Part 3: Gaining a Reputation
-[X]Learn to Read: Maester Gerald left a book open, with letters on it, and words. You wish to learn how to read. Rolled:
1D100 => 36
You came to your father with a book in hand. It was one of the large books of history that the Maester had left on his desk.
"I want to read like you. Teach me." You demanded.
Your father smiled at your bluntness, and he placed on you onto his lap. "Alright." The night was young, the sun still barely cracking. He placed you onto his lap and opened the book to the first page. "Place your fingers on the page, below the words, and try to sound them out. When you say the word wrong, I will correct you."
There was a pause as you stared at him. "You will not be in trouble if you are wrong. It is all part of learning."
"Did you learn like this with grandfather?" You asked.
Your father nodded, a sad frown on his face. "No. I had to learn on my own, with only a Maester to help me. I... He taught me like this."
"Who was the Maester?" You asked.
"Maester Martin... He loved reading and writing as well, unfortunatly, he could never finish his history of Westeros before he had to leave to the citidel." your father replied
Thus started the nightly tradition of reading pages before bed.
You were sure you could grasp reading alone.
Reward: You can now read.
-[X]Learn to Talk Better: Your vocabulary is rather… lacking. Rolled:
1D100 => 28
Maester Gerald was quite a teacher.
By that you mean, he's an ass.
"What does wroth mean?" He asked as he tapped the stick on the table. Your father was watching with anticipation and eagerness at your newly expanded vocabulary.
"It means I am angry." You replied, earning a tiny wack on your fingers from the tiny stick. "And I am ordering you to stop hitting my hands."
"Not until you can tell me a new word?" He replied.
You had heard a word said by the maester when a woman was with him in his chambers. "Fuck me whore."
The maester was quite surprised. Red from anger burned on his cheeks. "Oh… where did you learn such language?!"
"From you."
"Your teaching my son to swear?" Your father stated, trying not to break the door with his fist.
Reward: You now have a greatly expanded vocabulary.
-[X]Meet The Court: Your father has been praising you and your… abilities to learn quickly. Rolled:
1D100 => 87 Trait Roll:
1D100 => 100
You were dressed in a blue doublet, riding pants and some shoes that were far too large to be on your feet.
The court gave you blessings, some even gave you gifts, trying to curry favor from your father.
"Mother, you said the toy was for Shara?" One of the crying boys said as his mother walked forward and handed it over to you.
"But the little lord will need it more." She replied.
It was then you stood up on your own two feet. "No, I don't." You took the toy in your hand and walked over to the little. "And you would all do well to give gifts that are within your means." You glared at the court. "I am not someone who can be bought by some trinkets and toys. I want something of value. Something akin to friends."
"I am going to take my leave father." You stated and walked back to your room to read.
But you quite an impression on them. Your father has started to look for places to foster you… or rather, look for children to foster with you.
But all the children of the court and staff will follow you to the Hells themselves if it meant helping you.
Reward: Gain Special Trait: The Child of Bonds: You desire nothing more than friends and comrades, and that desire draws others to you. Older, or younger, male, female, it does not matter. You bring people together, with their bonds with you. (You have an aura that draws people towards you and make them your friend. If you meet someone new, there is a 50/50 chance they might become a friend. With your friends, you have a +20 to all rolls during events. With your friends, you will not suffer any debuffs in a relationship from differing religion)
There were things in the world that you did not understand.
The septons said that the Seven watched over the world, and judging the actions of everyone. There were books, and people to help you. The sept was warm, comforting and full of people. It was the gods of your father and the Vale.
But in the godswood, a tiny clearing in the castle, there sat a tiny patch of wilderness, with trees, flowers, and snow.
It was serene, peaceful… strange. You felt something in that place, more than in the Sept. It was not a place that visited often by anyone.
It was quite strange that no one ever spent time here.
You choose:
[]To Stay in the Light of the Seven: There were things that only wise men could understand. The gods were too difficult to grasp without help. (You follow the Faith of the Seven)
[]To Follow the Old Gods: There is a power in the nameless gods of the North. A power that you can feel. (You follow the Old gods of Westeros.)
[]To choose nothing: You did not believe that either held the answer. You will not follow either, at least for now. (You do not publicly follow any faith. People may get angry at you, and you may fall under dangerous forces that may use you for their own purposes)
AN: Alright... now with that business is out of the way, time to start with the Faith you believe in.