based on Annas speeding ticket I can give you only a few limiting factors,
  1. Impeller Control. Not really important on its own merits however this is important enough for 2 and 3 it deserves refactoring out. The ability to efficiently redirect forces and reduce the wear on your shield affects every other thing.
  2. The power source. I mean technically any power source might do it given sufficient time, a run up, and Impellor control beyond anything seen, however there is no Valk who can truly reduce their air resistance to zero and therefore at some point forces will balance and you have reached terminal velocity. The higher the power output, the faster you're going before that happens.
  3. Impeller Capacity. There is no difference between running into something at a high speed and it being thrown at you. This means that as you get to the truly high velocities it begins to approach being in a full body particle accelerator. This is probably the practical limit for Ace Valks.
  4. Do you want to die in a blaze of Glory. I believe the majority of impeller damage Anna suffered was actually in slowing down what with her using her Impeller as a parachute kilometers wide. If you don't need to hold back so that you're still able to stop you can probably go much faster.
When Anna dumped her fusion reactor exhaust, she went roughly 400 km in about 30 seconds, which is about 13.3 km/s.

Nice average flight time guess*, but peak velocity on that run was a fair bit higher.

You take off, straining your thrusters, and accelerate to your conventional top speed of twenty kilometres per second in a little under nineteen seconds.

*But while distance divided by time works for average, the math is a little more complicated for instantaneous, and I do enough calculations for schoolwork right now. However, I will leave the formula**: (final velocity) = (acceleration)*(time)+(initial velocity)
**which is the simple version, which does not involve calculus, or accounting for air resistance, or other such things
That word; it doesn't mean what you think it means. There is no magical limit speed required to get into space. You can get into, and stay in, space as long as you can maintain greater then 1g of acceleration. There are orbital velocities; speeds at which your traveling fast enough sideways that you don't fall back down but that's quite a different thing since there is almost no friction in space and thus your only concern is Delta-V (IE: how much fuel you have).

Sort of true, sort of false. You could have a 10^6 m/s dV but that won't get you out of a gravwell if you can't apply it effectively. Orbital speed for Earth in the lowest orbits is about 8 km/s so if you were to go straight up with an orbital velocity of 0 km/s and then start thrusting sideways to achieve an orbital velocity of 8 km/s it still matters how great your thrust is because you need to be able to achieve that speed before you dip down enough in the atmosphere that your thrusters can't apply enough force to get you out of it again.

That said, given that Valkyries have (apparently) effectively infinite dV at Thrust to Weight ratios of greater than 1 the maximum speed of a Valkyrie in a vacuum is arbitrary.
Lets say that I was thinking about it in regards to 'Valkyrie Core RPG' and what would be believable top speeds for Valks at lower levels.
And if we sum up @Dark as Silver points into "get faster when level up" we can start thinking about what a potential top speed and acceleration for a lvl 1 Valk would be, and how much better an equally equipped, powered and shaped Valk would do at lvl 2.
And would there be a pattern in regards to speed raises, and would all speed's be equal (regardless of impeller skill etc) when they reach a certain level.
Lets say that I was thinking about it in regards to 'Valkyrie Core RPG' and what would be believable top speeds for Valks at lower levels.
And if we sum up @Dark as Silver points into "get faster when level up" we can start thinking about what a potential top speed and acceleration for a lvl 1 Valk would be, and how much better an equally equipped, powered and shaped Valk would do at lvl 2.
And would there be a pattern in regards to speed raises, and would all speed's be equal (regardless of impeller skill etc) when they reach a certain level.
Well... judging by the conversation between Yukari and Kouji:
Kouji hasn't gotten up past mach 6 (1.5km/s) but getting up to 5km/s is common. And Yukari was asking it of someone she knew hadn't been a valk for long. It's likely that doing zero to five in ten seconds is considered good for cadets and minimum performance for Enlisted.
Well... judging by the conversation between Yukari and Kouji:
Kouji hasn't gotten up past mach 6 (1.5km/s) but getting up to 5km/s is common. And Yukari was asking it of someone she knew hadn't been a valk for long. It's likely that doing zero to five in ten seconds is considered good for cadets and minimum performance for Enlisted.
Just checked, at 1,5km/s hes going 5400km/h , Mach 4.4.
So he's basically going nearly twice the speed of fastest fighter craft made by humanity RL. But could be still reached by hypersonic missiles (with scramjets).
Despite being a noob.
Yeah, it looks like standard.
Remember that both Anna and Shuri specifically mention that Shuri can accelerate faster than Anna. Anna pretty much saying it directly, Shuri saying that she could play keep away with Anna if Impeller shenanigans aren't involved.
Yeah, it looks like standard.
Remember that both Anna and Shuri specifically mention that Shuri can accelerate faster than Anna. Anna pretty much saying it directly, Shuri saying that she could play keep away with Anna if Impeller shenanigans aren't involved.
I would say that there are three major factors in the top speed/acceleration of a Valkyrie.

1) Inertial Canceling:
Inertial Cancelling:
Range: 200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)Selectively cancels or increases inertial mass with Impeller, allowing for allowing for increases acceleration or resistance to acceleration.
This Basic Impeller Skill both allows the Valkyrie to handle high g accelerations and thus allows them to reach their top speeds in a reasonable amount of time. We are explictly told Valkyrie Frames have limits built in to prevent a Valkyrie with a high enough skill from fully using their thrusters:
Valkyrie Frames have safeties in them that prevent you from using the full power of your thrusters until your inertial control is good enough that you can survive the acceleration.
we then see here what happens when a newbie tries to push their frame to the limit without the appropriate skill:
You push your frame as hard as you can to close the distance.

[Acceleration Beyond Inertial Control Capabilities!]

[Pilot Health Warning! Reduce Thrust!]

You gasp as what feels like an enormous anvil presses down over your entire body, crushing. Your vision darkens and you can't breathe-

[Safeties Engaged]

You gasps, you vision snapping back into focus in time just to see yourself diving towards the ground.

"-rou! Koji! Koji! Are you okay!?"

Setsuna rapidly gains on you on an intercept course, before pulling up as she sees you stabilise.

You try talking only to cough. It felt like someone had drop kicked you right in the chest and your eyes watered from an ache somewhere behind them. That wasn't something you were eager to try again.

"Y-yeah. No worries. H-hurts less than your kicks."

2) Impeller Field Shaping:
Impeller Field Shaping:
Range: 200 (Mastered)
Precision: 200 (Mastered)
Speed: 200 (Mastered)Allows for purposeful shaping of Impeller Field, allowing for the manipulation of objects with the Impeller Field. Extends maximum Impeller Field range.
Once you are capable of using your Valkyrie Frame to it's fullest potential there comes the issue of all that nasty atmosphere. Smacking into the air at high speed retards acceleration, top speed, and drains impeller to keep the compression heating from cooking you alive.

This Intermediate Impeller Skill allows a Valkyrie to shape their Impeller Field such that they can maximize their units aerodynamic properties and thus minimize the effects of the atmosphere on them. This is shown by the struggles our less skilled teammates had flying through the wind and the rain during our simulated mission in the USA:
Your Flight hovers a kilometer over the dark expanse of the Pacific ocean, the waves below driven by the howling winds to form steep, frothing canyons. Dark clouds roiled overhead, underlit by a steady red glow that emanated from over the horizon. Rain drove against the Flight, washing over Impeller Fields until it ran over the barriers in solid curtains of water. You swat the rain away several times with your Impeller before giving up. At least you could track the vectors of the rain droplets from long distances.

Sandra's frame tilts in the wind before she adjusts her thrusters and pulls herself to a stop. Similarly, Yukari and Shuri have no problems adjusting to the wind, but Setsuna and Koujirou collide and have to lean on each other for a moment to catch their balance. Setsuna quickly shoves herself away and gains some altitude, probably to survey the surroundings. Koujirou chooses to maintain his position as he also looks around.
It was exhausting flying through a rainstorm, the water was heavy. It was an actual strain on her Field, even at lower mach speeds, Setsuna remembered that it had something to do with the compression properties of water. Whatever the reason, adding rain to the already significant air resistance at high speeds made flying nearly unbearable.

Well, for herself anyway.

Up ahead, the Golden Ace weathered the forces without the slightest hint of trouble, shunting aside most of the water and smashing apart a path through which the rest of the Flight followed. Shuri's Impeller was spread out deliberately wide, pushing ahead of it a plasma bow that probably would have broken Setsuna's own frame and field both in half if she tried to do the same. All this force didn't even strain Shuri in the slightest, and from the documentaries that Setsuna had watched before joining the Valkyries, Shuri could cruise way faster than this, even when acting as the icebreaker for an entire squadron.

Speaking of strong and steady… behind the main group, Anna was… being Anna. She flew above Shuri's wake, somehow keeping up with the speed of the flight despite hardly leaving a visible trail. Anna also seemed completely oblivious to the unnecessary strain she was placing on her Impeller Field that she could have avoided by dipping a hundred or so meters lower.

Setsuna felt a slight sense of longing mixed with jealousy as she looked on at the two Aces. The sheer power that they displayed by so casually cutting through the wind and water. Different from the chaotic display of aerial prowess shown by Anna yesterday night, where chance and luck could be blamed for at least some of what happened; this was a silent affirmation of skill and strength by both Aces.


Setsuna was broken out of her thoughts as Kousenjoubi shuddered in the air. Ahead, Shuri had corrected her course minutely, causing Setsuna to run into turbulence. She pulled back into formation, feeling the additional strain added onto her Impeller. Still, running into accidental backwash from Shuri was better than the alternative, if it wasn't for Shuri carving a path, Setsuna would have had to slow down to keep her Field from collapsing.

Koujirou flew just under Shuri, completely within the envelope formed by her Impeller, so he looked fine. Sandra cruised behind and slightly above Shuri, pretty much at the center of Shuri's wake, so she was peachy. Yukari flew steadily on the edges, like Setsuna, but had probably done something with her Impeller to lessen the strain on it. Setsuna herself was honestly struggling somewhat to keep up.

3) Valkyrie Frame

By the time you reach Ace levels such basic skills should be long since mastered. So on the basis of skill alone all high end Valkyries should have similar top speeds. This isn't the case however. The difference comes down to their frame designs.

Shuri for example has a Valkyrie Frame optimized for close range combat and thus has better acceleration and a peak velocity then Anna whose Valkyrie Frame is a generalist:
She backs off quickly and you follow, but her frame's superior acceleration allows her to pull clear of you. You teleport closer and emerge just to see her disappear as she blinks away, having begun her own teleport the moment you initiated yours.
Which makes sense since for close combat to be viable such a combatant would need higher acceleration to ensure her target can't dart around her and higher speed to ensure her target can't kite her.
I would say that there are three major factors in the top speed/acceleration of a Valkyrie.

1) Inertial Canceling:

This Basic Impeller Skill both allows the Valkyrie to handle high g accelerations and thus allows them to reach their top speeds in a reasonable amount of time. We are explictly told Valkyrie Frames have limits built in to prevent a Valkyrie with a high enough skill from fully using their thrusters:

we then see here what happens when a newbie tries to push their frame to the limit without the appropriate skill:

2) Impeller Field Shaping:

Once you are capable of using your Valkyrie Frame to it's fullest potential there comes the issue of all that nasty atmosphere. Smacking into the air at high speed retards acceleration, top speed, and drains impeller to keep the compression heating from cooking you alive.

This Intermediate Impeller Skill allows a Valkyrie to shape their Impeller Field such that they can maximize their units aerodynamic properties and thus minimize the effects of the atmosphere on them. This is shown by the struggles our less skilled teammates had flying through the wind and the rain during our simulated mission in the USA:

3) Valkyrie Frame

By the time you reach Ace levels such basic skills should be long since mastered. So on the basis of skill alone all high end Valkyries should have similar top speeds. This isn't the case however. The difference comes down to their frame designs.

Shuri for example has a Valkyrie Frame optimized for close range combat and thus has better acceleration and a peak velocity then Anna whose Valkyrie Frame is a generalist:

Which makes sense since for close combat to be viable such a combatant would need higher acceleration to ensure her target can't dart around her and higher speed to ensure her target can't kite her.
Hey its' like my post but better in every way. Good job using sources.
Sooo. Just read everything, a few things to note:

1) I liked the Astronomy and Architecture club introductions, would like to see the Anna visit them again sometime.
2) I still remember that the Anna also liked bacon.
3) I think that Blue Wave (long-range option) is a better development path, mostly because it's more in line with the Ginnungagap Cannon design idea.
4) I worry that main character might be targeted by Lunar Death Beam (because Ginnungagap Cannon sounds like a mouthful and is also counterintuitive)
5) God-Cannon is an acceptable name substitute for Lunar Death Beam, even if sadly not quite enough on the nose for my tastes.
6) The format of character descriptions makes it really difficult to read from mobile. Too much space taken by the boxes, pushing the actual written words to a far narrow a space.
7) I wonder if Anna will ever visit the Baking Club again, in the morning. Just to learn why exactly her oh-so-finely-crushed flour was not suitable for product making - and how to do better. Of course, I wouldn't object to the repeat of the Cooking Club Incident. ;)
8) Speaking of which, I wonder how Sandra would react to learning Anna has substituted natural bodily processes with fine manipulation of Impeller field. And is it at all common anyway?
9) Speaking of which, I wonder if it's possible to design an Enherjahr Core (i.e. as Valkyrie Core, with all the core functions - but much more cheaper, compatible with nearly all of humanity, at the cost of effectiveness - basically a mass produced cheap knockoff).

Now, let's take a look at all the informational posts.

Noooot really. Humanity can still escape from Earth if they wanted to, Abraxas is classified as a Class A Type Zero but if all 315 of the 300 frames were to escort a mega colony ship that then also had all 20,000 of the normal Valkyries on it, he'd be shit outta luck. The thing is, Humanity does not want to abandon Earth. They're winning, and in perhaps a decade, the last of the Minor Breaches should be eliminated leaving on the Major Breaches left. They hope so anyway.
Question then.

You've previously claimed that our starting choices would have influenced the tone of the series. Automation vs Personal Prowess, you said.

Question - would humanity still be winning had we had temerity enough to pick all the bleak choices for character generation?

On that note, Praise The Sun* that Sandra is a positive-outlook option. Seriously, she's like literally the glue holding the Flight One together. We'd expect Shuri and Anna to clash severely in short order, which may or may not set Coke-Zero and Setsuna adrift from the two Aces as well.

* Praise The Sun: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. On the other hand, considering that energy output of the star our planet is orbiting kept Anna alive through the first years of her vigil (what with solar panels recharging her equipment), I dictate that Sun is no part of Heaven and has actually proven beneficial. Therefore, not inappropriate.

Not quite, I may have accidentally given that impression when I said "humanity don't know how to make more of the 300 whilst Major Breaches pump out type Zeros etc," but what I meant by that is that Humanity has a rather extreme surplus of 'normal' Valkyrie cores and no where enough Valk core compatible humans to use them.
Hmmm. Okay, I stand corrected. The supposed Enherjar Project (see point 9) is probably something that ought to be sought out heavily. Assuming that prolonged use of a Core improves general compatibility, having the "training wheels" version of the Core that can connect to just about everyone is a sound investment.
Immediately Post Impact humanity is suffering pretty much as you would expect, global commerce extinct, CONUS, North West Africa and EU nations directly hit by the major fragments of the Impactor and smaller meteorites raining down pretty much globally, tsunamis for all Pacific and Atlantic coastlines, global firestorms, global super storms, acid rain which was thankfully not global, USA and Russia Deadhand systems launching their WMD stocks thankfully most knocked off course by inclement weather, the whole nine yards. The methane release from frozen stocks being disrupted countered the nuclear winter effect so yay I guess?

Now amongst all the wreckage there would be these tiny white globes could occasionally be found.

Naturally, people started hitting them with hammers to see if they would break. No one hit quite hard enough to the relief of historians currently.

But occasionally, with direct skin contact, they would apparently just disappear into humans body, which would naturally freak them out and have them say "do not want"which would cause it to reappear.
Or at least, it could have been, had Valkyrie Cores been manufactured, rather than found.

All the more reason to put your backs into it and actually find a way to produce new cores artificially. Quest-Humanity even managed artificial Higgs generators - even if they suck very much compared to naturally harvested article...

...Only one thing left to do - pet fluffy tail read Apocrypha. TT4N!
8) Speaking of which, I wonder how Sandra would react to learning Anna has substituted natural bodily processes with fine manipulation of Impeller field. And is it at all common anyway?
Yes, it's common among the higher end Valks.
9) Speaking of which, I wonder if it's possible to design an Enherjahr Core (i.e. as Valkyrie Core, with all the core functions - but much more cheaper, compatible with nearly all of humanity, at the cost of effectiveness - basically a mass produced cheap knockoff).
The Cores are Black Box tech, they can't crack it open let alone making a copy.
Question - would humanity still be winning had we had temerity enough to pick all the bleak choices for character generation?
Nope, not at all.
Assuming that prolonged use of a Core improves general compatibility, having the "training wheels" version of the Core that can connect to just about everyone
Compatibility is a case by case basis. The only Cores that does not have compatibility issue are the 300 Cores.
Quest-Humanity even managed artificial Higgs generators
No they don't.
9) Speaking of which, I wonder if it's possible to design an Enherjahr Core (i.e. as Valkyrie Core, with all the core functions - but much more cheaper, compatible with nearly all of humanity, at the cost of effectiveness - basically a mass produced cheap knockoff).
The Cores are Black Box tech, they can't crack it open let alone making a copy.
Though one would think that by now humanity should have a good enough grounding in science to try for cheep knockoffs, but then again all of a VC power really lies in its impeller. And since AG's have them too Higgs are involved somehow. And per WoG any captured Higgs generator is a prize everyone fight over.
Then there is the issue of AG's needing to recharge their generators, unlike Valks who just need electric power (Higgs particle generators powered by electricity in a VC?).
Humanity only has access to 7 breaches to harness Higgs particles, of which 3 were captured recently in NA.

I must admit that a chance for Higg's powered, Impeller generating drones, to replace the standard drones in a Valks loadout, seems quite tempting.

* Praise The Sun: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. On the other hand, considering that energy output of the star our planet is orbiting kept Anna alive through the first years of her vigil (what with solar panels recharging her equipment), I dictate that Sun is no part of Heaven and has actually proven beneficial. Therefore, not inappropriate.
It actually strikes me as odd that Anna would so easily disregard the "solar power charging period" out of her day schedule like we see in the story. We do see her unfolding her panels once, and remarking how her new generators make them obsolete, and it is "logical" for her to stop it. But after 9? years of constant breaks for solar power charging one would expect her to just randomly go outside the arcology, sit down with her panels unfolded, and suddenly wonder why is she doing that.

Alternatively it would be nice to see her go for a trip to space and unfold her panels there, to see how well they charge without any interference.
You've previously claimed that our starting choices would have influenced the tone of the series. Automation vs Personal Prowess, you said.

Question - would humanity still be winning had we had temerity enough to pick all the bleak choices for character generation?
A -5 world would have been bad. Here is a rough overview of the possibilities of happiness/bleakness:
5: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, Nichijou, (Antagonists will never be on screen, no combat, you'd all be wearing uniforms that are not!WWII!IJA, MC probably named Nippon Banzai, Perth would fly over to Tokyo so the quest now takes place in the correct geographical location inside the not!Greater Asian Co-Prosperity sphere,)

3: Mahou Sensei Negima, Diebuster, (Injuries in combat, but nothing permanent that cannot be undone, no permanent character deaths, Japan would somehow still be an operational nation despite being fucked by Impact cause strong independent nipponese need no dirty Gaijin to help,)

1: Scrapped Princess, Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, (Very little difference between this and -1, mostly a manner of tone, you'd find it much harder to fuckup and that's about it, for example, the near stroke in Post 6 wouldn't have happened, there'd still be all 317 of the 300 frames, )

-1: MuvLuv Total Eclipse, Code Geass, Chrome Shelled Regios,

-3: Rebuild 3.3, Higurashi Naku Koro Ni, Shingeki no Kyojin, Sidonia no Kishi, Knight Run S1&S2 (Warrior gets major combat bonuses and so does the Ojou, UN does not believe it cannot support any further advances into AG territory, projected loss of Major Arcologies within 10 years through increasing numbers of Type 0s, Lunar orbit is within Mankinds control and that's about it, everything passing though low orbit face possible attack from AGs)

-5: Bokurano, Hellstar Remina (Crazy combat bonus for all characters, The Warrior would no longer have her physical body, the Warrior would have Dual Wave Wave Force manipulation, the Ace would be on life support and thus missing for most of the early quest updates, UN actively losing on every front, Valkyrie numbers dropping per year, not enough Ace pilots remaining to fill the ranks of the 300, only 230 of the 300 frames left, Alaska Offensive failed, only Saskatoon and Uralsk Breaches were ever taken down, things in OP was false propaganda, Armstrong base lifted off and left humanity on Earth to fend for themselves, Antagonists have full Orbital control, total population conscription, human extinction within 2 years)
We chose ended up with a -1 world which puts us bad but not without hope.

It actually strikes me as odd that Anna would so easily disregard the "solar power charging period" out of her day schedule like we see in the story. We do see her unfolding her panels once, and remarking how her new generators make them obsolete, and it is "logical" for her to stop it. But after 9? years of constant breaks for solar power charging one would expect her to just randomly go outside the arcology, sit down with her panels unfolded, and suddenly wonder why is she doing that.
Do remember that Anna spent a couple months in the UN Alaska base before coming to Perth. Odds are she trained herself out of the habit there.
Then there is the issue of AG's needing to recharge their generators, unlike Valks who just need electric power (Higgs particle generators powered by electricity in a VC?).
Humanity only has access to 7 breaches to harness Higgs particles, of which 3 were captured recently in NA.
False. The ones with generators are T0s and they don"t need to recharge.
And all breaches in Human territory are destroyed not captured.
Wait, they don't?
So then they'll fit in a power generator, the design of which varies, it's typically nuclear fusion and if they can get their hands one one, they will attach a Higgs Engine salvaged from a high class Antagonist which then is supplied with Higgs reaction mass to provide more power. Human built Higgs engines still suck a lot but can be fitted also.
Ah, amendment to my previous post. Not Higgs generators. Higgs engines.

I was mistaken, it's a very different function.

That's... hmm, this'll be pretty opinionated, but here you go.

5: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, Nichijou, (Antagonists will never be on screen, no combat, you'd all be wearing uniforms that are not!WWII!IJA, MC probably named Nippon Banzai, Perth would fly over to Tokyo so the quest now takes place in the correct geographical location inside the not!Greater Asian Co-Prosperity sphere,)

3: Mahou Sensei Negima, Diebuster, (Injuries in combat, but nothing permanent that cannot be undone, no permanent character deaths, Japan would somehow still be an operational nation despite being fucked by Impact cause strong independent nipponese need no dirty Gaijin to help,)

1: Scrapped Princess, Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, (Very little difference between this and -1, mostly a manner of tone, you'd find it much harder to fuckup and that's about it, for example, the near stroke in Post 6 wouldn't have happened, there'd still be all 317 of the 300 frames, )

-1: MuvLuv Total Eclipse, Code Geass, Chrome Shelled Regios,

-3: Rebuild 3.3, Higurashi Naku Koro Ni, Shingeki no Kyojin, Sidonia no Kishi, Knight Run S1&S2 (Warrior gets major combat bonuses and so does the Ojou, UN does not believe it cannot support any further advances into AG territory, projected loss of Major Arcologies within 10 years through increasing numbers of Type 0s, Lunar orbit is within Mankinds control and that's about it, everything passing though low orbit face possible attack from AGs)

-5: Bokurano, Hellstar Remina (Crazy combat bonus for all characters, The Warrior would no longer have her physical body, the Warrior would have Dual Wave Wave Force manipulation, the Ace would be on life support and thus missing for most of the early quest updates, UN actively losing on every front, Valkyrie numbers dropping per year, not enough Ace pilots remaining to fill the ranks of the 300, only 230 of the 300 frames left, Alaska Offensive failed, only Saskatoon and Uralsk Breaches were ever taken down, things in OP was false propaganda, Armstrong base lifted off and left humanity on Earth to fend for themselves, Antagonists have full Orbital control, total population conscription, human extinction within 2 years)
Why is this post not included in the informational posts on the first page, I will not know.
I love the humor in the informational posts. "Not!IJA", "presumed eaten by locals", and so on. It's a nice touch.
False. The ones with generators are T0s and they don"t need to recharge.
And all breaches in Human territory are destroyed not captured.
I was under the impression that Anna defeated Sekhmet in part due to it being low on power and needing to recharge, and was intercepted before coming back to base.
And that there was clear mention of human installations being set up where breaches existed to harness Higgs, or did I read that wrong?
Ah, amendment to my previous post. Not Higgs generators. Higgs engines.
Yes, this wording can be an issue, thank you for reminding me about it.