Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It is the complete opposite of this right now we are under paying our workers for the work they are doing by un capping our wages they can begin earning more money and having more purchasing power compared to the rest of the rest of CMEA
I interpreted this as Voz just wanting to entice loyalty to him by boosting the paychecks of managers, I have no doubt when he says workers he doesn't really mean Boris coughing up dust in the coal mines.
So, what are our Infra priorities this turn? I'm thinking of just using the 5 available dice and putting the free dice on Numbers Go Up projects while the resources are available but I wonder if there's anything considered very pressing. I'm thinking mainly building another stage of metro lines, and putting 3 dice on passenger rail?
Given that Buses will likely get delayed again, I say we should smash out as many Metro Lines as we can ASAP.
Heavy Industry 5 Dice (+1 Dice in 1962)
Oh my... I thought we'd be starting with 8 dice (6 base, then 2 from taking resources from the military). What happened to them?

As for planning... OOF OW my power budget! I'm going to have to leave a lot of LCI projects half-complete, intending to finish them once we have the power surplus.

'sides metros, can we put 3 dice on telecommunication for another global +1?
I interpreted this as Voz just wanting to entice loyalty to him by boosting the paychecks of managers, I have no doubt when he says workers he doesn't really mean Boris coughing up dust in the coal mines.
Of course he doesn't mean the coal miners they won't be getting anything but the engineers and scientists are the people he will focus on. By making these jobs more profitable they can buy more congoods and stimulate the economy. You are right that this won't help the poor smucks digging in the death mines but it will help solving the problems with CMEA we are having right now where they are buying all of our congoods and the educated Soviet citizen working in a car plant is getting screwed over and not earning a fraction of what the cars he is building are worth
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OK, gotta go out for a bit but here's some rough work, haven't figured out bureaucracy yet.

Infra completes another stage of metro to get some public transit and a stage of telecoms, plus progress on the holy rails.
HI starts that Test Reactor finally, as well as the Perm MMK that supposedly gives resources and makes other stuff cheaper. It also starts the ZIL plant with ~20% completion chance, it's the least power-intensive so if that does complete we won't go into brownouts.
Rocketry figures out our launches, figures out how to keep Yuri alive, and starts the totally cool space plan plan. (If "next launcher" and "R7M-PKA" are exclusive I apologize for the mistake.
LCI starts but does not finish pesticides and oil modernization, finishes that computing plant finally, and starts a luxury goods initiative to get some low-electricity consoom going.
Agri just completes a stage of the three Numbers Go Up things.
Services gets tourist centers, I was very unsure what to select there that was most numbers-go-uppy, should i have started the next retail stage or film studios instead?

Proto plan: Not quite enough power for Numbers Go Up
-[]2260/5135 Resources (2875 Reserve), 33 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (7/5 Dice, 560 R)
-[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 3), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 3), 3 Dice (240 R)
Heavy Industry (8/5 Dice, 740 R)
-[]Perm MMK(Stage 1), 3 Dice (180 R)
-[]Test Reactor Complex Construction, 3 Dice (360 R)
-[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 2 Dice (200 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Determine the Next Launcher, 1 Dice
-[]Manned Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]R7M-PKA Program, 1 Dice
Light and Chemical Industry (8/8 Dice, 580 R)
-[]Modernization of Oil Fields, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 1), 2 Dice (80 R)
-[]Computing Plants Modernization, 2 Dice (240 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 260 R)
-[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 7), 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Foundation of SOEs in the Virgin Land Belt, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Continued Infrastructural Development, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/2 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, 0 R)
IDK this part is hard
Edit: everything stricken out is obsoleted by Blackstar's clarifications, posting updated version of plan below.
[] Plan Preliminary Draft
-[]1235+3900 Resources (2425 Reserve), 35+X Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (6/5 Dice, 400 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 5), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Expansion of the Unified Grid(Stage 5), 2 Dice (150 R)
Heavy Industry (12/8 Dice, 1040 R)
-[]Karaganda Steel Mill Construction, 3 Dice (300 R)
-[]Perm MMK(Stage 1), 4 Dice (240 R)
-[]Power Production Campaigns(Coal), 3 Dice (300 R)
-[]Test Reactor Complex Construction, 1 Dice (120 R)
-[]Bus Plants(Lviv), 1 Dice (80 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 160 R)
-[]Determine the Next Launcher (No Roll)
-[]Moscow Rocket Construction Plants(Stage 3), 2 Dice (160 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (8/8 Dice, 570 R)
-[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 1), 2 Dice (30 R)
-[]Samara Refinery Complex (Stage 1), 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Modernization of Oil Fields, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Oil Cracking Plants, 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Computing Plants Modernization, 1 Dice (120 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 260 R)
-[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 7), 3 Dice (150 R)
-[]Foundation of SOE's in the Virgin Land Belt, 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Continued Infrastructural Development, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/2 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (X/5 Dice)
-[]Reforms to be discussed
Main points of plan:
0) Moscow rocketry plant is absolutely critical! By delaying it we already damaged our rocketry program, which is forced to do without highest-precision machinery. Even if all else fails, I insist that everyone should include it into their plans.
*I'm going off assumption that Blackstar accidentally forgot about rocketry non-program actions.
1) We desperately need power, and we need steel. Autogeneration would give us only 46 power total, which is not enough to accomodate power-hungry petrogas industries. Therefore, we absolutely require one more coal stage. I assume we wouldn't need more than one stage, so only 3 dice. These may not finish, but I'm building plan such that all energy consumption would kick in next turn. Also rapid ramp up of generation would require reinforcing grid sooner than anticipated.

2) On steel I choose Karaganda partly because I want to develop Kazakhstan, but also because costlier action would be more difficult to push through in later, leaner turns. In contrast, we could one-turn modernizations whenever we would run out of steel in future, unlike 400 progress new foundry.
3) Reactor action works like dams of former plans - we invest some initial amount and building starts now. Therefore 1 die is sufficient this turn, then we build Perm MMK and finish the action with discount.
4) LCI is building up cracking, which would give us money and is important besides, and various gas projects - pointedly not finishing, to finish them next turn.
I didn't think about reforms yet, posting economical part of plan now. Focus is probably not needed this turn though.
Also 5 dice in HI is confirmed to be a mistake on Blackstar's part.
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Umm, it seems the Moscow Rocket Plant is no longer on our action list? Nor is manual coal.

3) Reactor action works like dams of former plans - we invest some initial amount and building starts now. Therefore 1 die is sufficient this turn, then we build Perm MMK and finish the action with discount.
Is that confirmation from Blackstar somewhere? the "5 year lead time" message is ambiguous whether or not we need full funding so I'm hesitant to slow-roll it without confirmation. @Blackstar ?

Thanks for the insight on Karaganda though. Yeah, let's get that quick.
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one dice per turn is tempting but it's a whopping 120 RpD and I worry we'll be too tempted to neglect it during the leaner turns later.
I'm not really worried about not finishing reactor once it's started. Even if we do have a history of neglecting started actions (shipyards, bus plant) ticking clock is a powerful psychological motivator to finish it.
Moscow is deliberately not there as the program is re-organizing towards a split in civilian and military development. Further plant options will be offered next turn once the split is completed/formalized and you loot what you loot from the military. Manual coal is not an option immediately due to coal import and price balances, again, you need a turn to sort out major economic re-organizations.
OK now that QM has clarified, here's an updated proto-plan
I've figured we should get the next stage of grind linkage quick since it specifically mentions sites for power plants, so I'm putting 2 dice on it and think we should keep that up until it's done.
Put the reactor down to 1 die and in exchange outright completed the ZIL plant, also started Karaganda per Matvprok's suggestion.
LcI is similar to before, half-completes a bunch of stuff, also decide to drop computers to 1 die, if it doesn't finish a 6-month delay is not horrible.

-[]2470/5135 Resources (2665 Reserve), 36 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (6/5 Dice, 460 R)
-[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 3), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Expansion of the Unified Grid(Stage 5), 2 Dice (140 R)
Heavy Industry (10/5 Dice, 900 R)
-[]Karaganda Steel Mill Construction, 3 Dice (300 R)
-[]Perm MMK(Stage 1), 3 Dice (180 R)
-[]Test Reactor Complex Construction, 1 Dice (120 R)
-[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 3 Dice (300 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Determine the Next Launcher, 1 Dice
-[]Manned Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]R7M-PKA Program, 1 Dice
Light and Chemical Industry (10/8 Dice, 730 R)
-[]Modernization of Oil Fields, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Oil Cracking Plants, 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 1), 2 Dice (80 R)
-[]Computing Plants Modernization, 1 Dice (120 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 260 R)
-[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 7), 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Foundation of SOEs in the Virgin Land Belt, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Continued Infrastructural Development, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/2 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, 0 R)

for Bureau... I'm thinking one dice on the trade issue so our people don't complain we're exporting what little consoom we have and putting the other 4 dice on OKBs and Army-Funding transfers to break up the army bureaucratic hold. Could move the trade die to Coalitional Alignments maybe, though.
Any reason for doing Karaganda over the modernizations? They'll likely cost less both in resources and indicators while giving more steel
Any reason for doing Karaganda over the modernizations? They'll likely cost less both in resources and indicators while giving more steel
I means a major industry is created in that region instead of piling development into existing sites, certainly in terms of raw steel metrics it's worse but it's redeeming factor is distribution and effects on the local economy.
I'd strongly encourage consistent low level spending on both roads and grid modernization. I'm not asking to break the bank, but continuing to throw a single dice at those projects each turn will massively reduce the chances of backsliding or institutional experience loss from becoming major issues.
Just a reminder, we were in the middle of doing the following projects last turn:
-TV plants
-Computer plants
-Virgin land
-Continued infra

Probably shouldn't leave these projects hanging.
[] Plan Preliminary Draft v2
-[]1235+3900 Resources (2785 Reserve), 32+3+5 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (6/5 Dice, 400 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 5), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Expansion of the Unified Grid(Stage 5), 2 Dice (150 R)
Heavy Industry (11/8 Dice, 920 R)
-[]Karaganda Steel Mill Construction, 3 Dice (300 R)
-[]Perm MMK(Stage 1), 4 Dice (240 R)
-[]Test Reactor Complex Construction, 1 Dice (120 R)
-[]Expansion of the Automotive Plants(VAZ), 1 Dice (100 R)
-[]Bus Plants(Lviv), 2 Dice (160 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice)
-[]Determine the Next Launcher, 1 Dice
-[]Manned Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]R7M-PKA Program, 1 Dice
Light and Chemical Industry (9/8 Dice, 630 R)
-[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 1), 1 Dice (30 R)
-[]Samara Refinery Complex (Stage 1), 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Modernization of Oil Fields, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Oil Cracking Plants, 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Computing Plants Modernization, 1 Dice (120 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 260 R)
-[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 7), 3 Dice (150 R)
-[]Foundation of SOE's in the Virgin Land Belt, 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Continued Infrastructural Development, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/2 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (5/5 Dice)
-[]Remove Worker-Compensation Limits, 1 Dice
-[]Break open the Army OKBs, 2 Dice
-[]Start Army-Funding Transfers, 1 Dice
-[]Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 Dice
Fixed my plan. Lvov plant is a bit problematic, since finishing it brings us to 0 total steel and I'm not sure whether that means infra prices hike - if it does I'll change into 1 dice Lvov and 1 dice Riga.
Edit: I'll also warn against obvious overflows like 3 dice on ZIL plant and especially 2 dice on virgin land SoE (it's mere 77 progress left).
Edit 2: added reforms.
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[] Plan Preliminary Draft v2
-[]1235+3900 Resources (2785 Reserve), 35+X Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (6/5 Dice, 400 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 5), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Expansion of the Unified Grid(Stage 5), 2 Dice (150 R)
Heavy Industry (11/8 Dice, 920 R)
-[]Karaganda Steel Mill Construction, 3 Dice (300 R)
-[]Perm MMK(Stage 1), 4 Dice (240 R)
-[]Test Reactor Complex Construction, 1 Dice (120 R)
-[]Expansion of the Automotive Plants(VAZ), 1 Dice (100 R)
-[]Bus Plants(Lviv), 2 Dice (160 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice)
-[]Determine the Next Launcher, 1 Dice
-[]Manned Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]R7M-PKA Program, 1 Dice
Light and Chemical Industry (9/8 Dice, 630 R)
-[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 1), 1 Dice (30 R)
-[]Samara Refinery Complex (Stage 1), 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Modernization of Oil Fields, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Oil Cracking Plants, 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Computing Plants Modernization, 1 Dice (120 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 260 R)
-[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 7), 3 Dice (150 R)
-[]Foundation of SOE's in the Virgin Land Belt, 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Continued Infrastructural Development, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/2 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (X/5 Dice)
-[]Reforms to be discussed
Fixed my plan. Lvov plant is a bit problematic, since finishing it brings us to 0 total steel and I'm not sure whether that means infra prices hike - if it does I'll change into 1 dice Lvov and 1 dice Riga.
Edit: I'll also warn against obvious overflows like 3 dice on ZIL plant and especially 2 dice on virgin land SoE (it's mere 77 progress left).
Can we get a dice on TV plants and Sports to keep them going? Sports will finish in one turn anyway.
The idea of getting the R7M-PKA and the manned capsule programs side by side is tempting, but we should probably stay balanced and also go for the Luna probes. It wouldn't be great to fall too far behind in these early milestones when we're now seeing the consequences of having done so so far, or to underdevelop scientific and unmanned technologies.

If we don't want to spend more than 3 dice on rocketry this turn (maybe taking one off the passenger rail network in the current plans?), it's probably best to write off R7M-PKA permanently because it's ambitious, a technical dead end, and mainly useful for possibly being quicker than a capsule.
Can we get a dice on TV plants and Sports to keep them going? Sports will finish in one turn anyway.
TVs are energy-expensive (11 power) so I'm not finishing them this turn. On sports, one turn delay wouldn't do anything damaging, and I want to clear one of more expensive actions in one turn, sinking some workforce, unlike sports (remember that by Voznesensky's analysis we need to quickly absorb fired workforce to avoid recession) and getting some Baltic pork.
It's 3 dice to complete water distribution systems, and 6 for the road network, assuming we don't build to a further stage (and I really don't think we can afford to). Add 15 (!) for passenger rail and that's 24 dice locked in on the on-going works. There's also the grid, but we probably will need more than 1 stage there. A lot of our infra dice will be locked in for a while. We can't neglect telecoms though, not only is it useful but The Voz wants his OGAS and he'll fume if he doesn't get it. We'll also want more metros for public transit to save people's legs... oooh boy Infra Hell is not over!

Moscow can wait at least, we won't have resources for that free die anyway. Also, given the HUGE amount of dice rail needs, we probably should have one turn where we focus the department on that project and have Infra do nothing but 6 or 7 dice on rails to speed it a little.

Please finish the Bus Plants first. Those have been waiting for investment since the start of Mal's term.
I wanted to build a bus plant first turn for the income to mitigate the crunch later, and I'm not sure a bus plant will fit into this turn's power budget anyway.

Anyways, another draft. This one keeps our slow-roll infra stuff going, I considered a die on TVs but figured it could survive a turn without progress and completion now would redline our power. I still think we should build a car plant for an early-plan income boost.

[] Plan Voz The Builder
-[]2380/5135 Resources (2755 Reserve), 37 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (7/5 Dice, 510 R)
-[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 3), 2 Dice (160 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 1 Dice (80 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 5), 1 Dice (70 R)
-[]Expansion of the Unified Grid(Stage 5), 2 Dice (140 R)
Heavy Industry (9/8 Dice, 800 R)
-[]Karaganda Steel Mill Construction, 2 Dice (200 R)
-[]Perm MMK(Stage 1), 3 Dice (180 R)
-[]Test Reactor Complex Construction, 1 Dice (120 R)
-[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 3 Dice (300 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Determine the Next Launcher, 1 Dice
-[]Manned Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]R7M-PKA Program, 1 Dice
Light and Chemical Industry (10/8 Dice, 690 R)
-[]Modernization of Oil Fields, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Oil Cracking Plants, 3 Dice (270 R)
-[]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 1), 2 Dice (80 R)
-[]Computing Plants Modernization, 1 Dice (120 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 260 R)
-[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 7), 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Foundation of SOEs in the Virgin Land Belt, 2 Dice (100 R)
-[]Continued Infrastructural Development, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/2 Dice, 120 R)
-[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers, 2 Dice (120 R)
Bureaucracy (5/5 Dice, 0 R)
-[]Break open the Army OKBs, 2 Dice
-[]Start Army-Funding Transfers, 2 Dice
-[]Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 Dice

Reforms are far from final.
TVs are energy-expensive (11 power) so I'm not finishing them this turn. On sports, one turn delay wouldn't do anything damaging, and I want to clear one of more expensive actions in one turn, sinking some workforce, unlike sports (remember that by Voznesensky's analysis we need to quickly absorb fired workforce to avoid recession) and getting some Baltic pork.
The TV plants won't finish with one dice though, you right that it's probably fine to leave sports for a turn but I'd worry about doing that to sensitive machinery like the TV plants.