We probably should think about snare 2.0 once we've had a look at the runelore best uncle gave us.
"Divinity powered" wards are what we're gonna need for this kerfluffle.

In terms of locations,
- The Underdark, nicely divination immune, out of the way with "innocent bystanders" no one will shed a tear about.
- Sorcerers deep, we're gonna get attacked in retaliation/because we're distracted anyways, might as well fortify it.
-- we can use the Ancient Weirwood as cornerstone for the defenses
-- e.g. fire resistance, "wishes are affected by wild magic", err a oneshot islandwide "Bite of the Werebear"
- The Plane of Water or Ice... I mean why do it on the PoB at all?

Will this ritual actually empower the Merlin king? If so we could maybe rope the Githzerai in.
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Expert 1? Ah, shit. She can't take Mindbender yet. Another level of Beguiler it is then!
I'll give her some decent placeholder for now, and next level when she takes Mindbender she can retrain it into Mindsight (an absolutely insanely good feat for an intrigue/stealth character!).
The fluff and mechanics of that class are very cringe-worthy. Hermetia's character development has been to move away from slavery. This is basically the class of a master slaver. And again, the lack of full casting progression is something I'm against.
Part MMCCCXX: Concord of the Spheres Part Fourteen
Concord of the Spheres Part Fourteen

Seventeenth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

"Could I count myself a true partner of yours in this war if I would shirk to bear part of the burden?" you answer her question with one of your own, though not without a certain spike of trepidation at offering such a challenge in calling forth the Brazen Throne's armies and their champions to war. Yet if you are to be an ally in this war and not merely a sellsword you must make the offer.

The Sultana gazes at you for a long while, and from what little you can seen beneath her dark veils she tilts her head in thought. "For too long has this war dragged on, spilling an ocean of blood. Mayhap the haste of mortals is precisely what we needed to finally strike the final hammer blow."

Though you can no longer be counted mortal by any reasonable measure, you take her meaning and accept the compliment in the spirit in which it was given. "There are many advantages we can draw from a frenzied response," you continue. "There is no point in bringing ruin to the Sultan if we do the same to our realms. We can dictate both the time and the place of this engagement, so we should prepare this diligently. Erect a fortress to weather his assault. Staff it with as many soldiers as we will need to break his force. Prepare other attacks to take advantage of his attention being diverted. What I would need the most for this is knowledge. Both about the army to be expected, and the methods to defend against it."

Obviously words of caution make for a far less pleasant hearing from the Lady of the Peerless Empire, though the Djinn present take comfort in them, with Hajar Rebys adding his own arguments in favor of such a course of action.

Finally the Sultana is, if not happy, then at least content to wait as long as may be needed to enact your plan of feint and ruin. Your own reasoning serves more as a conclusion than an argument: "I can leverage a great many people for this project without straining your logistics, but they would need to learn how to erect wards against translocation and other sorcerous attacks. It will also take resources, steel and coin the most of all, the latter for materials to weave those wardings. I have a few ideas for this plan already, but the more tools you are willing to give me, the greater a blow we can deal the Brazen Throne."

"I confess I know little of the magics you possess," Sultan Zafer interjects. "Where would you begin with such studies?"

Tools and payment all in one, you think in satisfaction. "It would be of great use to understand the magics woven into the Gates of the Opaline Vault, that none who seek it may be cast astray."

"By ancient custom such lore cannot be shared beyond the walls of the Vault. Should you or one greatly skilled in the arcane arts among your company wish to study it you may do so in my place under the tutelage of the Master of Thresholds under certain conditions," the Sultana offers at once.

The conditions are eminently reasonable, swearing not to use the lore so gained to subvert the wards and protections of the Opaline Vault or any other Shaitan dominion. There is not even any magic binding this oath.

"Spells are honorable things besides oaths made in good faith," the Lady of the Shaitan says, reading the surprise upon your features.

What do you do next?

[] Move on to signing an accord

[] Negotiate further
-[] Write in suggestions

OOC: The offer to learn how to make Planar Anchors is open ended in terms of when you take it, whether next turn or half a year from now.
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Alright, so we got the money sorted out, have some plans in regard to the war and got enough property in AK and OV to build ACSEC offices there.

I think I've got nothing to add on my part. The rest is just regular trade and we really don't need to bother the Sultana with how many tons of iron we want to buy.
Considering the contents of their libraries, that is very much a military matter too.
Wait, so if this is a military matter and we already bargained for the exchange of intel, then can I assume we can pick up the new books for our library the next time we visit each of their cities? :D And of course we'll do our part of the bargain and drop off Prime Material histories and whatnot.
Remember that we even made that demiplane with a Tiamat powered Wish. She literally can't have a bigger pull in that demiplane than the fact that she made it with her power

Nope, we used the wish to direct the ritual magic to make the demiplane.

I'm generally paranoid, but even I don't think grandma saw this coming.

If we needed to Rez someone with the wish, then I'd be freaking out about that, as that is a predictable use of a wish in the circumstances we were in back then, and I'd expect some soul fuckery from the bitch. Like a well hidden geas or somethung
Wait, so if this is a military matter and we already bargained for the exchange of intel, then can I assume we can pick up the new books for our library the next time we visit each of their cities? :D And of course we'll do our part of the bargain and drop off Prime Material histories and whatnot.

Lore is not the same thing as current intelligence. It will have to be negotiated separately.
Guys, I was just reading Purple Days and I suddenly remembered , what exactly are our plans regarding Euron? When are we going to deal with him? I dont want our expedition to Valyria to start with the sentence " Much of it has been looted by a One eyed Crow"
That would be convenient, instead of having to race all over Valyria, we could just go loot Euron.
[X] Negotiate further
-[X] Propose an exchange of lore
--[X] Everything you can safely give them on Prime Material (culture, history, nobility & royalty, geography, religion, nature, etc) in exchange for an equal value of planar lore from each of them, with special focus on lore of their own respective peoples
The fluff and mechanics of that class are very cringe-worthy. Hermetia's character development has been to move away from slavery. This is basically the class of a master slaver. And again, the lack of full casting progression is something I'm against.
Why is this post getting Insightful ratings?
We're taking a single level dip. We lose no spellcasting. We gain Mindsight, which is perfect for her.
That class's fluff is actually thematically perfect for Beguilers. She's a Beguiler: her self is "attuned" to enchantment and illusion. Bending the minds of others seems to come naturally to her. Now maybe it's because she was raised a slaver, maybe it's because she was raised for Intrigue, or maybe it's because she was raised a noble. But in any case, she isn't a Chaotic Good waif needing help. She's a true neutral Enchantress plotting to trick a city into a doomed war effort.
I see no issues with a single dip into Mindbender. No need to go the full way and learn all those secrets, but why not focus on the mind arts for a few weeks to replicate Varys' amazing trick tat would be so useful to her?
Why is this post getting Insightful ratings?
We're taking a single level dip. We lose no spellcasting. We gain Mindsight, which is perfect for her.
That class's fluff is actually thematically perfect for Beguilers. She's a Beguiler: her self is "attuned" to enchantment and illusion. Bending the minds of others seems to come naturally to her. Now maybe it's because she was raised a slaver, maybe it's because she was raised for Intrigue, or maybe it's because she was raised a noble. But in any case, she isn't a Chaotic Good waif needing help. She's a true neutral Enchantress plotting to trick a city into a doomed war effort.
I see no issues with a single dip into Mindbender. No need to go the full way and learn all those secrets, but why not focus on the mind arts for a few weeks to replicate Varys' amazing trick tat would be so useful to her?
A single level dip I'd also be okay with. I'm just against advancing further in that class.
Perfectly fine with us.

@everyone, did we ever figure out how to cheat up some natural daylight to grow plants in a cavern?
Daylight is a thing, not to mention Tyene's strong affinity with the sun which she might be able to loan for enchanting purposes.

There's no reason we can't just enchant an item of Daylight and have it serve as a substitute sun.

Are you planning on a Heart Tree in our embassy? We should check beforehand to make sure the Sultana is fine with it and to make sure the roots won't mess anything up, but overall I really like the idea.
Perfectly fine with us.

@everyone, did we ever figure out how to cheat up some natural daylight to grow plants in a cavern?

It's possible, but Daylight effects aren't substitute for natural light which helps plants grow. Meaning the spells that actually emit natural light are high level and thus it takes some expensive enchantment to pull off.

But again,

"It's possible, therefore inevitable." - Imperial Proverb
Daylight is a thing, not to mention Tyene's strong affinity with the sun which she might be able to loan for enchanting purposes.

There's no reason we can't just enchant an item of Daylight and have it serve as a substitute sun.

Are you planning on a Heart Tree in our embassy? We should check beforehand to make sure the Sultana is fine with it and to make sure the roots won't mess anything up, but overall I really like the idea.
No, I was thinking about regular plants.

We should definitely not grow a heart-tree on embassy grounds. We are not Old Gods worshippers and mixing afairs of the state with those of the gods is a big no-no for an Apostate Imperium.

That being said, we can check if we can get permission and room to grow one in the OV version of the isle of gods. They had a temple district if I'm remembering correctly.
No, I was thinking about regular plants.

We should definitely not grow a heart-tree on embassy grounds. We are not Old Gods worshippers and mixing afairs of the state with those of the gods is a big no-no for an Apostate Imperium.

That being said, we can check if we can get permission and room to grow one in the OV version of the isle of gods. They had a temple district if I'm remembering correctly.
Regular plants? You're really gunning for that Prime Material vibe. In that case we need a fancy fountain to represent our water, possibly a koi fish pond. Make it a literal garden.

... Maybe we could enchant ourselves a miniature sun. There were a few vague wishes for those for Sorcerer's Deep way back a few thousand pages ago.
@everyone, did we ever figure out how to cheat up some natural daylight to grow plants in a cavern?
I was going to say grow a weirwood....

The old gods are many things, politically inclined is not one of them. To say nothing of the ancillary benefits it would provide, and how much easier it would be to gaurd in the embassy.

Edit: @Azel find the Pelor expy and bother his priests for a lightbulb?:V
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I was going to say grow a weirwood....

The old gods are many things, politically inclined is not one of them. To say nothing of the ancillary benefits it would provide, and how much easier it would be to gaurd in the embassy.

Edit: @Azel find the Pelor expy and bother his priests for a lightbulb?:V
Yeah, no. Our alliance with the Old Gods is tight, but we should not start implying that they are the state religion, especially not to planar empires.

On the matter of light, I found this: Globe of Sunlight – Item – D&D Tools
Costs 600 IM and is explicitly referencing Sunburst, which is explicitly sunlight.

Why not just use one of those as an additional ingredient for a Bright Luminary (Daylight, 60 ft., 1,500 IM)?

So we have a final item that generates a 60 ft. radius of proper sunlight for 2,100 IM a piece.