Wow, the committee was a bad idea that's gonna end with us giving up on a first Moon landing anyways, with no chance of the first orbit and requiring us to burn a bunch of money and/or political capital! Who could have possibly foreseen this!
Sorry, we're now in the "it's so back" swing - the committee allows us to either go for an actually workable landing as long as we give it time or cancel the program entirely with minimum of pain instead of pointlessly spinning around the moon and maybe still losing to Americans.Wow, the committee was a bad idea that's gonna end with us giving up on a first Moon landing anyways, with no chance of the first orbit and requiring us to burn a bunch of money and/or political capital! Who could have possibly foreseen this!
Sorry, we're know in the "it's so back" swing - the committee allows us to either go for an actually workable landing as long as we give it time or cancel the program entirely with minimum of pain instead of pointlessly spinning around the moon and maybe still losing to Americans.
Actually as per discord this makes it less politically costly to cancel the race as we now have our own scientists notes criticizing the other proposals to justify our change in course."Actually workable" and "after 1970" are incompatible terms, there's zero point to going after the Americans. We could do SO MUCH more science with robots and orbiters for the same money, the only reason to leave an actual bootprint is clout chasing and we have zero chance of getting that clout now. Canceling the whole thing now still looks worse for us than if we'd just gone with Yangel's flyby, which would have done a month of actual surveys and science, now we get to either set money on fire for the next 5 years to lose anyways, or cancel and get nothing when Yangel offered us a perfectly good off-ramp and consolation prize last vote.
"Actually workable" and "after 1970" are incompatible terms, there's zero point to going after the Americans. We could do SO MUCH more science with robots and orbiters for the same money, the only reason to leave an actual bootprint is clout chasing and we have zero chance of getting that clout now. Canceling the whole thing now still looks worse for us than if we'd just gone with Yangel's flyby, which would have done a month of actual surveys and science, now we get to either set money on fire for the next 5 years to lose anyways, or cancel and get nothing when Yangel offered us a perfectly good off-ramp and consolation prize last vote.
It's not. It's actually a perfectly good design, it's just spread out across 3 different OKBs, so if any of them fuck up, the whole program is delayed. Which means either it'll likely be a late one, or we'll rush and the mission gets very dangerous.Anyways, if we're absolutely 100% sure the consensus design is doomed to fail
His design is the one that is used as the basis of consensus.
Half of us during last vote: Might as well take it slow for now, since our rockets are questionable and our space suits are still shit.Discordburo mood is currently towards cancelling the moon program and hard pivoting to space stations instead, since the RLA and space suits both rolled very well.
American landing mission is likely to kill them, so as long as we don't super delay, we very well might get the "first one to land and return" trophy, so I would not say we have zero chance of clout. Also, to be honest, I would like to land on the moon in itself, without other considerations. So to me, the vote is very much a win, since we did get a functional design out of it."Actually workable" and "after 1970" are incompatible terms, there's zero point to going after the Americans. We could do SO MUCH more science with robots and orbiters for the same money, the only reason to leave an actual bootprint is clout chasing and we have zero chance of getting that clout now. Canceling the whole thing now still looks worse for us than if we'd just gone with Yangel's flyby, which would have done a month of actual surveys and science, now we get to either set money on fire for the next 5 years to lose anyways, or cancel and get nothing when Yangel offered us a perfectly good off-ramp and consolation prize last vote.
DEATH TO THE MOON PROGRAM LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTo explain more of what happened/to be a bit nicer broadly your options are a semi-consensus design that will be distributed amongst the bureaus, a bespoke all-Glushko moon orbit program that can be ready earlier at far increased risk, and just using it all as a political excuse to cancel the moon program.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some science a manned landing could do that a probe would find hard to pull off, if just because with a manned landing you can assume your equipment is being set up and adjusted by trained humans on site with opposable thumbs rather than via remote control robot arm from however long lightspeed delay away, with whatever kind of grabber/attachment point, and only being able to look at it through the camera view. I do agree we can still do quite a lot of lunar science just with robots and sample returns though."Actually workable" and "after 1970" are incompatible terms, there's zero point to going after the Americans. We could do SO MUCH more science with robots and orbiters for the same money, the only reason to leave an actual bootprint is clout chasing and we have zero chance of getting that clout now. Canceling the whole thing now still looks worse for us than if we'd just gone with Yangel's flyby, which would have done a month of actual surveys and science, now we get to either set money on fire for the next 5 years to lose anyways, or cancel and get nothing when Yangel offered us a perfectly good off-ramp and consolation prize last vote.
-A consensus design that's way safer and more feasible than Glushko's previous pipe dream, but which has no hope of actually being built and ready before like 1970.
Yangel's proposal was the path that had the highest odds of that, as things stand it's no longer possible.
Outright cancelling the moon race would probably get our funding cap cut back 50% or more, and I want to keep the 120 budget cap for as long as possible.
"Actually workable" and "after 1970" are incompatible terms, there's zero point to going after the Americans. We could do SO MUCH more science with robots and orbiters for the same money, the only reason to leave an actual bootprint is clout chasing and we have zero chance of getting that clout now. Canceling the whole thing now still looks worse for us than if we'd just gone with Yangel's flyby, which would have done a month of actual surveys and science, now we get to either set money on fire for the next 5 years to lose anyways, or cancel and get nothing when Yangel offered us a perfectly good off-ramp and consolation prize last vote.
Wasn't the American program running behind OTL, with less political impetus? After 1970 doesn't seem so bad. The yanks landed in late '69 OTL. Anyways, if we're absolutely 100% sure the consensus design is doomed to fail I'm inclined to go with Glushko's totally-not-cribbed-from Yangel plan. Outright cancelling the moon race would probably get our funding cap cut back 50% or more, and I want to keep the 120 budget cap for as long as possible.
They are running the Advanced Gemini, pretty much.It kind of sounds like the American program is a bit ramshackle and cuts corners that OTL's Apollo didn't. But not the corners that would stop them from getting a first landing.
But I would love more detail on the American program. I'm just guessing mostly.
Where did you get that? That's most definitely not the case.We were told we could use the Yangel plan if the committee failed.
Premilinary Discord blurb seems to suggest ball bearing joints and rear entry. We rolled a 98 for it, and more importantly, a 92 for the RLA.The space suit team delivered? Oh dang! Nice!
What's the deets?
But it seems the problem is, we're so pressed for time that the 6 month delay of passing things off to the committee means there's not enough time to do Yangel's plan safely. Is that right?
6 months delay on passing to committee, plus a bunch of extra design work which Glushko stapled on so he can pretend that it's a 100% Glushko-original program instead of a reskinned Yangel.
Where did you get that? That's most definitely not the case.
Premilinary Discord blurb seems to suggest ball bearing joints and rear entry. We rolled a 98 for it, and more importantly, a 92 for the RLA.
Likely no as ostensibly the plan is still to go for a moon landing otherwise. There could be a result where nothing considered remotely viable is proposed and then you would default to Yangel, but that is more of a failure condition.
Apparently the committee route has also given a way to cancel the moon attempt with the least amount of political fall out compared to the other options, due to everyone pointing out flaws in everyone else's ideas. So together with them apparently making a more workable compromise design, the committee has actually made the cancel option less painful as well.I am regretting my switch to kicking it to committee certainly.