Okay yeah, I am down to shove funding into the next road project, so all 4 free dice to the Urals it is. It's not quite as massive a push as your 1+9 plan, but going 1+4 across WUSSR+Ural into 4-5 Ural next turn is still a decent start on the work IMO, and it means that we can still do work on getting snowplows to keep those all these roads for a third of the year alongside the canals.
[] Plan: Clear the Roads and Raise the Waters
-[] 2575/2595 Resources (20 Reserve), 43 dice rolled
-[] Infra 11/7 dice, 645R
--[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 die (55 R)
--[]Ural Region High Capacity Roads, 4 dice (220R)
--[]Expanded Technical Services 2 dice (100 R)
--[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 3 dice (150R)
--[]ASU, 1 die (120R)
-[] HI 7/8 dice, 570R
--[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 4 Dice (380 R)
--[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 die (70R)
--[]Moscow Coal Basin Mechanization, 2 dice (120R)
-[] Rocketry 1/2 dice, 100R
--[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 1 die (100R)
-[] LCI 11/12 dice, 770R
--[] Air Conditioner Plants (Stage 4), 5 dice (300R)
--[] Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 2 dice (140R)
--[] Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 2 dice (150R)
--[] Television Plants(Stage 1), 1 die (90R)
--[] Calculator Commercialization, 1 die (90R)
-[] Agri 3/4 dice, 200R
--[]Second Generation Herbicides, 2 dice (160R)
--[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 die (40R)
-[] Services 6/6 dice, 290R
--[]Distribution of Banking Branches, 1 die (40R)
--[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 2 dice (70R)
--[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 2 dice (120R)
--[]Hotel-Enterprises, 1 die (60R)
-[] Bureaucracy 4/4 Dice, (0R)
--[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion), 1 die
--[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance, 1 die
--[]Equivocate on the Coal Trade, 1 die
--[]Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 die
Reserve Resources are a little high at 80R, but I feel like it might be a good idea to have a bit of a buffer since I'm expecting a funding cut for us in the upcoming plan. I'd be willing to dump that last bit of Resources into something like Novokuznetsk or Plastics if the thread feels like 80 isn't enough to be a useful reserve or it's just not worth it to keep them. Decided to put it into AC plants since it looks like on average 4 dice into that would put at a point where it would need a fairly inefficient single die next turn, so might as well just do it now and give us some wiggle room for sub-average rolls.
Infra: 1 die into finally finishing WUSSR, 4 more into starting Urals to get started on fixing our self-inflicted problems. ETS is needed to keep all these new paved roads functioning through the winter, so that's a must take for me. Fund the canals for the cheaper transport costs, and shove the next dice into ASU.
HI: 4 dice+Focus int Novokuznetsk to keep our steel surplus, 1 die to finish the MMK that didn't get done last time, and modernize shitty Moscow coal since it's right there and close to most of our industry the way the far north Pechora Basin isn't.
Rocketry: 1 die into expanding the factory for more RLA cores, don't really have funding for much more than that, and I don't think any of the other programs are
that much of a priority right now when we're facing either post cancelation budget cuts that might eat their funding, or a moon shot program that might eat it instead.
LCI: Mostly just following other people here. Bunch of dice into more ACs, finishing Core Feedstocks, new Plastic development, starting work on better TVs, and "portable" Calculators for all our number crunchers.
Agri: Just finishing up what didn't get done last time here, 2 dice into Herbicides and 1 die into the Rural Assessment.
Services: Shifted the dice around from my previous draft, now it puts 2 dice onto Expanded Childcare and 1 die into Banking instead of vice versa. I still hold that Banks, Hotels, and Transport is important stuff that we should get going though, especially that last one with all the new roads for trucking we're laying down.
Bureaucracy: 1 die for a Focus on the the steel expansion, 1 die to cover our ass on the Agri failure, 1 die to make our coal imports less of an issue among the SupSov, and the last die to try to get Voz's head completely out of his ass now that he's no longer so far up there he's seeing out of his mouth.