To put it in a slightly (slightly) more real-world-grounded way, from the generals' perspective it would be like the Allies pulling off D-Day as it did historically, only to find out that after a few more miles of resistance every Axis soldier and unit in France was dead, destroyed, or had fled. Moreover, this had occurred at the hands of one person - not even a soldier, just a random nobody from a little town. Additionally, this one person had done it with a slightly out-of-date old tractor that they had started strapping various bits and pieces to in order to keep fighting, but this random hodge-podgeish excuse for a vehicle that no-one but this one person could operate is somehow more advanced than almost anything that they could field.

If that had actually happened, the collective force of the shout of "BULLSHIT" would cause hurricane-force winds on the other side of the planet.
I can't stop laughing.
It would, except they're used to close levels of bullshit from Valkyries, particular the 300. Well, not quite the same, but there's at least a little precedent.

She just soloed a nation's worth of Antagonists, including a Breach, and Durga's not even a 300 frame. There may be some precedent, but not much. I bet there are some theories bouncing around from people in the know that this might be them witnessing the creation of a 300 frame, it's that sort of level.

I can't stop laughing.

Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week. :)
She just soloed a nation's worth of Antagonists, including a Breach, and Durga's not even a 300 frame. There may be some precedent, but not much. I bet there are some theories bouncing around from people in the know that this might be them witnessing the creation of a 300 frame, it's that sort of level.

All I'm saying is the analogy with WW2 fails to account for that individual units have a much, much greater impact in this world. And that the generals here are used to this.
All I'm saying is the analogy with WW2 fails to account for that individual units have a much, much greater impact in this world. And that the generals here are used to this.

Not that much, I would argue... But if we take this much further it's just gonna get silly. It was always gonna be an imperfect analogy anyways. Agree to drop the matter?
dryskim - Just a Simple Grunt
The loadmaster tells us to stand, and we do to the sounds of rattling kit. Ceramic armor clacks together as me and Heathen bump shoulders. She flashes me a grin and punches my shoulder. We all shift and bump and jostle eachother until we're formed into a neat little line nuts to butts. It gets tight when you've packed an aircraft with a platoon of transhuman killing machines.

The doc comes through and gets to work. I don't know what it is that they inject into me like I'm a piece of beef, but I know it's the good stuff. Best I can tell, I'm getting a massive cocktail of elven breastmilk and dinosaur blood (with a hint of kush) shot directly into my bloodstream so I can feel energized, alert, and sufficiently aggressive.

I start checking over Heathen's gear as the drugs kick in, making sure she's got everything secured in place nice and tight, while BK's behind me doing similar to my own kit. I jangle this, shake that, and then slap her on the shoulder to confirm everything checks out. BK finishes working over my gear and gives my ass a nice slap, signalling that I'm good to go as well in his own weird little way. He says something, but it's hard to hear over the bird, so I toss a middle-finger over my shoulder as my rebuttal.

While we're acting like overly-muscled children, the light in the bay comes alive and we're bathed in red.

Our stop's coming up and I feel giddy excitement building in my belly.

The red light dies and is replaced with a green one, signalling that we have reached our destination and the aircrew will no longer tolerate our presence. We sidle towards the hatch as the bird slows and then begins to descend. V/STOLs are fun like that, flying like a plane then turning into a helicopter when it's time to land.

They're also fun in the sense that they like to spontaneously combust when struck by hostile fire, leaving their occupants to slowly burn alive until they finally hit the ground with a merciful splat.

Thankfully, we're not under fire, so we manage to touch ground without issue and the loadmaster drops the ramp for us. We stream out like a tide of dusty olive, nearly run headlong into the opposing current of medics, and divert so as to not be crushed. Squirming, screaming, sobbing chunks of people are carried past and loaded onto our vacated bird until it's stuffed to the brim. Our ride rises, kicking up a tide of dust and grit in it's wake. It's barely off the ground thirty seconds before the next bird is touching down to drop off it's own payload of fresh grunts and taking on the battle-ragged bastards who came before.

The Baroness nods to herself, then opens a platoon-wide channel to pass along word from the Company Commander. She lays out our schedule for the day in her usual clipped manner.

We are to relieve our predecessors, link up with their armored support, and conduct search-and-destroy operations until we ourselves are relieved.

Or we all die.

Whichever comes first.

Failed to include a planned reference to 'Antagonistan', thinking that reference might not make sense sixty years from now in a world where the whole planet is that war-torn.
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To put it in a slightly (slightly) more real-world-grounded way, from the generals' perspective it would be like the Allies pulling off D-Day as it went historically, only to find out that after a few more miles of resistance every Axis soldier and unit in France was dead, destroyed, or had fled. Moreover, this had occurred at the hands of one person - not even a soldier, just a random nobody from a little town. Additionally, this one person had done it with a slightly out-of-date old tractor that they had started strapping various bits and pieces to in order to keep fighting, but this random hodge-podgeish excuse for a vehicle that no-one but this one person could operate is somehow more advanced than almost anything that they could field.

If that had actually happened, the collective force of the shout of "BULLSHIT" would cause hurricane-force winds on the other side of the planet.

Anna Sanchez, Farmer Extraordinaire.
Biggest Squashes in all of Canada.
She just soloed a nation's worth of Antagonists, including a Breach, and Durga's not even a 300 frame. There may be some precedent, but not much. I bet there are some theories bouncing around from people in the know that this might be them witnessing the creation of a 300 frame, it's that sort of level.
As I understand it, it's a LOT more like a lone, heavily armed(looted guns) partisan going Rambo across the enemy territory and ending in a very large explosion where their leader/main ammo dump is, than actually soloing the country.
Does anyone know how Shuri feels about Anna? I don't quite understand why for example, she feels relieved and disappointed that Anna doesn't join her flight, or lots of her later reactions. Felt almost like she wanted Anna's approval kind of in some of them, though maybe that feeling will disappear as I reread.
Does anyone know how Shuri feels about Anna? I don't quite understand why for example, she feels relieved and disappointed that Anna doesn't join her flight, or lots of her later reactions. Felt almost like she wanted Anna's approval kind of in some of them, though maybe that feeling will disappear as I reread.
We've been told that she feels lonely. When we did the scenario she probably though, oh heres someone my skill level I can talk shop with.
When we disagreed with her about training standards she was probably confused because that was how she was trained and she'd assumed we'd done the same thing.
I feel she laughed when it was suggested we where trying to keep our acehood secret because she assumed it was our way of trying to connect and make friends.
As I understand it, it's a LOT more like a lone, heavily armed(looted guns) partisan going Rambo across the enemy territory and ending in a very large explosion where their leader/main ammo dump is, than actually soloing the country.
For the sheer weirdness factor Anna represents, I like to think of it as the equivalent of:
"The year is 2069 Common Era. North America is entirely occupied by the Antagonists. Well, not entirely..."
Only that Obelix is the only survivor, a girl and pretty traumatized.
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For the sheer weirdness factor Anna represents, I like to think of it as the equivalent of:
"The year is 2069 Common Era. North America is entirely occupied by the Antagonists. Well, not entirely..."
Only that Obelix is the only survivor, a girl and pretty traumatized.

That series is going to become a recurring theme in this thread, isn't it?

I'm just surprised no one's written a crossover omake with it yet.
Considering impact was essentially the sky falling on our heads? Yeah, the whole Asterix thing was pretty neat accident.

Plot of the potential Anna spin-off is How Anna synchronized with a Valkyrie Core when she was a little girl.

But quite frankly, I hold the books so very close to my heart as part of my childhood, I don't feel I have the skill to do any sort of omake justice. Even coming up with names that compare with the quite frankly phenomenal effort and creativity of the English Translation seems daunting to me.

Won't stop me from throwing in references though.

"These Antagonists are CRAZY!"
For the sheer weirdness factor Anna represents, I like to think of it as the equivalent of:
"The year is 2069 Common Era. North America is entirely occupied by the Antagonists. Well, not entirely..."
Only that Obelix is the only survivor, a girl and pretty traumatized.

Hun, I have no idea what so ever what you're referencing here, would someone please explain?:???:
Obviously we must kill the servers and eat the staff in retribution.
I volunteer to lead this just endevor - bring your own cutlery.
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