Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So. the immediate thinigs I noticed:
We're getting close to critical on Steel, we need to push that ASAP.
However, that also costs quite a bit of coal and while we do have those new coal extraction places, we'd really rather prefer to get the canal up and running I think.

Thus, while we can finish the current roads, this plan delays the next batch of roads for next plan.

Currently no decision on rocketry, which must be added before the plan is complete.

[] Prototype Plan Steel Water
-[]2585/2595 Resources (10 Reserve), 40 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (11/7 Dice, 685 R)
-[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7), 4 Dice (260 R)
-[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 5 Dice (250 R)
-[]ASU, 1 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (5/8 Dice, 450 R)
-[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 4 Dice (380 R)
-[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 Dice (70 R)
Rocketry (2/2 Dice, 200 R)
-[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 2 Dice (200 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (11/12 Dice, 820 R)
-[]Next Generation Pulp Mills, 3 Dice (165 R)
-[]Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 3 Dice (225 R)
-[]Television Plants(Stage 1), 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Calculator Commercialization, 1 Dice (90 R)
Agriculture (2/4 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Second Generation Herbicides, 1 Dice (80 R)
-[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 Dice (40 R)
Services (6/6 Dice, 310 R)
-[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 2 Dice (70 R)
-[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Garbage Service Expansions, 3 Dice (180 R)
Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion), 1 Dice
-[]Preemptively Authorize Loans, 1 Dice
-[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance, 1 Dice
-[]Take a Palatable Position, 1 Dice
Speaking of roads, if we want to catch up to the bare minimum of a functioning system we need 5k progress, which is around 6 dice a turn in order to complete it by next plan. That's the level of investment we will need, important to keep that in mind before we commit infrastructure autodice for next plan.
Chelomei's proposal sounds good, what's the catch-
Immediate criticisms however came from the single point of failure on the return bus, nonexistent life support margin, and the necessity of an earth and moon rendezvous.

Hmm, suddenly I'm feeling pro-Glusko. A safe approach that provides a springboard for a manned landing even if very late.

OK those new coal options actually shake up my plans a lot, I had intended to rush the canal on assumption the Siberian coal was very urgently needed. Donets and Pechora being available changes the calculus alot. Just don't do Moscow, we don't want that shit coal.

Eh, I'll draw up a canal-heavy plan anyway, just to get something out.

EDIT: What is the practical difference between
[]Bringing Land Under Cultivation: and []Second Virgin Lands Programs
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[] Unfinished Draft ETS/Canals/Banks/Transportation/Hotel
-[] 1,330/2595 Resources, 19 dice rolled so far, 4 free dice left
-[] Infra 7/7 425R
--[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 die (55 R)
--[]Expanded Technical Services 2 dice (100 R)
--[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 3 dice (150R)
--[]ASU, 1 die (120R)
-[] HI 1/8 70R
--[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 die (70R)
-[] Rocketry 2/2 200R
--[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 2 dice (200R)
-[] LCI 2/12 140R
--[]Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 2 dice (140R)
-[] Agri 3/4 200R
--[]Second Generation Herbicides, 2 dice (160R)
--[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 die (40R)
-[] Services 6/6 295R
--[]Distribution of Banking Branches, 2 dice (80R)
--[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 1 die (35R)
--[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 2 dice (120R)
--[]Hotel-Enterprises, 1 die (60R)

A really unfinished plan as seen by the gaping holes in the HI,LCI, and Bureaucracy sections, but this covers most of what I'd like to try to get done right now. In Infra as we really start expanding our neglected road network having the snowplows nessecary to clear them for safe use in the winter is something we need to work on, and I really want to get work going on the canals for bulk transport of steel and coal while also giving us the "Significant Resource and Cost Changes."

In Services I'm amendable to changing the dice allocation for if the thread really wants to finish Expanded Childcare right this turn, but Banking and Hotels are something that I would really like to get started on soon, and getting Transportation Enterprises for containerized trucking is part of what's needed to make our new road networks good for that last mile transport and everything not being shoved onto a train. Everything else in the plan is just dice on whatever we took that didn't get finished last time
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Note to myself and others on Electricity:

86 + 56 (gas) + 45 (hydro) - 19 (civilian) - 5 (military) = 163. Surely, we can get by without more burn rock this turn?

EDIT: was it 50 or 60 steel surplus we needed for the Infra discount?

EDIT 2: On rocketry... we have a 15 RpT buffer in our space cap. If we take Chelomei's plan, we need to start cancelling stuff.
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[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance
Please bear in mind that this is an option because of the following:
State of the Seventh Five-Year Plan:
60% Increase in MFPG Production Value: At the Moving Target
20% Increase in Capital Goods Production Value: Completed
150% Increase in Consumer Goods Production Value: Completed
30% Increase in Agricultural Sector Production Value: Behind the Moving Target
I recommend that significant focus be placed on the agricultural sector this turn.
Threw a very quick and rough plan together before I have to go do some chores, that incorporates new options.

[] Plan Drafting The Dig for Victory
-[]2575/2595 Resources (20 Reserve), 41 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (10/7 Dice, 640 R)
-[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Hydrological Stabilization Measures, 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7), 3 Dice (195 R)
-[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 3 Dice (150 R)
-[]ASU, 1 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (7/8 Dice, 570 R)
-[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 4 Dice (380 R)
-[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Pechora Coal Basin Exploitation, 2 Dice (120 R)
Rocketry (1/2 Dice, 100 R)
-[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 1 Dice (100 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (12/12 Dice, 795 R)
-[]Air Conditioner Plants(Stage 4), 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Next Generation Pulp Mills, 3 Dice (165 R)
-[]Virgin Lands Forestry, 2 Dice (130 R)
-[]Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 2 Dice (140 R)
-[]Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 2 Dice (150 R)
-[]Calculator Commercialization, 1 Dice (90 R)
Agriculture (3/4 Dice, 200 R)
-[]Second Generation Herbicides, 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 Dice (40 R)
Services (6/6 Dice, 270 R)
-[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 2 Dice (70 R)
-[]Legal Consulting Programs, 2 Dice (80 R)
-[]Garbage Service Expansions, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (3/4 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Novokuznetsk)
-[]Foundation of the Ecological Ministry, 1 Dice
-[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance, 1 Dice

Bureucracy: I took the two obviously important options but I need help with the rest- I don't know which of The Voz's politiking is a good idea or not. As well as the coal trade option- it could help, or we could ride the shortage out and The Voz can save his political capital for other things.

Yeah I know, delaying ural roads is not good optics. But we're juggling so much stuff and for this quick draft I kept to my initial goals of focusing on the canal and other water stuff.

The Novokuznetsk steel mill gets four dice and a focus for a 65.9/%74.5% completion chance in hopes of keeping that precious steel surplus. The pechora coal basin is at 42%/57% to pad out the coal situation.

Rocketry starts the plant, if RLA interplanetary completes H1 55 does it mean we get the resources that turn or the turn after? If that turn, we could start the space station program in tandem with the light moon plan.

LCI is unapologetically based on vibes, doing stuff that seems useful without consuming too much resources. Side note, I'm not trusting []Consumer Food Production(Stage 1). Preservatives, brr- not sure we'll be cautious enough with them.

Agri finishes our current cooking, IDK if the new option is a trap option like the other option to expand land.

Services is again rough without detailed thought.
As i have promised i come back to prove a point people wanted roads and yet felt frustrated because there was no push for it and didn't want to create a plan for them worry no more here is the road plan.

[ ] Plan Proving a point
-[ ]Cancel It
Infrastructure, 7 +4 Free Dice 670 Resources
-[ ] Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 die (55 Resources)
-[ ]Ural Region High Capacity Roads. 9 dice (495 Resources)
-[ ] ASU, 1 dice (120 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 6/8 Dice 475 Resources
-[ ] Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 3 dice (285 Resources)
-[ ] Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 die (70 Resources)
-[ ] Moscow Coal Basin Mechanization, 2 dice (120 Resources)
Rocketry, 4 - 2 = 1/2 Dice 100 Resources
-[ ] Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 1 die (100 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry, 12/12 Dice 860 Resources
-[ ] Air Conditioner Plants (Stage 4), 5 dice (300 Resources)
-[ ] Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 2 dice (140 Resources)
-[ ] Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 2 dice (150 Resources)
-[ ] Calculator Commercialization, 1 die (90 Resources)
-[ ] Television Plants(Stage 1), 2 dice (180 Resources)
Agriculture, 3/4 Dice 200 Resources
-[ ] Second Generation Herbicides, 2 dice (160 Resources)
-[ ] Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 die (40 Resources)
Services, 6/6 Dice 290 Resources
-[ ] Distribution of Banking Branches, 1 die (40 Resources)
-[ ] Expanded Childcare (Stage 1), 2 dice (70 Resources)
-[ ] Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 3 dice (180 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 4/4 Dice
-[ ] Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Ural Region High Capacity Roads) 1 die
-[ ] Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance 1 die
-[ ] Equivocate on the Coal Trade 1 die
-[ ] Determine Coalitional Alignments 1 die
Resources Available: 2595
Resources Used: 2595
Resources Remaining: 0

The rational for this plan is infra doing enough to get both available roads done this turn and continuing on ASU with the remaining die as that is a dangerous project to let stagnate.
For HI the focus is getting more steel, finishing the MMK, and beginning to mechanize Moscow as it is the west where the majority of our iron is.
With rocketry i felt it prudent not to rush as we are already drowing in active development for a cancelled moon program.
In LCI I focused on air condition plants for housing next plan, plastics for the unlimted RpT it brings which combines well with TVs which i also imagine will print money, and calculators which will combine well with ASU.
Agriculture is just business as usual as most projects still just look mediocre at best.
For services i focused on Transportation Enterprises as it combines well with roads and used the last RpT on banking as it is just nice to have and childcare as that is going to become increasingly needed.
Finally for bureaucracy i threw one die into coalition with the hope Voz somehow realises reality, one die into focus as it allows one turn Ural roads, one die into explaining ag to SupSov so we hopefully can change that metric for the future as it is never going to be fulfilled, and last but not least one die into coal trade as that is desperately needed now when coal production is going to rise into infinity and we desperatly need more to stem the bleeding.

As a final note if you are a road lover but disagree with some of my choices like services then i strongly encourage you to make your own plan as that seems to be a large amount of peoples first priority.

Edit: should also add that the 9 dice combined with the focus should add up to 801 progress so fund it now for a complete road project in one turn.
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[ ] Plan Proving a point
OK I admit i gave a funny reaction but thinking on it a bit I see the appeal in putting a massive amount of dice in the Ural roads. But I think one-turning them is pushing it and plus unless you want to do two focuses that means shifting the focus away from Novokuznetsk which, unless I can be convinced the shock impact would be horrible, I refuse to do. 5 dice this turn and 5 next turn will get roads going fast without serious shock. Here's my motion. Feel free to suggest changes, to LCI especially: that's the category I basically shuffle up in interests of keeping within budget.

I might be pursuaded to delay the canal again, but NOT the Hydrological Stabilization Measures. Stop putting that off.

[] Plan draft: Moderated Massive Motions for Mountain Motorized Mobility
-[]2590/2595 Resources (5 Reserve), 43 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (11/7 Dice, 670 R)
-[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Ural Region High Capacity Roads, 5 Dice (275 R)
-[]Hydrological Stabilization Measures, 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]ASU, 1 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (7/8 Dice, 570 R)
-[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 4 Dice (380 R)
-[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Pechora Coal Basin Exploitation, 2 Dice (120 R)
Rocketry (1/2 Dice, 100 R)
-[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 1 Dice (100 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (12/12 Dice, 805 R)
-[]Air Conditioner Plants(Stage 4), 4 Dice (240 R)
-[]Next Generation Pulp Mills, 2 Dice (110 R)
-[]Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 2 Dice (140 R)
-[]Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 3 Dice (225 R)
-[]Calculator Commercialization, 1 Dice (90 R)
Agriculture (3/4 Dice, 200 R)
-[]Second Generation Herbicides, 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 Dice (40 R)
Services (6/6 Dice, 245 R)
-[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 3 Dice (105 R)
-[]Legal Consulting Programs, 2 Dice (80 R)
-[]Garbage Service Expansions, 1 Dice (60 R)
Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Novokuznetsk), 1 Dice
-[]Foundation of the Ecological Ministry, 1 Dice
-[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance, 1 Dice
-[]Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 Dice
Please bear in mind that this is an option because of the following:

I recommend that significant focus be placed on the agricultural sector this turn.
The reason our ag sector is underperforming has more to do with market saturation and other countries improving their output than a lack of investment. We are producing more basic foodstuffs than we could hope to consume, and thanks to all our work in the late 40s and 50s we're doing well on higher value foods like meat and fruit as well. There just isn't that much money to be made in agriculture any more, and with our subsidy regime it's never going to be profitable. Our options are to sink loads of money in to new lands to delay the inevitable crash, repeal the subsidies and cause a political shitstorm, or start lowering everyone's expectations so the failure doesn't sting as badly.
unless I can be convinced the shock impact would be horrible, I refuse to do. 5 dice this turn and 5 next turn will get roads going fast without serious shock.
Pretty sure our economy has matured to the point where we just set aside the funds needed for the project and then are just letting it complete over the required time period the project will take.

Also remember moon project in your plan as that should be part of the plan vote
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I might be pursuaded to delay the canal again, but NOT the Hydrological Stabilization Measures. Stop putting that off.
How about this? Next plan we are likely have a autodice option for dams that completes it and its follow up project. Its why they did not include it I wager.
Pretty sure our economy has matured to the point where we just set aside the funds needed for the project and then are just letting it complete over the required time period the project will take.
Yeah, we are not coscripting random villagers with no winter clothes, giving them a shovel and telling them to complete a road in six months or Stalin will shoot them
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Speaking of roads, if we want to catch up to the bare minimum of a functioning system we need 5k progress, which is around 6 dice a turn in order to complete it by next plan. That's the level of investment we will need, important to keep that in mind before we commit infrastructure autodice for next plan.
Candidly, if we can get most of the way there, I'll count it as a win. 3000-4000 Progress on roads would be a lot of improvement in a fairly short amount of time, to the point where nearly everyone in the USSR would be going "wow, that new road over there has impacted my life, good work!"
Candidly, if we can get most of the way there, I'll count it as a win. 3000-4000 Progress on roads would be a lot of improvement in a fairly short amount of time, to the point where nearly everyone in the USSR would be going "wow, that new road over there has impacted my life, good work!"
4000 progress would average to 5.1 dice per turn on roads, which sounds pretty manageable. Oh, and speaking of autodice next plan:
[]Far-Eastern Water Reservoirs: As a precursor to major dam construction, hydrological development can be carried out on the tributaries of the Amur and Yenisei rivers. Local water demand has steadily increased with increasing populations and industries, demanding far more water than previously available. Constructing smaller hydrological reservoirs on rivers otherwise unsuited to significant hydroelectric production can yield significant improvements in water access and enable the continued environmental modernization of the region. (55 Resources per dice 0/200)
Will our megadam autodice get impacted by not completing this, perhaps causing the dam completion to be delayed by a few turns? Or some more drastic impact?
Coal/steel is gonna be a big problem, it's definitely time to start working on the canal. Novokuznetsk needs a better-than-even chance to complete this turn too or we're running a high risk of steel prices spiking our infra costs right at the same time that we take a budget cut at the start of a new FYP.

And I don't think the loans are a good idea either, we're out of labor to spend on industrial development anyways. A time of full employment and explosive growth is not the time for even more inflationary spending, next FYP is going to be about scaling BACK growth in raw production to refocus on infrastructure and education/services. On a related note, it's finally time to start encouraging agricultural consolidations, we need to drive the remaining rurals off the family farm and into the industrial workforce before the economy chokes on lack of labor.

At least Indonesia has lots of conveniently poor people and a government that owes us one, we can probably start siphoning minimum wage labor out of them to keep the lower rungs of the economy ticking over. But increasing labor efficiency at home is still critical on top of that.

And then the moonshot... please don't do Chelomei's proposal, it's three quality rolls and keep the lowest, on an already risky proposal. My personal preference is to just use the committee tearing each other apart as an excuse to cancel it, but if we MUST keep going then Yangel's Glushko's flyby is the acceptable option. That'll still crash our budget harder in the long term, but a flyby is still a step above not going at all if we want to keep our options open for the 70's.

With the vacuum electronics getting canceled we should have 25R of headspace in the budget though, so we could start up the light launcher and the space station programs while still doing the flyby. We could even afford Chelomei's lander if you really forced me to at gunpoint, but like I said...THREE quality rolls is pretty much guaranteed to give us a lemon anyways, so I think it's finally time to admit that we're not ready yet folks.
[ ] Plan Proving a point
Okay yeah, I am down to shove funding into the next road project, so all 4 free dice to the Urals it is. It's not quite as massive a push as your 1+9 plan, but going 1+4 across WUSSR+Ural into 4-5 Ural next turn is still a decent start on the work IMO, and it means that we can still do work on getting snowplows to keep those all these roads for a third of the year alongside the canals.

[] Plan: Clear the Roads and Raise the Waters
-[] 2575/2595 Resources (20 Reserve), 43 dice rolled
-[] Infra 11/7 dice, 645R
--[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 die (55 R)
--[]Ural Region High Capacity Roads, 4 dice (220R)
--[]Expanded Technical Services 2 dice (100 R)
--[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 3 dice (150R)
--[]ASU, 1 die (120R)
-[] HI 7/8 dice, 570R
--[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 4 Dice (380 R)
--[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 die (70R)
--[]Moscow Coal Basin Mechanization, 2 dice (120R)
-[] Rocketry 1/2 dice, 100R
--[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 1 die (100R)
-[] LCI 11/12 dice, 770R
--[] Air Conditioner Plants (Stage 4), 5 dice (300R)
--[] Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 2 dice (140R)
--[] Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 2 dice (150R)
--[] Television Plants(Stage 1), 1 die (90R)
--[] Calculator Commercialization, 1 die (90R)
-[] Agri 3/4 dice, 200R
--[]Second Generation Herbicides, 2 dice (160R)
--[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 die (40R)
-[] Services 6/6 dice, 290R
--[]Distribution of Banking Branches, 1 die (40R)
--[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 2 dice (70R)
--[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 2 dice (120R)
--[]Hotel-Enterprises, 1 die (60R)
-[] Bureaucracy 4/4 Dice, (0R)
--[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion), 1 die
--[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance, 1 die
--[]Equivocate on the Coal Trade, 1 die
--[]Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 die

Reserve Resources are a little high at 80R, but I feel like it might be a good idea to have a bit of a buffer since I'm expecting a funding cut for us in the upcoming plan. I'd be willing to dump that last bit of Resources into something like Novokuznetsk or Plastics if the thread feels like 80 isn't enough to be a useful reserve or it's just not worth it to keep them. Decided to put it into AC plants since it looks like on average 4 dice into that would put at a point where it would need a fairly inefficient single die next turn, so might as well just do it now and give us some wiggle room for sub-average rolls.

Infra: 1 die into finally finishing WUSSR, 4 more into starting Urals to get started on fixing our self-inflicted problems. ETS is needed to keep all these new paved roads functioning through the winter, so that's a must take for me. Fund the canals for the cheaper transport costs, and shove the next dice into ASU.

HI: 4 dice+Focus int Novokuznetsk to keep our steel surplus, 1 die to finish the MMK that didn't get done last time, and modernize shitty Moscow coal since it's right there and close to most of our industry the way the far north Pechora Basin isn't.

Rocketry: 1 die into expanding the factory for more RLA cores, don't really have funding for much more than that, and I don't think any of the other programs are that much of a priority right now when we're facing either post cancelation budget cuts that might eat their funding, or a moon shot program that might eat it instead.

LCI: Mostly just following other people here. Bunch of dice into more ACs, finishing Core Feedstocks, new Plastic development, starting work on better TVs, and "portable" Calculators for all our number crunchers.

Agri: Just finishing up what didn't get done last time here, 2 dice into Herbicides and 1 die into the Rural Assessment.

Services: Shifted the dice around from my previous draft, now it puts 2 dice onto Expanded Childcare and 1 die into Banking instead of vice versa. I still hold that Banks, Hotels, and Transport is important stuff that we should get going though, especially that last one with all the new roads for trucking we're laying down.

Bureaucracy: 1 die for a Focus on the the steel expansion, 1 die to cover our ass on the Agri failure, 1 die to make our coal imports less of an issue among the SupSov, and the last die to try to get Voz's head completely out of his ass now that he's no longer so far up there he's seeing out of his mouth.
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Light launcher and space station are both more important than nuclear rockets IMO, but if we give up on the moon entirely there might be money for all three - although I wouldn't actually commit to any until the dust settles and we know for sure what our new cap is. If we do the flyby, then there's no room for nuclear rockets - but in a year or two once the RLA is human-rated we should be able to kill off the PKA and use that money for it if nothing more critical comes up by then.
Some notes from Discord:
We're about maxed out on our Water Distribution efforts from last turn. We can fit a dice or two in, but it's building up a backlog.
There would be minimal problems from surging the Canal, and Kuzbas completing would still give us the coal just with significant extra transport costs eating most of the profit.

As such, I'd like to offer this plan for consideration:

[] Prototype Plan Canal Craze
-[]2560/2595 Resources (35 Reserve), 40 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (10/7 Dice, 580 R)
-[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads, 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Ural Region High Capacity Roads, 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 7 Dice (350 R)
-[]ASU, 1 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (8/8 Dice, 630 R)
-[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion, 4 Dice (380 R)
-[]Severouralsk MMK(Stage 3), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 3), 3 Dice (180 R)
Rocketry (1/2 Dice, 100 R)
-[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions, 1 Dice (100 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (11/12 Dice, 820 R)
-[]Next Generation Pulp Mills, 3 Dice (165 R)
-[]Core Chemical Feedstock Efforts, 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 3 Dice (225 R)
-[]Television Plants(Stage 1), 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Calculator Commercialization, 1 Dice (90 R)
Agriculture (2/4 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Second Generation Herbicides, 1 Dice (80 R)
-[]Rural-Zone Assessment, 1 Dice (40 R)
Services (6/6 Dice, 310 R)
-[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 1), 2 Dice (70 R)
-[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Garbage Service Expansions, 3 Dice (180 R)
Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Unified Canal System), 1 Dice
-[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Novokuznetsk Steel), 1 Dice
-[]Justify Lacking Agricultural Performance, 1 Dice
-[]Take a Palatable Position, 1 Dice
Say I don't know if anyone noticed but
With the broad-scale failure of many of the probe programs, the vacuum specialized electronics program has effectively been canceled. It has consistently consumed significant quantities of funding for negligible progress. Actually, useful integrated circuit development teams have been spun off to the army and civilian industries while the bulk of the program focused on hardening has effectively been disbanded. The interplanetary program itself has received some of the talent but many of the prospects of the total vacuum hardening of electronic circuits have proven to be beyond current technical limitations.
I was gonna say "aww shucks" and ask how bad the rolls were, but "Vacuum Electronics" is still listed as an ongoing program. What's going on? Is The Voz just misinterpreting the severity of the situation? Has the program become a dead end that we're free to cancel?

Either way, sounds like the space program is no longer going to be a driver of electronics tech, and best we can do is keep LCI well funded.

Some notes from Discord:
We're about maxed out on our Water Distribution efforts from last turn. We can fit a dice or two in, but it's building up a backlog.
There would be minimal problems from surging the Canal, and Kuzbas completing would still give us the coal just with significant extra transport costs eating most of the profit.
Huh. I figured since last stages was tap water and this stage is sewage, the current stage could be started immediately without waiting for the prior stage to finish behind the scenes. OTOH, I figured the canal being a major water project would take time to fill up, concrete to cure etc. But if one-turning it is legit an option... I'm quite tempted. But unless there's a "lead time" of a turn from when it's built, no reason to one-turn it if we're not also one-turning the Kuzbas.

How important is it to Take a Palatable Position? I really have little idea what the political shenanigans are.