As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

The Region Report: Westeros Post War 2
The Region Report:

The Vale:1D100 => 100

Words has spread from the Mountains to the Valley.

The Mountain clans have heard rumors of a great Winterborn children that have survived natures wrath, who by prophecy and fate, in the old traditions of the Mountain Clans, will bring peace, or destruction to the Vale, and the Mountain.

They wish to bring an item to the Eyrie, and to the Arryns themselves, to find out if it's true.

They will not keel, not yet. not until whatever item is presented to the children.

And what that Item is, is unknown.

In other news, Jon Arryn has convinced the Iron Throne has sent more workmen to help build the city of Fingerton.

Reward: The Mountain clans are coming to you to negotiate something, all Twenty Great Clans of the Mountains.

Fingerton's build time has been halved, now it will only take ten years to finish construction, and migration will pick up in three years to settle.

New Action Available.

The Riverlands:1D100 => 51

Nothing of note has occurred in the Riverlands, only that there have been a few tourneys.

The Westerlands:1D100 => 56

It's all quiet. Tywin has been a fair and an able administrator and is going to become Hand of the King next year, after Aerys diplomatic tour through The Crownlands, and the Reach to smooth over bad feelings and insubordination.

He has also announced the birth of his First child: Bael.

Reward: Tywin is about to become Hand of the King.

The North:1D100 => 52

It seems that everyone is having children.

The Starks announced the birth of a son.


Reward: Brandon Stark has been born.

The Reach: 1D100 => 91

It seems his Grace has smoothed over relations and has given a new charter to the City of Oldtown.

All the reach lords also get a hand in the city's profits for five years.

Reward: Oldtown is now a chartered city. The Reachlords income has skyrocketed due to this event.

The Stormlands:1D100 => 50

Steffon has announced the birth of his son: Robert.

Reward: Robert Baratheon has been born.

The Iron Islands:1D100 => 82

The Ironborn have enjoyed the Stepstones, and have terrorized the entire western coast of Essos without mercy, even as the King has ordered a stop to all reavings of Essos during negotiations with the Free cities.

However, he did enjoy negotiating from a position of strength.

Reward: The Ironborn have paid the iron Price and have made a lot of money.

Dorne:1D100 =>60

Dorne has settled down, and Sunspear has been fully repaired.

Reward: Sunspear is fully repaired.

The Wall:1D100 => 60

The Wall is uninteresting as always, but they have seen a new influx of recruits from the south, something that they desperately needed.

Reward: Men and Material are being sent to the wall at a more… quick pace. Enough for it to start rebuilding and fortifying their castles

The Crownlands: 1D100 => 100

Aerys brought the Sealord to the negotiating table and made but one offer.

The Iron Bank getting punished for supplying money and material to the Enemies of Westeros, during the Brotherhood war.

And a price of Ten Million Golden pieces for five years as war reparations.

The Sealord… accepted, if only because he himself was Furious at the Iron Bank, for going behind his back and supporting a war without his permission.

Reward: Aerys made the Iron Bank pay.

The Iron Banks reputation has been damaged near irreversibly with this action.

The Sealord is purging the Iron Bank.

The Three Daughters:1D100 => 94

Alequo Silvertounge, and the Survivors of the Brotherhood of Twelve has taken over the Three daughters, smashing the Archon restoration force in the disputed lands.

They had slipped through the Westerosi forces grasp as they left for Westeros

They now control Myr, and Lys, and Tyrosh.

Reward: The Surviving Brotherhood of Twelve members has made a resurgence.

???:1D100 => 84

"Has our plan succeeded?" The voice asked.

"Not entirely. Westeros is out of our grasp now, and our allies within the Iron Bank have been purged. But the Three daughters are no longer a threat to our… plan. They may even Ally to us if enough leverage is procured on them."

"No matter… we have other friends in places of power now. We shall put our sights elsewhere before strike again at them again. Mayles was a distraction, and a way to get gold we needed, and the experience we need.."

"And the rumors from the Vale, and the King himself?"

"It matters little what one kingdom archives, even one as powerful as the Vale... only that we may soon be able to bring them all to their knees. And one good king is nothing if his successors cannot carry the burden and reputation he has. It will all fall apart, eventually. We just need time."

"And the other rumors?"

"The candle has shown me nothing… there is nothing to fear of the power that those Westrosi have, it won't save them… and send a letter to our ally in Westeros… we need him to… Begin his play. The King is not well, and his new hand needs to be occupied."

Reward: Plans are occurring.

AN: Just a Region Report are occurring.
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Just because Maesters have glass candles doesn't mean someoneveho has a glass candle is a maester yannow. :p

Insane rolls this time around. With Aerys having more success in his own right (instead of being constantly in Tywin's shadow), plus a huge diplomatic coup in making Braavos blink, seems things are going well.

But given the flash forwards (which admittedly may still not come to pass), I worry for certain people close to Aerys.

Also the canon cast of Robert's Rebellion are now being born, with Bobby B himself and Brandon Stark.
I am kind of pissed that Arslan isn't the chosen one but that his daughter / brother is/are.

But overall good news.
What kind of name is Bard, eh?
A Northern name. Considering that Tywin is married to a northerner, it happens sometimes.
Please don't tell me this is the Spider making his shenanigans. Nothing good ever happens when the Spider does shenanigans.
I'm not telling.
Insane rolls this time around. With Aerys having more success in his own right (instead of being constantly in Tywin's shadow), plus a huge diplomatic coup in making Braavos blink, seems things are going well.
Yeah, considering his accomplishments, he might not care if Tywin does a few things that make him look weak, because he know's he has it in him to BE king in his own right when needed.

He's a good leader, and pushes all the hard stuff to his underlings.
But given the flash forwards (which admittedly may still not come to pass), I worry for certain people close to Aerys.
Those Flashforwards are a potential world, not the world set in stone.
Also the canon cast of Robert's Rebellion are now being born, with Bobby B himself and Brandon Stark.
Yep... got a few years till Ned showes up.
I am kind of pissed that Arslan isn't the chosen one but that his daughter / brother is/are.

But overall good news.
I thought it was a good idea because everyone SV plays is the chosen one... why not be the parents of the chosen ones instead?

After all, we just have to avoid dying, and be the parent that survives the story without being the villian.
This is something we'll need to deal with sooner or later.

Time to get ourselves a decent spymaster I think.
Or they can just kill themselves due to Volantis.

The Free cities do not like a Three daughters that have unified the pennensula.
Aerys Broke Ironbank but Brotherhood of Twelwe is resurfacing and new plots are afoot.

Also 2 100 in one turn.

Also i get that sometimes you want the Choosen one to be female but i also im bit miffed about it not being our Character to be honest. Then Again FUCK PROPHECIES NO GODS NO MASTERS ONLY MEN :D they cant bring peace with mountain clans if we do it first.
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I thought it was a good idea because everyone SV plays is the chosen one... why not be the parents of the chosen ones instead?

After all, we just have to avoid dying, and be the parent that survives the story without being the villian.

Yeah, the only problem I have with our daughter being the chosen one is that she is a girl and probably won't inherit. I am in my ck2 mindset where chosen one have bloodline and because of her gender she won't pass it to the dynasty but to her husband's family. Or we could kill our brother and potential sons over her.... mhhh..
Yeah, the only problem I have with our daughter being the chosen one is that she is a girl and probably won't inherit. I am in my ck2 mindset where chosen one have bloodline and because of her gender she won't pass it to the dynasty but to her husband's family. Or we could kill our brother and potential sons over her.... mhhh..
It will most likely be All the family members getting the goods.
So the next update won't come for quite a while, because I want to do an update, go to thanksgiving

And maybe start a quest that isn't so... fantasy-related.
It looks like its going to be all-in in regard to the Mountain Clans. We'll need to get the knights of our vassals together not just in case things go south, but because I want our vassals where we can bloody well see them.

We'll need an awful lot of ale and mutton. First Men still respect bread and salt.
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[X] Aemma

And while on the subject of names...Bard as a name is more than a bit odd, especially for a child of Tywin "Even My Shit Is Gold" Lannister. It's meant to be pronounced like the musicians, right? It's kind of like someone naming their kid Mummer or Juggler, not exactly something to inspire respect which is probably still a big deal for our favorite Lord Lannister.

If you want to keep the musical connotation you could just have the Stark wife choose to name their kid Bael after Bael the Bard. Have her sell it as him being a legendary figure known for his cunning...while omitting the whole 'sneakily sleeping with a King's daughter' bit is what got him that reputation. Plus Bael is already apart of more distinguished names like Baelor the Blessed or Baelon the Summer Prince.

Or you can just add, like, another vowel somewhere in there. I just find it really jarring for a noble's son to be named after a smallfolk's occupation. May just be me.

He has also announced the birth of his third child: Bard.
Cersei and Jaime are inevitable? Like the seasons changing or someone getting a pox in a whorehouse.
I do agree that Bael sounds better but it's upto the QM I guess.

Also we can ally with the Essosi against the Three Daughters. We can let the Ironborn raid them.
I think their souls have already entered the world, just as Targaryens. We'll cope.

At least incest is socially approved of for them, as is girls learning the art of the sword. That is half their issues solved right there.
But then they're Cersei's lust for power... I'm going to be honest, that may cause some trouble.