Counter Attack:
SV's Questing Fanatic
- Location
- California USA
- Pronouns
- He
Counter Attack:
Your dreams were that of a misty haze, sometimes you thought you saw something clearly, other times you were flying in your falcon that you bonded to, and other times it was a pleasant dream with Rhaella with you… engaging your marital duties.
With the book she reads, you would hope she is as creative as a Lysine bedmaid, or a Braavosi Courtesan.
At least in your dreams, she was.
The sounds of the horns woke you from your slumber and all you could think was what the hell was happening, your dreams forgotten.
You rolled off the sack of hay you were sleeping on and grabbed your sword and prepared yourself as best you could. Gathering your boots and some padding that you wore underneath your armor. The only part of your armor that you wore on a regular basis.
The early morning mist had fallen over the harbor, and a chill filled the air, and you shivered as the cold wind touched your face, as you ran outside.
"What the hells is going on!?" You shouted, trying to gather your bearings as the garrison was running to the defensive positions. Archers half-naked and lacking anything but the bow and quiver and some pants ran towards their positions.
The infantry was carrying their shields, spears, axes. Some wore nothing at all, and only had their weapons.
No one answered you, but you ran after them, gathering that Ser Gerold was in need of assistance from his squire.
Defenses:1D100 => 80 vs 1D100 => 74
The Harbor defenses were undamaged during the assault, at least the ones protecting it from an attack inland. And while it seems the assault was striking hard, it would take more than a cursory assault to break through the defenses.
But that did not mean it was safe. Far from it.
You ran towards the wall to see that this assault was not a probing assault… This was for real, and your forces were barely holding out.
Break Through: 1D100 => 20 vs 1D100 => 93
But the breach came with a fiery explosion, and you were forced back when you saw the green flames.
"WILDFIRE!" A voice shouted as the pirates charged into the breach. "They have fucking WILDFIRE!"
Another explosion happened and the wall crumbled again. You found cover by one of the houses of the port, what little wasn't rocked by the explosion.
You hoped that Ser Gerold was not dead… or anyone for that matter. But you had to get to the defense. You could not be afraid.
You ran out and saw men walking in a daze, confused and disoriented by the explosions. A few were crying, their burns deep, and black. A few men were huddled in clusters, cornered and defending themselves from the pirates.
It was then, one of them saw you. A pirate that was ordering others around, laughing at the chaos and death. "There!" He shouted.
Defend yourself:1D100 => 37 +20 (Traits and Skill)=57 vs 1D100 => 68+ 50 (Skill and Traits)=118
Enemy Blow:1D100 => 8
You remain alive without injury.
You blocked the sword and felt a punch to your side, your body lurching as you dodged, rolling to the side to avoid a decapitation strike.
"Oh looky here… I caught me a Falcon… the young one as well… this is my lucky day. Your father will be pleased to see you."
You recognized the man's face and the sigil on his armor… It was Spotted Tom.
You got to your feet and held yourself firm, your sword ready.
"Come on boy!" He shouted. "Hurry up and try to kill me!"
Strike!: 1D100 => 8+20(Traits and Skill)=28 vs 1D100 => 2+50 (Skill and Traits)=52
Enemy Blow: 1D100 => 40
You are knocked unconscious.
You went onto the defensive, but Tom swiftly kicked the ground from under you, and you fell to the ground. "Good burn this place!" Tom Shouted before he leaned into your face. "And we've got a little meeting with your father."
Tom then brought his boot down and your world went to black.
Who's POV would you like to take control:
[]Jon Arryn: "THEY HAVE MY SON!"
[]Ser Gerold: He could understand the rage that Lord Arryn was going through, he had the same feeling when he had seen Arstan's capture by Tom… He wasn't fast enough to stop him.
[]Lord Baratheon: "You are going to Control yourself Jon… or I will remove you from this war council."
[]Yohn Royce: "Jon, if you're going to face Tom, take this." you handed him over a run. "Put it on your armor, and it will keep you safe."
[]Tom: You laughed as you made sure the chains were on the boy. "You won't enjoy my hospitality for long, I guarantee it Lord Arstan… His Grace wants you in his court… to ensure the removal of your father's forces."
AN: Enjoy.
Sorry if the update is lacking I've been a bit busy.
Your dreams were that of a misty haze, sometimes you thought you saw something clearly, other times you were flying in your falcon that you bonded to, and other times it was a pleasant dream with Rhaella with you… engaging your marital duties.
With the book she reads, you would hope she is as creative as a Lysine bedmaid, or a Braavosi Courtesan.
At least in your dreams, she was.
The sounds of the horns woke you from your slumber and all you could think was what the hell was happening, your dreams forgotten.
You rolled off the sack of hay you were sleeping on and grabbed your sword and prepared yourself as best you could. Gathering your boots and some padding that you wore underneath your armor. The only part of your armor that you wore on a regular basis.
The early morning mist had fallen over the harbor, and a chill filled the air, and you shivered as the cold wind touched your face, as you ran outside.
"What the hells is going on!?" You shouted, trying to gather your bearings as the garrison was running to the defensive positions. Archers half-naked and lacking anything but the bow and quiver and some pants ran towards their positions.
The infantry was carrying their shields, spears, axes. Some wore nothing at all, and only had their weapons.
No one answered you, but you ran after them, gathering that Ser Gerold was in need of assistance from his squire.
Defenses:1D100 => 80 vs 1D100 => 74
The Harbor defenses were undamaged during the assault, at least the ones protecting it from an attack inland. And while it seems the assault was striking hard, it would take more than a cursory assault to break through the defenses.
But that did not mean it was safe. Far from it.
You ran towards the wall to see that this assault was not a probing assault… This was for real, and your forces were barely holding out.
Break Through: 1D100 => 20 vs 1D100 => 93
But the breach came with a fiery explosion, and you were forced back when you saw the green flames.
"WILDFIRE!" A voice shouted as the pirates charged into the breach. "They have fucking WILDFIRE!"
Another explosion happened and the wall crumbled again. You found cover by one of the houses of the port, what little wasn't rocked by the explosion.
You hoped that Ser Gerold was not dead… or anyone for that matter. But you had to get to the defense. You could not be afraid.
You ran out and saw men walking in a daze, confused and disoriented by the explosions. A few were crying, their burns deep, and black. A few men were huddled in clusters, cornered and defending themselves from the pirates.
It was then, one of them saw you. A pirate that was ordering others around, laughing at the chaos and death. "There!" He shouted.
Defend yourself:1D100 => 37 +20 (Traits and Skill)=57 vs 1D100 => 68+ 50 (Skill and Traits)=118
Enemy Blow:1D100 => 8
You remain alive without injury.
You blocked the sword and felt a punch to your side, your body lurching as you dodged, rolling to the side to avoid a decapitation strike.
"Oh looky here… I caught me a Falcon… the young one as well… this is my lucky day. Your father will be pleased to see you."
You recognized the man's face and the sigil on his armor… It was Spotted Tom.
You got to your feet and held yourself firm, your sword ready.
"Come on boy!" He shouted. "Hurry up and try to kill me!"
Strike!: 1D100 => 8+20(Traits and Skill)=28 vs 1D100 => 2+50 (Skill and Traits)=52
Enemy Blow: 1D100 => 40
You are knocked unconscious.
You went onto the defensive, but Tom swiftly kicked the ground from under you, and you fell to the ground. "Good burn this place!" Tom Shouted before he leaned into your face. "And we've got a little meeting with your father."
Tom then brought his boot down and your world went to black.
Who's POV would you like to take control:
[]Jon Arryn: "THEY HAVE MY SON!"
[]Ser Gerold: He could understand the rage that Lord Arryn was going through, he had the same feeling when he had seen Arstan's capture by Tom… He wasn't fast enough to stop him.
[]Lord Baratheon: "You are going to Control yourself Jon… or I will remove you from this war council."
[]Yohn Royce: "Jon, if you're going to face Tom, take this." you handed him over a run. "Put it on your armor, and it will keep you safe."
[]Tom: You laughed as you made sure the chains were on the boy. "You won't enjoy my hospitality for long, I guarantee it Lord Arstan… His Grace wants you in his court… to ensure the removal of your father's forces."
AN: Enjoy.
Sorry if the update is lacking I've been a bit busy.
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