Turn 61 (January 1st, 1958 - July 1st, 1958): Economic Rearrangement
Resources per Turn(RpT): Base 1860 +365 Trade +190 Private Sector -90 Rocketry -30 Grant Allocations -20 Reserve -1040 Plan Commitments = 1235 with 3900 in storage
The Supreme Soviet has continued to demand more and more development in new rocketry projects, but for the first time in a while, with the split away from the military, dedicated funding towards the maintenance of some smaller programs has been committed. The lower scale of the expected effort is also likely to benefit the general production of far more rockets on more stable technologies. Glushko may be an acerbic annoyance, but his brilliance can be adequately utilized in the areas he specializes in.
Politically the most immediate goal of the space program is to launch a man into orbit using whatever method available as that is the logical next step of everything. The army already has a rocket for their purposes, and Yangel's OKB has effectively been directly transferred to their control with several projects and some funding. Current low-scale production goals themselves are quite suited to the scientific exploration of space, as while it is pure propaganda, it is propaganda that advances our scientific understanding of the universe. The largest question, though is to what extent should the current commitment go, as several projects could be promised in exchange for additional funds.
[]Scientific Focus: Despite the importance of prestige achievements, far more science can be done with an unmanned program for far cheaper. The main goals of the overall program will thus rest in the launch of probes well outside of the earth's gravity, with an audacious mission such as a lunar sample return. Current capabilities are sufficient for such an approach, and it would likely contribute the most to the sciences, but it has its major limitations in a lack of promise and thus a lack of additional funding. (No Funding Changes)
[]Development of Near-Earth Technologies: While the capability to send probes everywhere would be well and good, there is no reason to limit ourselves there. Economic activity in space has been theorized several times, and a number of stations can be launched for both military and civilian purposes. This will focus the program on near-term goals, but as developments will have already been made, a secondary unmanned program will also be initiated. (Additional 50 RpT, Docking in Orbit by 1965, 10 Orbital inhabitants by 1970)
[]Moonshot: Talking of an expectation of a manned moon excursion will raise technical doubts and several broader challenges, but the Union stands ready to attempt it. The Politicians are more than happy to allocate some additional funding towards the development of rockets and their further utilization for a limited manned excursion. In theory, if Korolev is correct, developing the heavy rockets used for this project will enable the completion of several smaller initiatives without issue and for a lower cost. Glushko has even agreed with him, though he has placed more emphasis on a sizeable standardized system. (Additional 100 RpT, Moon Landing by 1970) (Projects Changed)
Free dice to allocate: 5 Dice
Infrastructure: 5 Dice
[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 3): Stalino, Tashkent, and Samara Continued work on the metro systems under fast expanding urban centers is critical to compensate for the lacking transportation situation in other sectors of urban development. Work here will be conducted on a standardized crossed triangular model where it can be done, ensuring the easy transfer of personnel at the spoke stations. These networks are expected to serve hundreds of thousands of passengers and, as they are critically needed, will be constructed partially above ground and with a further rationalization in station design. (80 Resources per dice 2/150) (-3 Electricity) (Pork Project)
[]Moscow Renovation: The capital and more specifically, the rapidly constructed areas of urban growth have been in need of renovation for the last decade. Due to the prioritization of the last leadership and the issues in obtaining sufficient funds though, these projects have been delayed. Taking a new look towards constructing a proper House of Soviets in a modernization of the old plan along with a dedicated building for a number of ministries, work can be moderately sped up all while further developing the city scape. Productivity isn't expected to significantly improve, but new networks of communication and capacity will at least ensure moderate improvements. Residential reconstruction will further assist with this, as far higher capacity units than the broader housing effort indicates will be built at higher localized densities on the metro network, optimizing labor movement. (60 Resources per dice 0/500) (Pork Project) (+1 Free Action)
[]Leningrad Renovation: Home of the revolution and rapidly increasing in size over the last few decades to the point that rapidly constructed moderate density Mikoyan and wartime era housing predominates entire districts. Through a dedicated modernization towards a proper skyline in those areas based on the high-density metro integrated district model, it is possible to significantly improve labor and organizational throughput. Dedicated areas for the organization of the largest enterprises and developmental areas for several critical aspects of the economy will be designated, ensuring that any number of large services projects can have a sufficient degree of bureaucratic space and a rapid flow of labor. This will be accompanied by moderate protective work to ensure that further inclement weather doesn't damage the city. (50 Resources per dice 0/400) (Pork Project)
[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU): Electrification is a fundamental improvement in the transportation of personnel at high speeds, as diesel locomotives are not properly optimized to run at such a pace. Utilizing a number of innovations in rectification and localized drives for passenger units, it is possible to provide similar or better speeds across the HSR network. These new units will require a large-scale modernization and be limited to just serving passengers, but as there is already a network specializing in the task, this optimization is more a question of specialized production. Electrification of the track itself will be done according to a 25kV AC catenary scheme, allowing a reduction in power loss across the vastness of the Union. (80 Resources per Dice 1138/2250) (-16 CI1 Electricity)
[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5): Roads are a critical component of practically all local travel and most broader regional initiatives. To help ongoing development and assist the broader infrastructural network of the Union, the drive towards the construction of paved two-lane regional roads can continue. These routes are not expected to be of particularly high speed or quality, but their mere presence will open millions to new products and practically enable an entire base of small industry and consumers. Their construction will also assist in the further integration of the countryside by improving the rate of inter-relations between it and urban centers. (60 Resources per Dice 323/800)
[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 5): Restarting the overall water effort now that there is a sufficient degree of electricity, the greatest priority has become the supply of clean water to rural homes rather than any form of sewage. Statistically speaking, the use of periodically drained pits for the storage of sewage is a far lesser concern than the utilization of water from wells located near these pits in permeable soils. To that end, the current initiative and the far broader next one will primarily focus on the construction of a massive network of water transportation infrastructure and water storage infrastructure, providing millions with reliable pressurized water. (70 Resources per Dice 169/400) (-9 CI1 Electricity)
[]Expansion of the Unified Grid(Stage 5): Now that power use is steadily climbing across the entire Union, further initiatives towards hardening and expanding the grid are necessary. There is still an acceptable margin of time for them to be initiated, but construction should be continued in order to ensure a smooth overall development of the grid system. The planned expansions so far involve the broadening of local connections along with the preparation of several dedicated sites for the construction of power plants. (70 Resources per Dice 55/500)
[]Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 3): Continued work towards improving phone integration across the Union has continuously yielded massive and beneficial results. Current funding initiatives are already set to bring a telephone into practically every enterprise. Following this, the integration of individuals and businesses can commence, bringing the entire economy into the future. This ease of communication will serve to improve the efficiency of planning, accelerate the feedback loop in both a market and a state-operated context, and maintain the smooth operation of the broader economy. (80 Resources per Dice 74/300) (-8 CI2 Workforce)
[]Agricultural Infrastructural Development: Fundamentally, settlement follows infrastructure and to that end, a series of discrete infrastructural efforts must be undertaken. The development of a single tracked rail line can be initiated along the Ob and Irtush, with a planned closing of the loop crossing between Semipalatinsk and Barnaul, followed by a bypass line directly towards Novosibirsk to connect several smaller towns. These linkages will ensure a steady increase in goods transported all while providing thousands with access to cheaper goods from the factories in the West.. (60 Resources per Dice 0/250)
Heavy Industry 8 Dice
[]Karaganda Steel Mill Construction: The last of the major steel mills and one of the critical facilities for taking advantage of local iron deposits. As the last generation of technologies has already proven itself in other new mills, Karaganda is expected to be a slightly resized version of the massive Kirovy Rog complex. Local coal deposits are already planned to be utilized for the mill, avoiding several of the issues inherent in the transportation of fuel, with the cost of expanding these mines effectively included in the overall project. (100 Resources per Dice 0/400) (Pork Project) (61 CI3 Steel -8 CI1 Electricity -10 CI2 Workforce)
[]Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion: The old steel mill has seen several better days as current practices have failed to properly utilize the vast deposits of iron ore under it. Through the expansion of its old processing halls and the total integration of modern technology, a far cheaper opportunity for industrial development has presented itself. Steel production can be increased using mostly the same workforce, and a constant surplus of tooling can be sent in towards further increasing final metallurgical processing. This will ensure a massive increase in local steel output while saving state resources for other sectors, utilizing just a bare quantity more coal due to process improvements. (120 Resources per Dice 0/200) (79 CI6 Steel -6 CI1 Coal -11 CI1 Electricity 4 CI2 Workforce)
[]Taganrog Metallurgical Plant Expansion: Intensification of steelwork on the critical river estuary will serve to further increase the availability of domestic steel while offering an easy route toward the processing of imported Iron. New converters, harbor facilities, and a massive expansion in the plant will serve to save on the workforce and ensure a continued degree of development. A moderate number of infrastructural and extractive links will have to be constructed to ensure a steady flow of material at the necessary expanded capacity, but overall work is expected to be far easier than modernizing almost any other dedicated plants. (120 Resources per Dice 0/150) (51 CI5 Steel -8 CI1 Coal -12 CI1 Electricity 3 CI2 Workforce)
[]Further Arc Furnace Efforts: Scrap steel utilization has always served as a low-cost methodology for improving steel utilization efficiency in several sectors. The construction of a larger number of newer furnaces along with the modernization of several of older ones will serve to ensure that further improvements can be made in steel production. Energy intensity is expected to remain fairly high through the entire project, but this is a natural consequence of the process and will still be worthwhile relative to the steel yield. (120 Resources per Dice 0/250) (76 CI8 Steel -34 CI6 Electricity -3 CI2 Workforce)
[]Coal Mine Modernization: The coal industry is obsolescent and frankly inefficient for what it does. It may be well and good to spend a minimal quantity of resources on miners that aren't producing much, but the losses in experienced personnel make such an approach wasteful. Instead of continuing to rely on the constant rotation of new cadres into the mining system, a broad modernization of coal mines towards a minimum standard of dust suppression, mechanization, and ventilation can be initiated in parallel with dedicated technical university classes for miners. Both initiatives are expected to significantly cut down casualties in the next five years while serving to build and preserve the experienced core of high-productivity miners. (60 Resources per dice 51/350) (52 CI5 Coal 11 CI1 Workforce) (Rail Transport Stressor)
[]Tikhvin/Severouralsk MMK(Stage 1): With the increase in industrial utilization of Aluminum across all sectors and the considerable demand for ore in the civilian sector, it is time to properly develop several novel extraction complexes. Most of the involved funding and labor is expected to go towards the expansion and construction of initial mining infrastructure, but later efforts will focus primarily on expanding electrolysis capabilities. (80 Resources per Dice 0/150) (17 CI2 Aluminum -36 CI5 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)
[]Perm MMK(Stage 1): The Perm mining basin is a massive resource basin that is just waiting to be properly exploited. While several efforts over the region are already underway, the commitment of a massive quantity of funding along with skilled personnel and heavy machinery will serve to greatly improve extraction and lower overall mineral prices. These investments are also expected to improve job quality in the mining industry, as more modern equipment is expected to be orders of magnitude safer than the mix of currently used machinery. (60 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-16 CI3 Electricity -24 CI5 Workforce) (Resource Gain) (Cuts Option Prices) (Rail Transport Stressor)
[]Test Reactor Complex Construction: Now that much of the fundamental technology has been proven in the newly constructed VVER-50 core, a pair of new power stations are planned based on larger versions of the same technology. The current plan is for the construction of two complexes each set to contain a series of two VVER-300 reactors based on the original design. Both will serve to improve the local power accessibility in Perm and Chita while also ensuring that coal heating there can be rotated out thanks to the utilization of the external cooling loop. Both plants are, however, expected to be considerably more expensive than any other power source, but their construction is expected to fund several development programs. The new plants are also expected to have a considerably higher capacity factor than conventional coal power ensuring a far steadier supply while minimizing grid load. (120 Resources per dice 0/180) (22 CI1 Electricity 9 CI4 Coal -2 CI1 Workforce) (5 Year Lead Time) (Accelerates Nuclear Development)
[]New Automotive Plants(Ulyanovsk/Zaporozhye): More automotive production has practically been a direct translation towards growth in the export balance and domestic economic growth. Automobiles form a consumer product that the unique advantages of the Union further enhance the production of, enabling the planned massive steel surplus to go towards productive ends and workers across CMEA. By developing each of these plants a genuinely wide selection of automobiles can be presented to every worker in the Union, allowing them to have a degree of choice and hopefully eventually lowering prices and profitability ratios to a reasonable level. (80 Resources per Dice 0/225) (-24 CI2 Steel -11 CI2 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce)
[]Expansion of the Automotive Plants(GAZ/VAZ): Both the Gorky and the Volga automotive plants are excellent targets for mass expansion in order to close the gap towards the needed consumer goods targets. The managers there have already initiated large-scale extensive expansions of the production lines, but further efforts can be undertaken to improve output. Incremental improvements to the current models can be broken away from in favor of the integration of a number of novel features, ensuring an adequate degree of foreign market utilization. Novel engine improvements can also be made on the production line, further improving throughput. (100 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-40 CI3 Steel -12 CI2 Electricity -9 CI1 Workforce)
[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant: The recently renamed Likhachov plant has long served to produce vehicles for the party, and it is time to further expand it. The pressing market for higher-end automobiles for both domestic consumption and export has so far been underutilized, and it is time for it to be properly established. By producing a sports car along with a number of sportier modernizations of conventional products, a high markup good can be made for domestic and foreign utilization. A number of models will also go towards a recreational workers racing league, with a harsh limitation on budgets and personnel, eliminating the bourgeois character of the sport. (100 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-12 CI2 Steel -6 CI2 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)
[]Bus Plants(Riga/Lviv): Demand for buses across urban transportation is as dire as it ever has been, as every size is needed to ensure that workers can be transported to their jobs and towards commercial zones. The currently proposed plant is more expected to fill the demand for light busses and several models of lighter service vehicles, but as it and its previously constructed sister plant accelerate in production, it should be more than possible to catch up with the current shortfalls. (80 Resources per Dice 0/225) (-25 CI2 Steel -10 CI2 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce)
Rocketry 3 Dice
[]Cancel Project
-High-Efficiency Engines (-15 RpT) (See T58R) (Finished H1 1960)
-Staged Combustion (-10 RpT) (See T58R) (Finished ??)
-Large Combustion Chamber Tests (-10 RpT) (See T53R) (Finished H1 1960)
-Alloy Development (-10 RpT) (See T53R) (Finished H1 1964)
-Sputnik Program (-25 RpT) (See T54R) (Finishing)
-PKA Program (-20 RpT) (See T55R, T60) (Finished ??)
[]Determine the Next Launcher: The R7M is a perfectly functional launcher, but it is one that has been superseded by a number of current technologies and even in its quad core configuration it has been found to be lacking. The new engines under development by Glusko and Korolev both have promise for different stages, and the construction of a dedicated plant for the new rocket will enable a radical redesign of the old formula, with several improvements in metallurgy and design theory. (1 Dice) (Subvote)
[]R7M Interplanetary Boost Stage: The construction of a dedicated third stage on a small sustainer engine should be capable of launching a number of interplanetary payloads without too much difficulty. This wouldn't allow for at all sizable payloads to be used, but it will be more than capable of achieving a number of prestigious firsts. (1 Dice) (Expected Project Cost 5RpT)
[]Start Luna-Probes: Sputnik-type probes are more than mature enough for their utilization for single-way missions around the moon. By stripping out the re-entry equipment and launching with a quad-core R7M configuration with an extended second stage, basic impactors and flybys will be available on a rushed time frame. (1 Dice) (Subvote)
[]Adapt Sputnik Capsules: While not suited for manned utilization in the slightest, a small cosmonaut can be placed into a remodeled compartment and theoretically sent into orbit with a recovery. This would be one of the least comfortable rides possible and practically require an independent parachute landing to maintain any degree of safety, but it is theoretically possible, and, most importantly fast. (1 Dice) (Expected Project Cost 10RpT)
[]Manned Capsule Program: The R7M, in its maximal configuration, can launch a heavier proper capsule into orbit with a far greater degree of safety than using the same system for a man as for a dog. This will involve a stricter testing regime for the R7 system itself, but it will also enable it to easily reach a number of targets previously thought to be non-viable. (1 Dice) (Expected Project Cost 20RpT)
[]R7M-PKA Program: The PKA program is far further along than anything new, and is capable of a controlled orbital descent in theory. By doing a radical restructuring of the R7M launcher and adding the PKA in line as a third stage, it should be possible to do an orbital excursion without anything new being created. The risks involved are also more studied, and there are already experienced pilots willing to make the flight. (1 Dice) (Expected Project Cost 20RpT)
Light and Chemical Industry 8 Dice
[]Modernization of Oil Fields: The Union is currently in possession of a massive number of petrochemical projects that are effectively still using technologies designed in the 1940s. To amend this, a harsh modernization program can be initiated to ensure the efficient and total extraction of available oil reserves. Such a move with a degree of political selection will also ensure that the managers that were spared in the abortive anti-corruption effort can be buried by the market mechanism, lacking the capital or parts available to undergo such modernizations. Sure some may somehow manage, but it is expected that many will fail to or force massive cost overruns as they bid on the scraps of equipment not being utilized in the plan. (50 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-12 CI2 Electricity +3 CI1 Workforce) (2 Gas Projects)
[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 1): As the larger, West Siberian basin has already been tapped, the focus has steadily shifted towards the Volga-Ural petrochemical basin. While the site isn't the most optimal for oil extraction, it is a decent heavy oil and gas basin. Production will never be the greatest, but the favorable location to the planned refining complex should ensure that prices can remain competitive relative to the larger basins. (30 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-4 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)
[]Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 1): With the recent development of rail infrastructure around the Guryev rail hub, the development of the local oil basin is only rational. This basin is capable of both gas and oil production and is relatively local to the proposed refinery complex, offering lighter oil fractions instead of the fairly heavy crude of the northern basins. Efforts here already have the infrastructure to support them and would enable a considerable increase in the production of relevant fuel fractions with minimal cracking. (30 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-4 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)
[]Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 1): With the planned location of both of the oil fields, a centralized refinery complex is both sensible and optimal. This complex is planned to be located in Samara, as it provides a centralized location that can easily link into any of the rail networks and is near a number of junctions in the overall pipeline network. The technology that will go into the facility will likely not be the best available, but it should be functional and reliable. (50 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-15 CI1 Electricity -5 CI1 Workforce) (Supports Stage 1 Pre-Caspian and Volga-Ural 2 Gas Projects When done with both)
[]Oil Cracking Plants: Modernizations to the industrial infrastructure for the petrochemical industry initiated under Malenkov have had several beneficial results in the quality of proposals. Instead of practically repeating the old systems that were constructed during the war, new fluid catalytic cracking units can be built, driving efficiency to previously unheard-of levels. This unit will enable a far more complete recovery of the current petrochemical production while also ensuring that a steady improvement in the overall quality of fuel can occur. While not a true removal of lead from utilization in automobile fuel, the favorable composition of gasoline enhanced with cracking products will increase base octane, cutting down lead use significantly. (90 Resources per Dice 0/400) (-41 CI4 Electricity -10 CI1 Workforce) (1 Gas Projects)
[]District Gas Heating(Stage 1 of 3): Committing to a mass replacement of coal heating in favor of new gas systems will help with reducing costs for the state and will further improve urban air quality. Simultaneously, the utilization of gas will continue to compensate for the domestic demand for coal, allowing the import balance to equalize, improving the domestic power to buy goods across CMEA and increasing availability in most areas. These changes in heating mechanisms are in practice a cheap changeover that can help millions of workers, especially once they are mostly completed. (60 Resources per Dice 0/75) (13 CI3 Coal 1 Workforce) (1 Additional Gas Project Required)
[]Plastic Production(Stage 4): Plastics represent a critical component of the necessary system of feedstock production for the broader consumer goods industry. The further increase in the output of novel polymers and modernization of the older plants towards new and cheaper compositions of plastic will ensure that far more can be produced and provided to other plants, yielding a consistent degree of growth. While the more recently built plants are more than capable of modernizing themselves, the oldest ones that need restructuring according to the profitability cutoffs will be modernized as a part of this project, ensuring a continuation of high economic yields. (60 Resources per Dice 89/310) (-31 CI3 Electricity -7 CI1 Workforce)
[]Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5): Now that more reliable and safer to utilize organophosphate and sulfonylurea pesticides are available and technologically proven, it is time to modernize the industry and start the move away from DDT. The next generation of chemical compounds is expected to serve a massively expanded number of roles, minimize the biological accumulation of chemicals in food, and further improve yields through a greater degree of control over the growing environment. The current stage has effectively been expanded into an industry-wide modernization campaign, ensuring a plentiful supply of next-generation agents for all current and near-future agricultural works. (80 Resources per Dice 74/475) (-33 CI2 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce)
[]Fertilizer Plants(Stage 4/5): High-intensity production of several types of fertilizers are required in order to fulfill the target for already utilized agriculture and continue the current expansion of land under cultivation. It may not be possible to become an economy where the agricultural sector is not a drain on state funds, but a continued shift towards cheaper nutrition can only serve to benefit the workers. Nitrogen-fixing apparatuses will be modernized and continuously improved along with a number of vertical layout improvements that were developed in the petrochemical sector being implemented at all levels. (60 Resources per Dice 36/560) (-46 CI3 Electricity -7 CI1 Workforce)
[]Television Production Plants(Stage 3): Rationalized high throughput television models are far more likely to serve the bulk of workers instead of a focus on fewer, more expensive units. By consolidating production towards a black and white model that is easy to produce in massive numbers, considerable gains can be made in throughput. These plants will be practically constructed to ship out as many mid-grade televisions as possible, but that will more than serve to meet current consumptive demand. (80 Resources per Dice 88/200) (-11 CI3 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce) (Pork Project)
[]Kitchenware Plants: New stoves, utensils, and practically every other good is needed in order to saturate consumptive demand in those sectors. Taking lessons from private sector attempts at production, the demand can be modeled and met through dedicated state sector investments. A new standardized gas stove in several sizes can be pushed into production to improve the efficiency of cooking along with new cookware coated in a novel polymer so as to make it far easier to clean. Several automated machines for the washing of dishes can also be pushed into production, ensuring that further home labor savings can drive higher female employment in other sectors. (60 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-9 CI3 Electricity -8 CI1 Workforce)
[]Chemicalization of Alcohol Production: The demand for lighter drinks that are sold at food distribution points rather than stronger brews has shifted the entire sector around and left it more able to be optimized by chemical production methodologies. The production of low alcohol derivative brews from grains, honey, fruit and grapes can be improved in quantity and quality. Licensed ultrasonic cleaning methodologies from the Americans can also be applied towards flavor enhancement, enabling a similar profile of general taste to that of aged products, saving time and enabling a greater markup and alcohol tax turnover. (50 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-12 CI3 Electricity -7 CI1 Workforce)
[]Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 1): There are thousands of cosmetic and otherwise useless goods for which there exists a considerable consumptive demand. This will be met in areas where private sector markups will be utilized as a practical assessment tool towards determining the viability of several market segments, followed by the development of a series of small dedicated state enterprises in those areas to provide variety. These efforts will take time to ensure that recognition for luxury products can be developed, but over time the enterprises made here will be some of the most profitable in the Union. (40 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-5 CI3 Electricity -2 CI1 Workforce)
[]Computing Plants Modernization: Transistorization represents the next jump in computing efficiency in a number of roles, and it would serve to remember the sheer utility of computational developments. More compact units can enable individual enterprises to coordinate their production at an acceptable power cost, ensuring rapid economic development. Research laboratories can also further benefit from smaller units, allowing a capability improvement at all levels while severely cutting costs. (120 Resources per Dice 41/150) (-6 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)
Agriculture 5 Dice
[]Expansions of Factory Farming(Stage 8): Milk is a core constituent of several domestic diets, and its production must be augmented and universalized to ensure a sufficient consumptive supply. While this will involve several reproductions of the conventional feed lot system for efficient cattle farming, the unique challenges of getting cattle to produce high quantities of meat will incur some efficiency limitations. So far, the proposed project will develop a number of new enterprises for the supply of local milk and milk products while further enhancing the beef supply industry. (50 Resources per Dice 58/450) (-14 CI1 Electricity -8 CI1 Workforce) (Pork Project)
[]Housing Expansions: The previous proposal for the development of new cities has some merit, but its approach is suboptimal in the extreme. Instead of completely rebuilding areas so as to bring them into modernity, the core services can be constructed in town centers along with a series of medium-density residences. These will subsequently ensure that the population will slowly be pulled towards them due to the greater efficiency of services, enabling all forms of enterprise to further utilize these workers, ensuring a steady degree of economic growth. (45 Resources per Dice 0/285) (Increased Rural Migration)
[]Foundation of SOEs in the Virgin Land Belt: The large enterprises are practically an arm of the government, and while the opportunity exists, it is prudent to enable new ones to begin the optimized exploitation of the Virgin lands. Some farmers will subsequently be displaced and likely moved to more conventional working arrangements with the enterprises, but this will ensure that land is rapidly and completely brought into use rather than the current model of poorly mechanized and connected family farms. (50 Resources per Dice 123/200) (Time Sensitive) (Increases Agricultural Profitability)
[]Continued Infrastructural Development: As more infrastructure is developed in the Virgin land area, the fundamental issue is that there is a dire need for more transportation to link into it. This can be solved through the creation of several large trucking enterprises, allowing properly organized transportation to be utilized by farmers instead of relying on the current bevy of cooperative and private organizations. These small organizations will also receive a number of tax incentives for the modernization of their trucking capacity, further improving throughput and increasing agricultural efficiency. (60 Resources per Dice 172/200) (Decreased Rural Migration) (Increases Agricultural Profitability)
Services 2 Dice
[]Film Studio Formation (Stage 3): Despite Malenkov's best efforts, the simple transfer of personnel to the film industry hasn't produced a significant quantity of quality work. To amend this, and to fix the already constructed studios, properly trained personnel with popular productions can be brought onboard any junior studio as senior consulting staff. As the industry is expanded further, eventually, these personnel will stop being necessary, but for now, the sheer inexperience and rapid expansion have led to a general lack of directing talent but a plentiful degree of mechanical talent. As the final stage of expansions is completed, the industry is expected to only improve and possibly even be competitive outside of the Union. (60 Resources per Dice 27/150) (-8 CI1 Workforce)
[]Television Station Development(Stage 3): Building more stations is a useful utilization of creative potential and one that can further augment the distribution of new television units towards the general population. While there will be some learning delays in determining the types of programming that the people primarily consume, it should easily be possible to continue an intensification and saturate a number of standardized channels, allowing everyone with a television to receive news and watch slightly older films. (80 Resources per Dice 48/175) (-9 CI2 Workforce -10 CI3 Electricity)
[]Sports Programs(Stage 4): Population health is a multifaceted endeavor and one that needs to be focused on to ensure it can continue improving. The previous initiatives towards expanding sports access have already managed to significantly improve the number of facilities each worker has access to for leisure, but now that that segment is completed, the overall industry can be focused on entertainment. To accommodate the steadily improving team sports leagues, a series of large stadiums can be commissioned and equipped with the latest in broadcasting equipment, bringing large games to any television. (20 Resources per Dice 246/300)
[]State Retail Renovation: The development of a series of smaller stores and larger state retail enterprises is set to help the economy by providing a parallel to the multitude of private counterparts. Small restaurants will be constructed with a number of standardized enterprises, along with a number of small-scale specialty distributors specializing in certain goods. These will not be the most profitable of investments that can be made, but given the lack of state sector penetration into low-level commercial activity, these are investments that must be maintained to ensure a minimal degree of capability loss. (30 Resources per Dice 98/500) (-5 CI3 Electricity -16 CI2 Workforce)
[]Baltic Sea Tourist Centers: Strictly suboptimal from the perspective of end-user experiences and cost invested relative to other locations, the lack of high-speed transportation has pushed forth the development of the Baltic tourism industry. As the location will be comparatively local for those in the Baltic SSRs along with areas of the Belorussian SSR and the RSFSR, it is expected that lower-income workers will be the primary utilization base for this system. Higher-income tourists are likely to still go towards Greece or more exotic destinations, but sheer numbers can compensate for conventional spending. (60 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-6 CI2 Workforce) (Pork Project)
Bureaucracy 5 Dice (No Free Dice can be Used)
[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(): By committing additional time towards personally organizing an initiative and going over a number of heads, it should be possible to bypass the political imbeciles that are tragically still present in the middle rungs of leadership. (1 Bureau Dice for +10 per dice on a project)
[]Enable Worker Initiative: The workers have long been limited by either an excess of bureaucratization or an excessive degree of managerial dictatorship. Instead to better optimize the utilization of the limited capabilities of the vanguard party and better enhance the labor-efficiency of the workers themselves several changes can be made towards the formation of independent collectives. Instead of the previous bureaucratization mandated at all levels, they can instead be held to a looser standard as simple associations of workers. Effectively saving an immeasurable quantity of labor on the part of the vanguard that can better be directed towards the commanding economic heights. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
[]Solve the Trade Issue Again: Current outpours of consumer goods are going to hit the domestic sector until a proper stabilization of currency balances occurs. While the production of more currency can theoretically be accomplished as a part of Gosbank policy through the use of debt financing, such policies are not sustainable. Instead, trade can continue to be re-factored to enable the cheap purchase of goods across CMEA using the current currency structure to a maximal degree of advantage. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
[]Remove Worker-Compensation Limits: The old policy of steadily reducing worker compensations has led to an unimaginable amount of misery and unrest, and has disadvantaged the Soviet worker when it comes to the acquisition of foreign goods. As inflation has been acceptably managed at the current state there is no reason not to allow the organic motion of worker compensation. As compensation would be improved, to maintain supplies without significant price elevation, some form of foreign exchange will have to be opened to minimize overall unrest, but it should be manageable. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
[]Ministry-Party Reorganizations: The challenging political circumstances of our time have caused a certain degree of problems in the very bureaucracy that operates the state. As the bureaucratic personnel have become distant from the proletariat, they have formed a practical new bourgeois, more concerned with their own advancement rather than with the development of Socialism. To these ends, we can initiate a planned series of demotions to several officials that have otherwise opposed our decisive course, ensuring the smooth functioning of the ministry while returning it to its inherently proletarian character. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Internal Reform)
[]Break open the Army OKBs: The sheer degree of research classification has continued to be a problem in every sector as the army has jealously guarded what it has developed internally. By utilizing economic arguments and the current crisis as a justification, it should be possible to allow for the broad-scale utilization of most civilian and non-pure military developments by a number of enterprises. Some in the Supreme Soviet may be dissatisfied at taking too much from the military, but with prioritization, it should be possible to finally crack open the ministry of defense. (1 or 2 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
[]Start Army-Funding Transfers: Capturing the funding directly will enable the transfer of material and funds towards state enterprises while starting to starve dedicated military enterprises of capital. This will likely reduce the modernization time table and impact a number of modernization programs, but it will allow a considerable expansion of funding at all levels, ensuring a continuation in economic development and a prompt conclusion to the current economic problems. (1 or 2 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
[]Strike at the Bureaucratic-Army Structures: Directly striking at the army's plants would be the one most challenging to argue to the politicians, but the current economic disruption presents a perfect excuse. By civilianizing a number of factories, a lot of the bureaucratic base of the military can be cut out from under it while further reducing resources allocated towards it. This will be slightly inefficient as some transferred capacity will be wasted, but the army has more than enough funds for everything. (1 or 2 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
[]Determine Coalitional Alignments: The current supreme Soviet may have just been re-seated, but already the closed-door debates have intensified. By taking time to personally discuss with a number of influential bureaus and members, it should be possible to obtain a general idea of the exact state of the various blocks that are present. The current poorly organized diaspora will only serve to ensure that the ministry cannot operate with a proper idea for political margin, limiting capabilities at all levels. (1 or 2 Dice)
Current Economic States: (Trade Balance Driven by Opening, Currency Balance will severely Change the numbers next turn. )
Coal: -134 CI6 (-70 RpT, Large Net Import, High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices)
Aluminum: 10 CI4 (5 RpT, Net Export, Moderate Cross Border Volume, High Prices)
Steel: 39 CI3 (10 RpT, Net Export, Moderate Cross Border Volume, Medium Prices)
Electricity: 3 CI8 (Insufficient Infra for Trade)
Food: -30 RpT, Large Net Export, High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices, Subsidized
Oil: 120 RpT, Large Net Export, High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices
Medications: 80 RpT, Large Net Export, Moderate Cross Border Volume, Medium Prices
Consumer Goods: 110 RpT, Net Export, Very High Cross Border Volume, High Prices
Plan Effects:
Housing Construction Efforts: (-7 Infra Dice -420RpT Modified by Steel Prices) (Reduction in Communal and Barracks Housing Forms to 10% of adult non-student population by 1965)
Hydroelectric Power: (-2 Infra Dice -120 RpT (15(+5 per year) Electricity per Turn) (Conventional Dams Done, Upper Lena, Upper Yenisei, Lower Irtush, and Upper Ob Cascades Opened for the 8th Plan)
Power Plant Construction(CCGT): (-2 LCI Dice -240 RpT) (56 Electricity -2 Workforce per Turn) (Pipelines Stage 4 Required by 1962) (4 Gas development projects by 1960)
Rural Modernization Programs: (-1 Agri Dice -80 RpT) (Stage 5 by 1965) (+4 Workforce a Turn)
Healthcare Expansion: (-2 Services Dice -120 RpT) (Completes up to Stage 6 and Modernizations) (-3 Manpower a Turn)
Education Expansion: (-2 Services Dice -60 RpT) (Completes Stage 7 Polytechnic, Completes Stage 3 Sociological, Completes Stage 4 Economical, Starts Secondary Schooling Expansion) (Cuts Workforce Expansion by ~1/4) (Delays Full Boomer Utilization until 1966)
State of the Workforce:
Labor Reserve: 34
Prison Reserve: 20 RpT Cost
12 CI3 Net Men Entering the Workforce
11 CI2 Net Women Entering the Workforce
14 CI6 Movement from Rural Areas
20 CI5 Restructuring (Accelerating)
20 CI3 Enterprises Slimming Down (Ends in 1960)
Foreign Labor Added to System:
Civilian Sector Demand Changes:
(30 RpT Grant Allocations)
Coal: 10 CI3
Aluminum: 7 CI2
Steel: -14 CI5
Electricity: -25 CI4
Workforce: 13 CI5
Projected Military Demand Changes:
24-Hour Moratorium(Minister updates/paperwork will take some time, sorry)
Edit: HI dice fixed