If we're lucky, we might get enough out of this trip to make more Mind Blank commissions and getting the rest of the main party equipped. That'll open up options for a lot of our more... delicate operations.

Of course, saving our economy comes first, no need to panic.
In exchange we'd prefer if they didn't trade with people on our Plane that we are currently at war with.

It is entirely normal to forbid such action of allies and people you have introduced to the area, being both they better not even grumble.
We'll sell her our "break a devil from Hell" ritual.
Just provide the service, it doesn't yet work for non-Erinyes and this is Pact Primeval level shit, you don't sell that.
They'll go after targets that more directly harm the Efreet. In exchange, they get 90% of what the Shaitan would pay us.
80% will get more traction, don't actually tell them it's a sub-contract, they can't betray what they don't know, mind-reading is a thing.
If they do the recruiting themselves, then they get 100% of what the Shaitan pay us for that month/year/whatever interval the Shaitan pay us at.
Too generous by far.

The rest is great and broadly what I want from them, agents on PoF.

I'd prefer we create a few more pockets rather than building up their core though, decentralisation is good for terrorist cells.
So we went from hidden identity to cautious reveal to explaining in details who we are, what are our greatest achievements and where we can be found ? Damn we don't do things by half.

Frankly we had enough battles for now I think let's go back after this and take care of the many pressing issues we have on the Plane of Balance.
@Loinvoyant I know you're just catching up with us, but we have a delicately balanced time table and valid reasons for doing most things on our docket, unless we randomly gamble at something when opportunity presents itself. For instance, the point of this trip was politically motivated, and was supposed to show both our strength and commitment in a multi-faceted manner to our hopeful allies, the Shaitan, fulfilling a contract from them in a nuanced manner.

We did/are doing this by the following:

1) Striking down a military convoy headed for the forward Efreeti position in the Dimwell Delving, probably somewhat relieving their lines, and at the very least creating a logistical snag for the Brazen Throne's forces there, and likely putting pressure on them because their relief force just got destroyed wholesale.

2) Striking at a key piece in the Sultan's bid for godhood, something that can't be quantified in reasonable valuation. What we have done was both critical but also harder to guess the effects of, but are sure to be appreciated. It also shows our commitment to make enemies in the face of our mutual foe the Grand Sultan, even should they be a Duke of Hell.

3) Destroying a military garrison and inciting armed rebellion among the Salamander corsairs, securing at least one tribe's allegiance to that end within a couple weeks of receiving our objectives from the Vizier.

This shows our intelligence, our might as well as our charisma in one action, in a week of activity.

We aren't done yet, but we would have achieved all of our short term objectives with this and the following three day action, leading into our diplomatic action this turn.

Relax, we've got this.
[X] Raid Whalers

We had our fun, so it's really time for us to help our nice Whale friend viciously murder the bastards trying to kill and eat her friends and family. It's only fair. Besides, these jerks probably don't have anything we want to loot so we can destroy them all utterly without a need for hesitation.

It'll be remarkably therapeutic for all involved.

Well, maybe not the Whalers, but the field upon which I grow my fucks has been barren for some time, so I'm afraid they're just going to have to deal with it.
Raiding Whalers is also a good way to win the trust of some pods of Whales, so we can sell them on the harvesting plan.

They need to trust us somewhat, for them to listen and agree to the plan to harvest surplus gems from their stomachs, to pay for either gear for them to use fighting back against the Whalers, bodyguards to protect them from the Whalers, or bounties to make life hard for the Whalers.

[X] Raid Whalers
Pretty much yeah. But to be fair both sides shit the bed on an almost regular basis, and while you'd think that fighting a giant evil flaming god that stabbed the fucking planet with a sword the size of a continent would put things into perspective and get them to straighten up, you'd be wrong.

[X] TotallyNotEvil
Maybe if those Horde fuckers hadn't burnt Teldrasil down we could have had peace, but no their genocidal leader want to kill us all and reanimate us as undead, because she's afraid of eventually becoming a queen of nothing, seeing as undead can't reproduce, so she want to kill Alliance people and reanimate them, to prevent her people from being whittled down into a minor faction.
Quick reminder that the Shaitan are not just paying us bounties against ships for the sake of destroying ships, but because they want to incite the Salamander tribes into rebellion and embolden pirates to attack Effreti ships.

We get a nice bonus for every Salamander Tribe we manage to rouse into open rebellion.
They in general want us to incite rebellion, the deal don't specify Salamander tribes, so forging the Fire Whales into a force that can fight back, should also count as rousing tribes into rebellion.
So, it's currently the seventh, and we have this action allocated for five days from the sixth through the tenth.

Loot Thus Far:
Gained 3 Turtle Ships (2 intact, 1 Heavily Damaged and Sinking)
Gained 6 Efreeti Lightning Thrower (Medium)
It should be noted here that DP told us he'd reveal everything we got as part of this, including corpses and enchanted weaponry, after we have someone go through it. We can assume Teana or Alinor takes care of that.
Gained 10 Azer Warriors and 16 Mephits
Taken to Sorcerer's Deep.
Thus from the flames arise five lithe figures sculpted of living fire, each half again a firegiant's height. From the waist up they are manlike, though idealized and somehow unfinished looking all at once, while from the waist down there is only a pillar of flame. So might the Efreeti themselves looked so long ago when the world was young and yet unshaped.
Given as companions to Baella, but nominally sworn to us to call upon whenever we require.
Gained Charts of the Sea of Fire and beyond
Gained Xerfilstyx' esoteric charts and scrolls
You gain 8 petrified Steel Devils and 1 petrified Xerfilstyx
You gain 2 Hellfire Belchers
You gain 1 Devil Hulk

You gain 25 Hellfire Crossbows
You lose 2500 Gold
Though you learned much of the nature of magic and the ordering of the spheres, from dreams of power and the musings of mortals sages both, you are no god and never wish to be one. 'All gods are born of stories, and to those stories they are bound,' the shadow trader told you so many moon turns past. Prayers echo the clink of chains in your mind.

Eyes green as new-sprung grass meet yours: "Weep not for the tree that it has no hands, for the wind caresses its branches, nor for the stone that it cannot bloom in springtime, for in the slow turning of the ages it too may grow to be a gem more enduring than any flower could hope to be."

You push away the momentary flicker of frustration that he could guess your mind even without being able to look within it, and you smile to the young godling and nod. "Have you reached an agreement, then?"

"For the moment I shall be the timeless one's herald, speaking in his name for my tongue is swifter and surer in such tasks," he explains. "And for that time I shall be Zathir... for does not even the sternest lawbringer need to hold that within their soul?"

Hope, you translate the name from the tongue of dragons instinctively. Your smile grows more genuine as you invite the newly proclaimed Zathir to stand beside you and Dany as she carries the both of you, beside Yss' great scaled bulk, back whence you came. Another ship and something far more precious you carry home with you.

While the vessel of Yss slips into the water of his pool with what one might almost think a relieved hiss, Zathir is quick to fly through the halls of the temple to the amazement of faithful and priests both, until at last he finds the open sky.

Thus does the winged serpent, last shard of a spirit lost to the ages and the treachery of the Prince of Darkness, take to the air of mortals lands at last in a sinuous arc, like a rainbow across the heavens. It seems as though the sky is more vivid for his presence, the sun brighter, and the edges of the clouds more gentle.

The children are the first to look up, but they are not the last: traders, sellswords and craftsmen, lawmen and legionaries, serpentfolk and minotaur, Little Valyrians and countless others be they locals or travelers from distant shores look up to see the spectacle above. Thus in each soul a lightness is born, if only for an instant.

"This is great!" Dany cheers from beside you, for just as you had she had read the signs upon the heavens and knew that they were blessed. Though rain would fall it would never thunder down in torrents, when the sun shines it shall ever be gentle, and even storm-winds would break against the warding wings of hope. Small yet those wings maybe, barely enough to encircle one small island even with the power of Yss behind him, but they would grow for certain.

Sorcerer's Deep Gains: Breath of Hope: Neither the city for the island it is upon may suffer inclement weather
Zathir now lives in Sorcerer's Deep as Yss' herald and even gave the island a fantastic bonus against bad weather. I love that snake. We'll get him his own funnel.
Hearing this Yrten huffs, sending hundreds of sparks flying from his beard. "Well now, that calls for a gift. How about the statue of a she-devil we just got? It's finely made and fits uncannily good."

Gained Dragonglass Erinyes statue

You had considered buying the thing off him regardless, so the gift seems a particularly thoughtful touch, as well as one more reminder that beneath his gruff exterior the Azer captain is canny and perhaps even wise in his own fashion.

As you are about to move on Dany decides to buy the dragonscale talisman also for a relatively small price.

Lost 50 Gold

Gained Green Dragonscale Talisman
I have very high hopes for the statue and the talisman. Even if the statue isn't actually a petrified Erinyes, we can still do very neat things with it.

And on top that, we get bounties for all four ships, and we get Siduri and Yrten as informants and contacts, and we're about to get a whole bunch of whaling ships to sell to the Shaitan.

I'm downright sad this action eventually has to end. The Efreeti are a neverending pile of loot.
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I have very high hopes for the statue and the talisman. Even if the statue isn't actually a petrified Erinyes, we can still do very neat things with it.

And on top that, we get bounties for all four ships, and we get Siduri and Yrten as informants and contacts, and we're about to get a whole bunch of whaling ships to sell to the Shaitan.

I'm downright sad this action eventually has to end. The Efreeti are a neverending pile of loot.
As you said they are pretty much neverending, Amrelath don't have much to do at the moment, we can send him to continue raiding, and take a cut of the bounties he earn, that's a way to get profit out of him.
It is entirely normal to forbid such action of allies and people you have introduced to the area, being both they better not even grumble.

Just provide the service, it doesn't yet work for non-Erinyes and this is Pact Primeval level shit, you don't sell that.

80% will get more traction, don't actually tell them it's a sub-contract, they can't betray what they don't know, mind-reading is a thing.

Too generous by far.

The rest is great and broadly what I want from them, agents on PoF.

I'd prefer we create a few more pockets rather than building up their core though, decentralisation is good for terrorist cells.
Check out Azel's vote.
Not impossible, but Baella is a pacifist, so that would make me take one in the feels tbh.
Baella isn't pacifistic enough to not want to fight back against the Whalers, and that's what I want to use the profit from the Harvesting plan to do for her people, make them able to effectively fight back against the Whalers, and seeing as the Whalers are Efreeti, Whaling suddenly becoming less profitable and more dangerous, will hurt Efreeti interest a lot, which mean getting the Whales a way to buy gear or hire protection, should count as getting plane of fire inhabitants to rise up against the Efreeti.

I'm not trying to forge them into a general anti Efreeti force, but Whaling suddenly becoming horrifically dangerous, would be a big blow to Efreeti interest, killing Fire Whales and butchering their corpses, are one of the big industries the Efreeti has in the plane of fire, a big blow to that industry is a decent blow to the Efreeti, and my plan will throw a great spanner in that industry, both long and short term.

In the short term Whaling become more dangerous, and in the long term, once the Whales begin to trade with the people of the plane, they will begin to be commonly seen as people instead of animals, which will mean the Efreeti Whalers with time, will be seen as bandits attacking peaceful nomadic traders, instead of hunters hunting big rather smart animals, and even evil civilizations don't tend to like bandits.
[X] Azel

@Azel another benefit of hunting whalers is that we can take whatever treasure in their holds from their own hunts of fire whales (since they eat treasure), we can find a good deal of them quickly and take them out just as fast, and GM mentioned we can capture their ships and sell them to Opaline Throne in general. Basically we stand to gain quite a bit hitting a lot of whalers at a time and we can sell off the ships we don't want for more money.

Of course we are helping out a friend as well.
@Loinvoyant I know you're just catching up with us, but we have a delicately balanced time table and valid reasons for doing most things on our docket, unless we randomly gamble at something when opportunity presents itself. For instance, the point of this trip was politically motivated, and was supposed to show both our strength and commitment in a multi-faceted manner to our hopeful allies, the Shaitan, fulfilling a contract from them in a nuanced manner.

We did/are doing this by the following:

1) Striking down a military convoy headed for the forward Efreeti position in the Dimwell Delving, probably somewhat relieving their lines, and at the very least creating a logistical snag for the Brazen Throne's forces there, and likely putting pressure on them because their relief force just got destroyed wholesale.

2) Striking at a key piece in the Sultan's bid for godhood, something that can't be quantified in reasonable valuation. What we have done was both critical but also harder to guess the effects of, but are sure to be appreciated. It also shows our commitment to make enemies in the face of our mutual foe the Grand Sultan, even should they be a Duke of Hell.

3) Destroying a military garrison and inciting armed rebellion among the Salamander corsairs, securing at least one tribe's allegiance to that end within a couple weeks of receiving our objectives from the Vizier.

This shows our intelligence, our might as well as our charisma in one action, in a week of activity.

We aren't done yet, but we would have achieved all of our short term objectives with this and the following three day action, leading into our diplomatic action this turn.

Relax, we've got this.
To expand upon this, we have a few strategic goals for the conference and especially in regards to the Shaitan.

At first, let's look at the deal we got. We were supposed to keep our allegiance to the Shaitan hidden and strike at the Sultan in flashy fashion as to draw attention to his weakness. The questions here is: Why?

The Shaitan are in open war with the Brazen Throne, so they loose absolutely nothing from having it known that they hire mercenaries to strike at the Plane of Fire. If they wanted just someone to attack the Sultan, there is no point in hiding their involvement. If they wanted a deniable asset, they would have sent us somewhere were deniability would matter. This mission isn't about the Shaitan, the Sultan or the war, but about us.

We had prior dealings with the Efreeti, so as far as they know, we might be a plant or just someone who would turn his cloak if the offer is good enough. If we humiliate the Sultan without it being obvious that it was done on their orders though, they gain blackmail material on us. If we ever betrayed them, they could reveal our involvement in these defeats to incite the Sultan to kill us.

This is no concern any longer. We openly attacked and destroyed a military convoy of the Sultan. This wasn't an act of regular piracy, but straight up war. And snatching the Coatl? The Sultan will never forgive us that particular act. Not before the heat death of the universe.

So we now picked a corner, regardless of our dealings with the Shaitan. They can trust us to not betray them to their enemies, because they are now also our enemies and nothing in the whole wide planes could ever change that again. Efreeti are vengeful bastards, the Sultan far more then anyone else, and we gave him ample reason to grind us down to Living Brass the first chance he gets.

As for the conference, the main goal is to present us as someone worth having treaties with. Not a peer power, we could never hope to sell that to planar empires at this point, but as an up and comer that already can affect the game to a meaningful degree and will become a peer sooner or later. Thus we become someone worth allying with.

To do this, we need to convince them two things:

1) Economic Relevance
We need to show them that we are a valuable trade partner and can produce and consume enough goods to affect their own economy to a noticeable degree. By scoring this point, we show them that open trade with us would benefit them financially and gain them a new source of supplies for their war effort.

We achieve this by showing off our industries in SD (which are not impressive by planar standards yet, but we can flat out tell them that we could scale them up considerably, if there was a market for the goods) and inviting our various allies and future vassals, thus showing that we have the size and the population to be important.

2) Military Relevance
They are currently at war and even if they were not, we need to score major points here. Both to show them that we can offer valuable support to their cause, but also to banish any ideas that we are some easily conquered colony waiting for a new owner. We are not nearly powerful enough to make them feel threatened, but we can show them that we can field meaningful forces capable of affecting the course of their war and, should they attack us, that they will have to bleed for every meter of land they wish to take.

To do this, we show off the captures ships (3 Efreeti war-ships and one highly guarded treasure ship from Dis), our new cloak (made from 100% Archduke) and attacking a military installation of the Efreeti during this trip. This neatly shows that our peak strike power is well within the region were we can do considerable damage to planar armies.

So, yeah. This whole trip? The loot is nice, but what matters the most is the lines in the sand we've drawn. And they paint a nice picture for anyone looking for allies.
I kind of wanted to turn it into a minor intelligent construct. If there's no time for that, it's still a neat piece of art we just got for free.

I will be shocked, though, if this isn't a petrified Erinyes.

There's also the option to turn it into a buffing statue, at-will Greater Teleport means the Erinyes can self-maintain the buffs we want them to have even halfway across Essos.

We could make them a scarily effective strike force with basic butts like Gravity Bow.
I just got an idea for planeshifting all the Efreeti Whaler Ships back to Sorcerer's Deep.

Baella appears to be a special Fire Whale with Greater Planeshift as an SLA. She showed up exactly at Sorcerer's Deep when she came to visit.

So, let's ask her to let us pile the ships on her, buff her accordingly, then help us bring everything back home all at once.

It can double as her visiting us. :)
Whales begin to trade with the people of the plane, they will begin to be commonly seen as people instead of animals, which will mean the Efreeti Whalers with time, will be seen as bandits attacking peaceful nomadic traders, instead of hunters hunting big rather smart animals, and even evil civilizations don't tend to like bandits

You've said this a few times, I really think you misunderstand the Efreeti, PoF and assholes of this level in general. Negative fucks would be given by all except those who enjoy the fact they are hunting sophonts.

The Shaitan are in open war with the Brazen Throne, so they loose absolutely nothing from having it known that they hire mercenaries to strike at the Plane of Fire. If they wanted just someone to attack the Sultan, there is no point in hiding their involvement. If they wanted a deniable asset, they would have sent us somewhere were deniability would matter. This mission isn't about the Shaitan, the Sultan or the war, but about us.

We had prior dealings with the Efreeti, so as far as they know, we might be a plant or just someone who would turn his cloak if the offer is good enough. If we humiliate the Sultan without it being obvious that it was done on their orders though, they gain blackmail material on us. If we ever betrayed them, they could reveal our involvement in these defeats to incite the Sultan to kill us.

And/Or they want rebellion and those who chafe under the Efreeti aren't exactly fans of the Shaitan, I can easily see Salamanders inspired to rebellion by the success of a Red Dragon when they'd scoff at the efforts of the Shaitan war.