As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

The Final Battle Part 3: In The Rear
The Final Battle Part 3: In The Rear

You were quite unhappy when you learned you were in the rear with the other lordlings. It was like they never trusted you all with getting your hands dirty when all of you had been in battles and much closer to death than before.

"Fuck." Steffon stated as he saw the Blackfyre Army march towards them. "They have fucking Elephants."

You saw the gargantuan beasts that were booming towards you. "Aye… they do." You replied.

On the right flank, you saw Blackfish with a massive longbow, taller than even him, and a quiver of arrows.

"He's not really going to… is he?" Aerys said in amazement.

The Blackfish… Fires: 1D100 => 100

The Blackfish hit his mark with a single Arrow. The arrow sailed through the sky, before striking the Elephants eye.

Than another, and another, and another, before the Elephants began to panic, rising onto their hind legs, and smashing onto the ground, and trampling all who were below them as they fled.

Enemy Morale unchanged due to Maelys the Monstrous and the Lord of Battles.

It was a sight to see, with dozens of men being crushed by an animal so large.

"Well… guess he did." Tywin quipped, adjusting his helmet.

The Battle began with the skirmishers firing their arrows into the crowds of enemies, with little effect, and little in the way of damage. A man may be shot once, and then brought back to the rear, replaced by another man who was preparing for the battle.

The Skirmish stopped and the spearmen prepared themselves for the enemy cavalry charge. But it did not come.

Instead, the infantry slowly marched forward, with their commanders riding forward. The Lord of Battles rode clearly in front of them all, daring any who would dare challenge him to ride forward and face him.

Who goes to Face him?:1D100 => 92

Ser Gerold met his call to duel, riding forward, with the lines of the Left, center and right, slowly marching forward to follow him. You saw your father look almost relieved.

And it was there where you saw two warriors of death clash… masters.

The Bull vs the Lord of Battles:1D100 => 56+50(Skill)+20(Traits)=126 vs1D100 => 48+50(Skill)+20(Traits)=118

The two men's blades clashed, but Ser Gerold had a better grip on his horse and his blade.

The Lord of Battles Sword clashed and he tumbled off of his horse, hitting the muddy field with a thud, his armor clanking as he hit the ground.

There were cheers from the Westerosi Lines, but they were quickly muted by The Lord of Battles rising up as if he had only been slapped by Ser Gerold, and that the tumble did nothing.

Round Two: 1D100 => 10+50(Skill)+20(Traits)= 80 vs 1D100 => 77+50(Skill)+20(Traits)=157

But as Ser Gerold charged his horse around to get a killing blow, his swords strike was wide, and the Lord of Battles swung down at his horse's neck, severing its spine and causing the knight to fall forward.

Somehow, the Lord Commander rolled in his armor and landed on his feet. His helmet was gone, showing his bruised face.

Both had swords at the ready… and both were ready to kill.

The Armies had ceased their march forward, stopping maybe a mere hundred feet away from each other, watching the carnage of two skilled killers practicing their art on each other.

The True Duel: 1D100 => 61+50(Skill)+20(Traits)=131 vs 1D100 => 61+50(Skill)+20(Traits)= 131

As the Two men dueled, their battle became far more intense, blocks and blades left dents on their heavy armor, both not going for the weak spots as they would leave themselves open to a strike that would kill them.

And then their swords shattered on each other's blades, a clean slash that turned proud blades into nothing but metal shards, falling onto the ground.

And then Ser Gerold dove forward, tackling the man onto the ground.

A brawl: 1D100 => 83+50(Skill)+20(Traits)=153 vs 1D100 => 55+50(Skill)+20(Traits)=125

Wound Roll: 1D100 => 88

Ser Gerold got the Lord of Battles onto the ground and then it was over.

The struggle continued, but with Ser Gerold on top, it was only a matter of time.

The knight pummeled the mercenary into submission… and then continued punching, the face of the man clearly turning from a skill into a sunken mess… that then became a puddle of gore.

And then the battle began, with the lines clashing and Ser Gerold receiving a new helmet, and a new sword, continuing to kill as if he never stopped.

Phase one of the battle is done: Would you like to join the battle:
[]No (Note, if this option is taken, it will skip to the next important part of the battle.)
The Final Battle: Part 3: The Falcon Flies.
The Final Battle: Part 3: The Falcon Flies.

(Jon Arryn POV)

Where was the rearguard! They were supposed to drive forward into the wedge of the enemy attack! To blunt any cavalry charge!

Damn Lannister, what the hell did he know that you didn't! Blasted fool! You might not be able to handle another charge like that!

A swords strike from a passing knight nearly ended you and you dodge to the right, your horse bucking at the slash to its side and trying to flee, but you managed to maintain control.

The Mercenary cavalry was close to breaking yes, and they would retreat in another good charge from either his cavalry or the infantry from Lord Baratheon… but they were not broken yet.

But the loss of heart from the death of the Lord of Battles certainly put you in a far better position than you dared to hope.

This battle will soon be over.

Response: 1D100 => 96

That was until you saw the Black Dragon… the monster, Mayles charge at the head of his cavalry, his half helm showing his grotesque visage for all to see.

And he was charging straight towards you.

"BRACE!" You shouted as steel clashed steel… and you saw only a blade slash across your head. First bouncing off your shield, then your shoulder, before rising and hitting your helmet

And your world went dark.

(Arstan POV)

"Charge now!" Lord Lannister shouted and the calvary of the lordlings and reserve knights charge forward.

"Arstan! My father!" Steffon shouted. It seemed that in the distance of battle, Steffon could see the Lord Baratheon fighting with a Warhammer, smashing the armored opponents who had faced him.

But you also saw the Ax Man, the Norvosi Priest, and the Bad Apple fighting with Ser Gerold… and Ser Gerold looked wounded… and was losing? You couldn't tell from the distance. But he was in distress.

And then you saw your father, his crumpled body and frightened horse, with Mayles the Monstrous standing over him, fighting the men who dared come and save your father.

Where do you go:

[]To Lord Baratheon: You are closer to the Lord Baratheon than you are your father… you can try to save him then get to your father.

[]To Ser Gerold: He is facing down to of the strongest warriors in the Brotherhood by himself… He might need your assistance, especially since his status is rather… unknown to you.

[]To Your Father: You have to save your father!

Do you try to convince your fellow Lordlings to come along with you?:

If Yes: Who do you ask to come along?:
[]Steffon (Note, if you do not go to Lord Baratheon, you will need to roll to convince him to come with you)

AN: Enjoy the climax coming soon.
The Final Battle Finale: Death of Monsters and Wars End
The Final Battle Finale: Death of Monsters.

You looked to Marq Grafton and stated the only order you could give. "Marq, follow me."

The Vale lordling and ranger nodded and without hesitation, followed you towards the lines, towards your fallen father.

Most if not all the Valeman who saw you cleared the way, knowing that you may be the only one who truly could reach your father.

The chaos around you was without question, terrifying, yet somehow you managed to keep pushing forward towards your father.

Your father was off his horse, lying helplessly across the ground as the King of the Stepstones was towering over almost all men who were against him, the other Vale knights who were trying and failing to protect their lord at the onslaught of the monstrous man.

You had reached your father and saw his eyes closed, the helmet he wore over his head had a large, and even cracked dent on it. Removing it, you saw that his head was not bleeding as profusely as you had seen other but there was a large gash on his head. He was breathing, but weakly.

"Father!" You crouched down beside him, carefully not moving too much.

But he did not stir, nor move… He laid their still, whether dead or not, you were unsure.

You drew your blade and faced the monstrous king and saw the grotesque figure the skull of the tiny human skull that was his brother, eaten by his skin and connected to his jaw.

You stood up, blade in hand, ready to fight.

Marq First Shot:1D100 => 23+ 30 (Skill and Traits)=53 vs 1D100 => 91+70 (Traits and Skills)=161

But his arrows flew wide, and he quickly turned to fire at the men who were coming towards him, trying to overtake him and kill him.

Leaving you to fight alone with the Monster.

But you were a squire, and a knight to be… and knights killed Monsters.

The stone Uncle Yohn gave you seemed to glow in your armor, and you felt braver like others were fighting with you… guiding you to fight.

The Runes Power:1D100 => 100

(For this battle, you have gained the Guide of Your Ancestor, Artys Arryn, The Falcon Knight who has given you a Bonus of +10 as he assists you in battle through spirit. You may also fail a wound roll once before you get wounded)

You stood tall and prepared for battle.

The Strike: 1D100 => 35+50(Traits, Skill, Ancestor Guiding and Battlefield Training)=85 vs 1D100 => 48+70 (Traits and Skills)=118
Wound Roll: 1D100 => 18 (No Wound)

You barely saw the blade and were able to block it with your own. The monster seemed to smile as he saw you. He did not speak, but even you could see that he was enjoying the suffering he was causing.

Like a true monster.

Fighting back: 1D100 => 73+50(Traits, Skill, Ancestor Guiding and Battlefield Training)=123 vs 1D100 => 26+70 (Traits and Skills)=96
Wound Roll:1D100 => 26

You then swiftly rose, and pushed the monster of a man back, and struck back with your blade, hitting his heavy armor with your blade, slashing at his exposed side.

But your blade just bounced off the steel plating of the armor, and the monster continued to smile.

Defending yourself: 1D100 => 40+50(Traits, Skill, Ancestor Guiding and Battlefield Training)=90 vs 1D100 => 17+70 (Traits and Skills)=87

But the monster continued to strike back like an unrelenting force. Mayles struck at you, at any place where he thought he saw an opening.

Yet somehow, you keep up with the barrage of attacks and kept yourself.

Striking again: 1D100 => 1+50(Traits, Skill, Ancestor Guiding and Battlefield Training)=51 vs 1D100 => 73+70 (Traits and Skills)=143
Wound Roll for you:1D100 => 96

But then your Blade shattered on the monster's blade. And his hand grabbed you neck.

You were going to die… and you closed your eyes in fear, waiting for it all to end.

Marq Interrupt!: 1D100 => 85

Then you fell to the ground, the hand and arm of the king having been severed by a clean strike.

Marq Grafton, was amazed he even hit the arm with his sword even hit his target, and the look of disbelief was clear from how he just stared at his blade, now covered in the blood of kings.

Maelys the Monstrous lay shocked at the loss of his arm, and could only scream in pain, as he stared at his stump.

You found your father's sword on the ground in the mud… And stabbed him in the throat.

The men around you fighting stopped, and the enemy began to run like dogs.

The King was dead, there was no point in fighting anymore.

You did not fight for the rest of the battle… that much was certain… There was no need.

You stayed with your father. Where he wanted to be.

You and Marq have gained the Trait: Kingslayers (Foreign Kings): You have slain a foreign king, who has threatened the Realm and all who live in it. The realm will rejoice, and see you as a hero. (+20 to all Westerosi Opinions. You are considered a hero to Westeros.)

The Battle wasn't all celebrations. Many lords mourned the loss of friends.

Steffon Baratheon the hardest, having held his father in his arms as he died before he himself was saved by the Prince, and his Bannerman, Barristan Selmy.

Ser Gerold Hightower was wounded, but he still lived and requested Ser Barristian or Ser Brynden to join a now vacant spot in the kings guard.

Ser Barristan Accepted.

The war all but over… there was no need to fight the Brotherhood of Twelve without Mayles being a threat, and with the Golden, Company shattered… there was no point in staying in the disputed lands.

It was time to go home.

And everyone was glad to.


Your father hadn't woken up in three days after the battle. The celebrations were muted for the men of the Vale.

They did not know if their beloved lord was dead, but he was trapped in a hellish limbo from battle.

He still lived… but he had not died. He breathed, but weakly, and could not eat or drink without assistance from the Maester.

It was impossible to really know if he would ever recover.

You sat next to his body… his form and sighed, before speaking.

"Father… I hope you can hear me. But I have something to say to you, and I'm afraid I might not get the chance to say ever again." You paused. "We never spent much time together before you sent me to the capital, and that was okay, for I had a duty, and you had your own. But I want you to stay here with me… so that you can have the family we want for ourselves. I want you to be able to live long and happy… to see your grandchildren… to see me grow older. To see all the things we can build together."

A miracle:1D100 => 85

Your father's eyes opened, and he smiled. "That's sounds… lovely."

You turned to see your father smile… and you hugged him.

Everything was going to be alright.

Reward: Jon Arryn lives, although he is going to be having trouble moving for the rest of his life, confined to only be able to walk with the assistance of a cane.

AN: Enjoy this... happy ending.
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home:

The sail back to Gulltown was one fraught with celebration and clamoring for more wind in the sails. The veteran men wanted to be home, with their families, and to enjoy the fruits of their labor, in the coin they had earned with blood and steel.

Your father gained much of his strength, he could walk on his own again, although he required a cane to move around, and occasionally, he had a headache that he dimmed with Milk of the Poppy. A very small dosage, he assured you, as you worried that he may become addicted to such a drug to soothe his pain.

As you arrived in Gulltown, many of the Lord's and ladies of the Vale were there to meet you, to see their husbands and sons and brothers again, after such a long time away from home.

The journey was equally joyful for the men, and Lord's. They ran down the gangplanks, not worrying about the dangers to reach their families again.

You saw Marq and Garth run to Lady Grafton, and each man lifted the woman of their lives with their strength and joy, smiling.

A similar scene could be seen with Howland Hunter and his grandmother, whom he embraced with as many tears as there were smiles. The news of his mother's death finally reaching its conclusion, as he wept.

The world moved on without you, as you lost years of your life, and may others of your bannermen did as well.

Death came for them all… and the tears, and tragedy that may be brought with it… unavoidable.

But the reunion you wanted was finally here. Ser Gerold helped your father down the gangplank and to the two women you had waited years to see again.

Rowena had not changed in the years since you last saw her in the Red Keep… she looked tired, and her black hair was much shorter than the long flowing vine you had seen in the Red Keep and the Great sept. She truly was an Arryn though, her blue eyes as sharp as your own.

And Rhaella… gods she was as beautiful as the day you married her, and before. She had grown a bit more, she stood taller, though not anywhere close to your height, as you now stood as tall as your father. She wore a red dress, a very… thin one, that seemed to show her… ample bosom and breasts... and a bronze tiara on her head, with a ruby shining in the middle. Her white hair was long and flowy, but behind her, in a controlled manner that allowed you to see her face as clear as the moon.

Ser Gerold smiled. "It seems you've gotten your happy ending." He quipped, seeing Rhaella and waving to her, getting a wave back.

You turned towards Ser Gerold. "Ser Gerold… I know your duties are with the King… but why did you come to the Vale with us? Won't you need to ride to Kings Landing?"

Ser Gerold smiled. "I couldn't let my squire go home alone… not until one thing was done."

You smiled at him, realizing what he was implying. "I…" You were at a loss for words… a rare thing for you. "Ser Gerold. Why wait until now?"

Ser Gerold looked around. "Because I know you Arstan… You're a man of the Vale, as much as you are a lord of the seven kingdoms. Let your people be the witness of your knighting…" His face became that of a stone statue. "Arstan Arryn… kneel."

You did so without hesitation. Your father smiled as you looked back at him. "In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave." The sword moved from his right shoulder to his left. "In the name of the Father I charge you to be just." Back to the right. "In the name of the Mother I charge you to defend the young and innocent." The left. "In the name of the Maid, I charge you to protect all women. In the name of the Smith, I charge you to never stop your knightly duties, no matter the situation, no matter the pain, and exhaustion. In the name of the Crone, I charge you to be wise, and careful in all your thoughts and decisions. In the name of the Stranger, I ask you not to fear death, when your time comes, but to welcome it, so that others need not be afraid of what is to come." He paused, looking down upon you with a smile. "Arise, Ser Arstan Arryn, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

And you rose, feeling joy, and relief.

You were finally a knight.

Reward: You are now a knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

You took leave from your father and the Graftons, respectfully denying the offer to stay in the city's keep, and instead go to someplace more… private for yourself and Rhaella.

Rhaella insisted you come to an… honest, but unexpected establishment. Not a whorehouse… but certainly not a tavern either.

"I trust the payment for the room and the building was suitable?" Rhaella asked the owner.

"It was my lady...Lord Arryn." The matron of the establishment replied. "It fills my heart with great joy that you and your father have returned safely from the war."

"Thank you for your thoughts." You replied. The woman then walked away, out of the building.

You were confused as Rhaella dragged you up the stairs and into a very warm room, lit by candles and covered in the smell of roses.

The bed was red, a deep red like crimson and roses.

You could only stare as Rhaella slowly began to walk towards you. "Arstan… listen to me please." She ordered as she pressed her body against yours. "This room is all to ourselves, and no one will come to disturb us." She whispered to your ears. "Now, we are both going to undress, and you are going to lay on that bed and you will fuck me Arstan… I want you to show me how much you love me."

You could only smile at her. You didn't need to say anything else as you picked her up and began kissing her everywhere. You didn't stop as she showed you every trick she learned, nor as you began… well, you enjoyed what you began. It was something you had wanted to do for over a year

All you could do was smile as you both enjoyed your night alone.

Fertility Roll: 1D100 => 82(You are very virile) +10 to pregnancy rolls.

Rhaella Pregnancy Roll: 1D100 => 96+10 (Your Fertility)+30 (Rhaellas Fertility)=136

Child roll:1D3 => 1

Reward: Rhaella is now Pregnant.

Gain Trait: Virile: You are more fertile than most men. (+10 to Pregnancy rolls)
Rowena Pregnancy Roll: 1d100 => 97-40+30=87

Child roll:1D3 => 1

Reward: Rowena Arryn is now Pregnant.

AN: Well... I didn't see that last roll coming... but enjoy this update. You are now home and can be lord of the Vale, and a father.

The Region Report (Post War)
The Region Report (Post War):

The Vale:1D100 => 85

The Vale has known many things in the past century: Loss, confusion, tragedy.

Now another thing has blessed the hardy men of the Valley and the mountain.

Victory: Hundreds of men died for such glory to appear through them. But the bonds that grew from such terrible loss, made them stronger.

Husbands lost sons, sons father's, brothers lost brothers.

Yet in that terror, they gained strength from each other.

The mourned yes, and prayed for those they lost. But in the end, they could find peace.

King Jaheryes has given a Charter to the Vale of Arryn, to found a city on the eastern coast of Westeros, in the Fingers, a new naval port to defend the coast and trading port for domestic and foreign trade.

Lord Jon Arryn has granted the new city to Tormo Balish, a Hero to the Valemen, and a new noble in the many traditional houses of the Vale. They greet him with open arms.

Reward: The Vale's nobility and soldier class have gained "The Bonds of Fellowship" The shared experiences from the war makes the lord's more willing to listen to their grievances, and not take greater actions that may lead to rivalry and things that may cause them greater pain.

This effect lasts for the remainder of Jon Arryn's life.

The Vale has Received Twenty Million Gold Dragons in War Spoils.

Lord Tormo Balish of The Fingerton, a new city that is under construction with funds that were awarded to the Vale for services in the War of The Twelve Crowns, has risen to nobility to rule over the new city.

Fingerton will take twenty years to be a fully functioning city, and will be a drain on the Vales Wealth until the city is completed.

Be warned: (Unknown) wishes to destroy the Vale for (Actions redacted, currently unknown to you) during the War of Twelve Crowns.

Blood Feud has started between the Vale of Arryn, and (Unknown)

The Riverlands:1D100 => 67

Ser Brynden Blackfish Tully has stated he will travel the realm for the next five years, to visit the Veterans of the Twelve Crown war, and to meet with his companions. He seeks to fight in tourney's seeking to find a woman whom he can marry.

Hoster Tully has barred his brother from entering Riverrun, though he has announced the birth of his daughter, Serena.

Reward: Trouble in the Riverlands. Hoster has a daughter… and the Blackfish is Traveling to visit his war buddies and get hitched.

The Westerlands: 1D100 => 96

Lord Tytos Lannister has started a new program amongst the lords. A new impartial legal system, a system of judicial, where a jury of twelve peers, selected by the lord to oversee a trial, and weigh in their opinion on the matters of justice, and punishment.

If the jury's vote after being compelled through evidence and testimony, in favor of the lord's punishment, the punishment will be carried out. If half the jury disagrees, the punishment will be lessened. If the Jury unanimously refuses, the defendant may not be punished.

This may help with many legal discussions, and possibly, prevent tyranny amongst a lord's decision.

Reward: Tytos (Tywin) adopts a trial by jury for Lord's to use in decisions not involving treason, taxation, or land disputes.

A more codified Legal code of the Westerlands is slowly being established.

The North:1D100 => 47

Nothing of note occurred in the North, besides a celebration in Winterfell that caused the entire stock of Alcohol to run out.

Reward: The North threw one helluva party.

The Reach: 1D100 => 45

The Reach, after numerous protests, were refused an island in the Stepstones, citing that their navel actions did not contribute in the war, and that the Reach Lord's did not commit more troops to the war, along with not even partaking in major battles that decided the war, and assaulting weak fortresses in the Southern Stepstones.

Reward: The Reach were refused a reward in the Stepstones due to a lack of contribution to the war. They are angry and insulted by the King Jaeherys' decision.

The Stormlands:1D100 => 73

Steffon buried his father in the tomb of his family and readied the Stormlords for the future. They received the Island of Bloodstone as a reward, and he was not going to lose it to the Ironborn or Dornish.

He gathered volunteers and made the one-second son of the Lord of Tarth he trusted to take command of the Island.

Bloodstone is going to be a fortress island if he had anything to say about it. And with the funds from the crown, he could make it so.

Reward: Steffon is fortifying Bloodstone, and was paid Twenty Million Crowns in War Spoils for his lord's contribution in the war.

The Iron Islands:1D100 => 74

The Iron Islands have gained Three Islands as War Spoils.

Reward: Quillion Greyjoy has paid the Iron price and has been rewarded handsomely for it. Three islands for their war spoils.

The Ironborn are preparing for a reaving of the disputed lands and Tyrosh under the Silvertounge… sponsored by the Iron Throne, as a show of force to the Free cities, that their influence is not welcome on the continent.

Dorne:1D100 => 84

Dorne… came out with the rest of the Islands. The supplies from Dorn were instrumental in maintaining the offensive, and they paid more money into the war than even the Crown, at over 50 million in debt. The Stepstones are a small price to pay for their continued… rebuilding.

Reward: The Rest of the Stepstones are Drones, due to their supply contribution, and the need to rebuild.

The Stepstones:1D100 => 54

The Stepstones have been Annexed by the Kingdom of the Iron Throne.

The Iron Bank is on Suicide Watch.

The Free Cities are nervous.

Reward: The Stepstones are annexed by the Iron Throne, and divided out by the King during the party in Kings landing.

The Crownlands:1D100 => 71

The King is dead. Long Live the King!

Aerys Targaryen has ascended to the Iron Throne as the Second of his name.

The Kingdom is wealthy, it's army strong, and his allies plentiful.

His position is not contested by anyone, though many more kiss his feet, and swear loyalty.

Reward: Aerys has ascended his rightful with no problems. He has stated to the realm he is only having a private coronation, with his family and the High Septon, so that he may mourn his father in private.

The lords have sent letters of condolences for the loss of his father.

Westeros is at peace.

Let the Game of Thrones Begin.

AN: Enjoy.
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The Vale of Arryn: Duties and Pleasures
The Vale of Arryn: Duties and Pleasures

You awoke to the sun slowly creeping through your window, and the warm breath from Rhaella warming your back. You turned to see her beautiful form hiding beneath the linen and furs of your bed, and you kissed her forehead. "Good morning." You whispered as Rhaella stirred and her purple eyes opened.

"Morning." She said quietly as her hands rubbed her belly. "Why must you wake us so early in the morning." She said quietly with a joking smile.

You smiled. "Because I want you both to have good habits." You rubbed her belly as you kissed her on her cheek, making her purr in joy. "And I'm not one of those men who decide to lock his lady wife into a dark room because tradition demands it. I want to see her for all her glory and beauty."

Rhaella laughed. "You still have a way to swoon me off my feet with just a few words."

You stood up and stretched, putting on a loose shirt and riding pants you discarded onto the floor before last night's… cuddling session. Sex was out of the question, now that Rhaella was pregnant. "You going to need help getting up?" You asked as Rhaella pulled more of the linen and furs over her.

"I think it would be rude for you to see a lady nacked when she does not wish to be seen." She said with a wiry smile.

Gods you enjoyed her tact, just as much as you enjoy the time you spend together. You bowed playfully and returned the smile. "Then I shall meet you at the dining hall, my princess."

Rhaella laughed, as you walked out of your room with a skip in your step, making sure the door was shut behind her to give her some privacy. You wandered through the halls of the Eyrie and met your father and stepmother in the Dining Hall, nibbling on scrambled eggs and bacon, with buttered toast and a tall mug of goat milk. A simple breakfast sure, but a very healthy one for both yourselves, and the two pregnant ladies who now lived in the Eyries hall.

That and old habits from the war were not easily shaken, either by you, or your father. It would take time for something more intricate would be back on the menu for breaking your fast.

But it was the simplicity that made you enjoy it. "Good morning father. Lady Rowena." You stated as you sat. "Goose eggs?" You asked.

"No, just some chicken eggs from the roost." Your father replied. "It seems Lady Rowena was boiling them for a potential feast here, but our plans differed, and we decided to Celebrate in Gulltown."

Your stepmother nodded. "The raven reached us before I could plan the celebrations, so only a few dozen eggs were lost, and I just allowed the cooks to sell them to the Miller at the Bloody Gate." She stated.

Ah… Well, you would have fed them to the dogs, but making money was actually quite better. "Rowena, how did you and Rhaella get along while we were gone?" you asked, trying to measure any tensions that may have occurred while you and your father were gone.

Rowena frowned. "She was quite willing to do everything herself, not asking for any help at all even when she was clearly struggling with her duties."

Ah. "I see." Your father replied. "Thankfully, she will not try to usurp any more authority from you." He said to Rowena, who gave a satisfied humph sound.

Great, interfamilial politics. "Arstan." Your father said your name sternly. "Do you have any plans that you wish to share with me, or are you content with helping me rule the Vale?" he said.

You nodded. "I still haven't figured that out yet. Though I am questioning why you gave Lord Balish the Charter to Fingerton when it is still only a small town of fewer than ten thousand inhabitants? Surly Gulltown would be more suitable for such a reward? It's much closer to trading routes, and it's connected to the Eastern road."

Your father sighed. "Because I do not want the Vale to tear itself apart." He replied. "The other lords would see it as favoritism, and they would petition me to strike the charter. If I refused, we might see rebellions spring up, calling my orders tyrannical, and they would remove me from power… maybe even send me to the Wall, or the Free Cities, and force you to follow their demands." Your father paused. "Fingerton is isolated, only connected to the Fingers and the Northern Eastern road, it's lands are prime harbors and good ground to continue to expand and build on. The foundation for a city and the people who can begin building is there, so we do not need to spend more gold and material in breaking new ground, offering land to new people."

Your father sighed as he looked into your eyes. "I want roads to connect all the Vale. I want harbors for ships, and mines for Iron and silver. And Fingerton is far closer to the Mountains than Gulltown is, and it can begin to export those materials to the Rest of Westeros. The city will grow."

"And why Lord Balish?" You asked. "Why give it to a man who has no ties to this land, save for his grandfather working in Lord Grafton's company of swords?"

Your father sighed. "I owe him a great deal for saving your life… far more than I believe I can give him as a reward. And he has ties to this land, in the blood, he spilled for our people." He replied. "He is friends with many Vale knights and lord's and other knights and lords of the Seven kingdoms. I can use his connections to my advantage in making Fingerton Grow… and he is in many ways… a fresh start. His ideas may prove useful. His outlook, a breath of fresh air for us all."

Rhaella walked in, wearing a red dress, but barefooted, her white hair in a braid. She sat down next to you, and rested her head on your arm and side.

"What do you think Arstan… of the Vale, you find yourself in?" Your father asked.

"It's different… but then again, so am I." You replied softly.

"For the better." your father said, raising his mug.

"For the better." You whispered as you ate your breakfast with your family.

Being the Heir of the Vale has many responsibilities and many privileges.

You have 7 Actions.

Duties: These Actions are duties you can take to help Run the Vale.

(Can only choose 1, which counts as one of your actions)

Note: Ignoring your duties is a surefire way to getting in trouble, and losing Reputation with your lord's and father… however, if you fail, you will also be seen as a failure.

[]Balance The Books: your father has always been a dutiful record keeper… however, he does have moments of forgetfulness. You can always double-check, make sure the books are all in order.

[]Partake in Your Father's Council meetings: You are going to partake in your father's council meetings, learn about the true state of the Vale from their reports, not from second-hand sources and rumors.

[]Patrol the Eastern Road: You shall gather the knights of the Vale, and patrol the Eastern Road, to protect it from Mountain Clan raids, and bandits, and other vagabonds.

[]Survey the Realm: Your father is no longer able to Survey the realm on his own, and you will need to do it yourself. You shall visit the Holdfasts and towns and keeps, and update the maps your father uses.

[]Drill the Garrison: Your father wants the garrison in top shape for raids, defending, and maintaining discipline.

[]Gather A Stockpile of Weapons: The Eyrie does not have a peacetime stockpile of weapons, having been exhausted during the Brotherhood war. You will need to replace it.

[]Oversee The Road Construction (The Northern Road. Salt Pans to Strong Song): The Northern road connects Saltpans, to the High Road, to the North through the Mountains of the Moon. This task is difficult by the terrain, but the Valeman has built far more difficult constructions. (Note this action lasts for 5 turns, and if you do not oversee it, it will continue on without you.

[]Oversee The Road Construction (Gulltown to the Fingers): The Road will be less difficult to oversee than that of the Northern Road, but is far more dangerous. The Burned Men have been known to burn trading caravans through those mountains.

Personal Actions: You have time to spend on yourself.

[]Build a Retinue: You want to create a retinue of sorts, to assist you in your duties and in your travels around the Vale. (Note, this will Generate a Random Retinue of Locals from Around the Eyrie, you will not be able to build it yourself via events from other actions, or from keeping.)

[]Spend Time with Your Father: You want to spend time with your father, outside of an official capacity.

[]Spend Time with Rhaella: "Rhae… my your belly has gotten big." You teased.

[]Spend Time with Rowena: You will spend time with you're… stepmother.

[]Look for a Midwife for Rhaella and Rowena: You are worried that the local midwives and the maester might not be… suitable for the task of delivering your siblings and your child. You wish to see a true master of her craft.

[]Explore the Eyrie: You have not been home in a very long time… you want to memorize the entire layout of the castle… just to be safe.

[]Find A Septon: It seems in your absence, the Septon died… better go find another one for the Eyrie Sept before Rowena starts doing something strange. Like carving a seven-pointed star onto her forehead as some fanatics have done.

[]Call upon the Knights of the Vale: The Vale, for too long has had roaming bands of disunified groups of knights, wandering the countryside, looking for honor, glory and wealth. You had seen what a coordinated group of knights did to a disciplined army. And it gave you an idea. You shall assemble them into a true order of knights. An Order of Winged Knights, to serve the Lord of the Eyrie, and the Vale itself.

[]Negotiate with the Mountain Clans: You shall bring peace between the Mountain Clans and the Valemen… Better men have tried… but they were not you.

[]Request to Travel The Realm: You wish to travel the Realm, to fight in tourney's and win honor for the House of Arryn. (Note, if you do this, you will gain more actions, but you will not be able to do duties in the Vale until your journey is deemed finished by you)

[]Request to Go on a Foreign Tour: You wish to see the world and all of its wonders. (Note, if you do this, you will gain more actions, but you will not be able to do duties in the Vale until your journey is deemed finished by you)

[]Correspond with Friends: You wish to write a letter to a friend of yours. (Please line tail the friend you wish to send a letter to)

[]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you?

[]Go to Gulltown: Marq must be bored out of his mind being back from the war. Maybe you can convince him to work with you? If his duties permit him, of course.

[]Travel to Fingerton: Your newest vassel and war hero, Tormo Balish must be working hard to deal with expanding Fingerton, and dealing with… The neighbors.

[]Plot: You want to start a Plot (Enter a Plotting Miniturn)

[]Buy Items/Gear: You have quite a bit of money from the bounties from the War… Maybe you can invest that money into something useful for yourself.

[]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship. (Note, as you are a Veteran of a war, you get a +20 for one attempt, and if it passes, You will achieve the rank of Master. if you fail, you cannot go any further in training without finding a teacher.)

[]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. (Note, as you are a Veteran of a war, you get a +20 for one attempt, and if it passes, You will achieve the rank of Master. if you fail, you cannot go any further in training without finding a teacher.)

AN: Enjoy and Vote in Plan Format.
In The Vale: High As Honor
In The Vale: High As Honor

-[X] Survey the Realm: Your father is no longer able to Survey the realm on his own, and you will need to do it yourself. You shall visit the Holdfasts and towns and keeps, and update the maps your father uses. Rolled: 1D100 => 100+40=140

You left on the First Moon of the New Year, while the summer frosts still bit and controlled the Vale, and the roads were frozen, the mud that lay under it, solid, and the dirt firm.

The winds were to your back, as you traveled the roads of the Vale, to meet all whom you could meet.

You first arrived at Hearts Home, the Seat of the Corbray's, and the traditional first stop in any survey of the Realm heading to the coast.

You were greeted with open beds and open arms from Lady Callen Corbray. Her husband and sons were on a hunt for elk and deer to prepare for the night's festivities.

The conversation you had was rather pleasant, and your kind words and compliments, both on her home and her health, was something she found greatly appreciated

The men returned with a bounty of Elk and deer, and the kind meetings from Lord Corbray and his sons filled them all with great pride. Your words of kindness and the war stories you all swapped kept the candles burning long and hot. By the time morning came, you were half asleep, and the others thoroughly enjoying your company, and your Charisma, and your reputation.

They were all still in disbelief in your story of how you and Marq Grafton slew the Monstrous Mayles, and Samaro Saan, commenting on your daring and cunning, and luck.

They bid you farewell, as you continued your travels.

Every visit and every lord met, they fell for your aura of confidence, reputation, and willingness to listen to their grievances.

And you enjoyed every moment.

Every Day you stopped and made adjustments to your maps, correcting long-running errors and made a more accurate map… with the help of your Falcon.

With your Falcon, it made almost everything… easy, when drawing for distance, for accuracy in height, and even in potential hazards for the future.

You even came up with a way to make the map more accurate.

Triangulation. Make a set of triangles, measure the distance

And with the Equipment you brought, and built from the Free cities and from the workshops of the Vale, the map you made was accurate to the foot.

Soon, you had papers and papers, scrolls and scrolls, filled with accurate triangles of provinces, lands of the Lord's.

There were certain areas that were inaccurate, those lands being controlled by the Mountain clans, and you were forced to make guesses based on previous sights with your Falcon.

By the end of your three-month-long journey, you had the start of a truly accurate map of the Vale.

Reward: The Lord's of the Vale is in love with you, and they have been swayed under your charismatic personality, and reputation. They will not raise a fuss when you succeed, whenever you do rise to the Falcon Throne, and the Title of the Warden of the East.

You have the start of a truly accurate map of the Vale, of the Eyrie, Hearts Home, and Oakwood.

-[X]Look for a Midwife for Rhaella and Rowena: You are worried that the local midwives and the maester might not be… suitable for the task of delivering your siblings and your child. You wish to see a true master of her craft. Rolled:1D100 => 95

The Rumors of a truly magical midwife reached your ears as you were in Runestone, visiting uncle Yohn.

The woman was a woods witch, a mountain clanswoman who offered her services to any who asked her. Valeman, Clansmen… peasant, and Lord Alike.

But a price had to be paid for her services… a price that none knew and none ever spoke of.

You walked towards the Witches tent, confident that nothing would happen. "Hello." You said.

"The Young Falcon finally arrives." She said quietly.

Your eyes narrowed. You had made sure to make your presence as… low profile as possible. "Hello, Witch." You stated.

"Please Lord, Call me Helen." the witch replied. "As for how I knew it was you, young falcon… your falcon flying over my home revealed you."

You raised an eyebrow but sat down without any hesitation. "Listen… Helen, I'm-" you started.

"Fearing the birth of both your daughter and that of your brother?" She asked.

Your eyes widened. "How you possibly know that?" You were shocked, surprised… confused.

Helen nodded and smiled. "An old crone has to have a few secrets… but to satisfy your curiosity, the bones told me." She replied, throwing bones into the fire. They then cracked, and smoke rose, showing two Falcons before they were blown away by the wind. "Two Falcons will be born, one a male, the other female. The Dragon will give birth to the girl, and the Falcon, the boy."

"How?" You asked. "How could you possibly know that?"

Helen laughed. "I have delivered children for over fifty years, and the bones have never lied to me." She replied. "But I suspect you want my help."

"I do." You replied. "I heard you offer a price for your services… name them, and it shall be given."

"My, so willing to give what is most valuable." Her words sent shivers up your spine. "Very well. I need a few drops of your blood." She showed a glass vial and a knife. "Blood, for life, that is my price." She stated.

You nodded, and put a small cut onto your thumb, and allowed the drops of blood to drip into the glass vial.

After twenty drops, Helen took the vial and corked it, giving you a smile. "Very well my lord. I shall be at the Eyrie for the birth a fortnight before, and no sooner." She replied.

"Thank you." You replied with a bow of your head.

"No dear… thank you." She replied with a sickeningly sweet smile.

You left, feeling a sense of dread fill your stomach.

Reward: You have Hired Helen the wood witch to assist the birthing of your daughter and your brother. She will arrive a fortnight before the birth.

+50 to all survival rolls. -20 to complication rolls.


-[X]Call upon the Knights of the Vale: The Vale, for too long has had roaming bands of disunified groups of knights, wandering the countryside, looking for honor, glory and wealth. You had seen what a coordinated group of knights did to a disciplined army. And it gave you an idea. You shall assemble them into a true order of knights. An Order of Winged Knights, to serve the Lord of the Eyrie, and the Vale itself. Rolled:1D100 => 98+60=158

Your message was sent out to all the knights of the Vale, to all knights, lowborn and high, to join you in the Eyrie, to become part of the Brotherhood of True knights.

Every, single knight heeded your call. All Three thousand of them, from landed knights, to hedge knights, to wandering knights who had returned home from the war, squires who had never been knighted by their masters, to even the wanderers who swore to never return to the Vale.

All came, and all gathered to hear you speak.

You spoke of true knightly virtue that the world lacked, that forced men like them to abandon them, for the sake of survival, for the sake of coin, for the sake of tattered honor.

How the virtues they all had, could never survive in this world of evil.

How together, you in fact had a way to bring the true virtues and valor, and honor back to the world.

You proposed the order of Knights… of True Knights who would protect the weak, the downtrodden, the Helpless, for honor, and because it is the right thing to do.

Payment will come from the Valien Coffers, and from the lord's who had agreed to your plans and had created a fund for this endeavor.

It was met with unanimous applause, and agreement.

And the man who would lead them was one Ser Brynden 'The Blackfish' Tully, who had heeded the call.

Evil would fear them… This Order of Winged Knights.

Reward: The Order of Winged Knights has been founded.

Ser Brynden Tully has been made Grandmaster. They have set up shop in Fingerton, Gulltown, the Eyrie, and Runestone building small allotted fortressed to both defend the lands and to help build it.

You can now call upon Winged Knights to Fight for you, no matter the cause, as you are their benefactor.

-[X] Correspond with Friends: You wish to write a letter to a friend of yours.
--[X] Aerys II Targaryen Rolled:1D100 => 99+60=159

Dear King Aerys, The Second of His name, King of the Raynor, the Andels and the First Men,

I hope running the Kingdom has been as exciting as being a Lord of the Eyrie has been for me.

I write this letter to you as merely a social call, as my duties have been keeping me occupied and such, I must keep this letter, Brief.

The Vale, has seen great growth, both in people, food and in protective capacity against the Mountain Clans. The Order of the WingedKnights have begun their patrols to the countryside, and we have noted a sharp decrease in banditry, and in raids from the clans.

Though we have a few pirates off our coast, we will not require any royal assistance

I wish you well my friend and good wishes for the future.

Arstan Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie​

Reward: Your letter improves Aerys Sanity. Your reputation increases.

-[X]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you? Rolled:1D100 => 1+60 (Skills)-20 (Yohn's son is born)=41

Your Uncle could not see you as you had hoped. He was celebrating being a father to a boy named Ander.

You were named the Goodfather of the boy, something you were happy to accept.

Reward: Nothing of value was learned. You are the Goodfather to Ander Royce.

-[X]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship. (Note, as you are a Veteran of a war, you get a +20 for one attempt, and if it passes, You will achieve the rank of Master. if you fail, you cannot go any further in training without finding a teacher.) Rolled:1D100 => 79+20=99

Without fail, you used your time and the will to become a better knight, a fighter and soldier.

With Ser Bryndens Help… you achieve that perfection, mastering the blade, the lance, the bow… You became a true killer.

Reward: You are now a master fighter.

-[X]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. (Note, as you are a Veteran of a war, you get a +20 for one attempt, and if it passes, You will achieve the rank of Master. if you fail, you cannot go any further in training without finding a teacher.) Rolled:1D100 => 19+20=39

The same could not be said, however, for your ability to command me.

Try as you must, but charisma does not always equal sound strategy.


You have 7 Actions.

Duties: These Actions are duties you can take to help Run the Vale.

(Can only choose 1, which counts as one of your actions)

Note: Ignoring your duties is a surefire way to getting in trouble, and losing Reputation with your lord's and father… however, if you fail, you will also be seen as a failure.

[]Balance The Books: your father has always been a dutiful record keeper… however, he does have moments of forgetfulness. You can always double-check, make sure the books are all in order.

[]Partake in Your Father's Council meetings: You are going to partake in your father's council meetings, learn about the true state of the Vale from their reports, not from second-hand sources and rumors.

[]Patrol the Eastern Road: You shall gather the knights of the Vale, and patrol the Eastern Road, to protect it from Mountain Clan raids, and bandits, and other vagabonds.

[]Survey the Realm: Your father is no longer able to Survey the realm on his own, and you will need to do it yourself. You shall visit the Holdfasts and towns and keeps, and update the maps your father uses. (The map will continue to Update.)

[]Drill the Garrison: Your father wants the garrison in top shape for raids, defending, and maintaining discipline.

[]Gather A Stockpile of Weapons: The Eyrie does not have a peacetime stockpile of weapons, having been exhausted during the Brotherhood war. You will need to replace it.

[]Oversee The Road Construction (The Northern Road. Salt Pans to Strong Song): The Northern road connects Saltpans, to the High Road, to the North through the Mountains of the Moon. This task is difficult by the terrain, but the Valeman has built far more difficult constructions. (Note this action lasts for 5 turns, and if you do not oversee it, it will continue on without you.

[]Oversee The Road Construction (Gulltown to the Fingers): The Road will be less difficult to oversee than that of the Northern Road, but is far more dangerous. The Burned Men have been known to burn trading caravans through those mountains.

Personal Actions: You have time to spend on yourself.

[]Build a Retinue: You want to create a retinue of sorts, to assist you in your duties and in your travels around the Vale. (Note, this will Generate a Random Retinue of Locals from Around the Eyrie, you will not be able to build it yourself via events from other actions, or from keeping.)

[]Recruit Ser Brynden into your Retinue: You shall ask Ser Brynden to be in your retinue.

[]The Birth: You shall witness the birth of your child, you're daughter and your Brother.

[]Spend Time with Your Father: You want to spend time with your father, outside of an official capacity.

[]Spend Time with Rhaella: "Rhae… my your belly has gotten big." You teased.

[]Spend Time with Rowena: You will spend time with you're… stepmother.

[]Explore the Eyrie: You have not been home in a very long time… you want to memorize the entire layout of the castle… just to be safe.

[]Find A Septon: It seems in your absence, the Septon died… better go find another one for the Eyrie Sept before Rowena starts doing something strange. Like carving a seven-pointed star onto her forehead as some fanatics have done.

[]Ride with The Order: You shall ride with the order, and fight the wickedness and evil of the world.

[]Negotiate with the Mountain Clans: You shall bring peace between the Mountain Clans and the Valemen… Better men have tried… but they were not you.

[]Request to Travel The Realm: You wish to travel the Realm, to fight in tourney's and win honor for the House of Arryn. (Note, if you do this, you will gain more actions, but you will not be able to do duties in the Vale until your journey is deemed finished by you)

[]Request to Go on a Foreign Tour: You wish to see the world and all of its wonders. (Note, if you do this, you will gain more actions, but you will not be able to do duties in the Vale until your journey is deemed finished by you)

[]Correspond with Friends: You wish to write a letter to a friend of yours. (Please line tail the friend you wish to send a letter to)

[]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you?

[]Go to Gulltown: Marq must be bored out of his mind being back from the war. Maybe you can convince him to work with you? If his duties permit him, of course.

[]Travel to Fingerton: Your newest vassel and war hero, Tormo Balish must be working hard to deal with expanding Fingerton, and dealing with… The neighbors.

[]Plot: You want to start a Plot (Enter a Plotting Miniturn)

[]Buy Items/Gear: You have quite a bit of money from the bounties from the War… Maybe you can invest that money into something useful for yourself.

[]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

AN: Enjoy.
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In the Vale: Of Knights, Veterans and Septons.
In the Vale: Of Knights, Veterans and Septons.

[X]Gather A Stockpile of Weapons: The Eyrie does not have a peacetime stockpile of weapons, having been exhausted during the Brotherhood war. You will need to replace it. Rolled:1D100 => 3+30=33

The Eyrie's expenses and finances did not permit the building of a peacetime Arsenal, and even if it did, your father refused to allow it, seeing it as a waste of resources in terms of building up said stockpile and to maintain it. It would require far more men, material and equipment than your father was more comfortable in expending, and he knew that the money ot of your own poket wouldn't even cover half the amount that needed to be ordered.

After he finished his rant, your father jus said no to your suggestion, and merely said that while the idea was quite nice, the logistics to make it possible was far too expensive without the roads to fuel it.


-[X]Find A Septon: It seems in your absence, the Septon died… better go find another one for the Eyrie Sept before Rowena starts doing something strange. Like carving a seven-pointed star onto her forehead as some fanatics have done. Rolled:1D100 => 75+40=115

The Septon you found was making the rounds at Saltpans, preaching to the locals that either did not have time to go to the sept, or were too far away to make a journey.

A young man, he had to be your age or even younger, spouting the Seven Pointed Star from memory.

And he spoke like a man possessed by fervor… and guilt. You had rode into the village with him speaking to a few men, soldiers from the war and their families were

"Do not pity those old soldiers who have come home become unrecognizable. The husbands, sons and brothers whom you cannot see like you could before. The gods themselves have said many times that a man may change and can return to how he was before, only with love and care, and utmost trust."

The man continued to preach, but as he finished, you walked towards him. "Ah, Ser knight, how may I assist you? Do you need to confess your sins?" He bowed his head low for a moment. "I can give you my utmost confidence that only I and the gods will hear you."

You nodded. "You talked about men and soldiers being changed, and being able to become the people they were."

The Septon smiled. "Mayhaps, more like they can, given time, patience and the love that only a family can give." He paused. "I take you served in the war?"

You nodded. "Yes."

"So did I… my brothers did too… they are dead." He paused. "I'm finding my friends and companions from the war… trying to help them so that they may find peace."

"Why?" You asked.

The Septon frowned. "Because most men can never come back from war… most break, are left as nothing, being broken men for the remainder of their short lives, before some knight like yourself gets comes in and cuts them down, allowing them to find peace in death. I want them to find in life."

You nodded. "And why are you a septon?"

"Because that's the only way these men can express their pain without feeling weak." He replied.

"Can I listen to your sermon?" you asked. "Septon?"

"Meribald… My name is Meribald."

It took some convincing and several sermons…. But Septon Meribald accepted your offer to join you… if only he is allowed to visit those who fought in the war, to help them.

Reward: Septon Meribald has joined your retinue, and if you ever get depressed or Stressed or another health related mental illness strikes you, he gets a 50% chance in helping you through it without losing reputation with your lords.

-[X]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you? Rolled:1D100 => 60+40=100

Uncle Yohn had met you at the gates, carrying your good son as you dismounted. "He's adorable." You said smiling as you cooed the youngest and newest member of the Royce family.

Yohn smiled. "I'm glad you agree with that sentiment Arstan, he is." He replied. "Now, I'm sure you have much to talk about."

He led you through runestone, and into the keep, and then, into his solar, handing Ander off to his wetnurse so he can eat. "I take it it's about the rune that your hiding in your pocket?" He guessed.

You removed the rune and placed it onto his desk. "I felt something in me when it glowed… like someone was helping me, guiding me during that battle against Mayles." You stated.

Yohn's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" He asked.

You nodded.

Your uncle sighed. "The rune I gave your father was just a small trinket, something to protect him incase he did something rash… did you do something to it?" He asked.

"My blood got onto it." You replied.

Yohn froze, and he cursed himself under his breath. "What happened to you was a very ancient form of blood magic, that requires kings blood, your blood to allow it to work… it made the rune connect to my armor, which is covered in runes… and all the runes in the Vale despite the distance."

"And? Your not making any sense uncle Yohn." You replied.

"I need time to consult my family's texts Arstan… but do not do that again… or you may not be able to come back from it." He stated. "And give me back the rune, I need to know what happened to it."

You nodded. "And what happens if something did happen to it?" You asked.

"Gods help us than."

Reward: Your blood made the runes do something. Yohn takes the Rune away until he can figure out what the hells happened.

-[X]Ride with The Order: You shall ride with the order, and fight the wickedness and evil of the world. Rolled:1D100 => 51+30=81

You rode across the Eyrie and the mountain and the moon. The Clansmen tried to fight back.

And you destroyed them, making them flee deeper and higher into the mountains.

Reward: Mountain Clans harassed and fearful of the new order of knights. Negotiations, if started, can get a +20 to the negotiations.

-[X]Build a Retinue: You want to create a retinue of sorts, to assist you in your duties and in your travels around the Vale. (Note, this will Generate a Random Retinue of Locals from Around the Eyrie, you will not be able to build it yourself via events from other actions, or from keeping.) Rolled:1D100 => 4+10=14

It seems no one was willing to serve in your retinue, which was now just a single commoner Septon, who was a war vetren and a man who was more interested in learning to write and read, and talk to war veterans to help them go back to their own lives, and writing down why they needed it.


-[X]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Rolled:1D100 => 13+20=33

I seems command was very… hard for you to Grasp, even with Blackfish helping you.

-[X]The Birth: You shall witness the birth of your child, you're daughter and your Brother. Rolled: 1D100 => 81+50 (The Woodswitch)=133

The Birth came in a winter snowstorm, as if the gods themselves were trying to tear the Eyrie down.

(Continued in: The Winterborn)

AN: Enjoy.
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The Blizzard struck before you could properly leave the Eyrie. "Come on father, we have to leave." You exclaimed as you assisted the old man across the courtyard, as the wind howled, biting at your hands as you led him across to the lift.

"Leave me, boy, get Rhaella and Rowena and leave!" your father replied with worry. "Go Arstan." He ordered.

"I'm sorry father, but I cannot follow that order." You replied, looking at the woodswitch. "Listen to me witch, you told me you would same my wife and the children with your magic, so save them!"

"I help women give birth, not conjure up storms, my lord." The witch replied. "We must bring them all to the interior of the keep, it's the only way we might survive this hell."

"Do it." Your father replied, and he pushed himself to stand on his own. "Quickly, to the birthing rooms, bring the ladies off the lift, it's too dangerous for them."

You and the witch ran towards the lift that was now frozen in place, the bull that moved it was lying down, shivering and dying in the blizzard, the guardsmen clearly giving up trying to save the thing. "Rhaella, Rowena, off the lift!" You ordered as the two women screamed in pain. "Fuck me." You whispered.

Both women were in labor, and the midwives were trying their best to help them through their contractions.

You looked at the two guards on the lift. "Help them up, we need to get them to the birthing room!"

"But m'lord!" One of the guardsmen protested.

"Now dammit!" You shouted.

You and the men grabbed your wife and your mother in law and took them off of the lift, and not a moment too soon, as the bull finally gave way, causing the lift to start slowly but surely cereen down the mountainside.

The only way out of the mountain now was by either climbing spikes or to wait for the snow to subside, and chance the goat paths, or through the old caves, and prey to not get lost.

You and the guards finally met up with your father and the remainder of the retinue that had not left earlier. "To the birthing room now, we need to get fires going, or we may freeze to death." Your father ordered.

The men and women of the retinue realized that the orders were not voluntarily, and went to their stations, to prepare fires and to get ready for a blizzard, and a potential escape to be thought up of.

Your father sighed, as he clutched your shoulder. "We'll get through this boy… I promise."

You did not enjoy the grimace on your father's face.

It made you feel vulnerable and afraid.

You slept and dreamt of the Seven watching you.

Each aspect stared at you as if you were being judged by them.

Each one guarded a door… a door you dreaded wanting to open but felt compelled to anyway, as if they were showing you something that needed to be shown

The mother was first, and you opened the door to see a woman standing before you, overlooking a small crib, and a slumbering child.

"Hello, Arstan." The woman stated as she turned to face you.

You did not recognize the woman that was in front of you.

"Who are you?" You asked.

The woman smiled, before embracing you. "I have long wanted to see you grow old Arstan… but that was not to be."

"Mother?" You asked.

She did not make a sound. "There is a difference between the life I could have given you, versus the one you have. You may not have known familial love, or the love of a mother… but you have gained so much more in its absence."

You frowned. "But I didn't have anything."

Your mother let go of you. "Yet you became a good man without that balance a mother could give you. So give your family the balance as a father."

You closed your eyes and you were back into the room with the Seven, but the candle was out on the door of the mother.

You found yourself walking towards the Maid.

Entering the room was like entering another world, a world of happiness and joy.

It was warm, a summer breeze blew in the air. You were sitting in the Eyrie, with blooming flowers, and grass.

It was a quiet scene, and you saw yourself sitting next to… a growing godswood sapling?

"Beautiful isn't it." Your own voice said quietly, as the older you looked at you with a smile. "Even with all the fears in the world, what is greater in facing the darkness than that of the love of your family, and the love they have for you?"

You nodded. "Alone… Are we alone?" You asked.

"You are never alone Arstan…" Your future self said cryptically. "Nor without love. For everyone around you is as capable as you are feeling it."

Your eyes closed and you face the seven again… the Daughter and the mother's candles out.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you tormenting me!?" You asked.

"Tormenting you was never our intention Arstan Arryn, Andel, and First Man." You turned to see Steffon… or was it another Baratheon? You could not tell, as with the beard, you could only tell it was the black hair and blue eyes.

He was dressed in Armor and covered in blood. "Only telling you that, as a humble servant, that pain and joy in equal measures shall befall you, and that there is much to be written before the end of your days." The Warrior replied.

"Than why are you showing me any of this?" You asked.

"Because life is not only duty." You turned and saw your father… The Father stares at you with a glare. "It is an experience you must share with others, and learn with them so that in the end, you can leave the world better than when you found it."

You turned again and saw… an elderly woman with white hair and striking purple eyes. "You have the wisdom to be great.

You turned again and saw Aerys, and old, bearded, wizened Aerys sitting on the Iron Throne. "And the will to create something that will last longer than you."

And finally, the stranger spoke, their… face morphing and turning from both men and women equally. "But remember you are mortal… and you must remember you shall die."

Its finger touched your skull and you screamed awake.

Your brother was born first, screaming with a pair of healthy lungs. Rowena's birth was far easier than what you had thought for a woman of her age.

But he was alive, and Rowena rested.

You had never seen your father so happy before… with tears in his eyes and the gentleness, he displayed to both of them.

And it made you realize one thing for sure…

No matter how you may feel… he would love you always.

But he would protect his youngest with his life, as you knew you would as well.

Rhaella's birth was… far harder than you believed.

She screamed for hours and as the cold gripped the entire keep, all you could do was watch and beg the gods not to take her away from you.

But as the blizzard began to stop, and the wind died down… you saw your little girl.

Blue eyes like your own, with a tuff of white hair on her head.

And you knew for the rest of your days… it would be alright.

What would you like you to name your daughter:
[]Write in

Reward: you survived the snowstorm, and your brother Alsander Arryn is born.

Your daughter is born as well, and both mothers will make a full recovery.
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The Region Report: Westeros Post War 2
The Region Report:

The Vale:1D100 => 100

Words has spread from the Mountains to the Valley.

The Mountain clans have heard rumors of a great Winterborn children that have survived natures wrath, who by prophecy and fate, in the old traditions of the Mountain Clans, will bring peace, or destruction to the Vale, and the Mountain.

They wish to bring an item to the Eyrie, and to the Arryns themselves, to find out if it's true.

They will not keel, not yet. not until whatever item is presented to the children.

And what that Item is, is unknown.

In other news, Jon Arryn has convinced the Iron Throne has sent more workmen to help build the city of Fingerton.

Reward: The Mountain clans are coming to you to negotiate something, all Twenty Great Clans of the Mountains.

Fingerton's build time has been halved, now it will only take ten years to finish construction, and migration will pick up in three years to settle.

New Action Available.

The Riverlands:1D100 => 51

Nothing of note has occurred in the Riverlands, only that there have been a few tourneys.

The Westerlands:1D100 => 56

It's all quiet. Tywin has been a fair and an able administrator and is going to become Hand of the King next year, after Aerys diplomatic tour through The Crownlands, and the Reach to smooth over bad feelings and insubordination.

He has also announced the birth of his First child: Bael.

Reward: Tywin is about to become Hand of the King.

The North:1D100 => 52

It seems that everyone is having children.

The Starks announced the birth of a son.


Reward: Brandon Stark has been born.

The Reach: 1D100 => 91

It seems his Grace has smoothed over relations and has given a new charter to the City of Oldtown.

All the reach lords also get a hand in the city's profits for five years.

Reward: Oldtown is now a chartered city. The Reachlords income has skyrocketed due to this event.

The Stormlands:1D100 => 50

Steffon has announced the birth of his son: Robert.

Reward: Robert Baratheon has been born.

The Iron Islands:1D100 => 82

The Ironborn have enjoyed the Stepstones, and have terrorized the entire western coast of Essos without mercy, even as the King has ordered a stop to all reavings of Essos during negotiations with the Free cities.

However, he did enjoy negotiating from a position of strength.

Reward: The Ironborn have paid the iron Price and have made a lot of money.

Dorne:1D100 =>60

Dorne has settled down, and Sunspear has been fully repaired.

Reward: Sunspear is fully repaired.

The Wall:1D100 => 60

The Wall is uninteresting as always, but they have seen a new influx of recruits from the south, something that they desperately needed.

Reward: Men and Material are being sent to the wall at a more… quick pace. Enough for it to start rebuilding and fortifying their castles

The Crownlands: 1D100 => 100

Aerys brought the Sealord to the negotiating table and made but one offer.

The Iron Bank getting punished for supplying money and material to the Enemies of Westeros, during the Brotherhood war.

And a price of Ten Million Golden pieces for five years as war reparations.

The Sealord… accepted, if only because he himself was Furious at the Iron Bank, for going behind his back and supporting a war without his permission.

Reward: Aerys made the Iron Bank pay.

The Iron Banks reputation has been damaged near irreversibly with this action.

The Sealord is purging the Iron Bank.

The Three Daughters:1D100 => 94

Alequo Silvertounge, and the Survivors of the Brotherhood of Twelve has taken over the Three daughters, smashing the Archon restoration force in the disputed lands.

They had slipped through the Westerosi forces grasp as they left for Westeros

They now control Myr, and Lys, and Tyrosh.

Reward: The Surviving Brotherhood of Twelve members has made a resurgence.

???:1D100 => 84

"Has our plan succeeded?" The voice asked.

"Not entirely. Westeros is out of our grasp now, and our allies within the Iron Bank have been purged. But the Three daughters are no longer a threat to our… plan. They may even Ally to us if enough leverage is procured on them."

"No matter… we have other friends in places of power now. We shall put our sights elsewhere before strike again at them again. Mayles was a distraction, and a way to get gold we needed, and the experience we need.."

"And the rumors from the Vale, and the King himself?"

"It matters little what one kingdom archives, even one as powerful as the Vale... only that we may soon be able to bring them all to their knees. And one good king is nothing if his successors cannot carry the burden and reputation he has. It will all fall apart, eventually. We just need time."

"And the other rumors?"

"The candle has shown me nothing… there is nothing to fear of the power that those Westrosi have, it won't save them… and send a letter to our ally in Westeros… we need him to… Begin his play. The King is not well, and his new hand needs to be occupied."

Reward: Plans are occurring.

AN: Just a Region Report are occurring.
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