@DragonParadox, did we have Jinn take the Heart of Winter for research?
There was literally no opposition to the notion throughout 2 votes.
It was great. I especially liked your rendition of a slightly more talkative Mac. Was it the draconic charisma that did it, or the awareness that someone had best tell the lost dragon the rules before he blows something up.

Eager to see what's next.

Little bit of column A, larger bit of column B. I wasn't quite sure with Mac, but I'm glad the talkativeness worked. As for what's next, well...Viserys won't make up his mind as to if he's going to go find Marcone or be on hand to give Dresden his wallet back. The next part will be a Dresden PoV though, hopefully giving a little background to things on his end. Also scrying attempts.

Btw, does anyone happen to know the short that was done about the new spirit of intellect? I can't find it, and it may be needed.
[] Address some of the departing guests
-[] Write in

[] Move on to Sins of the Past (Wildfire Removal)
-[] Write in
Should we mention the whole Wildfire in King's Landing to allies if we do plan to act? Feel like it's worth telling them to build more trust and so no surprises in general.

No one here won't agree last king was a nutter after all.
Should we mention the whole Wildfire in King's Landing to allies if we do plan to act? Feel like it's worth telling them to build more trust and so no surprises in general.

No one here won't agree last king was a nutter after all.

We waited until we had Mindblank so that we can tell non-mindblanked guys about this, rendering the whole operation moot?

Wait until we have finished.
Effectively a "direct gravity" effect. What exactly are you tinkering with?

Nothing except that one alters only what is present in the area already, and the other allows a person or vehicle to change momentum when going through those pesky Lagrange points, and other areas without gravity to direct. That is literally the difference to me :)
Nothing except that one alters only what is present in the area already, and the other allows a person or vehicle to change momentum when going through those pesky Lagrange points, and other areas without gravity to direct. That is literally the difference to me :)
Unless you somehow stop in the Lagrange point, your momentum will carry you through. Plus, we can add steam thrusters fed by Decanters if we get serious about building a space-fleet and want to mess around at the Lagrange points.

As for the current vote:
[X] Plan Tidbits
-[X] Velaryon
--[X] Encourage him to trade with Dorne, Braavos or the Tritons to prop up his income.
--[X] Suggest to send your own preacher to exploit the situation with the empty septs. You have just the right person to make this move backfire greatly on the High Septon and the Ursuper.
-[X] Brune
--[X] Promise to keep in touch by brazier to solve the Maester issue soon.
--[X] Also see about sending some Pech and a B-Party to aid his dig at the Whispers next month.
-[X] All Westerosi Lords
--[X] Recount the events of the poisoning of Lord Brune and the Maester spy in the Scholarium. The Maesters are not to be trusted.
--[X] Current projection for the Restoration are towards the end of this year. You will ramp up your efforts in Westeros as Essos calms down. This includes settling a certain score Doran might be looking forward to.
-[X] Sealord
--[X] The next month will see some geopolitical changes. He should be ready for them.
-[X] Zherys
--[X] Inquire about his thoughts and the state of Volantis.
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There also asn't an explicit vote for it so you sill have it, but there's an open offer from the Djinn to study it. You just have to show up in Armun Kelisk and hand it off.

First: Personally, I'd like a Djinn arcanist look at it here before we hand it off. I get the impression the Sultana was focused on ice aspect rather than end of everything aspects of the others :)

Second: the Djinn lord has style.
Shit. Does Viserys find him attractive!? He's obviously a monster if so. Good thing that the sultana's wearing a girl in that case. Does not force action :p

Also, calling it now, @thread, sultana's a plant (spy, not vegetation. Probably not vegetation) :p

Gotta say, it's a good thing that there were no Mariad there, I think if they see Viserys cast bloodwish, it may cause a vendetta of some kind.
Conjure and Fabricate Rods from God would be a relatively simple and effective strategy, I hope there's an easy defence for such attacks though.
Unless you somehow stop in the Lagrange point, your momentum will carry you through. Plus, we can add steam thrusters fed by Decanters if we get serious about building a space-fleet and want to mess around at the Lagrange points.

As for the current vote:
-[] Velaryon
--[] Encourage him to trade with Dorne, Braavos or the Tritons to prop up his income.
--[] Suggest to send your own preacher to exploit the situation with the empty septs. You have just the right person to make this move backfire greatly on the High Septon and the Ursuper.
-[] Brune
--[] Promise to keep in touch by brazier to solve the Maester issue soon.
--[] Also see about sending some Pech and a B-Party to aid his dig at the Whispers next month.
-[] All Westerosi Lords
--[] Recount the events of the poisoning of Lord Brune and the Maester spy in the Scholarium. The Maesters are not to be trusted.
--[] Current projection for the Restoration are towards the end of this year. You will ramp up your efforts in Westeros as Essos calms down. This includes settling a certain score Doran might be looking forward to.
-[] Sealord
--[] The next month will see some geopolitical changes. He should be ready for them.

See, the addition of thrusters is a solution that means that the there is no difference to the "can the ship keep moving" between the two spell options,and I didn't think of that thought weightlessness will happen on occasion.

Edit Martin belongs to Bloodraven imo @Azel plz do not lightly mess with his plans. :)
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Conjure and Fabricate Rods from God would be a relatively simple and effective strategy, I hope there's an easy defence for such attacks though.
The kinetic projectiles themselves aren't the obstacle, it's the launch platform. And the best defense is almost universally an offense after a certain point, so attacking their launch platform.
Raisable Walls of Force around all of our cities.
I was thinking that, works but expensive, good for our enemies though who seem generally to be fully dispersed or significantly more clustered.

The kinetic projectiles themselves aren't the obstacle, it's the launch platform. And the best defense is almost universally an offense after a certain point, so attacking their launch platform.

Which makes me wonder how the attack would even resolve, do Divinatory Magics boost the check? Could we just fly it down? Dragon Guided Projectile
Adhoc vote count started by Deliste on Sep 25, 2018 at 7:53 AM, finished with 230455 posts and 3 votes.
Not fast enough.

And it wouldn't be perfectly accurate even with Divination guidance systems. Some in-flight adjusters could make it reasonably accurate, but it could still miss.

That's the real caveat here. No computers.
Find the Path exists though. Perfect trajectory right there, as long as the weapon is large enough to fit inside.
When she had said her part and stepped back from the pedestal half a dozen patronizes, Velen among them, fly around it in a whirlwind of flame, the heat of their bodies fusing the stone until the jade plaque seems to have grown there, a testament to unity.


Though I do wonder what a Patronize looks like, if this setting was crossed-over with the setting where puns come to life literally, Xanth.

Only the Sultan and Sultana kept their pace knowing the vital role the Merling King is to serve in your battle against the Brazen Throne.


As for the current vote:

Some words to Relath about our expedition to the Marid city next month? To Yrael and Zherys, the existence of the Underdark and possible threats. To Yohn Royce, about having his wife visit SD. To Doran, address the bridge question. If he gets directions from the Iron Throne to guard the point where we're planning to place the last arch.

[X] Azel
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Not fast enough.

And it wouldn't be perfectly accurate even with Divination guidance systems. Some in-flight adjusters could make it reasonably accurate, but it could still miss.

That's the real caveat here. No computers.
Find the Path exists though. Perfect trajectory right there, as long as the weapon is large enough to fit inside.

Link a mind-magic interface attached to the system designed to launch the projectiles up to a creature with Commune at will (they exist). Enter in the target coordinates and then run several thousand Communes in a few seconds to get the angle of launch that will make the projectile land at the coordinates entered. You now have a targeting computer.

You're welcome.
Link a mind-magic interface attached to the system designed to launch the projectiles up to a creature with Commune at will (they exist). Enter in the target coordinates and then run several thousand Communes in a few seconds to get the angle of launch that will make the projectile land at the coordinates entered. You now have a targeting computer.

You're welcome.
Wrong again. Don't take it too bad, it's a good look.

The rules are hard and fast. You can't just build a poor man's divination calculator. It will run the Commune effect-- one Commune-- over the course of one round. Then next round, another. And next round, another. And it won't go faster than that.

You would need a thousand items to get a thousand Commune effects. And you would further have to pay to link them all together.

I'm not saying it's impossible. That's silly, everything is possible with magic.

I'm just saying it's not "man that was easy, what were you thinking?"