A Different Future (A Potential Future That Awaits You): The King Arrives
(Arstan POV)
You saw the Kings caravan marching past the Bloody Gate before you even attempted to prepare yourself.
The air was still, and the very movement of hundreds of people seemed to disturb the peaceful tranquility that the Eyrie held in the peaceful years after the War of Iron.
Your children were happy, and you were going to have another grandchild be brought into the world by way of your good daughter… Lady Tully was quite a fertile woman even if her superstitions prevented more… active care for her.
You did not deny the need for isolation to prepare for a very difficult task, but allowing her to lock herself away was quite a different thing.
You had seen what happened with Rhaella when such a thing happened to her when you brokered the peace that ended the millennia of war between the mountain clans and the Valemen. On the insistence of that blasted Septa who thought the sun would do nothing but harm her, to force her to lay for days at a time instead of walking around, enjoying the air of the Eyrie, and the loving care of her family.
And how it nearly led to Rhaella's end.
It was the only time you ever enjoyed tossing someone out of the Moondoor.
"Father." Albert arrived behind you, dressed in his fine clothes and riding leathers. "The king will be here soon, are you not going to get ready?" He asked.
You sighed. "Forgive me, Albert, I was just thinking." You stood up and grinned at your son. "What about you?"
"I was thinking of greeting the king at the lift, and join him as they carried him up." He replied.
Ah… That was it. "Albert, I want you to be with me, and your brothers and sisters, and your nephews." You replied. "For me."
You did not want to tell him why you wished for him to remain at your side.
Your son nodded and sighed. "Yes, father."
Best begin to get ready, the thought crossed your mind as you clasped your son's shoulder. "Now, why are you really bothering me? On a day like this."
You guessed his mother had something about that.
Aerys Targaryen, the King of the Iron Throne looked aged and weary, as he stepped off the lift. His beard was well kept, but you had seen how wild it could grow when it was wild. His eyes seemed tired, despite the energy in his step. The sword on his side was loose, and he still had the swagger he wore as a younger man. But he wore all black, a sign of wounds… still not healed.
His family followed him close behind, or rather his Grandchildren did. Joanna Lannister did not seem to be in attendance.
The two boys stood on either side, grinning like fools, as he used his two hands to hold them back, green eyes and white hair filled with boy youthful energy and anger of being denied to be unleashed onto the Eyrie.
They clearly wanted to be here, not for the possibility of meeting a new lord, but to see the man who slew the Monstrous King of the Stepstones. And the two boys were everything the rumors said they were…
Vahaelor and Valor were angry, impulsive squires that were as gifted in the art of combat as Steffon Baratheon, Robert Baratheon, Gerold Hightower, Arthur Dayne, James and Cara Lannister, and Ser Barristan Selmy. Peerless warriors with no outlet, save for sparring and tourneys. They were dressed for riding and fighting and seemed to not care at all of the beauty and serenity of the Eyrie.
The girls among the retinue of Grandchildren, Janna and Jenna, were calmer than their cousins. Both were dressed in their finery. Their purple eyes seemed to show nothing but politeness and the grace that their grandmother and mother had.
Aerys was without Joanna… something that still surprised you, after all these years since Harrenhal.
The wound was still quite fresh, even after all these years.
Your subjects and family bowed to him, and you clearly saw everyone follow your lead.
Two heartbeats before the king walked up and showed a hand before you rose. "Your grace." You said as you stood, every one of your people following you.
Aerys than cracked a smile, and gave you a hug. "Arstan!" He said in joy, as he embraced you.
The air felt calmer after such a gesture.
"Aerys." You replied calmly, as he let go. "It's good to see you. The Eyrie is yours."
Aerys nodded and stared at Rhaella, and for a moment you thought you saw tears, before shaking his head and kissing her hand. "Sister."
"Aerys." There was a frosty reply. You grimaced… and then felt relieved when she gave a hint of a smile.
Everything would be alright.
He then greeted your family, and complimented all of them, in his strange way, before turning to you. "Arstan… we must speak… alone if we can."
You nodded, before looking to your large family. "I take it you can escort the princes and princess to someplace where they can rest. The ride must have been exhausting."
"Boring is more the word." Valor replied. "We thought we'd run into a few savages to slay."
You glared at the young twin and made sure he saw it. "The Mountain clans are no more savage than you or I Prince Valor… you are their prince, and you will give them the lord's courtesy."
The shaking you could see from the boy was evident, your tone, the words you carried, were more than enough to strike fear into this ignorant boy who knew not of the Valeman… or the Mountain men, for that matter.
And you left with Aerys to discuss the matter you have dreaded since you received the missive.
Your role in the capital.
AN: Enjoy this little side story of the future.