Buff fireman up to the gills. Teleport him. And have him go blood and thunder on then as a distraction?
Not a great idea, Imo.

Remember what we are capable of doing to someone with our staff?
What we almost did to Tor?

The thing is, Devils most certainly have pieces of Thoros' body. They fucking killed him.
And they are batshit-insane level of adept when cursing comes to play.
Go in with two layers, turning the ambush on the would-be ambushers - Thoros with a few warriors/priests obviously of the religion, then the real punch after the devils appear - with dimensional anchors to ensure final death/capture.

As the saying goes, there's no such thing as overkill, only fire and I need to reload.
Good. Goood.

Buff fireman up to the gills. Teleport him. And have him go blood and thunder on then as a distraction?

Then we teleport in and subdue turtle all the devil's?

I like it. It gives him something to do, some much needed payback, and serves as a very good tactical decision. Just so long as we know what exactly we're going to be fighting. Won't do us much good if the squishy humans get killed before we can back them up.

I mean there is always resurrection, but it just looks bad on our part. It's not like Thoros is a Satyr or something.
Not a great idea, Imo.

Remember what we are capable of doing to someone with our staff?
What we almost did to Tor?

The thing is, Devils most certainly have pieces of Thoros' body. They fucking killed him.
And they are batshit-insane level of adept when cursing comes to play.
Sounds like a reason to Reincarnate him, then. Assuming there's no better way to break the sympathetic connection, of course.
Sounds like a reason to Reincarnate him, then. Assuming there's no better way to break the sympathetic connection, of course.

It seems like your body may be infested with spyware, are you interested in an upgrade? No money down, flexible interest rates, guaranteed new joints and suspension.

Order now and we'll throw in the new "6 Inch" package with a complimentary "new meatbag smell" air freshener for free.
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In that case, maybe reverse things and use Thoros as a connection to divine the location of whatever bits the devils took from his corpse.
This a good plan?

[] Ask Thoros if he is willing to be magically buffed and set in as vanguard since Devils are expecting him, while their attention is on him we will strike from unseen.
Hmm. Convince Thoros to trigger the ambush alone, Then once the devils are in the open, we counter ambush them?

Edit : Faceless'd
So, rescue blitz?

Viserys in True Dragon form, Lya riding him in her battle bikini, surrounded by a flock of femme fatale Fallen Angels, swooping in, wrecking face, then snatching up Kennos to return him to SD.

"R'hllor is a chump. I am the true Lord of Flames. And Metal!"
So, rescue blitz?

Viserys in True Dragon form, Lya riding him in her battle bikini, surrounded by a flock of femme fatale Fallen Angels, swooping in, wrecking face, then snatching up Kennos to return him to SD.

"R'hllor is a chump. I am the true Lord of Flames. And Metal!"
I'm very tempted to go with Thoros, but to have Tyene disguise us as clerics of R'hllor first. Then the second the devils show themselves we hit them with Merciful Searing Firebrands and get ourselves some extra recruits.
Lets take everyone.
Arrive mounting dinosaurs, with a full contingent of casters and plated minotaurs.

They sort of expect the spanish inquisition, so we need to make sure they are still surprised.
and get ourselves some extra sacrifices.
Phrase things right, 'kay?

No, really, I dearly hope there are only non-redeemable devils we can capture out there.
I'm in dire sacrifice-drought here!

Larder fills me with sadness, for I know I can't count Maelephant, Chwi-... drow-spiders and Tor as part of it!
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