[X]To the Ladies of the Realm: It seems your stunt has given you an audience. Numerous ladies of the realm were entirely wanting… Well, they want a lot of things. The good thing is Rhaeynra and her friend were safe, behind the kings guard.
[X]Mushroom: He smiled at the large pouch of gold. "You may have lost your winning, but you did have plenty of armor ransoms, and you made me quite a bit."
[X]A man Loved by his men: Ser Osgry had a cup of wine and he was drinking to your health "Shall you join us Prince?"
[X]The Queen who never was: The Princess Rhaeyns was smiling at you as if she had won quite a bit. "Daemon is rubbing off on you. And it appears you are making all the same mistakes."
If nothing else, Mushroom will have another amazing Story to tell for his book.
Also, glad we found the Mage. At least the risk we took paid off where it mattered most.