As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

Part 14: Even more Friends
Part 14: Even more Friends

Do you go to Maester Jonnel's lessons?:

[X]Yes 1D100 => 87+5=92

It appears once you know where everything is, and how the system worked, you started to run circles around everyone in terms of learning. You devoured every question, book, scroll and assignment like a child possed with zeal.

Reward: All skills not relating to combat are at the Novice Rank.

Do you go to Ser Duncan's Lessons:

[X]Yes1D100 => 47+5=

Despite your best efforts, Duncan did not think you were ready for moving on beyond the basics.


After the Lessons, what do you do:

[X]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl is quite interesting, you want to ask her about her home, and how different it is from the Vale. Rolled: 1D100 => 74+5=79 Friendship Roll:1D100 => 56

The dornish girl was sitting beneath a tree near the tourney grounds, watching the men at arms train, as if she were waiting for their backs turn.

"What are you doing?" You asked, sitting beside her.

Nymeria shook in fear. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Hopefully I'm going to be able to offer my friendship and so that you can answer my questions about Dorne?" You were quite blunt in your response. "And stop you from doing something stupid."

"I'm not doing anything stupid." She replied.

"You've been looking at that horse for a while now. Are you trying to steal it?" You asked.

"No, I'm just going to borrow it." She replied.

"That is a stupid idea. I have a better one." You stated.

You took Nymeria's hand and slowly walked towards the stable, towards one of the men at arms and the stablemaster.

"Excuse me." The two men both recognized the two wards of the crown and gave you the attention you deserve. "We wish to go riding around the tournament grounds, do you think we can take one of the horses?"

There was a small glance between the two men, before the stablemaster shrugged. "Hyle!" He shouted.

A knight walked over. "They want to ride a horse, ride with them."

"Are they training today?" the knight asked.

"Would they be asking if they weren't?" The stablemaster replied.

The knight nodded. "You know how to mount?"

"No." You replied.

"Yes." Nymeria stated.

Riding a horse with Nymeria was… terrifying, to say the least.

Reward: Nymeria is a very good rider and a good friend. Although you would never ride with her again.

[X]Spend time with Steffon: So he's the troublemaker of this group…. Oh what the hells, time to join in and see if you can be his friend. It might do him some good. Rolled:1D100 => 65+5=70 Friendship roll:1D100 => 55

Steffon was sitting at the table, calmly whittling away with a knife and a piece of wood.

The paper and book that the Maester gave him to read and write. "Jonnel is going to be mad when he sees you lazing around."

"Why should I care what Jonnel wants?" he replied.

"Because we are becoming lord's, not just knights." You replied.

"I don't want to be a lord?" he stated.

"We don't have that luxury of that choice." you replied.

Steffon scoffed. "But being a lord is so hard."

"Have you ever asked for help?" You asked. "Or has your pride blinded you to people offering you help."

Steffon paused. "No one has ever offered to help me."

"I am." You replied.

Steffon ran away, not wanting to be with you any longer.

A few days later, after a lesson, he asked you for help.

Reward: Steffon is now asking for help to being a lord and a knight, to balance both his dream and responsibility's.

[X]Spend time with the Kingsguard: The greatest knights of the realm… maybe you can learn how to be as great as them. Rolled:1D100 => 39+5=44

Ser Duncan told you that he and the Kingsguard were needed elsewhere at the moment.



You sighed. An event was coming, and you wanted no part of it.

What event was coming?

[]Aerys Name day Tournament: It seems Aegon wanted to give out squireships to the winners of the tourney. It was a small one, but filled with many bright names. Names that might want to have you squire for them.

[]King Aegon's Feast: Aegon is hosting a feast for many lords of the Crownlands, and is holding a meeting for a potential idea and founding of a new institution, an idea from Lord Tytos… Something about a bank needing more investors.

[]A Forign Visit: The Esteemed Eminence, the Sealord of Bravoss has arrived to negotiate a trading agreement. And of course, you need to be on your best behavior. But you feel… uneasy about the whole thing. Like something is going to happen.

AN: Enjoy.
Tourney 1: The Tourney Begins
Tourney 1: The Tourney Begins

You were rather perplexed at the buzz that was in the air. The many knights and squires and men at arms that were training to take part in it was quite a sight to behold. The tourney grounds were bustling with activity, and all in celebration for Aerys name day.

Trying to find a place where knights, squires and men were not around so that you could write a letter to your Lord Father was quite difficult… but you found a place in the sweltering heat of the center courtyard.

Unfortunately, you could not get away from the Prince whom this tourney was celebrating.

The Prince in question however was not all that excited for it, at least when he was talking to you. All dressed in ablack and red silks and riding pants, the boy looked like a hot sweltering, but well kept pig whom was cooking away over a fire. The sweat on his head was quite evident. "Arstan, please, could you just look at the drawing?"

"I'm not going to critique it, or look at it Aerys, I'm busy." You stated as you finished writing the letter you were working on, to your father. "I want to make sure this letter gets to the Eyrie before my father." You paused and sighed. "Get something to drink, before you pass out."

"That can wait, this can't." Areys replied as he put the paper down on the table you brought with you to write on.

"What is he babbling about?" Tywin stated as he wandered in, also looking rather sweaty from the summer heat. "And why are you two out here in the sun, your both going to broail."

That was quite rich coming from Tywin, who seemed to wear his longest and fanciest of garbs, covered in Red and gold, his golden hair flowing like wheat in a field.

"I needed to finish a letter." You replied. "And Aerys is quite insistent that I see something that he drew before the tourney."

Tywin rolled his eyes. "You should both be in the shade." Tywin, ever the responsible one, was trying to baby you like you were even smaller children than he was.

Which you were, but it was not always something you particularly enjoyed. "Why don't you look at Aerys picture Ty? Maybe it's of you and Joanna smooching like the Mother and the Father."

At the mention of Joanna and a kiss, Tywin's face went bright scarlet. Same with Aerys to if the sun was not playing tricks on you. Perhaps it was. "I doubt Aerys could draw somthing so stupid, much less of me and Joanna." He turned away and began walking away. "Find me at the Tourney Box before the joust begins, else Ser Duncan will be sent to find you again."

"What about Nymeria, Joanna and Steffon?" You asked.

"Everyone is looking for them. They'll turn up eventually." Tywin replied. "Now come on."

What do you do:

[]Go with Tywin: Perhaps it is best to get to the Royal Box. The tourney will start soon and it would be best not to miss the opening rounds.

[]Stay with Aerys and Look at the Picture: You might as well see the picture that Aerys is trying desperately to show you.

[]Deliver your Letter: Best go to Maester Jonnel and ask him to send a Raven to the Eyrie.

[]Find your Missing Friends: It seems Steffon, Nymeria and Joanna are still missing. Best go look for them in their hiding places before they do something incredibly stupid.

AN: Enjoy.
Tourney 2: The Dragon’s Drawing
Tourney 2: The Dragon's Drawing

You sighed. "Alright Aerys, show me what's on the damned page."

The prince was all too eager to show it to you, as he unfurled the drawing and held it up, the summer sun providing the perfect light to see every detail.

It still stunned you how good Aerys was at drawing.

It was the tourney grounds drawn to near perfect detail. With a knight sprawled on the ground, blood it seemed pouring out of the head, the helmet cracked in two. The other rider was shaded black like some sort of villian, the lance sharpened like a spear, his horse looking like it crawled out of the seven hells.

The single person standing, whom you expected was the king was shocked, horrified.

"By the seven." You whispered. "How did you-"

"I dreamed it." Aerys stated.

"So someone got hurt in the tourney… that happens all the time." You stated. "Are you going to ask his Grace to stop the tourney to stop someone from getting hurt after you demanded it for your name day."

"Look at the sigils." He demanded.

It was than you were led to the sigils that were overlooking the scene. A Stag in front of an Iron-gate, with a Dragon with three heads.

"Steffon and Nymeria are trying to be mystery knights!" you realized.

You both took off running, with a desperate chase to find your friends.

You reached the tourney grounds to a festival of activity.

"We need to spit up and try to find those two before they get killed." Areys stated.

Where do you go?
[]Go to King Aegon: You need to stop the tourney, or at least delay it.
[]The Stables: That is where there horse is, so it makes sense.
[]The Lists: You will find out if there is a mystery knight here, it's the most likely case for them to participate.
[]Go to Ser Duncan: The knight of the kingsguard seems on edge as he is getting ready.
[]The Tower: Maybe you can see a short person from the tower.
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The Torney Part 3: Unforeseen Consequences
The Torney Part 3: Unforeseen Consequences

You and Aerys looked at each other with a panicked glare, before deciding the only clear choice of action that two little boys could take in a situation where life and death may be on the line.

Run to an adult and hoped to the Seven that they could deal with the situation. Because if they couldn't, Steffon and Nymeria may be doomed.

So the two of you walked across the frantic and crowded torney field, trying your best to remain calm and collected even though Aerys was terrified, and you were worried.

You reached the King sitting next to his lady wife, laughing at a joke that neither you nor Aerys heard, or understood. Tywin and Joanna were sitting in the shade, by ropes separating the kings box from the rest of the spectators and lower nobles, talking to someone that they must have known from the Westerlands.

The Sigil of the Westerlings of the Crag was in the man's hand, along with a banner of the Lannisters.

The king then saw Areys and you, clearly surprised how tired and winded you looked. "Boys? What is wrong?" He asked, his face filled with confusion.

Areys showed him the picture. "I dreamed this."

The King's face narrowed as he took the picture that Areys drew and examined it.

Your heartbeat picked up pace as the king's face went through numerous emotions, from anger, to confusion, to absolute terror. "Ser Duncan." He ordered.

"Yes?" Duncan replied as he jogged over to his king.

"Suspend the Tournament and offer to pay for expenses of any knight who as participating in the joust and Melee. Tell Gerald to send Ravens to all the City Watch commanders, tell them to lock down the city, no one enters, no one leaves. And take all the guard you can gather, find Steffon and Nymeria."

"Yes Your Grace." Duncan replied and he ran over to some of the guardsmen.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Not now!" Aegon raised his voice. "Tywin, Joanna!" He shouted the names of his two wards with force, causing them both to look at the King. "Get up, we must leave now."

"What the seven hells is going on?" You asked again, trying to understand why the king was locking down the city. They should just find Steffon and Nymeria, as a Mystery knight.

Shouldn't they?

The paper was still in the king's hand, his fist crumpling it as his eyes widened.

"Your Grace." Steffon was on a horse, shouting with Nymeria behind him, waving. Steffon was in Armor, a suit that seemed custom-made for a boy his size. It was not armor made for battle, it was made for a ceremony, on that you and the other boys wore on occasion.

Foreseen consequences: 1D100 => 12

The Arrow came from the front, near the Archery range, striking Steffon in the shoulder, and knocking him down off of his horse, his body striking the ground hard.

Nymeria looked terrified, as she took the reins of the horse to regain control, as it began to buck, with hooves striking Steffon's back once before control was regained.

"Long live the Black Dragon!" A man spoke, shouting high in a shout as he drew his sword and ran Towards the kings box and Aegon.

Swords were already drown, everything was happening so fast, that you could only think of doing one thing.

What do you do:
[]Run to Steffon: He is hurt and needs to get to the Maester.
[]Grab Aerys: He's standing right next to you, and might be in danger.
[]Grab the Knife: There is a knife on the table, maybe you can use it.
[]Hit the dirt: You have a feeling that things are about to get ugly and you can't do anything about it.

AN: Sorry it took so long. Life happened.
The Torney Part 4: Protective instinct.
The Torney Part 4: Protective instinct.

You immediately grabbed Aerys' shoulder and jumped into the Tournament grounds, off the box, and into the dirt.

The yelp from Aerys was loud and completely justified, as he seemed unprepared for the jump that the both of you made.

You hit the ground with a thud, dust flying into the air as the mysterious assassin pushed his way to the King's Box.

Tywin and Joanna seemed to have been grabbed the Westerling that was talking to them. Leaving on the King and Queen there alone.

Aegon Vs Assassin Part 1:1D100 => 69+20=89 vs 1D100 => 4+30=34

The Assassin had his sword drawn, and the heavy armor that he wore made him ready for battle. The King, dressed in silks and visibly unarmed, looked quite defenseless, especially with his Queen still by his side, trying to get him to move.

He knew he could not run and jump, the potential to be injured or his wife killed was far too likely to become a hostage or be killed.

You knew he must have seen that as well. The dagger on the table was now in his hands, and the king looked rather proficient in it.

The Assassin swung his blade high, to take off the kinds head in a singular strike. But the blades swing was wild and lazy, and the King, benefiting from his lack of Armor, ducked, allowing the enemy assassin to become off balance.

The King tackled the Assassin into the Tourney ground, his arms wrapping around the armor and tugging it.

The dirt kicked up again, as the heavy suit and the king on the ground. The armored assassin turtling to defend himself, while the king could move quickly on his feet.

You and Areys rolled away, doing your best to stay away from the fight and hope that another person, presumably a knight with combat experience would come and save them.

And the king too, but at the moment, His Grace was kicking this Assassins Ass.

Aegon vs Assassin Part 2: 1D100 => 37+20=57 vs 1D100 => 27+30=57

But the Assassin seemed to move like the wind in his armor and stood up.

There was no blood, but he was shaken. The King was also shaken, but he was purely focused on the man who was trying to kill him.

A Pale Rider:1D100 => 78-20=58 vs 1D100 => 6+30=36

"Get Down!" A voice shouted.

You turned your head and saw Steffon, somehow still conscious and holding a lance in his hand, with Nymeria keeping the reins of the horse and keeping it steady.

The King immediately dived to the ground, while the assassin could only watch in horror as the Lance entered his helmet.

A moment later, the lance snapped and exploded into several thousand splinters.

A moment after that, the assassin lay motionless, blood leaking out of his face from an open hole in his neck, and a thousand cuts on his face.

You puked, and Aerys followed suit soon after.

And the entire world seemed to go sideways.

The Tournament was canceled after that event, with the King expressing his apologies to the knights that had traveled so far away from their homes to participate in the city.

But you were not focused on the King, or on the fact that there was the potential to die today.

You were focused on:

[]The Injured Steffon: Your friend had been badly hurt by the arrow, the fall and the horse that stomped him. The Ceremonial armor was still made of steel, and he would be alright… eventually.

[]The Traumatized Nymeria: She nearly died today as well, if Steffon hadn't worn his armor, if she hadn't been quick to grab the reins… If she hadn't helped Steffon onto his feet and stabilize the Lance to kill the Assassin.

[]The Befuddled Lannisters: The Lannister duo were… lost, to say the least. Tywin put up a front of cold calculating indifference, but he was pacing up and down the hall trying to think. And Joanna is rather… well, she was sobbing.

[]Aerys' Drawing: He's drawing again, muttering to himself that he couldn't let it happen again.

[]Your Father: He's here? How? Why?

AN: Enjoy.
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The Tourney Finale
The Tourney Finale

The entire rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur. Steffon was taken to the Maesters Tower and treated for his injuries.

The Maester was quite surprised that the boy was still able to stand and be carried to him in his condition. Two of his ribs were bruised and looked almost cracked from the fall from the horse, and the horse stomp should have done extensive damage to his back and head. Yet there was nothing but bruises and small cuts.

Aerys locked himself in his room, the servants bringing him both dinner and writing supplies for the future. Aegon seemed to have said something that rattled him… or that made him more determined than ever.

The Lannister duo, Tywin, and Joanna were… coping. They were not in danger, at least not in and more than they could have been. Tywin was pacing and Joanna, after she had finished crying, was focusing more on trying to keep her mind busy.

However, Nymeria, more than anyone else, was the one you were most worried about.

She had been next to Steffon when he was hurt, nearly killed when the horse began to buck and become wild.

She was terrified and alone. At least for those crucial moments between Steffon falling, and getting back up to kill the man who shot him.

You looked at her for a moment, then sat next to her. The godswood was quiet, probably the few placed that were quiet after such a pandemonium. "Are you alright?" You asked quietly.

Nymeria was quiet for a moment. "I was so stupid." She stated. "It was my idea to go mystery knight in the tournament with Steffon. I wanted him to win and crown me Queen of Love and Beauty." She was now sobbing. "I just-"

She stopped talking and wept. For a moment you thought of an answer. Finally, you said. "It was reckless of you to do such a thing." That made the girl stop sobbing and look at you, dornish fury in her eyes. "But you and Steffon did save the King's life." You replied. "So I think it evens out."

The sobbing was truly stopped now, as Nymeria wiped the snot and tears from her face with the sleeve of her dress. "Really?"

"I think so. That doesn't mean we can remain foolish and reckless." You stated. "The king and Steffon nearly died today, and while that was outside of our control, it still could have ended badly. I don't think we can be children anymore… not after this." Then you felt a pang in your mind, bubbling anger. "How could anyone miss that… why didn't the Master of Whispers say anything about a potential assassination plot on the King's life?" You stood up and began to pace. "Aerys saw it in a dream and-"

Then a thought rose in Nymeria's mind… "Wait, a dream?" She asked.

"Yeah… that's what Aerys said. He said he saw it in his dreams." You replied.

Nymeria than had a small grin on her face. "Never mind, at least right now… I need to think. Thank you Arstan for helping me."

"Your welcome." You replied.

As you walked through the halls, for a moment, you thought you saw your father, in regal colors and escorting large chests of gold and silver… but you thought it was just a vision, a trick of your mind.

An illusion for safety.

So you went to bed.

Do you go to Maester Jonnel's lessons?:

Do you go to Ser Duncan's Lessons:

After the Lessons, what do you do:
(Choose 3 or 4 or 5 if you choose no on any of the options above)
[]The Wards Together: It seems Aerys and Nymeria are calling a meeting for every one of the Wards... best find out what it is.
[]Go to the Library: You want to read some books.
[]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why the hell his Master of Whispers missed that plot.
[]Spend time with Joanna: The Other Lannister was much more... social, less cold and calculating.
[]Spend time with Rhaella: she is your friend and loves reading… maybe… wait, she wants you to help her find a book?
[]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl has that idea she wants to tell you about.
[]Spend time with Steffon: Steffon the Brave he is being called. He likes it far too much.
[]Spend time with Tywin: Well, he is certainly an interesting fellow to talk to.
[]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… happy? Content? There were no works
[]Request to Squire with one of the Kingsguard: You want to become a knight, in earnest now.
[]The Septon and the Boy: A Street Septon bumped into you as you were going to the Great Sept… And he was far more interesting than the other Septons you've seen. A real... wise man.

AN: Enjoy.
Part 15: Normalcy and Oaths
Part 15: Normalcy and Oaths
Do you go to Maester Jonnel's lessons?: Rolled:1D100 => 98+5=103
-[X] Yes

Determination, focus, control. That was what Jonnel expected from you. You did exactly what you asked for and more.

The time to be children, The Maester said, was over.

You would learn to be lord's, to be stewards…

To be kings. Hyperbolically of course. Such rumors would lead him to get killed.

And you mastered as much as you could.

Reward: All skills that are not combat related, are now at Competent.

Gain Trait: Diligent: Once you set your mind to it, you will never stop until it's complete. (+5 to all rolls)

Do you go to Ser Duncan's Lessons: Rolled:1D100 => 100+5=105
-[X] Yes

Ser Duncan the Tall did the same. He stopped being coy, being nice and caring unless you were hurt by the blade.

He wanted to break you down and build you up into a warrior that would be unparalleled in the Seven Kingdoms, who could defend it from all threats.

And you drilled like a mad man, focusing on every skill that you could learn, from blade, to lance, to shield bashing.

Steffon and Aerys themselves were still above you in terms of skill at arms at the moment, but at least you have raw talent.

Talent that just needs a little more to develop into mastery.

Reward: You are now competent at the Art of Combat. There is nothing more Ser Duncan can teach you unless you squire to him so that he may go one on one with you.

Steffon is now nearing Mastery combat (Our is the Fury Modifier), and Aerys is now competent as well.

Tywin is competent, and Joanna, Rhaella and Nymeria are Competent as well.

-[X]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… happy? Content? There were no works. Rolled:1D100 => 95+5=100

Areys was… content as he came to find you reading in the hot summer Afternoon. "Arstan." He said your name getting your attention.

"Yes?" You replied.

"I… thank you." He said.

"For what?" You asked.

"For listening to me, and helping me understand things." He slumped down next to you. It appears that the had been crying earlier, judging from how red his purple eyes looked. "My father never believed me whenever I saw my dreams… He ignored me, said that they were just nightmares form a terrified, sickly child… But you did. And I thank you for it."

You nodded. "I… Don't know what to really say."

"I'm not mad Arstan… just gifted. The king is encouraging me to draw my dreams… maybe I can be important."

You narrowed your eyes. "You are important to us… you may have been childish when we first met, but you have always been… a decent fellow."

Aerys nodded. "How about your friend?"

"Aye… and my friend." You replied.

Reward: Aerys has a stabilizing influence in you, Tywin and Rhaella. While not totally cured of his madness, as long as one of you is alive and maintains contact with him, he will remain sane and stable.

If you do not, he may slip further into madness and depravity, and paranoia, even further then canon.

-[X]The Septon and the Boy: A Street Septon bumped into you as you were going to the Great Sept… And he was far more interesting than the other Septons you've seen. A real... wise man. Rolled:1D100 => 99+5=104

"Do you not fear for your soul, young Falcon?" The septons words made you pause, and the retinue of heavily armed bodyguards stopped as you looked at him. "Or have the septons of the Grand and Great septs tell you only to prey, and confess to their sins?"

You looked at him. "Ahh… he listens. The Seven always tells men to be good, to help the innocent and downtrodden, yet those who claim to always fail. They never keep themselves on the light."

You walked forward to listen closer, looking at the small folk who were listening as well. "The Seven speak to us, in ways we cannot imagine, reminding us that ever flawed we are, we have the power and the duty, to rise above our evil temptations, and sins. We can be better. And if not, we will fall, and be damned for all eternity."

You were soon escorted away, but the same vigor from the Septon, flowed in you.

You wanted to be good, to be just… to be all the things knights should be.

Perhaps… you still can.

Reward: Action Knightly Virtue is unlocked: In which you can speak to other knights and, through charisma or zeal, turn these amoral killers, into the true semblance of Knightly virtue they are supposed to represent.

In essence, you have the choice to make the knights become what they are supposed to be from the stories and legends, not through ordering, but by tapping into their basic humanity.

-[X]The Wards Together: It seems Aerys and Nymeria are calling a meeting for every one of the Wards... best find out what it is. Rolled:1D100 => 69+5=74

Your Fellow Wards gathered in Aerys' room for the meeting.

Tywin, Joanna, Steffon, and you were sitting on the bed waiting for the two fellow wards to speak.

"We call this little meeting together for one reason… We can't be the children we are anymore." Nymeria stated. "Assasins nearly killed Steffon and the king, and we are now going to be expected to do things that are expected of us."

"We will be knights, lords and ladies, and though that may mean politics and law may force us to be away from each other. To even be against each other." Areys said. "I say bugger the politics, the law, or our duty and remember that we are friends. That we will stand by each other, no matter what, for the simple reason that we can."

Areys stood up and had a small piece of paper and a hairpin. "I want to make an oath with you all. That no matter what happens, we'll be by each other's side. To help us in our plans for success, or to stop us from doing things that we may find detestable."

Do you Partake in this Blood Oath: (Warning, this is not an average oath, and breaking it may contain severe consequences unless the oath is rendered void by one of the other doing a truly evil act!)
[]Swear the Oath: I Arstan of House Arryn, do swear this oath. (If you do, you will have access to Nymeria's buddling spy network)
[]Do not Swear the Oath: I can't make that kind of Promise… not yet at least.

Into the Future:

Your path is now truly ready to be chosen. What will you dedicate your life to? (Every Turn for the next 5 parts, you will roll and Rank up in your chosen path.)

[]The Path of the Diplomat: The Same path as your father, you will use your words and your mind to win the coming battles that may occur. (For the Remainder of your time in King's Landing, you will Master the Art of Diplomacy.)

[]The Path of the Knight: You will walk the Path of your Uncle Yohn, the Warrior, the Knight, the True Symbol of Andel Culture. You will be a warrior, a soldier, and a leader of men (For the Remainder of your time in King's Landing, you will Master the Art of Combat.)

[]The Path of the Administrator: There is a lack of True Stewards in Westeros. You will be part of a new Generation, that will not focus on strength of arms, but the power of the mind. (For the Remainder of your time in King's Landing, you will Master the Art of Stewardship and Administration)

[]The Path of the Courtier: You will study the way of court, how to spy, and counter spy, how to play the game of thrones… And win. (For the Remainder of your time in King's Landing, you will Master the Art of Intrigue and subterfuge)

[]The Path of Nothing: You will not suffer the path chosen before you, you will learn all there is to learn, all there is to see, and more. (For the Remainder of your time in King's Landing, you will Master nothing, and every turn, you will need to study by yourself to gain mastery. However, you gain a +10 to learn all skills because you are the one dedicating your time to it.)

AN: Vote in plan format please and enjoy the turn.
The Region Report (AKA: Nymeria’s Spy Network)
The Region Report (AKA: Nymeria's Spy Network)

Note: Due to Nymeria's spy network being so small, the information you get is only news. The Vale itself will be the only one truly accurate due to your knowledge of it.

The North:1D100 => 64

The North was as always, insular. Much of the politics of the south was foreign to their… well, northern sensibilities.

The Lumber Trade, however, was flowing to the south to the Vale, as the Bravossi had proven treacherous, from the news King Aegon attached to his Edict.

Lord Edwyle Stark, declared the Brovossi enemies to the North and told the Manderly's that any ship flies Bravossi colors would be barred from entering the White Knife and White Harbor.

Lord's Forrester and Whitehill, found rare common ground when it was discovered that Bravossi ships had been smuggling Ironwood seeds out of the North.

They proceed to punish them, by… well, the creativity made Lord Bolton blush and send compliments to both men.

Reward: It seems the North is doing well for itself.

The Riverlands: 1D100 => 57

It appears the new Lord Hoster Tully was equally busy. It appears that many of his lords were swindled by the Iron Bank, with many of them paying taxes to collectors that were not from His Grace's court.

However, Aegon saw fit to not collect taxes for a year in the Riverlands, to allow affairs to be sorted.

Reward: The Riverlands are going to need some time to sort itself out, after being swindled.

The Vale:1D100 => 89

Your father's infrastructure projects were under budget and ahead of schedule, according to his letter and the word of Uncle Yhon, who was in King's Landing to pick up a silk dress for one of his daughters.

It seems that the Mountains of the Moon had an abundance of silver, Iron and other precious materials, including marble, granite and gemstone, untouched due to lack of funds, the Mountain Clans and lack of will from the Kings of the Vale.

The roads are being expanded, paved with stone from the mountains, and even patrolled more frequently by the Knights of the Vale.

Gulltown reported that over 25 ships were under construction with Northern Lumber, nearly double the ships the Vale currently has.

Your father is quite pleased with everything.

Reward: The Vale Grows in more ways than one. Her Navy Grows and soon, her economy will as well.

The Westerlands:1D100 => 95

Tytos Lannister has cemented himself as the Lord of the West. Gone were the days of rumors of weakness and generosity…

The Lord Lannister has been collecting what has been owed to him, one house at a time.

His lord's grumble, trying to shift the blame of bad management and credit, and loans onto the Iron Bank. But he refused, states that if the Iron Bank caused them to be so terrible with money, than they all would have been owned by the Iron Bank decades ago.

He has started to build the Infrastructure of the West in ways not seen since Jaehaerys the Old King.

Roads, Coastal forts, ships in the Lannisport Harbor.

His lords can do nothing but grumble, and accept that they are at his mercy.

Reward: Tytos squeezes his lord's by the balls, and is building up the West in ways not seen in almost a century.

The Iron Islands: 1D100 => 75

King Aegon, in a rare moment of anger, has sent a raven to the Iron Isles with one mission. The Iron Fleet will sail to Braavos in two years' time if the Braavosi do not return the Iron Throne and the other Westrosi lords Gold.

Lord Greyjoy, is more than happy to oblige.

Reward: Aegon is ready to sic the Ironborn onto the Braavosi if his money is not returned.

The Ironborn are about to become state-sponsored Pirates of the Iron Throne and attack any Braavosi ship they come into contact with.
The Reach: 1D100 => 50

Nothing has really changed.

There are some rumors that Lord Hightower is studying magic, and that the Redwynes are trying their best to run the pirates of the Stepstones out of the Stepstones so that they may sell their wine to Pentos, but that is something that they always seem to do.

Reward: Status Quo.

Dorne:1D100 => 32

The Daynes have a new Sword of the Morning… an Ulrick Dayne.

That is about it.

Reward: Nothing really happened in Dorne of note, at least from what Nymeria learned.

The Crownlands:1D100 => 31

There has been an economic shock from no longer doing business with Braavos. But the effects are unknown and the lords are preparing for the worse.

Reward: The Economy is slowing in the Crownlands.

AN: Enjoy.
Part 16: True Training
Part 16: True Training

It was time for your training to begin in earnest. The greatest diplomat of the realm… that wasn't your father, Lord Valyreon, was coming to king's landing to teach you everything about diplomacy, and begin your language studying.

The man was widely considered the master of linguistics of the Westerosi Nobility, and his training was hash and very brutal.

Diplomacy Roll:1D100 => 52+10(Traits)+ 40(Master Linguist, Master Diplomat)=102

(Diplomacy Rank up by 1 level to Skilled. Language learned: The Old Tongue of the Ironborn.)

It seemed the training that Lord Valyreon offered was that of the customs and languages, and you mastered it all in less than a few months.

It was quite… interesting… and absolutely tiring.

But life moved on.

And so will you.

What do you do:
Choose 6 Actions

[]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship.

[]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

[]Train in Administration (Stewardship): You need to be a good lord. And that means being able to handle coin.

[]Knightly Virtue: You will change the knights into what they were supposed to be.

[]Go to the Library: You want to read some books.

[]Betrothal News: It seems your father has betrothed you to someone... Best find out who it is.

[]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why the hell his Master of Whispers missed that plot.

[]Spend time with Joanna: The Other Lannister was much more... social, less cold and calculating.

[]Spend time with Rhaella: she is your friend and loves reading… maybe… wait, she wants you to help her find a book?

[]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl has that idea she wants to tell you about.

[]Spend time with Steffon: Steffon the Brave he is being called. He likes it far too much.

[]Spend time with Tywin: Well, he is certainly an interesting fellow to talk to.

[]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… devoting himself to his studies... best to see how he is doing.

[]Request to Squire with one of the Kingsguard: You want to become a knight, in earnest now.

AN: Enjoy.

plan format please.
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Part 17: Growing up Strong
Part 17:

Diplomacy Training Roll:1D100 => 60 +10(Traits)+ 40(Master Linguist, Master Diplomat)=110

Training continued, more or less unimpeded by delays and your other training.

In that time, you learned as much as lord Valyreon could teach you, which was more surprising than anything else… All he had left to teach you, was language.

Reward: You are now a Master Diplomat. Your tutors Master Diplomat trait will no longer affect your training, as there is nothing more he can teach you but languages.

You have learned: High Valyrian.

-[X]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship. Rolled:1D100 => 21+10=31

Without Ser Duncan's Tutelage and guidance, you were lost and did not know where to start.

And your new master Ser Gerold, did not start easy.


-[X]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Rolled: 1D100 => 73+10=83

Strategy came rather easy to you in the form of both commands and exercises. Shouting exercises to strengthen your voice, To practice commanding both signals and giving clear, short orders to relay to your soldiers, and being able to trust your men to follow them.

Reward: You are now a skilled commander.

-[X]Train in Administration (Stewardship): You need to be a good lord. And that means being able to handle coin. Rolled:1D100 => 85+10=95

Counting coin… a habit you remember your father always loved doing to not deal with his court. However it was far more difficult than counting the physical coin itself.

You needed to measure expenses, wages, and savings. Maintenance costs and building supplies. Things were not as easy as they seemed.

But you learned them well enough.

Reward: You are now Skilled at Administration.

-[X]Knightly Virtue: You will change the knights into what they were supposed to be. Rolled:1D100 => 35+10=45

It seemed many of the knight scoffed at your… idealism and want to bring them to respect their most basic vows.

You thought you got through to a few of them, but you were not sure, because you were escorted out by Ser Gerold.


-[X]Request to Squire with one of the Kingsguard: You want to become a knight, in earnest now. Rolled:1D100 => 66+10=76

Ser Gerold Hightower was the Youngest knight of the Kingsguard, coming in only last year, after the… well botch name day tourney for Aerys.

He was your master now. "It would be wise to not speak of such ideals to them." He said quietly as you walked the tourney grounds to prepare for training. "They lost sight of them years ago. Don't force them to change. Become one of them, and inspire them to be better."

"And how can they be better if they do not know if they are wrong?" You asked. "Or that they don't care that the vows of knighthood are broken every time their actions cause others harm with no due cause?"

Ser Gerold was quiet. "Speaking of Philosophy, and honor won't help you on the battlefield." He spoke finally as he looked at the practice sword resting on the rack. "Thinking of honor, when an opponent wants to kill you, will not save you. As much as you may hate what knights are in forsaking some of their vows for the sake of their own survival, it's for their survival."

"And what would guide them if there was no vows, no honor?" You asked. "Just a mans barer, basic instinct of strong versus weak? What would that create, if not a chaotic world?"

Ser Gerold was silent before throwing you a practice sword. "Your forms are sloppy. They need to get better." He stated.

From his face, however, you clearly struck a nerve.

Reward: Training in combat and command gain a +20 to their rolls for the remainder of your time in King's landing.

You are now a Squire: A boy training to be a knight. Under Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull.

-[X]Betrothal News: It seems your father has betrothed you to someone... Best find out who it is. Rolled:1D100 => 94+10=104

Your father's letter was brief, but informative.

And deeply personal one, without any formalities, or flowery prouses.

It was a letter your father wrote himself.

My Dearest Arstan,

I miss you greatly from our home, but am pleased with the progress in both your studies and your social abilities. It warms my heart that you follow the path that my father chose for me so long ago. It is a long path, and a difficult one for those who lack the aptitude and the focus to learn.

However, I must inform you of the next great burden that is now being placed upon you. I have made a betrothal contract with another house, binding you, my son, to the daughter of another. Cruel as it may be, politics and duty must take precedence over personal feelings. You may not see the great agony that conflicts my heart as I write this to you, but know that I am agonizing over the details.

I want you to learn to love like I did your mother before the gods took her away from me.

So I have left the list of suitable candidates for you to consider before I make any final arrangements and agreements.

Please write to me as soon as you can.

Your Father, Jon.

The list of names offered to you was both not extensive… but very, very important.

[]Princess Rhaella Targaryan: Wow… Rae was out on the marriage board for the lord's? You thought she would be married to Aerys for sure? What changed her father's mind to allow her to marry… only you? No other candidates were offered for her hand for political alliances? The prince only asked for you or no one else? Quite confusing. Her love of books, gentle attitude and being quite the looker would have made her the ideal marriage piece to bind the other great houses.

[]Lady Joanna Lannister: A more… well, politically obvious marriage. A lady from a great house marrying a man of another was hardly… well, it wasn't common, nor uncommon. She was a good friend and you doubted that being married to her would change that… however, the fact that she has both the eyes of Tywin and Aerys vying for her affections is cause for concern, if only because they are not… the most graceful of defeated companion in the arena of love?

[]Lady Janna Tyrell: Little more than a babe... There is nothing else known about her, other than that she's a Tyrell and therefore marriage material to a great house. You will need to wait half a lifetime, however, to finally meet her

[]Lady Ceriella Hightower: A lady from Hightower, she is by all means… a safe economic match between your father and another house of Westeros. The Hightower's wealth and connections may help your father build up the Vale in ways that may not be available.

[]Lady Selyne Grafton: A lady from the Vale, born and True, she is one of the more… well, correct choices amongst the Vale Nobility. She is quite a beauty, and her father's newfound influence of the Valien fleet may be of importance, even if it isn't fully built yet.

[]Lady Jenna Corbray: The daughter of Lynol, and brother to Griffon, a boy older than you by three years, she is without a doubt interesting… They say she killed a mountain clansman during a raid with Lady Forlen when her father was sick and indisposed in his tent during a trip to the Fingers. She is without a doubt interesting… but she is rather plain and the rumors circulating that she does not like men are...well… circulating.

[]Lady Tyea Sunderland: Tions daughter is a woman of her home and feels closer to the North than she does to the vale. Cold, blunt, despises the more womanly arts for comfort and well, scheming. Whether it be for snacks or gold, she will plot and plan and work with anyone to get what she wants.

[]Lady Walda Frey: Walder Frey's… gods, twentieth daughter, and fifth trueborn daughter at that from his lady wife. Rumors… well, she's fat, which is not always the best thing to be known for, but she is still a child, so she may grow out of it. That's it really. Why your father would even consider some house like Frey's is beyond you?

[]Ask your father for the other batch: You know father has another list of names.

What do you do:
Choose 6 Actions

[]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship.

[]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

[]Train in Administration (Stewardship): You need to be a good lord. And that means being able to handle coin.

[]Knightly Virtue: You will change the knights into what they were supposed to be.

[]Go to the Library: You want to read some books.

[]Request an Audience with the King: You want to speak to the King, in private hopefully. About duty, and knighthood… And why the hell his Master of Whispers missed that plot.

[]Spend time with Joanna: The Other Lannister was much more... social, less cold and calculating.

[]Spend time with Rhaella: she is your friend and loves reading… maybe… wait, she wants you to help her find a book?

[]Spend time with Nymeria: The Dornish girl has that idea she wants to tell you about.

[]Spend time with Steffon: Steffon the Brave he is being called. He likes it far too much.

[]Spend time with Tywin: Well, he is certainly an interesting fellow to talk to.

[]Spend time with Aerys: Areys is… devoting himself to his studies... best to see how he is doing.

AN: A few made up for the sake of… well, adding to the list. Quite a few unnamed people given names.

Plan format please.