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... how are we not good again?
Not discmagreeing. I agree wholeheartedly. But come on Paarthuraxx would approve.
Good in D&D is determination to do the Right Thing no matter the personal cost, or even scale of cost on an institutional level, like that of a Kingdom.
It is always acting from a moral high point and resolving never to step down from that pinnacle placed position. That anything else is unacceptable, and that entreating with "Lesser Evils" or even committing harm to someone who does not deserve it is something that shatters the foundations of your own character.
For immortal spirits, this makes perfect sense. For a mortal king who has to act with the well being of not only his subjects, but his close friends and family, it is impractical.
Thus, Lawful Neutral. We act within an ethical framework and most of our decisions come from that background. Morals don't enter into the argument. You have a set of decision points that determines the "right" course of action based on a sense of justice.
In this case, while innocents did die, the Alchemist's Guild was a strategic target that produced weapons that made war, infiltrated by unholy spirits bent on the subjugation of all of man.
That innocents died is regretful, but technically, there is no such thing as Geneva Conventions barring our hand here, so we did not do wrong under our own framework of action resolution.
If we had signed such accords, we obviously would have acted differently, but it would have been based on politics, not morals.