And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 4, 2022 at 1:01 AM, finished with 31 posts and 14 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 4, 2022 at 4:48 PM, finished with 43 posts and 22 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 5, 2022 at 11:02 AM, finished with 30 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X]You are with Daemon at King's Landing: He looked at Dark Sister, and he smiled. "Finally."
    [X]You are with your Parents, who are about to Break the news of something important?: You looked at your mother's happy face and your father's silent smile. "I'm pregnant?" Your mother said. But that was impossible. She was barren? She could not have children, both of them said that was why you were not going to have any siblings?
    [X]You are with Baelon… Before he leaves on a hunt: He looked at you, as he pulled you aside, into a small tent, and put a hand on your shoulder. "Boy… Look after my son. He will need you, more than you can possibly imagine."
    [X]You are Alone with Grey Ghost: He looks at you and feels something. You do too. It is sadness, and sorrow. And something far worse. "He knows now. What are we going to do?"
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 8, 2022 at 1:06 AM, finished with 40 posts and 18 votes.

  • -[X] Plan: Building On The Foundation
    -[X] Baela
    -[X] Rhaena
    -[X] Train a skill: Dragon riding
    -[X] Train a skill: sword and shield
    -[X] Learn a skill: Theatrics
    -[X]The Tales of Lucien and Daemon: You are now a squire. That means you have adventures! Eventually. Now it was about cleaning armor. Grooming horses, and listening to Daemon praise himself.
    -[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.
    -[X]The Daughters of Daemon: You never once tried to help them…but you did now, and felt something.
    [X] Insert plan name here
    -[X] Baela
    -[X] Rhaena
    -[X]The Daughters of Daemon: You never once tried to help them…but you did now, and felt something.
    -[X]The Tales of Lucien and Daemon: You are now a squire. That means you have adventures! Eventually. Now it was about cleaning armor. Grooming horses, and listening to Daemon praise himself.
    -[X]Silent and Surface: Daemon looked at you, and merely said. "Silence to you is the same as breathing. But sometimes I wish you could talk."
    -[X] Train a skill: Old Tongue (written)
    -[X] Train a skill: Rhynorish (written)
    -[X] Train a skill: Diplomacy
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 8, 2022 at 11:45 AM, finished with 126 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X]Winterfell: The Starks have a problem as well that they need to deal with. Near White Harbor, they have claimed that slavers, poachers, and the likes had a battle. And the battle there was something that needed to be cleaned up. After all, who killed them?
    [X]Riverrun: There is news from the Tullys of Riverrun. A Group of Bandits, now large in number, calling themselves the Brothers of the Rivers, has taken over the Blue Fork, and they are now controlling all river traffic in the Trident's estuaries and branches of the rivers, stealing away vital income from many river lords. Grover Tully has asked for Dragonfire to deal with this rebellion.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 8, 2022 at 11:20 PM, finished with 41 posts and 22 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 11, 2022 at 12:25 PM, finished with 28 posts and 16 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 11, 2022 at 11:23 PM, finished with 33 posts and 17 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 12, 2022 at 10:08 PM, finished with 47 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan Mama's I need hugs.
    -[X]Look for your Mother: You swore you saw your mother here? She was with the Princess for a moment, before disappearing. But why was mother here, she should be on Dragonstone?
    --[X]The Old King's Rewards: The old King is going to reward you, in public, before the great council and the claimants arrive. He wants to make the Whole realm know your deeds and that of Lord Stark and Daemon.
    ---[X]The Realms Delight: The Princess Rhaenyra has come to you, to talk. And she did so in sign?
    ----[X]The Valemen's Wishes: Rhae was here, with the Valemen, and the twins. She was being pampered, yes, but the moment she saw you, she looked ready to throttle you. "You little shit! You need to think before you bloody act!"
    [X]The Old King's Rewards: The old King is going to reward you, in public, before the great council and the claimants arrive. He wants to make the Whole realm know your deeds and that of Lord Stark and Daemon.
    [X]The Realms Delight: The Princess Rhaenyra has come to you, to talk. And she did so in sign?
    [X] Look Mom(s), No Hands!
    [X] Look Mom(s), No Hands!
    -[X]Look for your Mother: You swore you saw your mother here? She was with the Princess for a moment, before disappearing. But why was mother here, she should be on Dragonstone?
    -[X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    -[X]The Old King's Rewards: The old King is going to reward you, in public, before the great council and the claimants arrive. He wants to make the Whole realm know your deeds and that of Lord Stark and Daemon.
    -[X]The Valemen's Wishes: Rhae was here, with the Valemen, and the twins. She was being pampered, yes, but the moment she saw you, she looked ready to throttle you. "You little shit! You need to think before you bloody act!"
    [X]Look for your Mother: You swore you saw your mother here? She was with the Princess for a moment, before disappearing. But why was mother here, she should be on Dragonstone?
    [X]The Valemen's Wishes: Rhae was here, with the Valemen, and the twins. She was being pampered, yes, but the moment she saw you, she looked ready to throttle you. "You little shit! You need to think before you bloody act!"
    [X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    [X]The North Remembers: Lord Stark was there with many of his bannermen. And they wished to Drink with you, and to your health, and your stunt of bravery.
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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 13, 2022 at 7:23 PM, finished with 59 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Exile's End, Father's Reward and some more chatting
    -[X]Lift the Exile on your Father, Daemon, and You: You want The Old King to lift your exile, and that on the people you love. And to do so publicly.
    -[X]Request your Father to be given an official position in the Royal Navy: You want your father to be officially recognized for his work. You heard rumors that he was working to dismantle the Slave Trade that was trying to spring up in Westeros. And he needed to be rewarded.
    -[X]The Sea Snake: Corlys The Sea Snake wishes to talk to you, seems that he was a little unhappy you showed up his son.
    -[X]The Stormsinger: There is a stormsinger preaching the gods of Old Valyria, and it has seen to be growing in number. It seems they believed in the gift of the Dragons.
    -[X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    -[X]The North Remembers: Lord Stark was there with many of his bannermen. And they wished to Drink with you, and to your health, and your stunt of bravery.
    [X] Plan Everyone Works Together, Talks Together?
    -[X]Lift the Exile on your Father, Daemon, and You: You want The Old King to lift your exile, and that on the people you love. And to do so publicly.
    -[X]Request that he Deals with the Cannibal: You want the Cannibal Dead. It needs to die!
    -[X]The Sea Snake: Corlys The Sea Snake wishes to talk to you, seems that he was a little unhappy you showed up his son.
    -[X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    -[X]The North Remembers: Lord Stark was there with many of his bannermen. And they wished to Drink with you, and to your health, and your stunt of bravery.
    -[X]The Other Claimants: There are many other claimants here. Maybe you can meet one.
    [X] Plan: Dads New Job
    -[X]Request for your family to become members of the Court, permanently (Dragon's Stone): You want your family to be cared for, and that means they will be employed by the court. You want them in Dragonstone. It's your home and their home, and you wish for them to not be involved in the politics and treachery of the capital.
    -[X]Request your Father to be given an official position in the Royal Navy: You want your father to be officially recognized for his work. You heard rumors that he was working to dismantle the Slave Trade that was trying to spring up in Westeros. And he needed to be rewarded.
    -[X]The Sea Snake: Corlys The Sea Snake wishes to talk to you, seems that he was a little unhappy you showed up his son.
    -[X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    -[X]The Stormsinger: There is a stormsinger preaching the gods of Old Valyria, and it has seen to be growing in number. It seems they believed in the gift of the Dragons.
    -[X]The Storm's Brew: The Stormlord's were in a drinking contest, and you somehow managed to get right in the middle of it.
    [X]Plan: Exile's End, Dealing with the Cannibal, and some more chatting.
    -[X]Lift the Exile on your Father, Daemon, and You: You want The Old King to lift your exile, and that on the people you love. And to do so publicly.
    -[X]Request that he Deals with the Cannibal: You want the Cannibal Dead. It needs to die!
    -[X]The Sea Snake: Corlys The Sea Snake wishes to talk to you, seems that he was a little unhappy you showed up his son.
    -[X]The Stormsinger: There is a stormsinger preaching the gods of Old Valyria, and it has seen to be growing in number. It seems they believed in the gift of the Dragons.
    -[X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    -[X]The North Remembers: Lord Stark was there with many of his bannermen. And they wished to Drink with you, and to your health, and your stunt of bravery.
    [X]Plan: Comfort Zone
    -[X]Lift the Exile on your Father, Daemon, and You: You want The Old King to lift your exile, and that on the people you love. And to do so publicly.
    -[X]Request for your family to become members of the Court, permanently (Dragon's Stone): You want your family to be cared for, and that means they will be employed by the court. You want them in Dragonstone. It's your home and their home, and you wish for them to not be involved in the politics and treachery of the capital.
    -[X]Stay with Daemon: Daemon looks lost and without you. You will stay by his side, and be the dutiful squire you are to him. Hopefully, he won't get into his cups and start doing things stupidly.
    -[X]The Stormsinger: There is a stormsinger preaching the gods of Old Valyria, and it has seen to be growing in number. It seems they believed in the gift of the Dragons.
    -[X]The North Remembers: Lord Stark was there with many of his bannermen. And they wished to Drink with you, and to your health, and your stunt of bravery.
    -[X]The West's Gaze: Lord Lannister and many of his men wished to meet you. Something tells you there is something that you need to… say to them.