Eh, still worthwhile to restart the pseudodragon source, want to submerge one of the hydra clutches in it. Dragonhide farm by cutting of heads.

Should dig up a few hundred turtle eggs too, just put Phoenixes on parenting duties for the tiny draconic turtles.
Eh, still worthwhile to restart the pseudodragon source, want to submerge one of the hydra clutches in it. Dragonhide farm by cutting of heads.

Should dig up a few hundred turtle eggs too, just put Phoenixes on parenting duties for the tiny draconic turtles.
That on the other hand is mad science I can get behind.
Im good with lawful neutral for now, if they decide to spread out to good, neutral, or evil from their thats their call.

And I hope they do. It would be a shame to get that freedom only to never use it.
Im good with lawful neutral for now, if they decide to spread out to good, neutral, or evil from their thats their call.

And I hope they do. It would be a shame to get that freedom only to never use it.
They are currently Lawful Evil and the ritual won't change that.

It just allows them to become Lawful Neutral, if they are so inclined.
Okay version 1, just plotting out the landscape for where the city will be right now. Can people tell me what's wrong and right? Does the bay need to be further in? Are there sandy shores beyond the harbour sections? Are the cliffs correct or completely wrong.

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Since it does not look as if anyone wants to contest @Goldfishs, gear allocation, here is Anya character sheet for after her training stint in the Scholarium.

@Goldfish, @TotallyNotEvil, could you check this over?

Name: Anya
Age: 28
Alignment: Lawfully Neutral
Race: Human (Medium Humanoid)
Class: Sorcerer 1 / Favored Soul (Old Gods) 1 / Fighter 1 / Mystic Theurge 2
Feats: Plant Bloodline, Precocious Apprentice (Sorcerer, Blade Tutor's Spirit), Power Attack, Versatile Spellcaster, Alternate Source Spell
Flaws: Bitter, Insomniac
Class Features: Arcane Reabsorption, Armored Savant

Hit Dice: 17 HP + 2d4 + 2
Armor Class: 10 + 5 (Armor - Chainshirt) + 4 (Shield - Shield) + 1 (Deflection - Hedging Weapons) = 20 (Flat-Footed: 20, Touch: 11)
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: +0 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Razorsharp Adamantine Greatsword +1 - 2d6 + 4 | 19-20/x2 - Attack +4
Razorsharp Adamantine Greatsword +1 - 2d6 + 4 + 2 (Power Attack) + 1 (Divine Favor) | 19-20/x2 - Attack 4 + 1 (Luck - Divine Favor) + 1 (Morale - Bless)
-> 2d6 + 7 | 19-20/x2 - Attack +6

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (CHA) + Spell Level
Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons, All Armor, All Shields

13 + 1 = 14 (+2) Strength
10 (+0) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
12 (+1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
16 + 2 = 18 (+4) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) + 1 (Resistance - Resistance) + 2 (Morale - Conviction) + 1 (Resistance against Evil - PfE) = 7 / 8 (Against Evil)
REFLEX: 2 + 1 (Resistance - Resistance) + 2 (Morale - Conviction) + 1 (Resistance against Evil - PfE) = 5 / 6 (Against Evil)
WILL: 4 + 1 (Resistance - Resistance) + 2 (Morale - Conviction) + 1 (Resistance against Evil - PfE) = 7 / 8 (Against Evil)

SKILLS - 32 points
Concentration: 8
Gather Information: 2 + 3 (CHA) = 5
Heal: 0 + 2 (Competence - Healing Belt) = 2
Knowledge (Arcana): 6 + 1 (INT) = 7
Knowledge (Religion): 6 + 1 (INT) = 7
Sense Motive: 2
Spot: 0 + 2 (Competence - Earrings of Arcane Acuity) = 2
Spellcraft: 8 + 1 (INT) + 2 (Precocious Apprentice) = 11

Arcane Spells Known (Caster level 3):
--Level 0
: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Ghost Sound (7/day)
--Level 1: Magic Missile, Shield, True Strike, Endure Elements (PB) (6/day)
--Level 2: Blade Tutor's Spirit (1/day)

Divine Spells Known (Caster level 3):
--Level 0
: Guidance, Resistance, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Fire Eyes (7/day)
--Level 1: Conviction, Divine Favor, Bless, Hedging Weapons (6/day)

- Ring of Protection from Evil
- Amulet of Tears
- Healing Belt
- Anklet of Translocation
- Earring of Arcane Acuity
- Ring of Untarnished Glory (+2 Charisma)
- Gloves of Hero's Strength (+1 Strength)
- Razorsharp Adamantine Greatsword +1
- Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt +1
- Ring of Sustenance
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Where did the 5th feat come from? Wouldn't it be 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th for a total of 4?

@Goldfish @Artemis1992 @TotallyNotEvil I would appreciate a critique now that I'm pretty sure of 95% of it.
@Everyone Please feel free to chime in on anything, mechanics, lore...the placeholder name has grown on me but it should probably change.
@Duesal @egoo
You had some great suggestions to add regarding flight speeds and camouflage but did DP give an idea of what it would cost to work into the construction?

Bigger Fish, CR 8
Large Construct
Hit Dice:
10d10+60 (115)
Initiative: + 2
Speed: 60 ft., Fly 160 ft. (poor), Swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, + 2 dex, +11 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/ +21 (+10, +4 size, +7 str)
Attack: Bite +12 Melee (2d6+7), 2 Claws +12 Melee (1d8+7), 2 Wings + 7 Melee (1d6+3), Tail Slap +7 Melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./ 5 ft.; 10ft. with Bite
Special Attacks: Breath weapon (DC 17), Improved Grab, Iron Maiden
Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 ft., Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine, Darkvision 120 ft., Fast Healing 1, Immunity to Magic, Lifesense,
Saves: Fort -, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Fly +10, Listen +14, Survival +16, Spot +15, Climb+10 (likely change)
Feats: Fly-By Attack, Fly-By Breath, Lifesense, Track, Feat 5? (where did that come from?)
Language: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Large); 15-20 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: --

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 12th)
At will - Invisibility (Self only), Limp Lash
1/day Word of Recall (Special: Works with Iron Maiden)

A lithe automaton sheathed in smoky black dragonscale with the large cold eyes of a deep water predator and sharp swept back wings it seems equally as at home in the water as it does the sky.
Unlike most constructs, the Bigger Fish takes great satisfaction and savage glee in it's task though it is still unwaveringly loyal to it's master and never let's indulgence in the hunt get in the way of the mission.
The Bigger Fish attacks from ambush whenever possible, tracking it's quarry tirelessly to maximise advantageous conditions. In a successful ambush the Bigger Fish will prioritise it's Iron Maiden ability so it may bring the prey back to it's master with Word of Recall.
If an ambush fails the Bigger Fish readily retreats and resumes pursuit, if faced with significant opposition the Bigger Fish will retreat with Word of Recall starting a new hunt over.

Special Abilities:

Breath Weapon (Su):
A Bigger Fish's breath weapon is a 40 ft. cone of thick, acrid steam. Living creatures caught in the steam must succeed on a Fortitude save or be nauseated as they choke and cough. A creature that chokes for 3 or more consecutive rounds takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per 2 HD of the Bigger Fish. Any living creature that begins it's turn in the steam must save again.

Fast Healing 1 (Su): The dual nature of Air and Water causes a constant minor flux of sublimation and solidification, slowly mending the Bigger Fish.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Herald is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
Control water slows the Herald down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
Mind Affecting spells cause mental backlash staggering the caster for 1 round.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Bigger Fish must hit with it's claw or bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to encase the opponent the following round.

Iron Maiden (Ex): By making a grapple check A Bigger Fish can try to force a grabbed opponent of a smaller size than itself into the lightless cavity of it's chest.
On a succesful check the opponent is completely encased in the Iron Maiden. It is considered pinned by the Iron Maiden and can take no actions except trying to break free. It gains total cover from those outside of the Iron Maiden, and those outside have total cover from it. Encased creatures receive no saving throw against Word of Recall.
On an unsuccessful check the opponent remains grappled and cannot move from its space, but can otherwise act normally.
Whether the opponent was successfully encased or not, it can attempt to break out of the Iron Maiden's grip by making a DC 30 Strength check or dealing 25 Bludgeoning damage. Once the opponent has exited, the edges of the wound meld back together over the course of 1d2 rounds.
A creature that is grappled (but not pinned) by the Iron Maiden can attempt an DC 25 Escape Artist Check to break free.

Monster in the Mist(Su): A Bigger Fish has the ability to see to the limits of it's normal vision types in conditions of Cloud and Fog as similar to Snowsight.

Construction Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Invisibility, Word of Recall, Geas;
Materials: a custom made platemail worth 3000 GP; for each of the descriptors Air, Water, Lawful, Evil at least a pound of material with a value of roughly 1600 GP from a plane which is strongly aligned with that descriptor.
Cost: 5000 GP

Aberrant Scent (Feat/Bonus Feat?): The twisting scent of aberrant taint is uniquely potent, you can detect aberrant opponents within 60 feet by sense of smell. In addition, if you have the Track feat, you can track aberrant creatures by scent. You gain a +4 bonus on survival checks when tracking aberrations by scent and may move at full speed without penalty and up to twice your normal speed with a -10 penalty.

@Duesal I'll start working on spells again, trying to remember what we didn't get last time aside from Wall of Eyes and Scribe's Binding.
I believe we got the full line of image spells though so we just need PoSK and to get to casting.
Thoughts on using the Create Mindscape to have private meetings in public places?

Would love to hear more about how the Steel Fury goes as it advances, does it gain great influence as it "masters" the 9 planes or do they become even more adjacent to the regular hierarchy, without the time for petty rivalries while the enemy still stands?

Also despite Fury being mentioned dozens of times per page recently your post was the one that reminded me of the Baratheon motto "Ours is the Fury", maybe when Mereth has been around a little longer we can let Robert test that theory :evil:
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@Destrark, I had found some of the things relevant to the city's layout.
Or, well, people trying to build it up from nothing and dropping that half-way.
There is much more to it, however, and a lot of that was written in story itself, and I'm kind of bad at searching through it.

And here is my proposal for the harbor:

All nice and enclosed and the towers standing in the water, which are there to span a chain across the water, can double as lighthouses.
Take note that each of those bays I've drawn so far can take in 4 regular ships or 2 Queen Rheallas.
Rough guesstimate for the city plan allows for something around 30 to 50 thousand people in that area. So we can kick back and wait a while before we need any additional satellite areas.

The core areas are spacious enough for improvements later on. The arena could be replaced by the Flavian Amphitheatre and we would still have enough space for a decent park around it before we would have to adjust the street.
Gotta be honest, I would have preferred a private sequestered "proving grounds" for people to test their skills against one another rather than a spectacle focused combat zone. I preferred the idea of an open air amphitheater, since then we could bring in some art and culture. Maybe attract some supernatural actors to the scene. The only place in the world where you can see plays with extremely good visual effects, props and actors with the commitment to literally become their character for the duration of the show.
My plan is to use it for both.

The real Flavian Amphitheater was also used for theater plays after all.
And one last post for the city plan.

@VNodosaurus, the zoning is only advisory. The only thing I would enforce is that the less clean industries like dying or ore smelting stay the hell in the harbor, but otherwise people can set up shops or homes where ever they please.
@Diomedon, @Goldfish, compromise offer for the harbor. Halfway through drawin a additional wall I noticed that we kinda wanted to build a settelement / trade-post / whatever for the Tritons and a temple for the Merling king, so there it went.

Seriously, each new draft of the city its making It look closer and closer to the imperial City. Next Up are the satellite districts for the minotaurs village and moving the keep outside the circle to "overlook the entire bay from a Hill"
The fully seperated satelites of the Imperial City make it a huge liability to defend the outlying districts in a siege. You can walk into the harbor unopposed, cut off the access to the mage college and split the defenders without any effort at all.

@Diomedon, want my raw Inkscape file so you don't have to start over?
I just tried to import the bay into it and have now officially given up after it crashed thrice in a row.
the minotaur camp is already outside the city, we simply would put a wall around it and join that wall to the main area, as for the keep, i see at as being atop a hill (as fortresses usually are), more or less around where diomedon indicated it in the map, so it would be jutting out of the main circle by virtue of following the natural geography of the area, we can always make the city larger to encompass both satellites.
i dont want it to be exactly like the imperial city, i just want to copy the general layout, including the artificial island for the wavebreaker outside out bay, the central spoke with the main streets going from there and around the outer circle, as well as the general layout of the godswood.
you already added the walls, a simply wavebreaker, and are probably thinking on doing some very similar streets, i just wanted to save some work by using the already existing design.
@Diomedon, managed to cram it into the map.

Exaggerated the size of the keep a bit to keep it visible.

@Azel, I had but to threadseach "Wavebreaker" :p The only time I' remember it being used, also the only time ever.
@Everyone, if we are to use these maps, we kind of need to decide on where Moonsinger temple is.
Since it does not look as if anyone wants to contest @Goldfishs, gear allocation, here is Anya character sheet for after her training stint in the Scholarium.

The only thing that's a little odd is giving her the amulet of tears because we haven't done that for anyone else, but she went through a lot so I think one extra item can be justified.

Though I wonder how the Fury will take this, being the only one of all her sisters to be stripped of it.
Since it does not look as if anyone wants to contest @Goldfishs, gear allocation, here is Anya character sheet for after her training stint in the Scholarium.

@Goldfish, @TotallyNotEvil, could you check this over?

Name: Anya
Age: 28
Alignment: Lawfully Neutral
Race: Human (Medium Humanoid)
Class: Sorcerer 1 / Favored Soul (Old Gods) 1 / Fighter 1 / Mystic Theurge 2
Feats: Plant Bloodline, Precocious Apprentice (Sorcerer, Blade Tutor's Spirit), Power Attack, Versatile Spellcaster, Alternate Source Spell
Flaws: Bitter, Tainted Spirit
Class Features: Arcane Reabsorption, Armored Savant

Hit Dice: 17 HP + 2d4 + 2
Armor Class: 10 + 4 (Armor - Chainshirt) + 4 (Shield - Shield) + 2 (Deflection - Shield of Faith) = 20 (Flat-Footed: 20, Touch: 12)
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: +0 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Razorsharp Adamantine Greatsword +1 - 2d6 + 4 | 19-20/x2 - Attack +4
Razorsharp Adamantine Greatsword +1 - 2d6 + 4 + 2 (Power Attack) + 1 (Divine Favor) | 19-20/x2 - Attack 4 + 1 (Luck - Divine Favor) + 1 (Morale - Bless)
-> 2d6 + 7 | 19-20/x2 - Attack +6

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (CHA) + Spell Level
Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons, All Armor, All Shields

13 + 1 = 14 (+2) Strength
10 (+0) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
12 (+1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
16 + 2 = 18 (+4) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) + 1 (Resistance - Resistance) +2 (Resistance against Evil - PfE) = 6 / 7 (Against Evil)
REFLEX: 2 + 1 (Resistance - Resistance) +2 (Resistance against Evil - PfE) = 3 / 4 (Against Evil)
WILL: 4 + 1 (Resistance - Resistance) +2 (Resistance against Evil - PfE) = 5 / 6 (Against Evil)

SKILLS - 32 points
Concentration: 8
Gather Information: 2 + 3 (CHA) = 5
Heal: 0 + 2 (Competence - Healing Belt) = 2
Knowledge (Arcana): 6 + 1 (INT) = 7
Knowledge (Religion): 6 + 1 (INT) = 7
Sense Motive: 2
Spot: 0 + 2 (Competence - Earrings of Arcane Acuity) = 2
Spellcraft: 8 + 1 (INT) + 2 (Precocious Apprentice) = 11

Arcane Spells Known (Caster level 3):
--Level 0
: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Ghost Sound (6/day)
--Level 1: Magic Missile, Shield, True Strike, Endure Elements (PB) (5/day)
--Level 2: Blade Tutor's Spirit (1/day)

Divine Spells Known (Caster level 3):
--Level 0
: Guidance, Resistance, Purify Food and Drink, Mending, Fire Eyes (6/day)
--Level 1: Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Bless, Hedging Weapons (5/day)

- Ring of Protection from Evil
- Amulet of Tears
- Healing Belt
- Anklet of Translocation
- Earring of Arcane Acuity
- Ring of Untarnished Glory (+2 Charisma)
- Gloves of Hero's Strength (+1 Strength)
- +1 Razorsharp Adamantine Greatsword
- +1 Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt
Those are some pretty harsh flaws, dude.

There are a lot to choose from here which might be a bit less onerous.

She doesn't have a Familiar, so Forlorn would be appropriate, and Insomniac would be especially fitting.

The Hedging Weapons spell isn't only good for its Deflection bonus, but that is its main feature. Unfortunately, it won't stack with Shield of Faith, or the Deflection bonus vs Evil she gains from her Ring of PfE. Actually, for a while, Shield of Faith won't be the greatest spell for her to have, either, due to overlapping Deflection bonuses.

Rather than Bless, what about Blessing of the Watch? It could be fluffed to be a benefit of Yss living in the city or something along those lines, without Anya necessarily worshiping him.

Conviction would be a nice buff for her with a decent duration.

Sign is one that Dany and Malarys get a lot of use out of to help with Initiative order, and there is no reason it couldn't stack with Nerveskitter, if Anya ever learned it, too.

I would recommend Barbed Chains over Hedging Weapons. Right now it would only give Anya two chains to work with, but it eventually grows up to four. Each chain can be used to inflict damage or to make a Trip attempt, and anyone struck by the chain has to resist or suffer from the Shaken debuff.

Just some thoughts, since I can't resist poking my nose into these things.

EDIT: Also, Resistance bonuses don't stack, so Anya's saving throws are a bit off.
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Where did the 5th feat come from? Wouldn't it be 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th for a total of 4?

@Goldfish @Artemis1992 @TotallyNotEvil I would appreciate a critique now that I'm pretty sure of 95% of it.
@Everyone Please feel free to chime in on anything, mechanics, lore...the placeholder name has grown on me but it should probably change.
@Duesal @egoo
You had some great suggestions to add regarding flight speeds and camouflage but did DP give an idea of what it would cost to work into the construction?

Bigger Fish, CR 8
Large Construct
Hit Dice:
10d10+60 (115)
Initiative: + 2
Speed: 60 ft., Fly 160 ft. (poor), Swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, + 2 dex, +11 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/ +21 (+10, +4 size, +7 str)
Attack: Bite +12 Melee (2d6+7), 2 Claws +12 Melee (1d8+7), 2 Wings + 7 Melee (1d6+3), Tail Slap +7 Melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./ 5 ft.; 10ft. with Bite
Special Attacks: Breath weapon (DC 17), Improved Grab, Iron Maiden
Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 ft., Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine, Darkvision 120 ft., Immunity to Magic, Lifesense,
Saves: Fort -, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Fly +10, Listen +14, Survival +16, Spot +15, Climb+10 (likely change)
Feats: Fly-By Attack, Fly-By Breath, Lifesense, Track, Feat 5? (where did that come from?)
Language: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Large); 15-20 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: --

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 12th)
At will - Invisibility (Self only), Limp Lash
1/day Word of Recall (Special: Works with Iron Maiden)

A lithe automaton sheathed in smoky black dragonscale with the large cold eyes of a deep water predator and sharp swept back wings it seems equally as at home in the water as it does the sky.
Unlike most constructs, the Bigger Fish takes great satisfaction and savage glee in it's task though it is still unwaveringly loyal to it's master and never let's indulgence in the hunt get in the way of the mission.
The Bigger Fish attacks from ambush whenever possible, tracking it's quarry tirelessly to maximise advantageous conditions. In a successful ambush the Bigger Fish will prioritise it's Iron Maiden ability so it may bring the prey back to it's master with Word of Recall.
If an ambush fails the Bigger Fish readily retreats and resumes pursuit, if faced with significant opposition the Bigger Fish will retreat with Word of Recall starting a new hunt over.

Special Abilities:

Breath Weapon (Su):
A Bigger Fish's breath weapon is a 40 ft. cone of thick, acrid steam. Living creatures caught in the steam must succeed on a Fortitude save or be nauseated as they choke and cough. A creature that chokes for 3 or more consecutive rounds takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per 2 HD of the Bigger Fish. Any living creature that begins it's turn in the steam must save again.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Herald is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
Control water slows the Herald down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
Mind Affecting spells cause mental backlash staggering the caster for 1 round.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Bigger Fish must hit with it's claw or bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to encase the opponent the following round.

Iron Maiden (Ex): By making a grapple check A Bigger Fish can try to force a grabbed opponent of a smaller size than itself into the lightless cavity of it's chest.
On a succesful check the opponent is completely encased in the Iron Maiden. It is considered pinned by the Iron Maiden and can take no actions except trying to break free. It gains total cover from those outside of the Iron Maiden, and those outside have total cover from it. Encased creatures receive no saving throw against Word of Recall.
On an unsuccessful check the opponent remains grappled and cannot move from its space, but can otherwise act normally.
Whether the opponent was successfully encased or not, it can attempt to break out of the Iron Maiden's grip by making a DC 30 Strength check or dealing 25 Bludgeoning damage. Once the opponent has exited, the edges of the wound meld back together over the course of 1d2 rounds.
A creature that is grappled (but not pinned) by the Iron Maiden can attempt an DC 25 Escape Artist Check to break free.

Monster in the Mist(Su): A Bigger Fish has the ability to see to the limits of it's normal vision types in conditions of Cloud and Fog as similar to Snowsight.

Construction Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Invisibility, Word of Recall, Geas;
Materials: a custom made platemail worth 3000 GP; for each of the descriptors Air, Water, Lawful, Evil at least a pound of material with a value of roughly 1600 GP from a plane which is strongly aligned with that descriptor.
Cost: 5000 GP

Aberrant Scent (Feat/Bonus Feat?): The twisting scent of aberrant taint is uniquely potent, you can detect aberrant opponents within 60 feet by sense of smell. In addition, if you have the Track feat, you can track aberrant creatures by scent. You gain a +4 bonus on survival checks when tracking aberrations by scent and may move at full speed without penalty and up to twice your normal speed with a -10 penalty.

@Duesal I'll start working on spells again, trying to remember what we didn't get last time aside from Wall of Eyes and Scribe's Binding.
I believe we got the full line of image spells though so we just need PoSK and to get to casting.
Thoughts on using the Create Mindscape to have private meetings in public places?

Would love to hear more about how the Steel Fury goes as it advances, does it gain great influence as it "masters" the 9 planes or do they become even more adjacent to the regular hierarchy, without the time for petty rivalries while the enemy still stands?

Also despite Fury being mentioned dozens of times per page recently your post was the one that reminded me of the Baratheon motto "Ours is the Fury", maybe when Mereth has been around a little longer we can let Robert test that theory :evil:
Looks good, dude. I really like the concept and implementation.

Fly is a Pathfinder skill that D&D doesn't use. You can reallocate those skill points elsewhere.
I still dont quite get the spell organ thing. I always figured the more magic SLAs were a soul thing.
I don't really think they have actual organs for spell-like abilities, but then again, we're working with magic. Part of Flesh Grafting it to distill the magic of the being you're harvesting from into a piece of its body, which you can then attach to another creature, imbuing it with that same magic. It's probably as much art as it is magic or anatomy.
The only thing that's a little odd is giving her the amulet of tears because we haven't done that for anyone else, but she went through a lot so I think one extra item can be justified.

Though I wonder how the Fury will take this, being the only one of all her sisters to be stripped of it.
We mainly haven't given anyone else Amulets of Tears because everyone has an item in the neck slot already. Malarys was the only one I could finagle things with to get him one of the amulets.

As for the Fury losing her Amulet, if she makes an issue of it we can assure her it will be a temporary problem, as we will eventually craft her another, and the mortal receiving it is far squishier, thus needing that extra protection far, far more.
Those are some pretty harsh flaws, dude.

There are a lot to choose from here which might be a bit less onerous.

She doesn't have a Familiar, so Forlorn would be appropriate, and Insomniac would be especially fitting.
Forlorn doesn't work, since she already traded her Familiar for an alternate class feature.
Though switched Tainted Spirit for Insomniac. The fluff of it was fitting, though I admit it's a pretty bad flaw.
The Hedging Weapons spell isn't only good for its Deflection bonus, but that is its main feature. Unfortunately, it won't stack with Shield of Faith, or the Deflection bonus vs Evil she gains from her Ring of PfE. Actually, for a while, Shield of Faith won't be the greatest spell for her to have, either, due to overlapping Deflection bonuses.
For now, it serves it's purpose. I intend to retrain it once she gets the second point of deflection from Hedging Weapons, but the 2d6 Force damage were too sweat to wait any longer with that spell.
Rather than Bless, what about Blessing of the Watch? It could be fluffed to be a benefit of Yss living in the city or something along those lines, without Anya necessarily worshiping him.
Since she is meant to go out and about, this is a bad idea.
Conviction would be a nice buff for her with a decent duration.
Earmarking that for her next 1st level spell or to retrain Shield of Faith to.
Sign is one that Dany and Malarys get a lot of use out of to help with Initiative order, and there is no reason it couldn't stack with Nerveskitter, if Anya ever learned it, too.
Sign is pretty clear that it uses only 20 + Initiative Bonus. I thought about it, but ultimately she lacks the SoD effects to make going first all that great an advantage to her.
I would recommend Barbed Chains over Hedging Weapons. Right now it would only give Anya two chains to work with, but it eventually grows up to four. Each chain can be used to inflict damage or to make a Trip attempt, and anyone struck by the chain has to resist or suffer from the Shaker debuff.
Another of those spells I seriously considered and which she might get in two levels.
Looks good, dude. I really like the concept and implementation.

Fly is a Pathfinder skill that D&D doesn't use. You can reallocate those skill points elsewhere.
Cheers, I could probably use some help with tweaking skillpoints, I actually don't have anything in mind for those 10 off the top of my head, also still unsure on Climb but I think it fits the theme.

Can I add skill tricks?

@Deliste That doesn't look CR 8.

And constructs don't have full BAB.

Ahh, I took BAB from Azel's chassis and CR wasn't readjusted, I'm not sure how to do so.

Would it be 7 or 8 BAB?
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