Retired "High-Elven" Revolutionary
- Location
- Florida, the giant aligator.
I'm standing on her head, gazing across the ocean.
At Australia.
I call bs. You said you lived in the alligator's mouth. Also where are those fanfictions of Florida X Australia?No.
I'm standing on her head, gazing across the ocean.
At Australia.
Maybe he's prospecting?I call bs. You said you lived in the alligator's mouth. Also where are those fanfictions of Florida X Australia?
I do.I call bs. You said you lived in the alligator's mouth. Also where are those fanfictions of Florida X Australia?
This does seem to be the best solution. If Anna can keep the back and forth between her and Shuri low-key until Coke-zero catches her attention it will change the context of their interactions for the better. Unless there's a Yandere shift waiting.Suggestion: throw Shuri at Koji and let the Harem Protag do all the work.
But isn't Shuri already with the harem protag (Sandra)?This does seem to be the best solution. If Anna can keep the back and forth between her and Shuri low-key until Coke-zero catches her attention it will change the context of their interactions for the better. Unless there's a Yandere shift waiting.
If we can pull this off it will please Sandra because it makes her harem more stable![]()
Eh.It's just that the between-update conversations are so interesting.
Aren't you "Having a really great time right now"? Don't be a party pooper. Let the masses have various Headcanons and memes.
Well, that's endgame. But yes, resistance is futile.![]()
I just used the image from my Blanket-chan meme cause I'm lazy, but I think you get the gist of what I mean.
Ah the frog in a hot pot of water versus slowly warming up the water annecdote thing. To throw mods off incase they're about to jump out if the pot.
How do we prevent Anna and Shuri hating each other. As far as I'm concerned this is very likely if we make poor choices down the line, Avalanche mentioned in a post somewhere that their relation can still collapse to 'Zettai Yurusanai' although I can't seem to find it now.
The problem to my mind is that Shuri is sort of walking down the road where you loose stuff and gain power. She's lost enought that she is too invested to turn back. However Anna is far enough down that road that she knows it never ends and no matter how hard you hit bedrock, if you didn't break through you can still loose more, and she doesn't want others following her. Not to mention that Anna didn't choose this but was forced down this path by circumstance. Any effort to warn Shuri about this however will cause her to dig in her heels and become defensive because it might seem like she's making light of the deaths of Shuris squadron. Especially given that Anna and Shuri are both awful at social interactions.
The best solution I've come up with is to show that Anna does indeed know about loss, and that listening to her is likely a good idea. However this plan is vauge and awful. Need suggestions.
The two seem to speak over comms for a moment before Sandra turns towards you again and broadcast in open channel, "Anna would you like to have a match? We're practicing for the inter Academy tournament later this year, would you be interested in joining?"
"I'm not interested in the Tournament," Shuri cuts across the channel, a faint hint of exasperation suggesting she's had this argument before, "You're much better served practicing against Antagonists Sandra. Any humans you face on the battlefield as a Valkyrie will not be facing you out in the open."
I think the key is to keep direct tensions between Anna and Shuri to a minimum until Shuri's "arc", when we will gain more information about what exactly happened.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't interact, but I think there's a different approach to trying to mould the Anna - Shuri friendship ideally or whatever: Sandra. Sandra is obviously completely dedicated to Shuri but she also goes out of her way to smooth over whatever clashes Shuri gets into. I think if things get bad between Anna and Shuri, we might consider expressing our frustration to Sandra instead and see if we get any help.
I think that we shouldn't try to probe Shuri's past but instead focus on working with her in the present - getting used to working with someone else who can fight on our level and gain some level of trust / cooperation in a combat situation. The idea that we, vaguely, might have each others' backs may help us if there's ever a falling out.
I also think, @Dark as Silver , that you're inserting a whole lot of speculation into what you believe happened to Shuri exactly and her motivations. Is she obsessed with being the most powerful valkyrie she can? I don't really see it - she pushed the others in her squadron hard because it was what she knew and because they asked her to. And possibly because they would leave her alone faster if she drove them away on purpose? Note that while Sandra's leadership has something to do with it, Shuri remains quite relaxed about having lower-level valks in her squadron now. Possibly because Kouji and the rest of us didn't seek her out or shower her with attention; she found people willing to work hard who will probably make Elite on that alone, but who didn't see her as The Golden Ace. Plus there were definitely mixed messages about Anna's status as an Ace - worried about the perception of competition / status, but at the same time wanted Anna in her squadron. It fits the idea that she prefers people that see her as a peer rather than as part of the power level rat race.
I'm certain there are issues related to growing up a child soldier, in a valk squadron with a disproportionately high casualty rate. And also to engaging multiple Type Zeros and coming out unscathed each time but losing even more comrades. Maybe that's why she wants to surround herself with strong valks, maybe not. Or maybe that's why she sees her squad members as transient and doesn't bother getting attached, if she even does that (idk). But I don't see this as the defining feature of her character. In fact, it was in fan omake that she was the only survivor of her squadron, not in canon. And having re-read the history, while her squadron had high casualty rates, they were never really annihilated like say, our town.
I think we have to remember, this is the Broken Ace, not the Golden Ace. The key, defining feature will lie in the difference. The Golden Ace was never shot down. The Broken Ace was shot down once... by humans.
We know that Shuri was badly injured attempting to rescue Sandra from a kidnapping and that it was by humans in some way. I don't think that's enough, though. I think we need to read into Shuri's statement above: the humans she faced used underhanded means to down her, but more than that. I think it was a betrayal. Someone she knew and trusted in some way - my best guess is another survivor of the Pakistani Armed Forces Valkyrie program.
Now, there's still the matter of Zettai Yurusanai, which in itself is a decent hint, but I have a pretty good idea where that might come from.
Anna's biggest mental block - her biggest "thing", so to speak, is that she can't hurt humans, and she can't allow humans to be hurt. Anna makes the mistake right after the conversation quoted above, of assuming that Shuri agreed with her that We Should Not Fight Humans. But what Shuri actually said was nothing of the sort - in fact, Shuri rather presumed that human enemies would appear on a battlefield, just that simulator practice would not prepare anyone for fighting them.
I don't think Anna could forgive the idea that we should prepare to fight other humans, that betrayal by our human allies is possible or likely, and especially if Shuri had to kill others even if in self defense or in defense of others. That goes doubly if a betrayal of some sort happens again. I don't think Shuri could forgive a naive stance that we must never fight humans even if they attack us or act against us - such an idea would have gotten her only friend killed rather than rescued.
There are of course, far less likely items - maybe Shuri only survived unscathed so often because others sacrificed for her, or perhaps more insidiously, she deliberately sacrificed others. I don't think this is the case (refer to Avalanche's quote on Shuri's luck), but it fits Zettai Yurusenai. Maybe Shuri isn't capable of understanding or sympathizing with Anna's history. Maybe...well, a lot of things.
But that's all just speculation. Really, what we need is for the specifics to come up in Plot, or for this to come up to Anna privately by way of Sandra. I don't think we should push too hard for an understanding between Shuri and Anna beyond learning to fight cooperatively and whatever happens naturally.
ehhhnnnn.... If you read the supplemental bits in the character sheet and reread Anna's intro?@Alphaleph Shuri is (close to?) the kind of person who would shoot somebody for cowardice if her superiors told her to. Anna is the kind of person who would be gobsmacked at such an order and then hold those superiors at gunpoint.
Depends on how busy LegacySC is. Sometimes as short as 3 days, most of the time up to a week. Sometimes, longer.
But what if it gets buried under several other alerts?!? No, I cannot take that chance! I will keep my eyes on this thread, until it makes me go blind! Then, I will make someone else watch it for me!Depends on how busy LegacySC is. Sometimes as short as 3 days, most of the time up to a week. Sometimes, longer.
You can use the "OP update alert" feature if you don't constantly want to check a thread. Just ignore the normal alert, then when I make a post over a sufficient length, you will receive a special alert in the form of "The OP; John Doe, posted an update to thread "Algebra" with n words.".
there is a page just for all your alerts.But what if it gets buried under several other alerts?!? No, I cannot take that chance! I will keep my eyes on this thread, until it makes me go blind! Then, I will make someone else watch it for me!
FTFYI'm quite insulted.
I'm not a kobold on Florida, the state-sized alligator.
I don't mean that really, the fact that Shuri is here on the regular course rather than the accelerated one is proof that she doesn't want to be alone more than she wants to be the most powerful in the world. What I meant was that shes been trained and lost so many people that if it where called into question it would be akin to casting doubt on her whole life. Additionally there are more things you can sacrifice for power than lives, take Anna, she sacrificed sleep, digestion, and a her ability to interact with humans. The most obvious however was free time.
As I mentioned responsding to SynchronsiedWritersBlock I disagree with your interpretation, as Anna didn't target the trainee until the idiot said something like "So what?" when told she would have hurt humans.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
I'm fairly sure that Anna's combat instincts are simply so wired in, perhaps literally, that she only has to identify something as a threat for her subconscious and instincts to begin processing how to end the threat the only way she knows how.Anna's biggest mental block - her biggest "thing", so to speak, is that she can't hurt humans, and she can't allow humans to be hurt. Anna makes the mistake right after the conversation quoted above, of assuming that Shuri agreed with her that We Should Not Fight Humans. But what Shuri actually said was nothing of the sort - in fact, Shuri rather presumed that human enemies would appear on a battlefield, just that simulator practice would not prepare anyone for fighting them.
I don't think Anna could forgive the idea that we should prepare to fight other humans, that betrayal by our human allies is possible or likely, and especially if Shuri had to kill others even if in self defense or in defense of others. That goes doubly if a betrayal of some sort happens again. I don't think Shuri could forgive a naive stance that we must never fight humans even if they attack us or act against us - such an idea would have gotten her only friend killed rather than rescued.
I actually think it was a bit different. At first Anna was fine, as she thought that the other did not know about the humans in her target area. She simply told her that "hey, there are human targets there." It was only after she was told "yeah, so what?," that she shifted into murderdearhkill mode. It wasn't the fire discipline she had issue with, it was the attitude that human casualties did not matter.Remember, Anna almost shot down one of her fellow trainees in simulation (and who knows if it would have been a simulated kill, but I doubt it) because the trainee didn't have perfect fire discipline in their first ever target marking exercise.
She was accidentally talked out of doing something permanent to Setsuna, the very first time they met, and I'm pretty sure it's safe to say nobody else involved has any inkling of how very serious that question was ("Do you regularly beat him?")"
Right, you are both correct that the attitude matters. Though, this was also something she let play out because Anna herself was safely able to intercept the munitions, so the friendly fire incident didn't happen. The 'problem' was that the trainee indicated that she'd do it again, whether or not Anna was there to safeguard the imaginary people.It wasn't the fire discipline she had issue with, it was the attitude that human casualties did not matter.
Bit of ambigous syntax here, to clarify; friendly fire is expected in the first few times Valks do these, not everytime.So the point I'm getting at is, Anna very nearly shot down a classmate over an exercise that is designed as a learning experience. As the instructor commented, that sort of thing always happens, and is expected. Presumably they would normally just give the offender(s) a public chewing out and try again.