As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

Counter Attack:
Counter Attack:

Your dreams were that of a misty haze, sometimes you thought you saw something clearly, other times you were flying in your falcon that you bonded to, and other times it was a pleasant dream with Rhaella with you… engaging your marital duties.

With the book she reads, you would hope she is as creative as a Lysine bedmaid, or a Braavosi Courtesan.

At least in your dreams, she was.

The sounds of the horns woke you from your slumber and all you could think was what the hell was happening, your dreams forgotten.

You rolled off the sack of hay you were sleeping on and grabbed your sword and prepared yourself as best you could. Gathering your boots and some padding that you wore underneath your armor. The only part of your armor that you wore on a regular basis.

The early morning mist had fallen over the harbor, and a chill filled the air, and you shivered as the cold wind touched your face, as you ran outside.

"What the hells is going on!?" You shouted, trying to gather your bearings as the garrison was running to the defensive positions. Archers half-naked and lacking anything but the bow and quiver and some pants ran towards their positions.

The infantry was carrying their shields, spears, axes. Some wore nothing at all, and only had their weapons.

No one answered you, but you ran after them, gathering that Ser Gerold was in need of assistance from his squire.

Defenses:1D100 => 80 vs 1D100 => 74

The Harbor defenses were undamaged during the assault, at least the ones protecting it from an attack inland. And while it seems the assault was striking hard, it would take more than a cursory assault to break through the defenses.

But that did not mean it was safe. Far from it.

You ran towards the wall to see that this assault was not a probing assault… This was for real, and your forces were barely holding out.

Break Through: 1D100 => 20 vs 1D100 => 93

But the breach came with a fiery explosion, and you were forced back when you saw the green flames.

"WILDFIRE!" A voice shouted as the pirates charged into the breach. "They have fucking WILDFIRE!"

Another explosion happened and the wall crumbled again. You found cover by one of the houses of the port, what little wasn't rocked by the explosion.

You hoped that Ser Gerold was not dead… or anyone for that matter. But you had to get to the defense. You could not be afraid.

You ran out and saw men walking in a daze, confused and disoriented by the explosions. A few were crying, their burns deep, and black. A few men were huddled in clusters, cornered and defending themselves from the pirates.

It was then, one of them saw you. A pirate that was ordering others around, laughing at the chaos and death. "There!" He shouted.

Defend yourself:1D100 => 37 +20 (Traits and Skill)=57 vs 1D100 => 68+ 50 (Skill and Traits)=118

Enemy Blow:1D100 => 8

You remain alive without injury.

You blocked the sword and felt a punch to your side, your body lurching as you dodged, rolling to the side to avoid a decapitation strike.

"Oh looky here… I caught me a Falcon… the young one as well… this is my lucky day. Your father will be pleased to see you."

You recognized the man's face and the sigil on his armor… It was Spotted Tom.

You got to your feet and held yourself firm, your sword ready.

"Come on boy!" He shouted. "Hurry up and try to kill me!"

Strike!: 1D100 => 8+20(Traits and Skill)=28 vs 1D100 => 2+50 (Skill and Traits)=52

Enemy Blow: 1D100 => 40

You are knocked unconscious.

You went onto the defensive, but Tom swiftly kicked the ground from under you, and you fell to the ground. "Good burn this place!" Tom Shouted before he leaned into your face. "And we've got a little meeting with your father."

Tom then brought his boot down and your world went to black.

Who's POV would you like to take control:

[]Jon Arryn: "THEY HAVE MY SON!"

[]Ser Gerold: He could understand the rage that Lord Arryn was going through, he had the same feeling when he had seen Arstan's capture by Tom… He wasn't fast enough to stop him.

[]Lord Baratheon: "You are going to Control yourself Jon… or I will remove you from this war council."

[]Yohn Royce: "Jon, if you're going to face Tom, take this." you handed him over a run. "Put it on your armor, and it will keep you safe."

[]Tom: You laughed as you made sure the chains were on the boy. "You won't enjoy my hospitality for long, I guarantee it Lord Arstan… His Grace wants you in his court… to ensure the removal of your father's forces."

AN: Enjoy.

Sorry if the update is lacking I've been a bit busy.
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The Runelord
The Runelord:

(Yohn POV)

"They have my son!" Jon shouted as his hands slammed on the table. "I need to get him back."
You awoke with a start, water being poured on your face. "Ah, Arstan was it… You're still alive."
"And launching an assault on a fortified keep is asking to get killed, Jon." Lord Baratheon stated. "I will not allow you to risk yourselves or the lives of our forces to rescue your son, as much as I feel and agree that action needs to be taken so that no further damage can occur."
Tom was smiling. "You know, when I took you, prisoner, I thought, maybe I should kill you. To make your father suffer the greatest hell he could suffer."
"Than let us take action," Jon growled.
"But I decided that… it would be better to send you to his Grace… He wishes to know the lands he will be ruling."
"Ser Gerold is preparing a strike force to rescue him and take out the enemy commanders and defenses. You must give them time."
"And what do you gain from all this?" You asked.
"Time may not be on our side. They may kill him or worse." Your lord was… understandable in both his grief and his fear. You were as well… You had not known your nephew as well as your good brother, but you did know that he was your family… and you remembered what those words meant.
"Why a crown of my own. The Disputed Lands, the Stepstones, Pentos, it matters little which one it is… A crown shall be mine, once you Westrosi are dealt with."
We Remember… such simple words that can hold so much meaning. You would join them in destroying this enemy that has taken your family…
"Yet, you're speaking it to a prisoner… The guilt and thought of betrayal weigh heavy on your conscious, doesn't it."
But you remember the rashness that could lead to. Anger needed to be tempered by wisdom, and focus.
Tom paused, staring at you with fear. "Fuck you, you little prick."
Jon had neither, much as he tried to hide it. And that would lead to much in the way of flared tempers.
You touched a nerve… Push it. "You want to kill the others, don't you? Take their crowns, their wealth… their power."
"Lord Arryn… Temper your anger, or be removed from this war council." Lord Baratheon stated. The Stag lord than took a sip of his ale. "We need to rest, this council shall reconvene tomorrow."
Tom hit you. "Shut up!"
He looked to Jon, but said nothing, only giving him a respectful nod, and a glare.
"Why not take what is rightfully your's Tom… you have the power, the men, and even the will that much lack. It could be yours now if you took it."
Jon left the tent, both in anger and tiredness. You followed your good brother, following him towards the edge of the siege lines, to watch the keep with his own eyes.
Deepest Desires:26+60(Skill and Traits)=86 vs Tom's Will:87
"Yohn." He said your name quietly.
"Perhaps… but maybe after I kill you Westerosi." He said, before leaving you alone. "And… I think I might keep you around for that… just to watch that arrogant mouth of your suffer spiritual death."
"You need to sleep Jon. You need to be at your best." You stated.

"I know… but I can't sleep… not until he's safe." He replied with a gruff, tired tone.

"Then have patience." You replied. "Ser Gerold still needs time to gather volunteers."

"How long does it take to find the greatest killers in Westeros when half of them are among us and the other half is on the way?!" He shouted. "These pirates are starving, out of communications with their other commanders, yet they still have the balls to counter-attack our forces, right under our noses!"

"They know the land better than we do… cannot be everywhere at once." You replied.

There a small sigh. "I know… I just-" He paused

"I don't want to lose him too." You replied. "He's the only thing left I have from Jeyne."

The mention of your sister made your eyes mist. Even after all that time, it still hurts to think about her.

"Aye… When he comes back, he's not going to leave my sight." Jon replied. "No matter what Ser Gerold says."

There was a pause. "He'll be alright." You replied.

"I hope." Jon replied.

You then walked over to Jon and handed him your father's rune. "My father gave me this when I was a boy… an old rune said to protect all who wear it…" You put it in his hands. "I may not believe in it, but I think you should have it. Wear it until your son is safe."

"Thank you," Jon whispered.

(Arstan POV)

What Event Came next:

[]Your Father coming towards the Keep in Armor… challenging Tom for you in single combat. "Tom… now it's me! Me or you, no one else!" Your father screamed.

[]Ser Gerold arriving with A Crack team of knights: It seems Ser Gerold has assembled you a kingsguard like group for the rescue attempt. Unfortunately, it seems the entire keep was looking for them.

[]You had a bag over your head: But you felt the waves crashing against a ship. But your falcon was flying overhead and you saw the Black Dragon flying overhead.
The Rescue Team
The Rescue Team:

You awoke to the door crashing open,and the light of torches straining your eyes. "Is that him?" A voice asked.

A hand lifted your face and you noticed the chiseled jaw and grim glare anywhere. It was Ser Gerold!

"Ser Gerold." You said his name with relief as he smiled back. He was lacking his armor, but he and the other knight with him were wearing the enemy uniforms you had seen from one of the companies that were defending the keep from the Westerosi Army.

"It's him. Get the chains off him Barry." He ordered, looking back.

"On it." Ser Barrisitan said. Keys jingled in on a ring as they unlocked the chains keeping you on the wall.

"Are you alright?" Barrisitian asked. "Are you hurt?"

"No Ser." You responded immediately.

"Good." Ser Gerold said. "Lads, let's get moving."

Lads? "Who else is with you?" You asked.

You were led out the door and saw your answer.

Ser Brynden Tully of Riverrun was guarding the door, along with a knight you did not recognize, save for the fat he had a wiry smile on his lips. "Lord Arryn, Ser Tormo Balish at your service." He said with a very cheeky smile. "We'll get you out right quick my lord."

"It's just the four of you?" You asked, bewildered, yet comforted by the fact they had come to rescue you.

"Just here." Ser Brynden stated. "Bronze Yohn and the Grafton boy should be at the Armory causing a distraction."

"Do I get a weapon?" You asked.

Ser Tormo handed over a dagger. "That's it?"

"No offense Lord Arstan, but we're trying to rescue you and you getting caught in combat betrays the purpose of the rescue." Ser Barristan replied. "Be lucky you have a weapon at all."

You nodded, deciding it was best not to argue with the men who clearly were better killers then you would ever be.

"Shh." Tormo shushed as footsteps slowly marched towards the door that was the exit.


"Plans working fine." Ser Barristan quipped. "They found the bodies."

"Then we'll have to improvise." Gerold replied.

The first patrol: 1D150 => 147 vs 1D100 => 38

There were three men who ran past the door, and with a nod, ignoring the prison, as their focus was elsewhere. Tormo and Brynden slowly walked out of the door, daggers in hand instead of drawing their swords with Gerold guiding you out and Barrisitan covering the rear.

You did not hear struggle, just gurgles and gasps of dying men. The two soldiers behind the leading one were dead before they hit the floor. The last one turned, but before a sound could escape his throat, Ser Tormo threw his dagger with expert precision, hitting the man square in the forehead, and the man crumpled to the ground before he could move.

"Good, now… Tormo, what's next?" Gerold whispered.

"We need to wait for Marq and Yohn to blow that wild fire to the seven hells." Tormo replied.

"I thought you were getting me out?" You asked.

"We are… we're just causing a distraction so we can get out of here." Gerold replied. "Can't leave the keep without making a hole to take it.

Armory Sabotage:1D150 => 62 vs 1D100 => 24

You than felt a loud rumbling, and then an explosion. "That's our cue." Gerold said as he pulled up his uniforms hood. "Lads, we're walking him out. Balish, speak for us, don't want any attention drawn towards us."

The three men nodded and pulled up the hoods, masking their hair and part of their faces.

The entire keep was in chaos as men started running. Screams engulfed the air and you could see the green flames engulf a building… along with bring down half the stone wall protecting the keep.
"By the gods!" You yelped, being scooped off your feet by Ser Barristian. "There's no way they could have-"

"The tower." Gerold pointed. "You think their mad enough to set the flames in the Armory?"

On the tower that overlooked the sea was a very tall man in armor covered in runes, and a boy whose leg was wrapped around rope, and a bow in his hand.

Well… Marq was an archer of talent it seems… along with being a man who loved to swing from ropes.

And Uncle Yohn was strong enough to lift him up with one… no he needed both arms to keep the rope steady.

"Now!" Gerold shouted and the next door opened. And the four knights began to run, carrying you with him.

Going down the stairs you reached the barracks… and saw an entire group of enemy soldiers waiting, preparing for an assault or escape from you.

There was a pause, everyone froze, not making a move.

Quick Thinking: 1D100 => 58+20=78 vs 1D100 => 33

"<Two men on the tower destroyed the Armory, trying to rescue the prisoner, we're taking him to the Central Keep!>" Tormo stated quickly in High Valyrian.

The soldiers nodded. "<Take him, quickly!>" The leader stated. "<You men with me!>" He ordered and the soldiers walked past your group with little interruption or hesitation. They just looked at you funnily being carried by the giant of a man, and then continued on.

"I should learn me some high Valyrian." Barristian quipped as he looked out the window.

"The hardest part is the double meaning and gender-neutral words that can have multiple meanings," Brynden replied as he checked outside the door before he closed it. "Otherwise it's near the same as common."

"Is it clear?" Gerold asked.

"Aye," Brynden stated. "Come on." He opened the door and you were carried out. "To the Stables Quickly." He ordered.

The chaos was immense, soldiers, and the few citizens of the island trying to put out the green inferno that was spreading.

Marq and Yohns escape: 1D150 => 127

You did not see Yohn or Marq, but the tower was deserted, and you guessed they jumped into the sea.

Or something. All you knew was that they were not trapped in the tower.

"Good they got into the sea," Tormo stated. "The boat should be waiting for them."

"And we should make haste lads… Lord Arryn's attack will be any moment, now that there is a breach." Brynden stated.

"Why the hells did you need to rescue me if you were just going to storm this place?" You whispered.

"Quite simply, we thought that if something terrible were to happen to the keep, you would be killed. So we rescued you." Barrisitan replied.

The Stables: 1D150 => 94 vs 1D100 => 94

However, the problem became evident when you saw him. Spotted Tom was at the stables as well, along with Old Mother, the main fleet commander of the Stepstone fleet. Both were armored and armed, and ready to flee… or fight, you did not know.

"Good, get the Arryn boy on my horse, we're taking him to the ship!" Tom ordered. "Now soldier get him on my fucking horse!"

Gerold rolled his eyes. "Fuck you!"

He dropped you to the ground and lunged at Tom.

Tom Vs Gerold: 1D150 => 81 vs1D100 => 25

He then with force threw Tom to the ground and drew his sword. "Your lucky your not my mission or I'd kill you myself!" Gerold growled. "Mount up!"

"Ser Gerold we should-" Tormo protested.

"Let Jon have him!" Gerold growled. "Now mount up!"

The knights mounted up, and Tom and Old Mother would be left on the ground, their protests and cries for help being ignored by the chaos of wildfire.

Escape:1D150 => 114

The escape was swift and smooth, no one noticed four riders leaving a burning keep. Most just thought the horses escaped.

(Jon POV)

The Assault: 1D100 => 100+10(Enemy Assault)+20(Wildfire Explosion)=130 vs1D100 => 86-10(Outnumbered)-20(Wildfire Explosion)-5(low Morale)=51

The Assault was near bloodless, the soldiers were too busy with the wildfire to notice the charging enemy infantry and the calvary that blunted any defense.

The Defenders were clearly disorganized by the decapitating blow that Wildfire Gerold's knights were blowing up to rescue your son.

You had seen the riders of the four knights, your son in tow as you charged in, and felt relieved.

Now you could kill them all.

Which your men did. They were angered by the threat to their lord's son, and even in the short time Arstan knew them, he had made an impression on them… An impression that they would die.

Men died all around you, as your men cut those pirates down, the green fire simmering like green dragon fire, still burning hot.

Your men had taken prisoners yes… but the prize was at the stables, surrounded by your men.

Spotted Tom and that Old Mother woman, on the ground, not putting up a fight.

You gritted your teeth. "Surrender, and I might let you live."

There was no sound, but Tom spat at you… "I surrender." He said definitely.

You gritted your teeth.
(Arstan POV)

Your father did not look happy when Jon and Lord Baratheon entered the commander's tent. "I want his head."

"Not until I'm done with him," Ormond replied. "And from the way he's singing, that might not be until this war is over."

"He kidnapped my son." Your father growled.

"And your son is safe." Lord Baratheon stated. "Do not mistake our mercy as weakness."

"And do not mistake my rage as rage… I want justice for my son." Your father stated.

"And you will have it… when we are done with him. I promise." Lord Baratheon stated.

Your father then saw you looking at him. Tears ran down his face. "Arstan." He said your name, before rushing in close and hugging you. "Are you okay."

"I'm alright father." You stated.

He held you in his arms and you stayed there for a while. You did not mind the affection.

It was nice to feel safe again.

Do you wish to go home:
[]Yes: (This will time skip to the end of the War, as nothing of note is available while the War is on. However, you and Rhaella... have a very passionate honeymoon in the Eyrie... Pregnancy rolls begin)

What happened next: (only choose if you say No)
[]The Lannister Fleet Arrived, along with the Iron fleet and reinforcements from Dorne… putting your forces at 1000 ships, and over 200 thousand fighting men. The Iron Fleet had taken the southern stepstones. (Two months later)

[]Your father Executing Spotted Tom and Old Mother. Half the stepstones had been taken at this point. It was a 16th name day gift. (five months later)

[]You and Ser Gerold were transferred to the Lannister Fleet, and you saw Tywin, Steffon, and Aerys again. You were en route to the final Island under the Brotherhood's command. (Seven months later)

[]Your father coming to you. The Report came in as the ships were landing in the Disputed Lands. Mayles was coming with a host of 50,000 swords, including the entire Golden Company. He was afraid and gave you a rune to protect yourself in battle. (1 year later)

AN: Enjoy.
The Execution:
The Execution:

(Five Months Later)

You stood firm in the field of Wreckstone, the latest island that the Westerosi forces had captured, even as disgust filled your face at the slaughter and the burning corpses of the soldiers who had died on the field.

The information that was given to you was wrong… inaccurate and distorted.

It was a trap that had been sprung from the information from Stopped Tom.

The information that you had never trusted. Neither did your father, who warned everyone of the commanders that it was a trap.

But before then, Toms's intelligence and information had been good, and they thought Tom had turned his cloak to your side, with the promise for his head to remain firmly attached to his head. and to remain on the Stepstones when the war was over.

Now a thousand soldiers were dead. Men who walked right into a trap.

The Brotherhood's forces were growing more and more desperate as islands were cleared and sacked and destroyed by the angry Ironborn and Dornish.

They knew that mercy, after such inhuman acts at Skull Island, when they attacked under a peace banner was never going to happen.

That Summer Islander did not understand such a cruel act was forbidden in war…

You enjoyed watching the Ironborn drown him to their Drowned God. It was as much justice as you would get for the loss of so many good men.

But here… you would be sure to see justice served, and it was much more personal.

You walked up to Tom, and smirked, throwing him over a cooked chicken leg. "Your last meal Tom. I expect you to savor it."

Tom smiled. "You enjoying this boy?"

"Eat." You said.

"Can't really eat with my hands bound." Tom smirked.

"Than eat like a dog." You replied.

Tom bent over and tore a piece of chicken with his teeth. He chewed and he swallowed it with difficulty. "You know, if your father was here, he would have killed me."

"He's too busy helping his men burying the dead. And he knows you will die tomorrow." You replied.

Tom laughed. "I'm not scared of dying by his hand, Arstan… You know that. Whatever gods may see fit to judge me, they will only see a man whose ambitions could not be contained. I'll be free from your grasp. After all, you can only kill me once."

You did not move. "Yet when you die… you will be forgotten by all. Your name erased from all who know it."

"Ha! My name is cemented in the minds of all who fight here. The rage… the anger, those who admire me… and even those who hate me, like you." He stated. "History will remember me, if only because my story was grand enough to remember… a mercenary who dared to try to be a king. To join his brother and sisters in arms, to put the rightful heir of the Iron Throne onto his rightful place."

"Delusions will get you nowhere." You replied.

"Delusions until victory is gained Arstan Arryn… You may be winning the war now… but you not won yet." Tom replied.

"And you will never know how that history will play out." You stated. "But I will."

You left Tom, and hope he choked on his food.

"Jeyne The Old Mother… for being an enemy of His Grace Jaehaerys the Second of his Name, and for killing a man of his army… I sentence you to death." There was a pause from your father.

"Spotted Tom… for being an enemy of his Grace Jaehaerys the Second of his Name, and for giving false information that led to the death of his men… I sentence you to die." Your father stated as Rickard Stark drew Ice.

The young Northman was alone, without his father now thanks to those two.

All the commanders were there to witness it, Ormond Baratheon, Jason Lannister, Ser Gerold… and countless others.

Even Quilleon Greyjoy was there. He had requested that his men drown them, but Rickard beat him to your father's heart and thirst for vengeance and justice.

Beheading them was too quick, but your father wanted it to be done quickly. Rickard would swing the sword.

"Do you have any last words?" Your father asked.

Tom smiled. "You'll all die far from your home, and his Grace will take what is his."

Jeyne said nothing, but she bowed her head in fear. For a moment you thought you saw water leaking down from her legs.

"Rickard… Pass the sentence." Your father ordered.

Rickard did, and with two swings of his greatsword, they were dead.

It was over.

Where do you go:

[]With Jason Lannister: He is going with the Greyjoys and his Fleet to Harass the Disputed Lands coast, to starve them of ships and to force them to defend everywhere.

[]With Your Father: Your father is leading an assault on the last stepstone island of the Northern Stepstones… Grey Gallows.

[]With Lord Baratheon: He is taking the Royal fleet on a mission to hunt down the remaining Stepstone Fleet, and destroy them.

[]With Ser Gerold: Lord Baratheon gave him a mission. Head to Bravoss, and capture Ironfinger, before he can deliver more gold to the Blackfyres.

AN: Enjoy
The Grey Gallows Part 1: The Beginning of the End
The Grey Gallows Part 1: The Beginning of the End

It was quite a change before the execution. Life moved on in such a way that things just felt normal.

Training Roll: 1D100 => 76+10=86

Mastery Roll:1D100 => 24+25=49

But Ser Gerold knew that your lack of training in the way of the Sword, and other forms of combat, were going to be a liability, if not an outright detriment for you as his squire, because he would need to be at the front of the battlefield, leading and inspiring men to greater heights.

He did not go easy on you, and you did not want to be treated like a child any longer. He needs you at your best. Your father almost sent you home with the lack of progress and your lack of mastery, but Ser Gerold refused to have you taken away from his services. He deemed you ready for battle, even if you did not master the art of combat.

Reward: Though you have not gained mastery, you have gained +20 to your combat rolls for the remainder of the war due To wartime training. You could not master weaponry out in the field, but you have gained familiarity in all of them.

Vassel Socialization Rolls:1D100 => 88+60=148, 1D100 => 62+60=122, 1D100 => 100+60=160

Friendship Rolls:1D100 => 39+50=89, 1D100 => 25+50=75, 1D100 => 42+50=92

But the Lord's of the Vale were the ones who flocked to you and wanted your advice, and later, friendship. It seems the story told by the men about your rescue and battle prowess with Ser Gerold during the Battle of the Wreckstone had caused many of them to see you as… well, more skilled, confident and even braver than most boys that were in the Army were, even the Brave Steffon Baratheon, and the always crafty Prince Aerys.

Both boys had not earned their spurs yet, but all the Vale knights wished they would be the one to knight you instead of Ser Gerold.

Marq Grafton, Halon Hunter, Raymond Redfort, Titan Sunderland and his father Tion, Warren Waxley, Tormo Balish, and Lyonel Corbray. Even the old men, Daron Deerborn, Lyncon Corbray, and the other men who had seen potential, and were not inspired by your actions, were taken aback by your wise words, crafty wit, and valuable introspection who heeded their advice.

They saw you as a wise and fair young man. A man they would follow again to war if need be.

Reward: The Lords of the Vale love you! and they see you as a worthy successor to your father

The sea was not calm when the Valeien fleet took in the sight of Grey Gallows.

It was little more than a rock, a grey rock rising over the oceans like the gods themselves gave little shit about it. The land there was no good for farming, no good for anything except being a safe harbor and a den for pirates.

It would soon meet its end soon enough, at the hands of your father.

"My Lord's!" Your father rose his voice as the storm blew overhead. "This is those basterds final stand against us!" The lightning boomed as the spears and feet struck the deck in meditative drumming as they prepared. "They have proven themselves as nothing, but cowards and cravens, they do not stomach the sight of truly battle-hardened men."

"Yeah!" The soldiers shouted and they cheered as your father continued.

"We are the knights of the Vale, the truest of all the knights of the Seven Kingdoms! We have arms, armor, and faith that our enemy will always lack!"

There was more cheering, more hollers. The tears and fear were gone. It no longer gripped these men, these hardened killers.

"These men may be feared at sea, but they are nothing on land, and we will fight them on the beaches, in their tower, and on their ships, and we will be victorious!"

The speech ended and the knights of the Vale were ready to slaughter.

What happened next:
[]The Pirates came: 20 ships were trying to Harass your 200. It would be a short bloody affair.

[]They retreated to Grey Gallows: They wished to fight on land than they would die on land.

[]They began to run away: The Pirates were packing all they could carry to their ships to escape. It would not help them.

AN: There we are. Sorry about the mix up.
Battle of Grey Gallows Part 2: Once More into the Breach
Battle of Grey Gallows Part 2: Once More into the Breach

The rain pitter pattered onto the deck of the ship as the fleet slowly sailed closer to the burning tower of the Grey Gallows. There were large, long shadows, being illuminated by the flame.

Your father looked ahead, and narrowed his eyes. "They're preparing a defense in the castle keep, abandoning other areas of the island as they deem indefensible." He stated. He slowly rubbed the rune that he got from Uncle Yohn, silently saying a prayer before he looked to Uncle Yohn. "Prepare a landing party, and secure the docks, make sure to set fire to the ships so they have no means of escape."

"Yes my lord." Uncle Yohn stated as he walked to his men. "Alright lads, get to the boats!"

"Lord Grafton, surround the island and maintain a blockade around the island, I want no one to come in or out. Not until that castle falls." Your father ordered.

"Yes my lord." Lord Grafton parroted. "Marq, signal the fleet, we're preparing a blockade!"

You followed your father. "What shall you have me do father?" You asked, as your father walked back into his cabin, out of the storm, where the patter of rain only pounded onto the wood above you.

Your father said nothing for a moment. "You are remaining on the ship." He stated as he looked over the maps that were left on the table.

What. "Father I have to protest-" You started, but your father looked to you.

"Are you questioning my orders boy?" He sounded less like your father and more like the lord of the Eyrie.

"Yes my lord." You replied. "What is the danger of joining the assault on the harbor with the others?"

Your father narrowed his eyes. "Ser Gerold is not here Arstan, he will not be able to protect you, so I am making sure that you will remain protected."

"You do not trust the knights of the vale to protect one of their own during battle?" You shot back.

"I AM NOT GOING TO RISK LOSING YOU!" Your father shouted as he pulled you into a hug. "I have already lost so much in this life, you do not understand!" You heard the sobs of your father and felt the tears fall down his face onto your hair. He took several labored breaths. "I wanted to send you home, but you choose to stay because honor made you stay. I do not want a knight for a son, all I want is my son safe." He stated. "I am not going to lose you… so please, for the love of the gods, if you love me... listen to me, and stay on the ship. Please."

"I will do as my lord commands." You started but your father smacked you in the head.

"Don't do as your lord commands. Do as your father wishes." Your father replied.

You nodded and hugged him.

But that did not mean your mind was made.

Not yet.

What do you do:
[]Join the Landing party: Your father may wish you to stay, but honor demands you fight with the others. (You will join the assault on the castle keep.)

[]Follow your father's wishes: Your father is right, and you will follow his wishes. (You will not join the assault, but you will remain on the ship. That does not mean nothing will happen, you will just not join the battle.)

AN: Enjoy.
Battle of Grey Gallows: Part 3: Disaster On The Ship
Battle of Grey Gallows: Part 3: Disaster On The Ship

You begrudgingly agreed to stay on the ship, following your father's orders to the letter. He also slowly lifted down onto the bat bellow, to land with the other knights of the Vale, and do battle with the enemy.

It filled you with an unease, not being on the island to take part in the battle, to brave the storm with the fleet.

But that was just the way things were on this night, unfortunately for you. The Lord's of the Vale may see it as Craven, but not from you, you were just following orders of your lord.

They may see your father's actions as such.

The lords of the vale had sons fighting besides him, many of whom you had come to know in the past months. They would see it as an insult to their honor and that trust that they had given both to him, and to you.

They would distrust your father… for a moment, until battle began, and your father would prove that his trust in them, was absolute.

There were many things men said about your father, but coward was not one of them.

The sea was quiet in the storm, even as the rain pattered on your head, and the boat rocked from side to side, the waters were eerily calm.

Marq had told you extra vigilance needed to be had on nights like this, where a ship could be hidden by the rain, and without the rocking sea, the lights could be dimmed as star light.

It was strange omen, but an omen you wisely followed, with a sword to your side, and eyes looking outward.

Your… companion, the Falcon who's mind seemed bonded with your own, was resting in it's roost in your room on the ship, the storm to hard for it to fly safely.

The Disaster: 1D100 => 90

It was far too dark to see it coming, the ship that rammed into you. How could you see it, with it's sails as black as the night sky, and it's oarman silent.

The Ship lurched and screeched, as you were thrown off of your feet and hit the deck. "Black sail!!" A crewman shouted, too late to hear in the rain and thunder and lightning. "It's Saan!"

You arose to see the large galley that had smashed the side of your ship.


"Men, REPEL BOARDERS!" The captain shouted, as the enemy came to the ship.

Defend yourself!: 1D100 => 92+40(Traits, Skill and Battlefield Training)=132 vs Enemy: 1D100 => 89+20 (Skill)= 109

You saw an enemy jump off, and immediately your sword blocked his attack, and you rolled away, getting to your feet quickly as you saw the enemy borders.

Your ship was prepared, but the swiftness had cut the defenders down by two, with the entire ship now trying to defend themselves, wherever they could.

That would not last, not in the slightest.

Attack!: 1D100 => 72+40(Traits, Skill and Battlefield Training)=112 vs 1D100 => 18+20 (Skill)= 38

Killing Blow:1D100 => 74

You sidestepped the thrust and drove your swords deep into the enemy's abdomen, the mans guts spilling out of him like he was a stuffed goose, his blood and other bodily fluids draining out of him like the stuffing.

You tried not to look at it, as you pulled your blade out of his body and shouted. "RALLY RALLY! RALLY TO ME!"

Rally Cry for the crew!: 1D100 => 92+60 (Traits and Skills)=152

The crew, in the hesitation and moment prior to your shouting, was in disarray.

But now, they were focused on your voice. The entire ship it seemed now rallied to you.

Marq Grafton, came down from the Crows nest with a quiver of arrows, half empty, hanging upside down, his leg, wrapped in rope. "You asked for us!?" He quipped, firing an arrow in the dark, towards the enemy ship. You thought you heard a voice cry out in pain before being silenced, but that have just been your imagination… or the dead men on the deck who were being slaughtered like pigs.

"We're counter attacking, make sure the deck has enough light so we can see!" You ordered the young lordling of the Vale.

He gave a smile. "On it!" before climbing up the rope to the Crow's nest.

"The Rest of you, make sure that ships stays on!" You ordered. "We need to get on board!"

"Aye!" the crew shouted, grabbing the boarding hooks and placing them onto the enemy ship, pulling it side to side for an easier action.

The storm it seemed, stopped, the rain subsiding as time slowly moved away, and the sun slowly crept up from across the horizon.

The deck was alight with flaming arrows, plenty of light to see, and men trying to stamp them out.

You jumped aboard with your crew, ready to kill.

What do you do:
[]Try to find the Captain: You want to find Saan and capture him… or kill him, whichever you decide to do first.
[]Stay with your men: You shall fight to secure the deck, with your men.
[]Into the Holds: You will go below deck and flush the bastards out.

AN: Sorry for the delay, I got a space Opera to write.
Battle of Grey Gallows Finale: The Ship.
Battle of Grey Gallows Finale: The Ship.

You grit your teeth and formed a square with your men. The shields protected you all from archers from above, and with Marq killing them from the crow's nest across the ways, there would be hardly be any shooting at you.

The enemy crew was disorganized, their attack on your vessel has failed, and the counterattack you were leading was more devastating than they had imagined. You were angry. And you wished to kill them.

But disorganized or not, they were still a threat, naturals at naval combat and fending of raiders and pirates on these very decks… they would not break easily.

Battle of the Ship: 1D100 => 76 vs 1D100 => 71

The battle was a slog through the deck of the ship. Shield Wall clashed with shield wall, and swords stabbed at the feet, the arms, the exposed head as the rain fell onto all with abandon, soaking them all with water, both salt, and fresh rainwater.

But the enemy broke, their will destroyed by the iron, steel, fleeing into the stormy sea, death by drowning being more peaceful than one by the sword.

You supposed if that was how they felt as they flung themselves into the dark water below, who were you to stop them.

Samaro Escape Roll: 1D100 => 6 (He will not escape)

You pushed forward to the wheel and rudder of the gally, your men close behind below you, cleaning the decks of the bodies and the survivors.

A Surprise Strike: 1D100 => 6+20=261D100 => 39=10 (Surprise)

Only your instincts saved your head from being removed from your body. The ax embedded itself into the wooden railing of the ship.

You turned to see a Lyseni, a man with dark hair with wisps of while strands illuminating in the firelight. He was prepared for battle, wearing some light armor, chainmail, with a few plates on his shoulders and over his heart.

It was Saan. You were sure of it.

You readied your blade and prepared. "Surrender." You ordered. "And I will make sure you are treated fairly."

There was no remark, or witty comeback, just a man who stood a head taller than you charging at you at full speed.

Defend!: 1D100 => 90+40(Traits, Skills, Battlefield Training)=130 vs 1D100 => 47+50 (Skills, Traits)=97

You dodged the ax, rolling to the side as he swung above your head. "Die you blasted boy!" He shouted as he continued to face you, not caring that your men were behind him. "I will not allow you to live with this victory!"

Attack: 1D100 => 95+40(Traits, Skills, Battlefield Training)=135 vs 1D100 => 69+50 (Skills, Traits)=119
Wound Roll: 1D100 => 31 (No wound, the duel continues)

You struck back, blocking the ax before side-stepping, punching Saan in the face, knocking him onto his back foot, opening him up to strike from your blade.

But as you thrust your blade, he parried, pushing the blade to the side with the other side of the ax.

Defend again!: 1D100 => 89+40(Traits, Skills, Battlefield Training)=129 vs 1D100 => 90+50=140
Wound Roll:1D100 => 29 (No wound, Duel continues)

You were put onto the back foot immediately, an ax clashing with a sword, with on being weaker than the other.

Your legs buckled, and you fell onto your ass, as Saan prepared a killing blow. But you kicked the man's knee, disorienting him enough to roll back, and get back to your feet to continue fighting.

Attack!:1D100 => 74+40(Traits, Skills, Battlefield Training)=114 vs 1D100 => 63+50=113
Wound Roll:1D100 => 96 (Killing BLOW!)

You worked quickly, striking at the man with fury, battering the ax while keeping the pressure and the man on the backfoot.

You then saw an opening, the neck was unprotected, and you just needed one strike and one moment to take that opening.

"Get on with it." You whispered.

Saan roared in rage and brought his ax down.

Your swords pointed up, and you drove it forward. Into the soft flesh of his neck, feeling the spine sever with the blade like it was a tiny piece of wood inside a waterskin.

Saan gurgled for a moment before you saw the life leave his eyes, and he slowly slid down your blade.

He was dead. Killed by your hand.

Battle of Grey Gallows: 1D100 => 94+30 (Overwhelming force, Ambitious landing, blokade)-10 (Night attack)=114 vs1D100 => 47 +40( Defenders, Night attack, Friendly terrain)=87

News reached the fleet by daybreak the following morning.

After an evening of intense battle, the forces of the Vale of Arryn had smashed the Defenders of Grey Gallows, putting the place to the Sword after they refused to surrender.

The keep was taken by storm, and what little resistance remained surrendered… the only ones smart enough to survive.

Your father looked at the wet, cold corpse of Samaro Saan. "Your doing?" He asked.

"Aye father." You replied quietly.

"You did well." He said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I am, father." You replied.

Your father nodded, before lifting you up onto his shoulders. "LOOK AT YOUR FUTURE LORD OF THE EYRIE! SLAYER OF PIRATES AND PROTECTOR OF THE SEAS! ARSTAN ARRYN!"

The men cheered. And you couldn't help but smile and feel pride in what you have done.

Reward: 200,000 golden Dragons have been added to your private treasury.

You have gained a private treasury. This is where your money will be in on the Frontpage, underneath the State of the Vale.

This can be used to buy weapons, armor, and other personal items during the "Buy items turn" when you are back at Westeros.

"We shall be linking up with the Royal fleet at the shores of the disputed lands...Get some rest Arstan." Your father stated.

What do you do?:

Choose 2

[]Spread Songs about your deeds: You deserve to get some glory after this battle, spread some rumors about you killing Samaro Saan!

[]Spend Time with your Father: Your father and you haven't spoken much since before the battle, and you really want to speak with him again, before the next battle.

[]Rest: You are going to rest. And sleep soundly in a comfortable bed.

[]Spend time with Uncle Yohn: You always wanted to hear the stories about the rune blade and rune armor that his family claim to craft.

[]Spend time with Marq: Marq is happy for you and your victory. He also wants to give you a drink and celebrate with you.

[]Request a Knighthood: News of your deed will spread, maybe Ser Gerold or your father can be persuaded to give you a knighthood.

[]Request to Go Home: You go to your father and request to go home. Your war is done (This will begin regular turns and you will see how the war went in the next Region Report)

AN: Enjoy.
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The Final Battle Part 1: Landfall
The Final Battle Part 1: Landfall

[X]Spend time with Uncle Yohn: You always wanted to hear the stories about the rune blade and rune armor that his family claim to craft. Rolled:1D100 => 37+10=47

Uncle Yohn was to busy preparing for landfall, and the battle that may come with it. But he did send give you something to you, as a way to make up for it.

It was a stone. And a note.

"In time, I will teach you the old ways of our family Arstan… but now is not the time. Keep that stone safe, and in time, it will keep you safe."

You had no idea what that meant. But you pocketed it just in case.

Failure: In the Vale, next time you visit Yohn, he will teach you the ways of Rune Smithing, and of House Royce.

[X]Spend Time with your Father: Your father and you haven't spoken much since before the battle, and you really want to speak with him again, before the next battle. Rolled:1D100 => 100+10

Your father looked… cold when you walked up to him on the deck. "Father… are you alright."

He looked at you, and his smile seemed to brighten the entire world around you. "I'm fine Arstan. Now that you're here."

"You said you wished to talk to me?" You asked. "What do you want to talk about?"

Your father looked out towards the lands that were the Essosi Disputed lands. "I just wish to spend some time with you Arstan. A little bit more time." He sounded,sad but you brushed that off. "Tell me… what was it like, fighting without me or Ser Gerold by your side?"

You gulped, and thought. "It was nothing… I just… did what I was trained to do… nothing else mattered but staying alive. And that's what we did." You finally replied.

Your father nodded. "War is… where man learn much about himself… mostly about what he is not." He sighed. "I'm not surprised that you haven't wanted to go home yet. You believe we have a duty, and that we must do our duty, to our king, and to ourselves."

"Father?" You didn't understand.

"Arstan. I'm afraid for you… I have learned a long time ago that life is fragile, and must be protected at all cost. I thought you weren't ready to face the world, and all of it's dangers." your father paused. "Truthfully, I wasn't ready to see you grow up into a man who can stand tall by himself, without his father protecting him."

His hands went onto your shoulders, and he looked you in the eyes, before placing his forehead onto your own. "And I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, father." You replied quietly.

He then stood up straight and grabbed your hand. He then placed a stone into it. "What's that?"

"A Gift from your Uncle Yohn to me when you were kidnapped. He said it would keep me safe in battle. I want you to hold onto it." Your father replied.


"No buts. Please. Just do it for me. Promise me Arstan?"

Promise me Arstan… the words echoed through your mind like a bell. "I promise."

"Good." Your father replied. "Now get ready, we're almost to the rest of the fleet."

Reward: Recived a Rune: This rock is said to contain magical energies to protect the wielder of it. (-10 to enemy combat rolls.)

The Army was assembled on the beach, and preparing to march inland.

"Lord Baratheon, our scouts have already found the golden company, 50,000 swords are marching to us in haste, we must mark further inland to get more favorable ground for the knights and our forces." Lord Stark stated.

"What about the ships, we can't just leave them." Lord Grafton stated. "We'll be Trapped in Essos if they're destroyed."

Lord Baratheon stroked his beard. "They'll want a battle, and we shall give them one."

He then turned to Lord Grafton. "Anchor the ship off the coast, but remain in sight if you can, we may need reinforcements."

Lord Baratheon than turned to Lord Stark and Lord Lannister. "Gather the men, we're preparing for a defensive battle."

On the beach and hills surrounding it… better place than nothing.

Battle was upon you now… What do you do before it:

(Choose 2)

[]Spend time with The Lordlings: Steffon, Tywin, Marq… all the young lord's are here… and they want to swap stories before the end of it all.

[]Speak to Lord Baratheon: Lord Baratheon seems confident in the battle plan and defense… why?

[]Spend time with Aerys: Why is Aerys all alone… didn't he just get knighted? Why isn't he celebrating with the others? And what's a drawing doing in his hand?

[]Spend Time with your Father: Your father isn't sleeping… why is that?

[]Spread Songs about your deeds: You deserve to get some glory after this battle, spread some rumors about you killing Samaro Saan!

[]Rest: You are going to rest. And sleep soundly in a comfortable bed.

[]Request a Knighthood: News of your deed will spread, maybe Ser Gerold or your father can be persuaded to give you a knighthood.
The Final Battle Part 2: With Friends.
The Final Battle Part 2: With Friends.

[X]Spend time with Aerys: Why is Aerys all alone… didn't he just get knighted? Why isn't he celebrating with the others? And what's a drawing doing in his hand? Rolled:1D100 => 91+10=101

You saw Aerys sitting by the sea as you wandered the camp, looking for your friends. The beach was near empty, save for the ships that were on the shores, being sent out to wait at the shore in the coming battle.

"Aerys." You said your friend's name loudly, enough to cause him to turn his head. "Or should I call you Ser Aerys?"

Aerys huffed, and turned back to the sea, not answering your question.

You raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright?" You asked quietly, as you walked forward and put a hand on his shoulder.

You then saw the paper in his hand… the parchment that was being held so gently, so reverently. He only did that once before to your knowledge… the attempt on his father's life at the name day tourney.

"What did you see?" You asked.

He handed it over to you, and in the moonlight, you saw it.

A Stag fallen with it's young surrounding it. A field of wheat covering the ground, ready to harvest. A Bull charging into a line of spikes and spears, being followed by a titan. A fish flipping in the background, catching a butterfly.

A Dragon flying through the air, while another lies dead in the field.

And a Falcon, overlooking another, as it lays broken with a broken arrow through its body.

"We're going to lose so many... " Aerys whispered bitterly… "We might not even survive tomorrow."

You narrowed your eyes. "Hey." You looked at your friend's face. "Prophecy's can change… we saw it happen once remember?"

"And we saw it kill my family at Summerhall." He stated. "I hate this seeing thing's like this."

You sighed. "Then why do you keep drawing them?" You asked.

"Because I still have the hope to save everyone." He replied.

A true hero… but it would be a foolish notion. Not everyone could be saved. "You can't save everyone."

"That doesn't mean I can't try." He stated. "And I order you to try as well."

You smiled… there was your friend. "As you command."

And you both walked to your friends, to enjoy the last moments of peace.

The picture forgotten, carried by the wind, and swallowed by the sea.

Reward: A look to the future via Aerys' dreams.

A Great change is now in motion. The outcome you can affect by your actions. History is now in your hands, no matter how small the change can be.

[X]Spend time with The Lordlings: Steffon, Tywin, Marq… all the young lord's are here… and they want to swap stories before the end of it all. Rolled: 1D100 => 75+10=85

Your friends saw you and Aerys and raised their mugs in celebration "There they are, the heroes of Westeros!" Steffon shouted.

You smiled as you sat in the sand and got a mug shoved in your face. "So, how does it feel to be a knight now?" Marq asked the prince as he sat down next to you.

"It's different," Aerys replied. "What about you Tywin, you earn your spurs yet?"

Tywin nodded no. "According to my uncle, I am not… ready to be a knight." You thought you saw Tywin grind his teeth and clench his jaw as he said the words. "I hope that in time, that opinion will change."

Everyone was quiet. The tenseness coming from the young lion was… palpable, and his aura made it though he there was anger underneath his breath.

"Okay." Steffon broke the tension with a smile. "What about me… well, father didn't knight me yet but truly think he just wants me by his side for the rest of the war. Nothing I fault him with… he's saved my life more than I can count."

There was a small laugh from around the fire. "Aye." You whispered.

"What about you Arstan… Heard you killed a pirate lord." Steffon stated.

"I did." You replied.

You told them the story, about how the ship crashed in the night, how you took command, how you boarded and slaughtered the men like dogs with the men by your side, and how you demanded the surrender, but the Pirate lord was not having it. And you slew him.

"Surprised the White Bull hasn't knighted you for that… or any knight for that matter?" Marq replied. "Or my self for that matter… cunts."

You frowned at Marq. But Tywin's voice rose above the others as they laughed. "It seems strange that we have not been knighted, save for the Prince, before, when we have earned it through the strength of arms and defending our comrades."

Marq laughed. "Isn't it obvious?" Everyone looked at him with questioning eyes. "Your heirs to the Seven Kingdoms, of course, they won't knight you all until the wars done, bound by blood, friendship and honor… any of you die, that bond could be broken. Keeping you all alive is what they want… that's why they haven't knighted you. It just as much politics as it is worthiness in their eyes."

"They wish to keep us safe instead of giving us what we rightfully earn." Steffon growled.

"That's just my thoughts speaking aloud." Marq replied.

It made sense… almost too much sense.

The boys were quiet. The fire crackled and you felt a foreboding presence between you all.

Then you felt the talons of your Falcon dig into your shoulder, and you relaxed. "I think I haven't introduced you to my small companion." You smiled.

It led to a night of drinking and storytelling.

All together with the men, you consider your brothers in all but blood.

You enjoyed that night.

Like it was your last night you would see all of them together alive.

"I propose a toast… to us boys of the Seven kingdoms." You offered, holding your glass up high in the air. "May we never forget these moments."

"And may we never forget each other." Tywin stated quietly.

The mugs clinked together, and you all slept on the beach.

Reward: You are now in an informal brotherhood with Marq Grafton, Tywin Lannister, Aerys Targaryen, and Steffon Baratheon.

In the next battle, fighting with any of them by your side will give all rolls a +20.


The battle lines were close to a mile away from the beach, on the flatlands. The two hosts had prepared in the night, setting up defenses for whoever would strike first.

The Blackfyres would be attacking.

The objective was simple… hold until reinforcements from the Iron fleet to arrive, having landed a league to the north, behind enemy lines, and in the heavy forests.

But 50,000 men were going to be hard to shrug off, especially when the Westerosi were outnumbered by 5,000 men.

But the Blackfyres lacked cavalry, something Ormund was going to exploit…

You didn't know the details, but you knew where you were going.

Where were you going:

[]With Ser Gerold on the Right Flank: Ser Gerold was leading the Cavalry. You have no idea what he is doing.

[]With Lord Baratheon, in the Center: Hold strong, that was Lord Baratheon's orders. Hold Strong and then slowly retreat.

[]With your father, on the Left Flank: He is going to wheel around the enemy that envelopes the center… You think.

[]In the Rear: Your father's orders, he wants you with the rest of the Lordlings to come and assist on Lord Baratheon's orders.