As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

Part 18: Promises Made.
Part 18: Promises Made.

Diplomacy Training Roll:1D100 => 50+10(Traits)+10(Master linguist)=70

Language Learned: Pentosi

Your continued Study of language has made you an even better linguist, however, not a better diplomat.

Reward: Pentosi learned. One more language away from getting Master linguist Trait.

-[X]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship. Rolled: 1D100 => 61+30=91

Ser Gerold made sure you were going to be a better swordsman than Tywin.

That was not a hard thing to say, but it took months of training to pull of.

Reward: You are now a skilled fighter

-[X]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Rolled:1D100 => 7+30=37

Unfortunately, Ser Gerold could not train you in the art of Command… something about needing to guard the king on a visit to his brother on the Wall.


-[X]Train in Administration (Stewardship): You need to be a good lord. And that means being able to handle coin. Rolled:1D100 => 95+10=105

You continued to excel in your studies in administration, enough to where Tywin is starting to make sense.

Reward: You are now a Master Administrator.

-[X]Spend time with Steffon: Steffon the Brave he is being called. He likes it far too much. Rolled: 1D100 => 29+10=39

Steffon was in the practice yard, drilling with Ser Duncan. It was a sight to behold… However, you could not watch for long, as Steffon challenged you to a duel to test your skills.

You lost in less than a heartbeat, as you were tripped and beaten. Badly

Failure: You were humiliated by Steffon in a practice duel.

-[X]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… devoting himself to his studies... best to see how he is doing. Rolled:1D100 => 39+10=49

Aerys looked like he wanted to tell you something, but when he saw you again, he scampered away like a rat.


-[X]Spend time with Rhaella: she is your friend and loves reading… maybe… wait, she wants you to help her find a book? Rolled:1D100 => 100+10=110

Rhaella came to you carrying the book you were going to help her find.

"Oh… you found it." You said with surprise.

"I did." She replied before her face turned scarlet. "Could you come with me Arstan?" She asked.

You shrugged but begrudgingly followed her across the Red keep. Towards the sleeping chambers.

You arrived in her room, where she slept and she sat you down. "My father told me about our Betrothal and I'm very… hesitant."

Hesitant "for what reasons?" You asked. "We both know we are little more than pawns in this game our lives have been subjected to, and we both know we have little choice until we take power for our own." It was a cycle… an endless cycle, one could say.

Raehlla was swaying her hips in a way you never really noticed, and it was… arousing. "Um.." You stated.

"I just want a choice in the whole thing. I don't want to be told to do anything anymore, not without my consent, or at least my knowledge anymore." She said.

"And what does that have to do with me?" You asked.

"I just… want to have control." She said. "Could you stay with me tonight?"

What do you do:
[]Agree with her Wish: "Alright, I'll stay."
[]Do not Agree: "This isn't appropriate Raehlla."
[]Be Bold: *Kiss her* "Whatever happens, we shall have to learn to trust each other."

What do you look like now:
[]Instert Image here.

What do you do:
Choose 6 Actions

[]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship.

[]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

[]Train in Administration (Stewardship): You need to be a good lord. And that means being able to handle coin.

[]Knightly Virtue: You will change the knights into what they were supposed to be.

[]Go to the Library: You want to read some books.

[]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why the hell his Master of Whispers missed that plot.

[]Spend time with Joanna: The Other Lannister was much more... social, less cold and calculating.

[]Spend time with Rhaella: she is your friend and loves reading… maybe… wait, she wants you to help her find a book?

[]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl has that idea she wants to tell you about.

[]Spend time with Steffon: Steffon the Brave he is being called. He likes it far too much.

[]Spend time with Tywin: Well, he is certainly an interesting fellow to talk to.

[]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… devoting himself to his studies... best to see how he is doing.

AN: Please, let me update the sheets now with this, please.
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Part 19: Childhood End
Part 19: Childhood End

-[X]Agree with her Wish: "Alright, I'll stay."

You slowly nodded your head. "Alright, I'll stay." You said quietly.

Raehlla looked like she was about to cry as you said those words, and she hugged you. "Thank you Arstan." She whispered.

She didn't let go, as she continued to cry tears of joy. You didn't understand her that well, and could not truly know how she was feeling. But from the way she hugged you, she wanted reassurance, someone she could rely on to listen.

You felt like you could be that person to her.

Reward: Raella feels she can trust you fully now.

Diplomacy Training: 1D100 => 100+10(Traits)+10(Master linguist)=120

Lord Valryreon expected to be teaching you everything he knew. However There was, in fact for you, so much to learn. The subtleties of both languages, culture, and personality were always needed to understand just to know what a person wants to hear.

It started slowly, with noticing verbal tics, a click of the teeth, a sniffle from the nose. Then it went to physical movements, the shifting of the legs, the tapping of a foot, the moving of the jaw.

You learned to see it all in time. In fact, it was easy to tell after a few conversations with a person.

Reward: Rank up Diplomacy to Legendary Rank: You are now one of the greatest diplomats in living memory, and potentially, in History. (You have +50 to diplomacy rolls.)

Language Learned: Lysine.

-[x]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship. Rolled:1D100 => 4+30=34

Ser Gerold was… dealing with Steffon's attitude problems and was rectifying it.

He knew knightly virtues were being taught to him by you and Ser Duncan, but his vigorous humiliation of Steffon was a sight to behold.

Every time Ser Gerold ended the spar, it was with the same move that Steffon ended yours on, a sweep of the knee, and him falling to his back.

And you could not interfere with it, as much as you thought Steffon learned his lesson.

"Why Ser?" He asked as he tried to avoid the onslaught of attacks.

"You brought this on yourself Steffon. We know you have not apologized for your actions, and I will not stop until you either beat me or apologize to my squire. Arstan may have forgiven you Steffon, but Prince Aerys has not. And I am not going to disobey my prince."

"So you're going to humiliate me?" He asked.

"Yes." Ser Gerold replied. "This is a lesson for you. Your rage needs to be controlled, and your anger should never be misplaced on those who are your friends."

In the end, Steffon did give you an apology, in front of the entire court for his actions.

And you accepted it.

Failure in Training, but Steffon did get a taste of humble pie.

-[x]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Rolled:1D100 => 2+30=32

After that… unique punishment for Steffon, Ser Gerold could not find the will to teach you in the ways of command, mostly because, King Aegon requested his presence in many meetings.


-[x]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why the hell his Master of Whispers missed that plot. Rolled:1D100 => 12+10=22

His Grace was a very busy man. Every time you requested an audience, it was met with Ser Duncan shaking his head, and saying sorry. He could not meet with you today.


-[x]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl has that idea she wants to tell you about. Rolled:1D100 => 1+10=14

Nymeria had to leave the court. Her father marrying her off to one of the Daynes of Starfall.


-[x]Spend time with Tywin: Well, he is certainly an interesting fellow to talk to. Rolled:1D100 => 85+10=95

Tywin Lannister was an Enigma. He was hard to read and could be very confusing to listen to.

But tonight he was sitting alone, reading a ledger.

"Arstan." He said your name as you came into his chamber. "Sit," he ordered, speaking not as your friend, but as a lord. "Do you know what this is?" He asked.

"A ledger… one of the Small council's ledgers… that you should not have." You replied.

"You are correct." He stated. "Yet I have it because the king's advisors are lying to him."

You raised an eyebrow. "Lying to him? What reason do you suspect that Tywin?"

"The numbers do not add up correctly." He stated. He then brought you to the ledger, where you saw the numbers. Each of them added to a number… but the numbers added did not make sense.

"It must be a mistake." You said.

"Nothing is ever a mistake in this city," Tywin stated. "There are only fools who fall for it, and the people who perpetrate it. Or the people who want to stop that." He paused. "Would you like to help them stop it?"

You nodded.

The investigation was quick and thorough. You snuck into rooms, stole letters, and heard… troubling rumors.

In the end, the traitors were brought before the king and executed.

Tywin was bitter and cold still, and you never found out why that was.

Until King Aegon announced the Wedding of Joanna Lannister, to Prince Aerys.

Reward: Level up one Rank in Scheming. Tywin and you gain a reputation as an unstoppable investigative force.

King Aegon is very happy with you.

Tywin is the somewhat graceful loser in the love triangle between him, Aerys and Joanna. He remains at the moment, a Bachelor.

-[x]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… devoting himself to his studies... best to see how he is doing. Rolled:1D100 => 81+10= 91

Aerys came to you, and you were… unsure how to feel. Yes, he had made sure Steffon was… humbled and focus his anger and stubbornness elsewhere.

"Why?" You asked.

Aerys said nothing.

"Why?" you said again.

Still nothing. The two of you sat wondering what you were going to do.

"Because he deserved it," Aerys stated. "And he has learned that just because we are friends, it does not excuse his actions, nor does it allow everything to be forgotten. I did not care if you forgave him. I only cared that he be reminded that other people were hurt by him, not just you."

You nodded, but said nothing, allowing him to continue. "Did you know Tywin nearly started a brawl when Steffon was in the dining hall? Did you know that Joanna slapped him several times when he tried to ask for her help? That Nymeria kicked him in his balls? That I, his cousin, refused to speak to him for a week. The king wanted to exile him back to his home in Storms End, but I talked him out of it. Steffon is someone who knows what he did wrong but is too prideful to say it."

"So why give the order to have him beaten by Ser Gerold?" You asked.

"His pride needed to be broken. He needed to understand that there are consequences to his actions." He stated coldly. "You treated him kindly, and that was your mistake."

"I'd rather teach a man about his mistakes so that he has the wisdom to not need to have his pride beaten. I'd rather he waited and came to me to apologize privately." You stated.

"Than you are a fool."

A fool maybe? But I would have been a better friend. I would not abuse my position to get what I want." You stated.

"Than what will you use? Your words?" Aerys asked.

"I'm a sight better than anyone in this court at it… I think I could the king to sleep with a mistress?"

At the joke, both of you laughed. The joke of Aegon having a mistress was quite a funny one, considering his love for his wife.

"Aye.. maybe not this Aegon, but definitely the fourth." The laughter continued.

You needed the laughter. You needed the company.

Aerys stood up and sighed. "In a few months, you may be my good brother… all I ask of you is this: Never separate Rhaella from her books if you can… and try...try to love her."

"I read another book about the old king. He said love and passion were fleeting, but being a constant, listening companion would make life so much sweeter." You stated, remembering the cuddling that you and Raella did.

"Than be her companion Arstan." He said with a smile. "And I will pray for your health and hers."

Your time in King's Landing was coming to an end.

But one event would shake your life forever:

[]The Death of King Aegon the Fifth: You were in the meadows of Summerhall, when the Great Fire began, celebrating with Raella the only way you knew how reading a good book. And all you could think of was saving Raehlla… and the very Pregnant Princess consort, Joanna.

[]The Coronation of King Jaehaerys the Second: Less than a month passed before the king was crowned, and at the ceremony, grave news reached your ears. The Blackfyres had taken the three daughters and were now marching to the Stepstones.

[]Your Wedding to Raella: You were wed in the Great Sept of Baelor on you 5 and tenth name day with thousands of people in attendance. It was a time for happiness or joy. Broken, by the news of War. The Banners were called. Mayles the Monstrous, and his Brotherhood of Twelve would be destroyed by the might of the Seven Kingdoms.

AN: Enjoy.
The Region Report 2 (For Before the War)
The Region Report 2

The Crownlands:1D100 => 99

The Chaos that may have surrounded the death of King Aegon the Fifth was quickly replaced by anger, and rage at the enemy that was now attacking their home. Their favorite king, who may have been rather liberal in his views and his laws, was beloved by his vassals and people for fair harvests, a peaceful realm and little, if any scandal.

King Jahaerys the second also announced a proclamation. That the Seven Kingdoms was at war with the Foreigner "King" Maelys the Monstrous, and his Brotherhood of Twelve.

There would be nothing stopping them, except for a unified Westeros.

The Banners have been called.

War was here.

Reward: The Seven Kingdoms of the Iron Throne are now at War with "King" Maelys the Monstrous and his Brotherhood of Twelve, in the Brotherhood of Twelve's War for the Iron Throne.

You are honor-bound to fight this war, as it is a foreign invasion of your home.

All Seven Kingdoms have pledged their support to the Iron Throne.

The North:1D100 => 62

Lord Edwyle Stark and his son Brandon have marched to the south with a host of 3,000 mounted Northman, with another 8,000 Northman led by Lord Manderly and Karstark are sailing south via White Harbor, with hired ships from both the Vale and the Sunderland Thee Daughters. They were not harassed by the enemy ships, as the harsh waters and thawing ice from the winters have subsided, and the Northern ships have clear skies and are battle ready, and that even an attack to disrupt them would leave them open to attack.

The Northerners are preparing more men to send south, but much of their strength will take time to rally.

Reward: The First Wave of Northern Troops are sailing South or Marching South towards King's Landing, to meet with the rest of the Army of Westeros on 100 ships.

The Riverlands: 1D100 => 62

Lord Hoster Tully has called his banners as well and his brother Bryndan has taken command of the Riverman Forces of 10,000 strong, with more being mustered and preparing as they march.

Reward: 10,000 Rivermen are marching south to Kings Landing to join the expedition.


The Vale: 1D100 => 89

Your father was ready to march within weeks. 15,000 men strong marched from the Eyrie to Gulltown to fight the bastards who threatened his family.

The new fleet of the Vale was ready, several dozens gally's prepared and armed, with sailors both fresh and ready to sail towards the jaws of death.

Reward: 15,000 Valeman are sailing south, with over 100 ships.


The Westerlands:1D100 => 60

Lord Jason Lannister, Tytos' Lannister's younger brother, has been placed in the command of 1,000 knights and another ten thousand men at Arms to join the kings host.

Reward: 11,000 westerman are marching towards to Kings landing.


The Iron Islands: 1D100 => 72

The Ironborn are happy at the declaration of War, and much of the Reavers that were hoping to sack Bravvos were relieved that they were not ordered to stand down by the new king.

The Iron Fleet is sailing west, to the Stepstones. And the Gods help anyone who try to fight them.

Reward: Lord Quillion Greyjoy is leading the Iron Fleet to the Stepstones in the stead of his father, to sack, to plunder, and to fight the enemies of Westeros.
The Reach: 1D100 => 56

The Knights of the Reach were ecstatic at the prospect of defending their home, and the lords of the Reach, under the command of Lord Tarly, would be leaving Hightower with the Fleet of the Shield Islands, and the Redwyne fleet.

Reward: The Reach Knights will be traveling by the south, and helping the Dornishmen defend their coastlines. 2,000 knights are riding to King's Landing to join the host under Lord Tarly.


Dorne:1D100 => 8

Sunspear was sacked. Pirates of the Brotherhood of Twelve, a fleet of over 200 came to the great city with force, flying the banner of the Blackfyres.

Thankfully, the Martells, all of them escaped before they could be taken prisoner, and the enemy decided it would be a waste of men, resources and supplies to hold the capital of Dorne.

They left it with holes in the walls, a few villages burned and many of the valuables of the Dornish, including several crowns of previous princes of Dorne.

Reward: Sunspear has been sacked. There is a fleet marauding the Eastern coast of Westeros. The Dornish are going to be unable to send much in the way of an Army as raiders maraud their coastlines. Only 1,000 men at arms from the Marshlands.

The Stormlands: 1D100 => 100

Ormund Baratheon has taken command of 30,000 Stormlanders and has taken command of the King's host, despite the protest of his king. Orys Persuaded his king to give him command, which reluctantly, Jahaeryes did.

Another man note,… barely grown has also joined. Barristan Selmy… The Bold.

Reward: Ormund Baratheon takes command of the host, with 30,000 men under his personal command alone. Barrisitan Selmy has joined the army as well, without his father's permission.

The Brotherhood of Twelve Members:

"King" Mayles "the Monstrous" Blackfyre: The Last of the Blackfyres, Pretender of the Iron Throne. A Twice Kinslayer, eating his twin brother in the womb, and again when he killed his Cousin Daemon to gain command the Golden Company. He commands the Golden Company, a Sellsword Outfit that is the strongest in Essos, standing at over 40,000 men, and thousands of horseman, and even war Elephants from Yi-Ti. A Huge grotesque man, he is both one of the greatest commanders of the east, and one of it's strongest fighters. He Worships the fire god of R'hllor. and has been Declared Azor Ahai.

Jeyne Farro "Old Mother": The Pirate Queen of the Stepstones, Fleet leader of the Brotherhood of Twelve, Rules in Sunstone. Commands 3,000 men and over 400 ships

Samarro Saan: A Lysine Pirate Lord of Bloodstone. Commander of over five hundred ships and five thousand swords. Rumored to be sponsored by the Magistrate of Lys.

Xhobar Qhoqua "The Ebon Prince": Prince of the Summer Isle and commander of the Black Arrows Sellsword company. Rumors say he's a slaver, raiding his home of Women and Children to sell to Astapori Slavers, and gaining Unsullied in return. Commands 7,000 Swords, and another 1,000 unsullied he personally owns.

Liomond Lashare "Lord of Battles": Captain of the Battle Born Sellsword company, second only to the Golden Company. He commands 20,000 swords and is rumored to be the greatest Warrior in the East.

Spotted Tom: The Butcher of the West, he is an outlaw from the West, having killed his lord and his heir in a fit of rage after he was refused their daughter. He leads the Battered Lances, a company of 3,000 strong, and commands lands in the Disputed Lands. He is rumored to be the man responsible for poisoning several lords who refused to Support the Blackfyre cause, including Lady Royce.

Ser Derrick Fossoway "The Bad Apple": Black knight of Westeros for nearly murdering his brother. He commands the Lost Brothers, a Knightly mercenary company 1,000 strong.

Nine Eyes: Captain of the Jolly Fellows, a mercenary company of ill renown. Commands 4,000 men strong, and rules over lands of the Disputed Lands.

Alequo Adary "The Silvertongue": A Merchant Prince of Tyrosh. The False Ruler of Tyrosh and commands the lands and city. Commands 20,000 men of varying loyalty, but is easily one of the richest men in Essos

Malo Irrel "The Fire Man": A R'hllor Priest of Volantis, and commander of the Burned Men, He is a Fanatic, practitioner of blood magic, and cloaks himself in armor of fire before riding into battle. He is noted to be a prophet, and sees Mayles the Monsteros as Azor Ahai, and gave the King Lightbringer, in exchange for converting to the Red God. Commands 10,000 Fanatical Worshipers of Rhallor, who's fanaticism makes them unbreakable.

Maresso Hotos "The Ax Man": The Bearded Priest who abandoned his vows, and took thousands of men with him when they Left Norvos. He commands the Great Ax's of the East, 10,000 Norvoshi Priests who have taken up the cause of the Blackfyres in exchange for storming Norvos and overthrowing the High Priest.

Magistrate Aronos Dynoris "The Iron Finger": A Banker from the Iron Bank, and the main financier of the Blackfyre cause, he is fighting for them so that Westeros will be forced back into business with the Iron Bank, after creating a downturn in their profits as the Iron throne, and many Westrosi houses have pulled their assets. He has orders to make sure that they have the men, gold and material to win the war.He has particular orders to also put the War debt solely on House Arryn, for thievery of Iron Bank Ledgers, and acting as a legal counsel of the Iron Throne Illegally, making his orders of withdrawal of the Iron Thrones Illegal. He also has orders to Bring Jon Arryn to Bravvos to stand trial for his crimes.

AN: Enjoy
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Raehlla was sitting with a book in her hands in the shade of an old apple tree when you came riding towards her, the blue cloak which embroiled the sigil of your house. Something you found rather tacked on. Everyone in Summerhall knew who you were, and making yourself a target made you nervous.

"You know, a fair maid alone can sometimes invite the most unchivalrous of intentions, especially as night begins to fall." You said jokingly as you stepped off your horse and strode towards her. "Perhaps the company of a friend my dissuade such intentions."

Raehlla laughed as she closed her book as she saw you walk towards her. "Or perhaps it is he who has such ill intentions, and this fair maid should call for her knight to rescue her."

Stepping out from behind the tree was Ser Gerold Hightower, and the grin on his face said it all. "Arstan." He said quietly.

"Oh shite." You whispered.

"You know what his Grace has said about the two of you… fornicating." He said, the grin still on his face. "The wedding is only a few months away, and than we both don't have to worry about how the King will react to both of you being together."

"We do not fornicate or any other such insinuations." You stated.

"Than why did we find you both cuddling?" Gerold asked.

"It was cold, you know how winter is." Raehlla replied.

"And the kissing, and the touching." He asked again.

You grinned. "She had an itch that needs scratching." that earned a blush from Raehlla.

That earned you a tap on the head with Gerolds armored hand. "Ow!" You yelped, jumping back. "Fuck!"

"You are very impatient, you know." Gerold stated.

"Well, after waiting for a year, it's a little hard." you stated.

That earned a laugh from the White Bull. "Oh to be young and stupid and mad again. Back when I was your age, all the girls used to make me feel strange, but you know what I did?" He asked.

Oh bloody hells, not this story again. "What did you do?" You asked, knowing that Gerold would never stop pestering you if you didn't ask.

"I decided to focus on my swordsmanship." That earned a laugh from Raehlla, who was not turning bright scarlet in the evening sun. You also grew scarlet from embarrassment.

The knight knew exactly what he was insinuating, and you knew he just embarrassing you. "It's not like I can practice on just anyone." The laughter continued.

It was than you noticed the sun's light dim more than it would at this time of the evening. And then you looked up and saw the black smoke.

Ser Gerold stopped laughing as well, and saw the smoke rise from summerhall.

"Oh gods." you whispered, before immediately springing to action. "Ser Gerold, get Raehlla to safety!"

Ser Gerold was not used to you barking orders, in fact he loathed it, but he knew that something was happening, and he and you were assuming the worst. He needed no answer as to where you were going.

You mounted your horse and rode towards the smoke rising over the walls.
The fire had engulfed much of the main keep as you crossed the threshold of the palace gates. The entire courtyard seemed to be ablaze.

Much of the palace inhabitants were armed with buckets, trying valiantly to fight off the blaze.

"Wheres the king?!" you shouted, your voice carrying far into the panicked mob of people.

Your only answer was an old man pointing a finger towards the blaze that was engulfing the keep.

You know that Joanna and Aerys were in there with the King.

By the gods. You ripped your cloak off of your back and soaked it into the water of a nearby bucket. Placing it over your mouth and taking a few steady breaths, you ran into the flames.

The flames and the air was hot and was filled with smoke. Your eyes watered and burned as they squinted to see. The flames felt hotter than anything you ever felt before, and being so close to them made you feel like you were about to catch on fire as well.

The cloak did well to at least keep your throat clear of much of the smoke, even though you coughed greatly as you moved through the blaze, struggling to breath.

"Aerys! Joanna! Duncan!" You shouted the names of your childhood companions, and the man who taught you the blade as a child, before coughing a storm.

Moving through the blaze a chore, a dangerous chore where one mistake could be your end, but you somehow moved through it, towards your chambers, the chambers of Joanna and Aerys.

At the door, was Ser Duncan the Tall, carrying someone on his shoulders. "Arstan." His voice was low and hoarse, as if he inhaled a lot of smoke. "Help me get the door."

You noticed that person was Aerys, the prince looking singed and his hair burnt. His face was bloodied and burned, as if something or someone exploded into a ball of blood, gore and mixed it with wildfire. The other man holding Duncan's hand was a very burnt but very much alive Archmaester Gyldayn.

Behind the door, you hear muffled screams. "Help!"

"Bloody hells boy, open the damned door!" Gyldan shouted, ignoring that he was breathing in smoke and looked very close to passing out. "Lady Lannister is hurt!"

You did so pushing the door open to see Joanna on the ground, holding her pregnant abdomen. She was low to the ground, as low as she could possibly get.

On the ground below her, was a very large pool of water. Her water had broken.

"Joanna!" You said her name with worry as you crouched to her height, placing the wet cloak over her mouth. "Come on, get up, we have to go."

Joanna however, could not move. She screamed in terror and pain. "Duncan help me!" You shouted to the tall man.

Duncan did. "Carry him!" He ordered, as he shoved the unconscious prince into your arms, and scooped up Joanna into his arms. "Lady Joanna, breath through Arstan's cloak and try not scream." He ordered.

Joanna was to much in pain but the Archmaester placed the cloak over her mouth and pressed it against her. "The smoke inhalation must have caused her to go into labor." the archmaester said with a labored breath.

You dragged your friend across the halls leading the group towards the exit that you came through.

"What happened?" You asked as the smoke seemed to clear behind you. "What in the seven hells happened."

No one answered. But the smoke seemed to move on it's own, not going outward, but going inward, towards the doorway above you. Ser Duncan was still moving towards it when the stones gave way.

The structure collapsed, and you could only watch as you thought your friend and one of your mentors would die.

But Joanna was thrown forward, landing just beyond the falling stone.

And Ser Duncan the tall, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Knight of the Seven kingdoms was holding up seemingly the entire structure by himself.

He looked at you, the Archmaester and the unconscious prince, along to the pregnant Lady Lannister, and gave a small smile. His smile said everything that needed to be said.


The Archmaester, still moving sluggishly and slow, dragged Joanna away from the knight, towards you and the outside world.

He was still smiling before smoke clouded his face, and when you reach the exterior, the rubble collapsing, and nothing came out but the smoke and dust from the falling keep.

The air was clear now, and you could breathe again, but there was still the matter of the burning keep.

The flames had engulfed much of the keeps inner sanctum, and the walls and outer areas would soon be next.

It was quiet running across the road and pond with Joanna, the Archmaester and the still unconscious Aerys. But when you reached the pod, you could walk with Joanna no further.

By the tree where you saw Raehlla, waited ser Gerold and the Princess herself, still waiting, with both a horse and a cart.

The archmaester immediately took command. "Ser Gerold, I need your cloak. Princess, I need your assistance with Lady Joanna and part of the dress."

"What can I-" You started.

"Quiet boy, you've done enough already, now tend to the prince, cover his burns with that cloak of yours. It should at least clean it and stem the bleeding until more help arrives." The archmaester ordered.

The knight and the princess did as he asked, Raehlla tearing off much of her dress and gave it to the maester.

After doing what little bandage work you could, you looked back to watch the flames finally overtake Summerhall.

The flames were bright orange, just like a fire in the fire pit would be, only it seemed to move, to sway in motions that should not be possible. Jumping from roof to roof with fiery percition, setting much of remaining keep on fire.

It was like watching a flame move with a mind of its own.

Aerys awoke swiftly and suddenly. "Joanna!" He cried, before he groaned in pain, clutching his burned face.

"She's okay." You replied. "She's… giving to your children right now."

In the inferno's light, both of you could see that Joanna was in the middle of her labor, and trying to get anywhere near her would lead to some… well, you had heard stories of wives breaking their husbands hands while giving birth, and considering the injuries that Aerys had sustained, it would be best not to add to them.

Aerys refused to get up. "Why… I saw everything… I saw the twin dragons in my dreams. They would rise from blood and fire." He began to sob.

You didn't know what to do, but you stayed by your friend, until dawn.

For a moment, you thought you saw a falcon fly over the sky, and saw a stag in the shadows of the rising flames. With a dragon over all of them.

Your thoughts were broken by crying, and not the cries from Joanna that had been filling your ears, nor the cries of the dying that were burning alive in Summerhall.

They were the cries of new born babes.

Joanna was exhausted from the birth and was clutching Raehlla as she slept, not wanting the safety of her friend to be taken away from her at the moment.

There were two babes wrapped in half of Gerold Hightowers white cloak, both with white hair.

One a boy, and the other a girl, both babes grabbing each others hands, even as they were wrapped up to stay warm and clean.

Time passed slowly and methodically, before a living person came to Summerhall later in the afternoon.

Steffon was riding with a dozen or so men at arms, mounted.

"What in the Seven hells happened here?" He asked.

You couldn't give him an answer. "I don't know." You replied.

"Where is the king?" He asked, this time sounding close to crying.

"Dead." The archmaester replied. "He as incinerated by the flames when he tried to hatch the dragon eggs."

"We need to go to King's Landing… The realm needs to know." Steffon stated, narrowing his eyes. "Ser Gerold… we should head to Storms End… than to King's Landing."

"We should." He replied quietly. The Kingsguardsman was the longest serving member now… meaning he was the Lord Commander.

He stod up straight. "Can you ride Prince?" He asked firmly.

"I think so." Aerys replied with a shaky voice.

"Good. Mount up with Arstan… we ride to Storms End."

At Storm's End, Joanna came to you as you rested, being assisted by a nurse, who was nursing one of the children. "Arstan." She said your name quietly.

You looked at her, but said nothing.

"Thank you, for saving me." She said.

"Ser Duncan saved you Joanna. I just was there helping him when he needed it." You replied.

Joanna left to allow you to rest.

And you drifted to sleep.

The fire was all you could dream of.

Reward: You saved Joanna's life, and she and Aerys feels indebted to you. Whatever favor you ask of them that seems reasonable, they will grant it without a second thought.

Aerys has been scarred slightly on his hands, and a few burns on his face that will need time to heal but he will be okay.

The Prince Aegon and Princess Visanya have been born with little complications... besides the fire and slightly premature birth.

You noticed a few odd things during the fire.

The Brotherhood of Twelve had sacked Sunspear when the call to war had been given. King Jaherys had given command to his Hand of the King, Lord Orummnd Baratheon, and told him to take the first wave of Royal forces to the Stepstones, to break the back of their Navel Forces.

You and Rae had been married the day before you were supposed to leave, after all, you were a squire, needing to follow Ser Gerold into battle, and serve him faithfully.

"Promise me you will come back Arstan." She stated.

"I promise Rae." You replied with a smile.

You will be Traveling with the First Wave of the Royal Host, with Ser Gerold, however, you were assigned to:
[]The Main Royal force: Ten thousand Strong with Lord Baratheon, you will be fighting alongside Steffon and Areys. You will be in danger, as the Storm lord will be the spearhead that will kill this Brotherhood.

[]The Valien Forces: Your father wished for you to fight alongside him, and your Uncle wishes to see the man who will soon be A Knight of the Vale. Although you worry about your father. Rage was consuming him, as he wanted Spotted Tom's head.

[]The Northern Lord's: The North needed more experienced Cavalry Commanders, and Ser Gerold Elected to take assist the Northern efforts. Much to his cringe.

[]The Reachlords: Lord Hightower Elected Gerold to Take command, much to Lord Tarly's protests. The king agreed, if only to have a man he trusted leading the Reachmen

[]The Defense of Dorne: The Dornish were going to need to push the Enemy off of their coastlines. After you dealt with the enemy's harassing attacks, you would link up with the Iron fleet and sail the rest of the way to the Stepstones.
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Husband’s and Wives: The Falcon and the Dragon's Promise
Husband's and Wives: The Falcon and the Dragon Promise

(Arstan POV)

The room felt cold, even as a small summer breeze blew through the open window. You lay in your bed, trying to sleep soundly, but could not. Your mind was focused on other things, things besides the woman reading besides you.

"Can't sleep?" Rhaehlla asked as your tossing and turning made her reach for your shoulder. She knew whenever something was troubling you. The brief weeks since your wedding was enough time for her to know your mannerisms in bed.

For trying to sleep of course. There was no bedding on the night you were married, even though there were large wagers made by almost all parties involved in it. Too much had happened that spoiled both of your moods.

A declaration of war on a man who was threatening the stability of your home and family tended to stop any sort of feelings that you both may have had.

You sat up and felt your headrest on her shoulder. "No." It was an honest answer, the answer that would never change.

"Your minds on the war?" She asked. "Or is it your father?"

You nodded your head. "It's on everything." You whispered. "It feels like everything we've done has been leading up to this moment, all the good and all the bad." You swallowed something and made sure it was down your throat until you continued.

"Are you going to ask your father to stay?" Rhaehlla asked as she sat up, and you sat up as well, facing her.

"I have to go. Ser Gerold will need me." You replied.

"Is that what you truly want?" She asked again.

"I have to go… as his squire, and as a Valeman." You replied with a low, solomon growl.

"I'll ask my father to allow you to stay. You're my husband, and I don't want this story to end in tragedy." She stated.

"You think life is a story Raehlla?" you said quietly, keeping your voice low and not allowing your anger to control you. You did not expect her to understand… at least not fully of the duty you had to fulfill. "I'm not going down there for foolish glory to slay a villain and rescue a fair maid, for I already have you. I'm going because it is my duty to my father. And my king"

"Is that what my father told you… or is that what you tell yourself?" She narrowed her eyes and moved her hand, and forced you to look into the fearful, yet defiant, purple haze. "You owe my father nothing Arstan. Your just a boy with so much life in you, just as I am a lady with many years ahead of me." There was a pause as she gave you a hug. "Please, don't go."

"I gave your father an oath Rae." You said quietly. "I can't refuse."

You returned the embrace, and you felt the tears fall down her cheeks, touching your own. "Promise me Art… Promise me you'll come home to me as the man I knew when we were both children. And not some stranger."

You knew that things could always change in an instant, life was fleeting. Summerhall taught you that.

But why tell someone who trusted you such a damning truth, when the sweet lie was always better.

"I promise." You whispered in her ear and kept the embrace.

Even if the sweet lie was to yourself.

You just hoped to all the seven gods that you would return home. And still, be the man she grew up with.

The man you still wanted to be.

"Prove it." Rae whispered as she then looked at you with a hungry grin. You saw lust in her eyes.

Oh. "Uh Rae." Your face turned scarlet. "I thought we were going to wait until-"

"Do you need me to spell it out for you?" She proclaimed. "Or are you forgetting that we still need to consummate our marriage."

"For the love of the seven Rhae, now!?" you were totally confused by her sudden change in mood.

"Now." She said with a sweet smile before she kissed you on the lips.

AN: Enjoy this prologue to the next update.

I'm having far to much fun writing these.
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War: Part 1
War: Part 1

You were on the Flag Ship of the Valien fleet, The Soaring Falcon before another moon passed. The last time you had to sail was when you were a small child. That time was far behind you, and since much of your life was spent on dry land… so you were unaccustomed to the rigors of sailing.

Emptying the contents of your stomach over the side was something you found yourself doing quite a few times.

Fortunately, you were not alone. Your father didn't enjoy sea travel as well.

"You know, I was expecting it to be easier after a few weeks… instead, I'm here next to you son." He said with a smile as he wiped the bile from his mouth.

"Yeah… I still don't know how I survived the first time traveling south by boat." You replied with a cough.

There was a small chuckle. "You have to move with the ship, and focus on the horizon every now and then while your legs adjust, then moving around should be like second nature." You saw the old man in leather armor as Lord Garlan Grafton, Lord of Gulltown and the man with more sailing experience than almost all the lord's here combined.

Save Lord Tion Sunderland and his son Triton. Both men were on another ship, flying the Sunderland Colors.

"Easy for you to say Gar, your not the one who only sails two times in his life, the second time going to the fucking Steptsones." Your father stated.

"Just trying to make the journey easier for you and your son sir." He replied. "Where the hells is Marq. MARQ!" The older Grafton bellowed.

As if he were flying, the young Grafton flew across the ship, holding onto a rope that was rigged. He then flew across the ship with a skill that only a sailor of decades could have, and one who was light enough to not stress the mast, rigging, and ropes.

He then let go and rolled on the deck. "Yes, father?" He said with a smile, whipping his long brown hair that was wet from seawater.

You could only imagine what was going through your father's mind, but Lord Grafton was laughing. "Everything clear on the horizon Marq?"

"Yes father, though I must say, if our travel times and charts are indeed correct, we'll be at the Stepstones in a few week's time," Marq replied. "I hope Lord Ormmund has a plan."

Lord Grafton frowned. "He does have a plan." he hit his son in the back of the head. "And it would be wise to stick to your duties."

Marq quietly nodded. "Yes, father." The boy than quietly sulked away to the other side of the ship.

"Ah, Arstan! Lord Arryn" Ser Gerold appeared from below deck, and his sword dangling on his side. "There you are, I thought there was another meeting."

"There is going to be one shortly Lord Commander, we chose not to disturb you so you may deal with your sickness." your father replied.

"Aye, but I should be there, to bring another opinion to the table." He replied.

"It would be best if you rested, and allowed the fever to subside." your father stated. "Take it from the Warden of the East."

The Lord Commander nodded. "Arstan, keep me informed."

"Yes, sir." You replied.

Your father looked at the sun slowly dipping past noon. "Ah… It's time." He whispered. "Arstan, come." Your father said. "We're stopping by the cabins, bring the cape."

"But I hate the cape." You replied. "I always trip."

"Than you will not be allowed entry." Your father replied.

You sighed. "Than can I least trim it so I don't trip over myself."

"You'll grow into it." Your father started with a griff smile.

"Not everyone is as tall as you." You shot back.

"Your right, you'll probably be even taller." your father laughed.

The meeting was filled with rank, nobility and fresh wine.

If it were a palatial party, with guests, notables and envoys, drinking away as they fantasized who they would sleep with, and were so drunk they could fall for everything, you would have been in your element.

However, this was not your element… quite the opposite in fact.

Steffon and Lord Rickard Stark were enjoying a nice arm wrestle, while Lord's Royce and Lord Stark were… well grimacing the prospect of the table breaking from the boy's pure strength and need to win.

Aerys was quietly making bets with Tywin, who looked quite… intrigued by both his friend and new acquaintance… and perplexed that Aerys actually brought money with him.

Lord Baratheon, however, was amused by the boyish contest… at least when your father walked in. "I believe it is time to begin." Lord Ormmund stated as the boys both stopped their contest, falling in behind their father's.

"Yes… Quiet." the Baratheon lord then pulled out a small wrapped piece of paper.

Intelligence Roll:1D100 => 63

"Our spies within the enemy camp were unable to locate any of the commanders, however, we do have a window to make landfall and set up a base of operations to continue this campaign without being constricted to the fleet." Lord Ormmund stated.

"A question, why would we need a base, when being on the move would be more enticing, both to disguise our movements, and to be at full strength?" Aerys asked.

"Quite simply, if the fleet is attacked, and we lose ships, we not only lose the ship, but our focus will be damaged in ways we will not be able to recoup until the Ironborn arrive with the Reinforcements from them, the Reach and Dorne." Lord Royce stated. "That will cost us time, equipment, supplies, men, things we can ill afford to lose when on the offensive."

Your father then spoke. "And this will be a naval war Prince Aerys, where much of the fighting will be at sea. That does not mean, however, our army will be lacking in tasks and objectives... our forces will need to be on land, raiding or destroying the enemy bases of operations on the stepstones, force them into making riskier plays to either take our supplies or face us in open battle."

"The enemy lacks superior cavalry forces, something we have a distinct advantage in." Lord Stark stated though he seemed a bit off.

"But the enemy fleet is still superior to our own without the Arbor fleet, the Lannisport Fleet and the Ironborn" Lord Baratheon stated. "So we must remain cautious until the time they arrive."

"But we can't wait too long. Sunspear is not a viable supply route, not until the Broken Arm is cleared of the enemy fleet." Your father stated. "So that means supplies would have to come from Storms End."

"Quite, but even then there is a lot of water between us and the Stepstones," Ormmund stated. "Our plan will need a measure of speed if it were to be successful."

You felt like an idea came to your mind, an idea that seemed… Quite interesting.

Do you speak up:
[]No (If you do not speak, Lord Baratheon will make his own plan)

If you do what do you say:

[]Secure a Base on Bloodstone: Lord Baratheon said that the fleet would need a base, not on Westeros, so why not choose the closest island to the Broken Arm, to Spotswood.

[]Strike at the Heartland: The Enemy would never expect you to strike at Tyrosh. There was a chance there were Archon Loyalists in the city that would help you, and winning that would destroy the enemy's main supply base, treasury, and key manufacture. Perhaps draw their attention away from the western shores and turn back to the East.

[]Hunt them Down: You think you should hunt down the enemy's fleet, destroy their ability to dictate battle on their terms. Destroy enough, it may leave entire army groups clustered on other islands, alone and unable to communicate.

[]The Disputed Lands: The Disputed Lands are perfect lands for an army of your size, lots of provisions, terrain that is very suitable for mounted knightly combat, and with their calvary disadvantage, will be a clear edge, however, nothing is there, save for trading caravans, large farms that grow cash crops, and it would be a hostile land where you would be seen as the invaders.

[]Write in

What would you like to do after the meeting:

(Choose 2)
[]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.

[]Spend time with Your Father: your father and you haven't talked in years… it would be nice to change that.

[]Spend time with Uncle Yohn: You always wanted to hear the stories about the rune blade and rune armor that his family claim to craft.

[]Spend time with the Graftons: Perhaps Marq will be interesting to be with… if you can keep up with his acrobatics.

[]Calm Winds and Pale Skies: You sit on the deck and breath, and hear the falcon cry.

[]Dream: You dream a dream, of flying, of fighting… of holding your father in your arms as he lay dying.

AN: Enjoy. And please:

War Part 2: Plans for Battle
War Part 2: Plans for Battle

-[X]Secure a Base on Bloodstone: Lord Baratheon said that the fleet would need a base, not on Westeros, so why not choose the closest island to the Broken Arm, to Spotswood.

"Father, what about establishing a base at one of the Steptones." You stated.

The room was still and quiet, and you felt the gaze of everyone bearing down on you.

"Lord Arryn, control your son." Ormund stated. "Or remove him."

Your father glanced at you before looking back. "I believe my son has something to say. Let him." Your father's hand rose and placed itself on your shoulder. "He seems to have some ideas in his mind that may be valuable."

Ormund nodded. "Speak boy."

You gulped feeling the pressure of them. You felt small amongst these men.

And then your father's hand squeezed as if he was reminding you he was there. You looked to the maps and placed several pieces on it. "You said that the Enemy fleet is larger than ours and we will need a base of operations for supplies, that sunspear is not a viable option until the Broken Arm is clear… that is correct?" You repeated the intelligence and Ormond's assessment.

"Yes." Lord Baratheon spoke. "What are you getting at boy?"

"What if we strike at Bloodstone?"

You maneuvered pieces of the fleet into a maneuver to the front and the sides of Bloodstone. "Bloodstone is the closest Stepstone to the Broken Arm, and presumably where the enemy base a percentage of their fleet, and presumably, any prisoners and loot that haven't been moved to Tyrosh or the Disputed Lands."

Rickard nodded. "And that means we can kill the slaver scum."

"A rescue mission than?"

"No my lord. If we capture the island, the Broken Arm may be secure enough to start funneling supplies to our campaign, meaning we won't have to forge on the islands for fresh supplies or enter a dire state and force battle upon them when we are at a disadvantage." You stated.

"There are other islands that can strike the Broken Arm and the rest of Dorne." Lord Baratheon stated.

"Yes… but that may make them more cautious, more deliberate, taking more time to plan. Granting us time that we can use." You replied.

Your father let go of your shoulder and you felt relief fall upon your shoulders.

"We shall deliberate this strategy." your father stated. "Now, Arstan. Boys, leave us."

"But." Steffon started.

"Now." His father ordered.
Strategy Roll: 1D100 => 90+20(Skilled Martial)-15(Lack of intelligence)-10(Other plans being better)-10 (No command Experience)=75

"Arstan… the plan has changed slightly, but we're using the basis of it for an attack." Your father replied.

Reward: Reputation gained with the Commanders. They are more likely to accept your plans in the future.

-[X]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come. Rolled:1D100 => 17+10(traits)-5(Ser Gerolds Illness)=22

Ser Gerold was still confined to his quarters under observation from a maester. He would be fine soon, but he would need his rest.

Failure. Ser Gerold will be fine in a few day's time.

-[X]Spend time with the Graftons: Perhaps Marq will be interesting to be with… if you can keep up with his acrobatics. Rolled:1D100 => 89+10=99 Friendship roll:1D100 => 99

Marq was at the helm when you came to speak with him. "Ah, Lord Arstan, nice to see you here." He said with a smile.

"Hello." You said politely.

"By the seven, stop being so fucking polite!" His grin not wavering. "So how is it, sailing on the Narrow Sea?"

You had many opinions on that subject… many of them involved vomiting. "I'm not as keen and well put together for sea travel, to be honest."

"Bah, give it a month and it's like you were born at sea Arstan." He said with joy. "Come on, take the helm!"

You were suddenly pushed to holding the wheel of the ship. "Uh, I should not be-"

"Men, come about, give Lord Arryn Full sails!" Marq shouted.

"Aye Sir! Full Sails!" A crewman shouted and soon the canvas dropped and the wind filled the sails.

"She's all yours Arstan!" Marq said as he jumped and grabbed a dangling rope and swung around without a care in the world.

And as you grasped the ship's wheel, you felt control that you thought you would never feel. Your stomach was clear, and you felt… calm.

And before long, night fell, and the Grafton heir was smiling with joy for the entire time you were at the helm.

Reward: Marq Grafton is now your friend. In the event of a naval battle, you can now command a Galley if the captain or other experience Lord's are unavailable.


Enemy Fleet Roll:1D100 => 31

The Enemy fleet did not notice your own fleet, although there were several close calls with enemy scouts… but the weather was on your side.

Fog always seemed to cover your positions at just the right time to be hidden from view.

Bloodstone Roll:1D100 => 73 (There will be battle)

Unfortunately, your luck ran out when you got sight of Bloodstone. The commander there, whoever it was, expected you to arrive here.

The defenses were prepared, but the fleet would be trapped in the harbor, under blockade. It would be a siege…

Or rather an assault.

Lord Baratheon needed Bloodstone to be taken, and the assault would begin at Dawn the next day.

Ser Gerold was expected to lead the Vanguard at the Port… and that meant so were you if you wanted.

What will you do:
[]Go with Ser Gerold: Ser Gerold is prepared for an assault on the harbor and is asking for volunteers. And he would get several: Uncle Yohn, Lord's Holland and Darklyn, and even Ser Barrisitan the Bold.

[]Go with your father: your father will be insulting to the keep, going around the harbor assault to prevent the defenders of the castle from reaching it. He would need help.

[]Stay on the ships: You are going to request to stay on the ships. Something just feels off.

AN: Enjoy
Battle Of Bloodstone 1: The Harbor Assault.
Battle Of Bloodstone 1: The Harbor Assault.

You were quite sure that you were going into the thick of it when Ser Gerold triple checked your armor, the chainmail your father had brought, and made sure you were wearing plenty of padding.

But he was not the only one being checked. You were doing your own check of both his armor and his equipment. Including one particular thing that irked you to the high hells.

"Ser Gerold, why in all the seven hells are you wearing your cloak into battle, it's quite impractical!" You exclaimed as you tried to rip it off, only to get a swift punch in the shoulder for your troubles.

"I understand your concerns, but I have fought with such burdens since before you were born Arstan, and I am quite comfortable in fighting in it now." He replied.

"Aye. maybe in single combat, but this is a pitched blood battle, with other people fighting besides you." You complained. "That is quite different. At least shorten it so it's up to your waist, so no one trips you, or you trip yourself, or-"

You were punched in the shoulder again. "Would you stop that!?"

Ser Gerold gave a wry smile. "No." He then pointed to your head. "Please tell me you're wearing the helmet I gave you."

You nodded and quickly slid the half helm he gave you. It was quite hard to see, but with the battle coming up, you would rather lack vision and live, than be able to see properly, and die.

"Good. You keep that on unless I tell you otherwise." He stated. "And the shield?"

You hefted the kite shield and made sure it was on tight to your arm. "Good, and the Sword?"

You tapped the hilt. "Why can't I use something else?" You asked.

"You haven't earned that right Arstan. Now come, we must get moving, we have work to do." Ser Gerold stated

The boats that were going to be landing were from the Pridewynd and the Silver Sails. Both massive gally's that carried hundreds of men and each boat could carry dozens to the shore.

Ser Gerold's request for Volunteers was awe-inspiring.

Lord Brynden Tully, the Blackfish of Riverrun, Ser Harald Tarly, Second son of Lord Tarly… Ser Barristan Selmy… The Bold, possibly one of the greatest swordsman alive, according to Ser Gerold.

And those were just the men you recognized. There were dozens of more knights and squires that you didn't recognize, for they were lacking any heraldry on their armor, and they were all covered head to toe in steel.

There were also dozens of low born soldiers, dressed in leathers, bits of chain, or just farm clothes, and were armed with spears and shields. A few had rags covering their feet, while others had fine boots.

Only a few had what you would consider armor.

Ser Gerold looked at them all. "Men, stand fast!" He ordered, and every man and boy looked at him. "We are going into the harbor, to prevent the enemy ships from leaving and harassing the fleet. They will be fierce, but they are pirates and mercenaries. When they see the tide turning, they will flee like dogs and will be cut down as such! Now join me, and we shall kill them all!"

"YEAH!" The men shouted.

The speech was simple and lacked elegance, but to you and the volunteers, it was rousing.

"Arstan" The kingsguard looked at you and knelt down to your height. "If anything were to happen to me, find Ser Barristian, he'll help keep you safe."

Ser Barristian nodded and everyone quickly boarded the boats they were using as landing crafts.

"Start Rowing lads!" You heard a low born sailor shout as the boat slowly moved away from the ships.

Ser Gerold was up in the front, his sword raised, and his shield up, his armor shining in the sunlight… and his white cloak, cut down to a reasonable length, only a little shorter than a cape.

The Enemy would see you, but would they react to you?

Bloodstones Response: 1D100 => 38+20 (Harbor Defenses)-20 (Jon Arryn's Assault on the other side of the Island)-5 (Heavily Armored Assault)-15 (Failed Scouting from the fleet, no warning)=18

But the Bloodstone's Garrison seemed to be focused on other things, like your father's assault on the Castle keep from the other Harbor.

The Garrison only had say three hundred men guarding their harbor, with only half of them archers.

"Shields!" Ser Gerold ordered as everyone raised their shields rose to protect the oarsman.

The boats slowly slinked to the Harbors piers, and even though the arrows struck the shields, only one or two got through, and even as they hit the oarsmen, they only hit them with enough force to bounce off their bodies.

"Come on you fucks!" You heard a voice call from another boat. "Come and kill us!"

You didn't share the enthusiasm of being killed. You liked being alive.

You made Landfall a few minutes later, and following ser Gerold's lead, you drew your sword and kept your shield up.

Unfortunately, you were face to face with a Pirate, armed with a short sword and buckler, and his strike missed you, your vision barely catching his strike.

Strike!: 1D100 => 83+20 (Traits and Skill)=103 vs 1D100 => 14+10 (Skill)=24

Killing Blow!

You quickly fell back on to the training you had been given by Ser Duncan and Ser Gerold, blocking the blade with your shield and moving back, sending the man off of his balance.

Your sword quickly found its way into the vital area of the neck, and the steel did the rest, entering the man's body like he was a piece of meat being stabbed by a fork.

It was unnerving how easy it was to kill a man, and a moment after you killed him, and retrieve your sword, bile rose from your throat.

You unleashed your bodily fluids on to the ground.

This was unlike seeing a man killed… you had done it.

What do you do?:

[]Rest for a moment: You need to rest, and gather yourself.

[]Get Back to Ser Gerold: Your master still needs your help. Though from the number of corpses he seems to be leaving in his wake, maybe not that much help.

[]Search for Ser Baristian: You should look for the man they call the bold.

[]Help the Smallfolk: They seem to be struggling. Not surprising, but… they need help.

AN: Enjoy.
Battle of Bloodstone Harbor Part 2: Killers and Helpers
Battle of Bloodstone Harbor Part 2: Killers and Helpers

You decided to follow the path of corpses back to Ser Gerold, who was… well carving his way through the entire harbors garrison.

You didn't even think about checking the corpses for the men who were alive, you were pretty sure that they were all dead.

And seeing the knight in action was a sight to behold.

He was fighting three men at the same time, with his sword looking chipped from all the usage it had seen over the last few moments in the battle.

His entire demeanor was that of a true, focused warrior, a demeanor you saw only once when Ser Duncan and Ser Gerold were sparing.

Both men seemed to be doing nothing but trying to break each other's defenses down, Duncan with his reach and superior skill, and Ser Gerold with his strength and quickness being a far younger man than the former Lord Commander. But that had been a spar, almost a dance between the two men… that was the only way you could describe the whole duel.

Ser Gerold Finishes a Killing Spree: 1D100 => 98+50(Skill)+20(Traits)+10 (Omake)=178

But this… this was a slaughter of the highest order. Blades met, but Ser Gerold was in complete control of the entire battle.

A slash came from the left, but Ser Gerold deflected it onto another blade, somehow and then, with a shift of his weight, moved his blade from the left to the right, it's wielders flying to the right.

Straight into a wall of shields and spears, their comrades too frightened to see their comrades dying to their own spears.

You ran up behind the knight and his posture went from killer to the protective knight who watched over you and Aerys on the training yard. "Arstan." He said quietly as the sounds of men trying to gather their own bravery was spoken by the spear wall. "I'm glad you caught up."

"Yes Ser… You seem to be alright." You replied, not trying to sound star-struck… or rather horrified at the number of corpses the man had made.

"Ah… just a light warm-up." He replied, not even sound the least bit tired. "It's we've got a few more to get through before the harbor is secured… Be a good lad and kill anyone that comes behind me." He ordered.

"Yes, Ser." You replied as you prepared yourself for another long fight.

The Enemy Attack: 1D100 => 31+20 (Numbers Advantage)+10(Skill)=61 vs1D100 =>95+50(Skill)+20(Traits)+5 (You)+10 (Omake)=180

Ser Gerold leaped into action, and with expert skill, he dismantled the wall of shields and spears of the defenders with grace and elegance that you could not even comprehend. He was for a lack of a better word, dismantling the entire line of men, with his sword.

They tried to thrust their spears at him, he parried, and finessed his way closer, to where they could not fight back, and then brought his sword to his enemy, and stabbed them, slashed their throats, or just punched them in the face, knocking them to the ground with his sheer strength.

You were… inconsequential to the entire fight, not like you could do anything… you only stabbing the men that Ser Gerold chooses to leave to you, laying on the ground, bleeding from their broken and shattered faces from his gauntleted hand.

He was just focused on those that were a threat to him, and in his intense focus, he just expected you to mop up for him.

The archers tried to shoot arrows at him, but he just blocked them with his sword, or just catching them with his hands like they were thrown at him. Not a single arrow came close to you because of his stalwart defense.

And by the time it was over, everyone was dead or had decided to run away out of the man's sword range.

"Ahh… that was a nice fight." He whispered to himself. He looked around, scanning the area for any archer that was left. "Are you alright?"

You had no words to describe the slaughter. "I'm fine Ser Gerold." You replied.

"We should head back to the rest of the men, see how they are doing." He ordered.

"Yes, Ser." You replied hesitantly.

Ser Gerold noticed. "Oh don't be so shocked… this is nothing." He said. "And your safe with me, and Ser Barrisitan remember that."

"Yes, Ser." You replied, feeling very comforted by that fact.
The Assault Force Attack: 1D100 => 65+20 (Numbers Advantage)+5(Defense Advantage) Vs 1D100 => 97+20 (Ser Gerold)+15 (Ser Barristian) +10 (Ser Brynden)+10 (Omake Bonus)=152

The Harbor was taken without much in the way of casualties. A few of the small folk were dead, and a few more wounded, but the Harbor, with all it's ships, supplies and materials, was taken.

"A Good job today men." Ser Gerold said. "Someone send a Rider to Lord Arryn." He paused, looking to you. "The Old Lord Arryn and tell him the Harbor has been taken."

"Yes ser!" A man stated, before mounting a horse and riding north.

"Arstan." The knight said your name.

You looked to him and nodded. "Yes?"

"You did well today boy." He stated.

"Thank you, Ser." You replied.

"Good. When the ships arrive to the Harbor, Tell Lord Ormund that we've taken the harbor with little losses." He ordered.

"Yes ser." You replied.

Lord Ormund was pleased with your report that you relayed from Ser Gerold. "Fifty men… he killed fifty men." There was a hearty laugh. "I should start drinking to Ser Gerold and your own healths soon." He shook his head. "Arstan, get some rest, you've earned it after today."

You nodded and left without another word.

Reward: Battle of Bloodstone Harbor Over.

The Harbor has been taken with minimal losses on the allied side (25 men were killed, 15 more wounded and will be sent home)

The Enemy has been routed and fled back to the keep (650 men killed, 50 men slain by Ser Gerold Hightower and yourself… mostly Ser Gerold, but you helped. The remaining men have fled to the Bloodstone keep)

What do you do:
[]Join the Siege at Bloodstone keep: You wish to join your father at the Siege lines.

[]Stay at the Harbor: Lord Ormund told you to rest, so rest you shall.

If you choose to Rest, what do you do:
(Choose 2)

[]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is impressed by your actions in the battle. He thinks you have proved yourself ably as his squire in the battle.

[]Spread Rumors about your deeds: You deserve to get some glory after this battle, spread some rumors about you killing twenty men!

[]Hunt for The Brotherhood: You want to find the man who poisoned your mother and all the men he serves! You want their heads!

[]Rest: You are going to rest. And sleep soundly in a comfortable bed.

[]Spend time with Uncle Yohn: You always wanted to hear the stories about the rune blade and rune armor that his family claim to craft.

[]Spend time with the Graftons: Marq is sad to be on land again, but he seems quite happy about telling tall tales about you and Ser Gerold

[]Calm Winds and Pale Skies: You sit on the docks and breath, and hear the falcons cry.

[]Dream: You dream a dream, of flying, of fighting… of holding your father in your arms as he lay dying.

AN: Vote in plan format please.
The War Part 3: Rest
The War Part 3: Rest

[X]Stay at the Harbor: Lord Ormund told you to rest, so rest you shall.

You stayed in the harbor, your days of rest earned in battle.

Ser Gerold also stayed, a few of his arm muscles cramped due to the heavy usage of his swords and his body was filled with bruises from the blows that deflected off of his armor.

You had to clean the blood off of his armor… it frightened you how much actually got onto his armor, and none of it was his own.

It frightened you, and comforted you in a way… It reminded you that the man training you was one of the greatest at his craft.

If one could say killing men was a craft.

Reward: You are at the Harbor.

-[X]Calm Winds and Pale Skies: You sit on the docks and breath, and hear the falcons cry. Rolled:1D100 => 89+20=109

You sat on the docks cross legged, getting comfortable on the docks as you took a deep breath. The world was calm, the siege was naught but waiting for the enemy leaders to surrender. There was no need to assault the fortress, waste men and resources.

It would be over soon. Many of the food stores were not even brought to the castle, their grain, their fruit, and their bread and salt… all of it was still scattered through the harbor and the surrounding lands of the Keep.

They only had to wait a few weeks to starve them out.

Than it was going to be onto the next island, and hopefully it would be easier than this one.

Or a battle at sea… The prospect frightened you a little, but you think that you were going to be nice and safe on land.

You closed your eyes, focusing on something else than the war, than the battles that would be fought, and the great terror that may await you in the future.
So… you finally see it. Feel it, connect to it.
And then you heard the falcons cry from the decks of the ship, their sounds ringing in your ears as you felt the cries and chirping of the birds.You could not see, as your eyes were close, but you could feel the movements of… the talons, the claws of talons digging into the wood and hay.
Now you feel it...Flap your wings, take flight
And then you moved the wings, your glorious wings and flapped, plapped and flapped until you no longer felt the ground, the wood and the hey. It was at that moment you saw the light, the true light of the sun in the sky. Looking down you saw the ships below you, with men trying to jump and catch you as you flew up and away.
Good, good.
It was amazing. You felt amazing, like everything in the world was lifted off your shoulders and you could be free.
Your eye is open now, Son of the Andal. To the gift you always had.
And than your eyes were open, and you were back on the pier.

You took several breaths, wondering if it was a dream.

Until you saw the Falcon fly towards you, and landing on your shoulder, nuzzling it's head against your own.

Reward: You are now a Warg: You have been born with the gift to connect to animals with your mind, and share with it an empathy link. You can control the animal you bond within a few ways. Those ways are for you to learn and understand. (You can now warg into animals)

Gain Trait: Falcon: This flying bird follows you around everywhere you go, being both larger and stronger than the others. (+5 to combat rolls, People are a bit perplexed by it following you around everywhere like a pet.)

-[X]Dream: You dream a dream, of flying, of fighting… of holding your father in your arms as he lay dying. Rolled:1D100 => 27+20=47

You slept one night and dreamed of flying. It was a strange dream, but one that you feel comfortable in.
To try and access the greensight at such an age is impossible.
You flew over a battlefield.
But I think is would be better if your mind was not… tempered by such things. Only the blood of the first men can use the sight. And you are not a First man
And then awoke, sweat on your face.

The dream was so real, for a moment, and then it was nothing.

Failure? Your blood is too Andal for Greensight to manifest properly, you can only see flashes of potential futures in your dreams.

A few days after the battle for the Harbor, you were awoken by one of the knights. "Get up boy!"

Enemy Roll:1D100 => 68

What has Happened:

[]Your father was about to begin a duel for the keep… a Duel vs Spotted Tom. (You will see your father and Spotted Tom.)

[]Ser Gerold packing his things to travel "We are leaving Arstan, We are going to Wreckstone, to destroy the enemy fleet and largest harbor in the Stepstones." (You will leave for Wreckstone and battle the enemy fleet.)

[]Counterattack!: The Enemy garrison is counter attacking, and you are needed to defend the Harbor (You will fight the enemy counter-attack with Ser Gerold and the rest of the Westrosi Garrison.)

[]It is Lord Ormund carrying a sealed letter from your father: "Lord Arstan, grab your things. Your father is ordering you back to the Vale to Rule in his stead. Ser Gerold has already agreed to allow you to leave him to carry on with your duties at home" (You will be sent back to the Vale, unable to participate in the war anymore)