One of either fizzling or Bad Things Happen. The first thing Viserys did was try to Bloodwish a Plane Shift, and depending on if a level 18 Viserys would have taken the spell, he may have gone for a full bore Transport Travellers Wish. Neither will have worked, and the latter would be a reason for Mab noticing him. As to where his multiverse is, well that's somewhat obvious. According to Mab, and she was being truthful in this, he bears energy from beyond the Gates. Some of that is his magic, the rest is a sort of fading signature of somone who was blasted across realities.

Further, I would suggest that people don't assume conservation of capabilities where it comes to Viserys' magic in the Dresdenverse. In general, yes, much of what he can do will be powerful and OCP inducing on some levels to a merely 'human' wizard. Equally though, there are DF things that will surprise him.

As to magic and culture shock, the largest problem he has is actually one of not understanding the universe's metaphysics, and they hold primacy in this case. Although Viserys has high stats and massive knowledge skills, he's running under equally huge penalties right now because the entire world around him is 'wrong'. Cultural Adaptation is unlikely to fill that gap and is also only a temporary measure - it's limited duration, after all. There's also the question of which culture.

On the matter of the Laws of Magic, people are quite correct that they only apply to mortals and Viserys is a Dragon. The problem here comes in proving that. He's using his human form and is continuously under a Mind Blank effect, that has connotations. I'm still not quite sure how Mab knows that he is a dragon, actually; probably Fae bullshit of some sort though.

The far more likely conflict point is how Viserys will react to how the Laws of Magic function and are applied retroactively and regardless of ignorance, especially when the Doom of Damocles does work. It's just that murder is 'easier'. There isn't much nuance there, and it's one of the few easily discoverable things that could set Viserys off on a cold rage. He'd be polite, no doubt, but once he gets the truth of the matter out of people it's not going to be pleasant. Powerful beings have a way of bending reality through their presence in the Dresdenverse, sympathetic connections to the Nevernever caused by their nature and etc. Viserys is, whilst not on the level of the Queens, certainly powerful enough to cause this. The results of that are going to be fun.

Edit: also he's broken three(ish) Laws since arriving, and that's what matters. I'm not counting everything that came before he was reality whacked.
Mhm. So what your are saying is that True sight (or whatever it is called) and soul gaze do not work in the presence of Mind Blank?

I suppose its possible. I don't a lot about how dnd spells work.
I know, it just feels really weird that there's this big difference between Wish and Miracle in that area.
Whatever, if DP has no problem I'll just accept it.
You can do more stuff with Wish than Miracle, mainly:
  • Create a nonmagical item of up to 25,000 gp in value.
  • Create a magic item, or add to the powers of an existing magic item.
  • Grant a creature a +1 inherent bonus to an ability score. Two to five wish spells cast in immediate succession can grant a creature a +2 to +5 inherent bonus to an ability score (two wishes for a +2 inherent bonus, three for a +3 inherent bonus, and so on). Inherent bonuses are instantaneous, so they cannot be dispelled. Note: An inherent bonus may not exceed +5 for a single ability score, and inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies.
  • Undo misfortune. A wish can undo a single recent event. The wish forces a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a wish could undo an opponent's successful save, a foe's successful critical hit (either the attack roll or the critical roll), a friend's failed save, and so on. The reroll, however, may be as bad as or worse than the original roll. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate the effect, and spell resistance (if any) applies.
Especially the last, Wish fucks with the very fabric of reality there.

And Miracle might be limited to the deity's nature/alignment.

It could be argued that a person casting a Miracle by themselves, such as Dragons, Mystics and non-deity FS would be restrained by their alignment, but then again, they don't have no subtypes.
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While this makes me a lot more excited about Miracle, that doesn't change the fact that we already have the ability to implement Renewal Pact for everyone important. 100 IM per casting is more than worth those benefits.
It's basically Bloodwish+. It's absolutely awesome.

As for Renewal Pact, I'm all for it.
Part MMCCCXIX: Concord of the Spheres Part Thirteen
Concord of the Spheres Part Thirteen

Seventeenth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

For hours on end you bargain and you deal, you offer gifts where it costs little and ask for aid where you would struggle, and all the while you cannot help but wonder: what would the long-dead builders of this tower think of the bargains made in their time-worn halls? Would they be prideful that one who shares their blood, their heritage, deals as something vaguely like an equal with the powers of Stone and Sky? Would they know fear thinly veiled in disdain that such powers even openly walk the world of form? After all, you had never heard even a whisper of a tale of any dragonlord calling on a spirit in battle, wishing upon wind, earth, or water.

The board is set and the pieces are moving... Having cut a simple deal offering amble embassy space to both the Dominion of the Djinn and the Peerless Empire within, or in the case of the former above Sorcerer's Deep, you move on to import and export taxes. Both your new allies have precedent for dealing with smaller states contacting them, generally new domains cut from the deeper reaches of their own realms. At first sight the laws are equally favorable though in different ways, though a closer inspection reveals that where the Djinn seem to be genuinely concerned with free and fair trade the Peerless Empire policy encourages dependency by trade and the forging of future tributary states.

As you push back against these tariffs, obliquely showing your understanding of their purpose, the Sultana just as adroitly assures you that she has no intention of expanding her influence in quite that manner over the Garden. The agreement you hammer out under the gaze of the subtly amused Lord of Armun Kelisk is considerably lighter on the incentives for your traders to sell raw materials and luxuries while buying weapons, tools, and other essential manufactured goods.

Whether you had achieved such preferential status on the strength of the cloak of tarnished gold alone you know not. However, upon recounting the tale of your raid on the Hellship and the prisoner you had freed from its bowels, both the genie lord and lady look upon you with renewed respect and, though it is no small feat to recognize it, a hint of trepidation.

Lords of an element and masters of wishcraft though Djinn and Shaitan both may be, they neither understand nor trust the gods. The impulses that drive men to seek out a higher power for aid and guidance seem strange to them, as do the seemingly mad deeds a faithful servant may perform in the name of his or her god. This cultural uneasiness only serves to make the desire of the Sultan of the Efreeti to ascend to godhood seem all the more perverse to them.

If there is one thing both those before you can be said to fear, it is the thought of an army of fanatics driven forth by the fiery whips of their hated foes, even their serving to make the heir of Ibis burn brighter.

Thus it is with great care that you address the matter of the gods most honored in Sorcerer's Deep, the Old Gods, who care only that their laws be kept and the Heart-Trees be kept hallow, the Merling King, more concerned with the ordering of death than of life and great foe of the Deep Ones, and last of all Yss, whose worship is more akin to trade than any other god you have ever known or heard of.

While the Sultana remains deeply wary of making direct alliances with any god in her own name, she proves entirely willing to see you as an intermediary for any such dealings. Sultan Zafer proves somewhat more daring, wishing to meet with Zathir, Scion of Jazirian, 'to talk of dreams and hopes'.

You thank him for the offer and add: "I do not idly speak of gods and powers, for it is my thought that we might strike the Sultan where he is most vulnerable..." So saying, you toss a coin of Living Brass in your hand, following the evil gleam intently. At the last moment you snatch it up. "This is what I aim to take from he who dwells in the City of Brass, among torn and twisted souls. Let him be without the means to pay his armies, to trade or collect taxes. The souls of his victims yearn to be free even in death..." You continue, carefully explaining the plan to sacrifice Living Brass upon the altars of the Merling King, for no other price save destroying even more of the foul metal.

"Such a working...." the Sultana trails off for the first time since you had met her, less than utterly certain as to what her next words should be. "It would not be swiftly done, even by a god, and while it is being accomplished you would face the desperate wrath of the Brazen Throne. Strength with strength we would have to face, mayhap even onto the ruin of the field upon which it is fought. Would you approve that such a battle be fought upon your realm, with all the risks it carries?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: You had some really good rolls in here, though helped by the fact that you could use magic to augment them without committing a faux pas. Genies are made of magic after all, and both the Sultan and Sultana were using mythic abilities to push on their side of the scales, though it was only a middling effort on their part.
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Uhhh... @Goldfish? We can do Renewal Pact and Stalwart Pact now without needing to waste XP with a Miracle.

Both of our main clerics have access to spells up to the Seventh Circle of Magic, and each of these pacts is permanent until triggered. Heck, even Rina can cast Stalwart Pact (although I think Renewal Pact might be blocked since it's Healing). They can all just spend a few days casting both of these on everyone that matters.

Is there a reason we haven't been doing this? Stalwart Pact I understand because it costs 250 XP per casting, but Renewal Pact has a very explicit cost of "A topaz worth at least 500 gp" and no XP cost, which translates to 100 IM per casting.

We should rightfully be spamming this.

There is a version of stalwart pact that costs only 250 gold. DP let us cast it. We have not cast it again. We have not cast it on our non-combatant people we care about. Despite pushing for this, have been ignored. Was very frustrating.
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As you push back against these tariffs, obliquely showing your understanding of their purpose, the Sultana just as adroitly assures you that she has no intention of expanding her influence in quite that manner over the Garden. The agreement you hammer out under the gaze of the subtly amused Lord of Armun Kelisk is considerably lighter on the incentives for your traders to sell raw materials and luxuries while buying weapons, tools, and other essential manufacture goods.
It's always funny to see how much alike we and the Shaitan are.
Whether you had achieved such preferential status on the strength of the cloak of tarnished gold alone you know not. However, upon recounting the tale of your raid on the Hellship and the prisoner you had freed from its bowels, both the genie lord and lady look upon you with renewed respect and, though it is no small feat to recognize it, a hint of trepidation.
That's quite reassuring.
"Such a working...." the sultana trails off for the first time since you had met her, less than utterly certain as to what her next words should be. "It would not be swiftly done, even by a god, and while it is being accomplished you would face the desperate wrath of the Brazen Throne. Strength with strength we would have to face, mayhap even onto the ruin of the field upon which it is fought. Would you approve that such a battle be fought upon your realm, with all the risks it carries?"
@DragonParadox, what kind of response would she expect? Regular forces? High CR kill-teams?
Woof. Yeah that's a good point. Wasnt the idea behind this that we could somehow pr vent Outsiders from coming in and using Planetos as a fighting ground?
There is a version of stalwart pact that costs only 250 gold. DP let us cast yet. We have not cast it again. We have not cast it on our non-combatant people we care about. Despite pushing for this, have been ignored. Was very frustrating.
Stalwart Pact – Spell – D&D Tools

Ooh, very nice. Yeah, we should be casting this on everyone who's important to us.

Anyway, @DragonParadox, couldn't we do this in the Plane of Water? The only thing we truly require is Breath Taker to serve as a Merling King cleric. We don't need to do this in the temple, and there's little reason to make our city a battleground.
Can we move it beyond the wall? Let the Others sort this out?
... You know what... this would actually be genius. We could take complete advantage of the Builder's Anchor and trap every Efreeti who tries to invade.

They'll all be doomed.

EDIT: ... Alternatively they just invade elsewhere and wreck our everything while we're occupied. :facepalm: Never mind.