Unless you somehow stop in the Lagrange point, your momentum will carry you through. Plus, we can add steam thrusters fed by Decanters if we get serious about building a space-fleet and want to mess around at the Lagrange points.
As for the current vote:
-[] Velaryon
--[] Encourage him to trade with Dorne, Braavos or the Tritons to prop up his income.
--[] Suggest to send your own preacher to exploit the situation with the empty septs. You have just the right person to make this move backfire greatly on the High Septon and the Ursuper.
-[] Brune
--[] Promise to keep in touch by brazier to solve the Maester issue soon.
--[] Also see about sending some Pech and a B-Party to aid his dig at the Whispers next month.
-[] All Westerosi Lords
--[] Recount the events of the poisoning of Lord Brune and the Maester spy in the Scholarium. The Maesters are not to be trusted.
--[] Current projection for the Restoration are towards the end of this year. You will ramp up your efforts in Westeros as Essos calms down. This includes settling a certain score Doran might be looking forward to.
-[] Sealord
--[] The next month will see some geopolitical changes. He should be ready for them.