As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

In the Vale: Of Knights, Veterans and Septons.
In the Vale: Of Knights, Veterans and Septons.

[X]Gather A Stockpile of Weapons: The Eyrie does not have a peacetime stockpile of weapons, having been exhausted during the Brotherhood war. You will need to replace it. Rolled:1D100 => 3+30=33

The Eyrie's expenses and finances did not permit the building of a peacetime Arsenal, and even if it did, your father refused to allow it, seeing it as a waste of resources in terms of building up said stockpile and to maintain it. It would require far more men, material and equipment than your father was more comfortable in expending, and he knew that the money ot of your own poket wouldn't even cover half the amount that needed to be ordered.

After he finished his rant, your father jus said no to your suggestion, and merely said that while the idea was quite nice, the logistics to make it possible was far too expensive without the roads to fuel it.


-[X]Find A Septon: It seems in your absence, the Septon died… better go find another one for the Eyrie Sept before Rowena starts doing something strange. Like carving a seven-pointed star onto her forehead as some fanatics have done. Rolled:1D100 => 75+40=115

The Septon you found was making the rounds at Saltpans, preaching to the locals that either did not have time to go to the sept, or were too far away to make a journey.

A young man, he had to be your age or even younger, spouting the Seven Pointed Star from memory.

And he spoke like a man possessed by fervor… and guilt. You had rode into the village with him speaking to a few men, soldiers from the war and their families were

"Do not pity those old soldiers who have come home become unrecognizable. The husbands, sons and brothers whom you cannot see like you could before. The gods themselves have said many times that a man may change and can return to how he was before, only with love and care, and utmost trust."

The man continued to preach, but as he finished, you walked towards him. "Ah, Ser knight, how may I assist you? Do you need to confess your sins?" He bowed his head low for a moment. "I can give you my utmost confidence that only I and the gods will hear you."

You nodded. "You talked about men and soldiers being changed, and being able to become the people they were."

The Septon smiled. "Mayhaps, more like they can, given time, patience and the love that only a family can give." He paused. "I take you served in the war?"

You nodded. "Yes."

"So did I… my brothers did too… they are dead." He paused. "I'm finding my friends and companions from the war… trying to help them so that they may find peace."

"Why?" You asked.

The Septon frowned. "Because most men can never come back from war… most break, are left as nothing, being broken men for the remainder of their short lives, before some knight like yourself gets comes in and cuts them down, allowing them to find peace in death. I want them to find in life."

You nodded. "And why are you a septon?"

"Because that's the only way these men can express their pain without feeling weak." He replied.

"Can I listen to your sermon?" you asked. "Septon?"

"Meribald… My name is Meribald."

It took some convincing and several sermons…. But Septon Meribald accepted your offer to join you… if only he is allowed to visit those who fought in the war, to help them.

Reward: Septon Meribald has joined your retinue, and if you ever get depressed or Stressed or another health related mental illness strikes you, he gets a 50% chance in helping you through it without losing reputation with your lords.

-[X]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you? Rolled:1D100 => 60+40=100

Uncle Yohn had met you at the gates, carrying your good son as you dismounted. "He's adorable." You said smiling as you cooed the youngest and newest member of the Royce family.

Yohn smiled. "I'm glad you agree with that sentiment Arstan, he is." He replied. "Now, I'm sure you have much to talk about."

He led you through runestone, and into the keep, and then, into his solar, handing Ander off to his wetnurse so he can eat. "I take it it's about the rune that your hiding in your pocket?" He guessed.

You removed the rune and placed it onto his desk. "I felt something in me when it glowed… like someone was helping me, guiding me during that battle against Mayles." You stated.

Yohn's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" He asked.

You nodded.

Your uncle sighed. "The rune I gave your father was just a small trinket, something to protect him incase he did something rash… did you do something to it?" He asked.

"My blood got onto it." You replied.

Yohn froze, and he cursed himself under his breath. "What happened to you was a very ancient form of blood magic, that requires kings blood, your blood to allow it to work… it made the rune connect to my armor, which is covered in runes… and all the runes in the Vale despite the distance."

"And? Your not making any sense uncle Yohn." You replied.

"I need time to consult my family's texts Arstan… but do not do that again… or you may not be able to come back from it." He stated. "And give me back the rune, I need to know what happened to it."

You nodded. "And what happens if something did happen to it?" You asked.

"Gods help us than."

Reward: Your blood made the runes do something. Yohn takes the Rune away until he can figure out what the hells happened.

-[X]Ride with The Order: You shall ride with the order, and fight the wickedness and evil of the world. Rolled:1D100 => 51+30=81

You rode across the Eyrie and the mountain and the moon. The Clansmen tried to fight back.

And you destroyed them, making them flee deeper and higher into the mountains.

Reward: Mountain Clans harassed and fearful of the new order of knights. Negotiations, if started, can get a +20 to the negotiations.

-[X]Build a Retinue: You want to create a retinue of sorts, to assist you in your duties and in your travels around the Vale. (Note, this will Generate a Random Retinue of Locals from Around the Eyrie, you will not be able to build it yourself via events from other actions, or from keeping.) Rolled:1D100 => 4+10=14

It seems no one was willing to serve in your retinue, which was now just a single commoner Septon, who was a war vetren and a man who was more interested in learning to write and read, and talk to war veterans to help them go back to their own lives, and writing down why they needed it.


-[X]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Rolled:1D100 => 13+20=33

I seems command was very… hard for you to Grasp, even with Blackfish helping you.

-[X]The Birth: You shall witness the birth of your child, you're daughter and your Brother. Rolled: 1D100 => 81+50 (The Woodswitch)=133

The Birth came in a winter snowstorm, as if the gods themselves were trying to tear the Eyrie down.

(Continued in: The Winterborn)

AN: Enjoy.
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Apparently we will never be an excellent commander of men.
Considering how good we are right now... I think we'll be fine.

Knock on wood.

But hey, Meribald is now what we consider a veterans councilor, meaning we might help him get a push for mental health in westeros.
Overall not a bad turn, rolls could be better but we can try again next time.

Also might want to go over the update again and fix some typos.

I need time to consult my family's texts Arstan… but do that again… or you may not be able to come back from it."

"...Do not do that again..." Is what you wanted to write i think?

-[X]The Birth: You shall witness the birth of your child, you're daughter and your Brother. Rolled: 1D100 => 81+50 (The Woodswitch)=133

"Your daughter's and your brother's."

Is it already decided that we will have a daughter instead of son? Can't remember.
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Overall not a bad turn, rolls could be better but we can try again next time.

Also might want to go over the update again, btw is it already SRT that wr will have a daughter? Cant remember.
The Woodwitch basically told us we'd have a daughter, and we would have a brother from Rowena, and she has never been wrong.
"Your daughter's and your brother's."
no, we are not having multiples. there was already a roll for that.

however, things are going to get awesome in the birthing bed.
no, we are not having multiples. there was already a roll for that.

however, things are going to get awesome in the birthing bed.

My bad, should have worded that differently, the text in "..." is what I think you meant to write, as it stands now it is rather awkward since it insinuates that we will be watching or childs birth but then goes on to mention our brother...and this isn't QQ last I checked :p
My bad, should have worded that differently, the text in "..." is what I think you meant to write, as it stands now it is rather awkward since it insinuates that we will be watching or childs birth but then goes on to mention our brother...and this isn't QQ last I checked :p
No... lets just say that the winter storm adds some... drama.

And maybe a little magic.
We don't have to be a living god in every respect. Many great men never even master one skill, yet they are still great men.

We had some serious balls to overwinter in the Eyrie. That place is a hellscape of wind-polished ice during a true winter and usually the Arryns stick closer to the Gates of the Moon, a much more pleasant location. Honestly it might just have to do with how bloody hard it would be for our father to make the journey. He can do it, but its treacherous enough for a healthy man.
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We had some serious balls to overwinter in the Eyrie.
We're trapped by a storm blowing over the Eyrie, and can't move the in labor parents before... well the labor hit right as everyone was about to leave, and trying to move then in labor, through a blizzard that will kill you through wind chill alone... is suicidal.
That place is a hellscape of wind-polished ice during a true winter and usually the Arryns stick closer to the Gates of the Moon, a much more pleasant location.
Good thing that... goods hings happen.:V
Note to self: Bulk up the Eyrie. Its a magnificent defensive location and is one of the most gorgeous locations in the world, a cultural marvel, but not being able to effectively use if for several years on end is going to get old fast.
Uncle Yohn had met you at the gates, carrying your good son as you dismounted.
I believe this should be Cousin as a Goodson is the husband of one's daughter. Yohn is our uncle, the brother of our mother. Which makes me wonder where Alys and Ronnel Arryn are as they are our aunt and uncle through our Father. Both of them should be having little children right now, such as Elbert Arryn.

On a side note, we should ask Rhaella to research runes. She's good on magic research.

With us as a Skinchanger and descending from Kings and Rhaella a Targaryen Princess ('nough said), our child who is born in the Eyrie during a Blizzard is almost guaranteed to have magical powers.
I believe this should be Cousin as a Goodson is the husband of one's daughter. Yohn is our uncle, the brother of our mother. Which makes me wonder where Alys and Ronnel Arryn are as they are our aunt and uncle through our Father. Both of them should be having little children right now, such as Elbert Arryn
On phone, will fix soon.
With us as a Skinchanger and descending from Kings and Rhaella a Targaryen Princess ('nough said), our child who is born in the Eyrie during a Blizzard is almost guaranteed to have magical powers
or it could be us just misjudging the weather and getting trapped by accident.