Okay, somebody brought up a spell that can make truly huge wards a while ago, but I can't find it anymore.

@Duesal? Search-Magpie?
@Deliste, I seem to remember you are the one who posted it.
Okay, somebody brought up a spell that can make truly huge wards a while ago, but I can't find it anymore.

@Duesal? Search-Magpie?
@Deliste, I seem to remember you are the one who posted it.
Is it this?
Lair Wards (Draconomicon pg. 84)

Anyone who has access to that book check them out they are (practically) immobile wards that cover roughly a 400 foot area unless noted otherwise, one of these warding an area with Mindblank for 60,000gp. There is also weather calming in a 2 mile radius for 33,000, and constant Windstorm through Hurricane to Tornado strength (all have an 80 foot eye that can be expanded with further wards of the same type) for 60-90,000 plus Daylight in a 60 foot radius for 15,000 among others.

I think this might have come up before as it all seems familiar but they are very cool effects.
Edit: I'll keep looking.
Okay, somebody brought up a spell that can make truly huge wards a while ago, but I can't find it anymore.

@Duesal? Search-Magpie?
@Deliste, I seem to remember you are the one who posted it.
Forbiddance can cover huge areas, one 60 foot cube per caster level. They're permanent, too.

Refusal can cover a pretty decent area, one 10 foot cube per caster level, with a decent duration and the ability to cast them as a Standard Action.

Greater Sign of Sealing can also be made to cover large areas when multiple casting are used. Also permanent.
Interlude CCCVII: Caution's Due
Caution's Due

Seventeenth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

Hermetia Aerebalys, Hermetia the Traveler if one was to translate the House name she had taken for her own as of late, knew something of the face of evil. She had suffered at the hands of kith and kin who would sooner see her dead or worse than free to live her life, she had died faced with a monstrosity that would not even exist in a sane and kindly world. For all that, she had been quite shocked when the girl Vee had shown up in her study to tell her she would be working in the Fungus Forge to 'harvest evil', as though wickedness were some bitter herb one could cut with a sickle or malice the fruit of a twisted tree.

Still, it was not her place to tell the King what he could do. For all she knew there might be an entirely sensible reason to squeeze fiends like ripe pomegranates to see what flowed out. However, as the ambassador to Lys whose task it was to keep the city from making ill-advised movements in the direction of its rapidly expanding neighbor to the west, Hermetia felt entirely justified in taking every precaution she could to ensure said horrors would not escape to haunt the city.

Where Lady Strycos found the time to lay down wards in the midst of running the Scholarum Hermetia could not say, but she slept far better knowing the wards were there, not perfect of course, but able to ward against fiends that might slip from Vee's net and wreak havoc on the city above.

Lost 5000 Gold

Fungus Forge gains specialized Alarm Ward Keyed to Outsiders with the Evil Subtype (Linked to a token in Hermetia's possession)

Perhaps some kindly power whispered in her ear,
Hermetia later thought, or perhaps she had simply shown just the right level of suspicion for a darkened world. Two weeks after the experiments ceased, supposedly showing promising but not yet conclusive results, she heard the booming call of the wards echo in her mind, like a bell wrought of lead.

The reasonable thing to do would have been to reach for her stone of far-speaking and call for help, from the Deep, then call in the two guards just outside her door to strengthen her protections until whatever was out there was dealt with. She proved both more quick-witted and considerably less cautious before the hour was out.

"Inerys, get the stone! Call the King!" she called after her small golden assistant as she rushed out, shouting for the legionaries outside to follow her to the Godswood.

As she ran outside, practically dodging the Serjeant who was trying to shield her with his body, she was greeted by a scene of utter normality under the branches of the great Heart Tree. A pair of bemused grooms looked her way, stuttering out something but Hermetia paid them no mind.

Nothing unseen... she thought, calling the proper incantation to mind.

Her eyes were fixed on the supply cart, she knew the driver. A swiftly uttered spell showed him to be precisely what he seemed to be... Then her eyes fell on a minotaur who was helping with the unloading, his motions sluggish... uncertain. Hermetia's skill for magic, small as it was, shone nowhere brighter than in enchanting. The signs were clear to her even without the telltale corona of sickly yellow light that marked one bespelled.

"Stop!" she shouted, seeking to break the spell in the only way she could on such short notice, by casting an enchantment of her own.

The power twisted... held.

The sack in the minotaur's hands burst into a half-dozen disembodied demonic heads adorned with curling rams' horns. Div... the small part of the mage's mind which was not bent solely upon the battle to come noted. Petty spirits of malice who would answer to any conjurer foolish enough to call them forth to spread hatred and ill rumor.

An enraged swing of the axe from the minotaur the things must have silently enchanted swatted one of them from the sky, shearing two of its horns off, while quick-witted crossbowmen on the walls of the embassy walls riddled another pair with bolts.

The remaining trio of horrors faded from view as they streaked upwards, to return to whatever fool had called them. Alas for them that there was one who could still see them clear as day. Upon the air was writ a swirling pattern in impossible colors, stopping the things dead. They stared at it in dim wonder, ashen tongues lolling until one by one Hermetia called them to her hand, bespelled.

"Serjeant Emilo, could you find me some cages for our new friends?" she said to the swordsman who had been forced helplessly to watch the entire spectacle. "Don't forget pillows and some food now."

OOC: Hermetia just got herself a level up. You guys can vote on what do to with the Doru if you want, since you will be getting word IC in ten minutes when the Calligraphy Wyrm finishes using the sending stone.
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OOC: Hermetia just got herself a level up. You guys can vote on what do to what the Doru if you want, since you will be getting word IC in ten minutes when the Calligraphy Wyrm finishes using the sending stone.
Neat. That's a levelup from Hermetia, and we still have the levelup from Relath, and we just got three more things to go to the Larder.
Yet another variant of the common Quasit. This time NE while being less stupid that the daemonic version.
I recommend giving them right back to the Fungus Forge.

Didn't we put two or three Erinyes in Lys as her assistants?
They could propably have solved this.
I have long suggested not doing shit like harvesting evil. Repeatedly. I worry I've gotten annoying. Can someone remind me what we need this for - and please don't say making massive amounts of VS. That stuff has unknown radioactive properties.

Also, can we please increase the ward strength over the area.

Actually @DragonParadox it was said there was a conjurer involved. I'm guessing that the concentration of conceptual Evil made this area so, so much easier to call the fiend(s) to. If that is true, can we put in place a net/ward/arcane channels in a city that runs conceptual/magical "Evil" into one drain point for collection (does not increase the amount, merely harvests it), and then stick wards/traps/people there to catch whatever comes out when something summoned, like a lightning rod and a magic... lightning catcher thing

I then want to have the Evil processed via OG (for boons), 'cuz they seem to be the people who can handle that sort of thing easily. Or just use the power as a snack for some other God.
@DragonParadox, isn't Hermetia in SD for the conference?

That was four days ago.

I have long suggested not doing shit like harvesting evil. Repeatedly. I worry I've gotten annoying. Can someone remind me what we need this for - and please don't say making massive amounts of VS. That stuff has unknown radioactive properties.

Also, can we please increase the ward strength over the area.

Actually @DragonParadox it was said there was a conjurer involved. I'm guessing that the concentration of conceptual Evil made this area so, so much easier to call the fiend(s) to. If that is true, can we put in place a net/ward/arcane channels in a city that runs conceptual/magical "Evil" into one drain point for collection (does not increase the amount, merely harvests it), and then stick wards/traps/people there to catch whatever comes out when something summoned, like a lightning rod and a magic... lightning catcher thing

I then want to have the Evil processed via OG (for boons), 'cuz they seem to be the people who can handle that sort of thing easily. Or just use the power as a snack for some other God.

This was probably just garden variety spying. The Div came from outside the Flesh Forge with a plan worked out to spoof most detection
[X] The three slain Doru should be given to the Fungus Forge and used to make Leshys
-[X] The three captured Doru should be cursed, turtled, bottled, and placed in the Larder
as though wickedness were some bitter herb one could cut with a sickle or malice the fruit of a twisted tree.
Not yet.
For all she knew there might be an entirely sensible reason to squeeze fiends like ripe pomegranates to see what flowed out.
Plenty of those actually. Wanna have a bit of VS equipment? :ogles:
OOC: Hermetia just got herself a level up. You guys can vote on what do to what the Doru if you want, since you will be getting word IC in ten minutes when the Calligraphy Wyrm finishes using the sending stone.
This seems like a wonderful moment for some squeezing. First figuratively, then literally.
This. @DragonParadox, I think you might have accidentally accelerated our plan here. The action was just to have Vee study the biology of Evil Outsiders in preparation for making the fiendsblood production. I'm not sure what she was trying to do here.

We wanted to take a lot of precautions for this, including giving the operation its own demiplane because we knew the conceptual evil would get everywhere.
[X] The three slain Doru should be given to the Fungus Forge and used to make Leshys
-[X] The three captured Doru should be cursed, turtled, bottled, and placed in the Larder

Is the previous vote settled?

This. @DragonParadox, I think you might have accidentally accelerated our plan here. The action was just to have Vee study the biology of Evil Outsiders in preparation for making the fiendsblood production. I'm not sure what she was trying to do here.

We wanted to take a lot of precautions for this, including giving the operation its own demiplane because we knew the conceptual evil would get everywhere.

That's precisely what she was doing. She just told Hermetia the ultimate purpose of the action.
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Is the precious vote settled?
It seems pretty settled to me.

I don't have access to tallys, but here's what the finalized vote was:
[X] Plan Digging In
-[X] "Could I count myself a true partner of yours in this war if I would shirk to bear part of the burden?" // Yes. We are allies, not mercs.
-[X] "Though this scenario has many advantages that we should exploit. There is not point in bringing ruin to the Sultan if we do the same to our realms. We can dictate both the time and the place of this engagement, so we should prepare this diligently. Erect a fortress to weather his assault. Staff it with as many soldiers as we will need to break his force. Prepare other attacks to take advantage of his attention being diverted. What I would need the most for this is knowledge. Both about the army to be expected and the methods to defend against it." // Highlight that we are committed to this, but not going to dive into this foolhardily.
-[X] "I can leverage a great many people for this project without straining your logistics, but they would need to learn how to erect wards against teleportation and other attacks. It will also take resources, steel and coin the most of all, the latter for materials to weave those mighty wardings. I have a few ideas for this plan already, but the more tools you are willing to give me, the greater a blow we can deal the Sultan." // Basically telling her that we will make a plan for this and talk about further details later. The more aid they give us, the easier this will become.

I'm not adding asking for soldiers here, because this is simply not the time to do this. We can do this as part of proposing our final plan, once we got the tools necessary to craft one.