Well, with some help from @Goldfish @Azel and @TotallyNotEvil I tried my hand at another class for Erinyes.
Again unlikely to be finished, but that's how it is for high-HD Outsiders.
@DragonParadox Would be nice to get approval, rejection or what you think should be changed.

Steel Fury

Some Erinyes take the lessons Hell and the endless Bloodwar teach as inspiration to further improve themselves, not for promotion and to attain the power of a Pleasure Devil or other higher form, but to focus soley on their skill in battle, in combat against the roiling Chaos of the Abyss they have sacrificed so much to eternally oppose. The Steel Fury has seen all of Hell and has taken lesson from the successes and follies of its inhabitants, as well as growing on the harsh environment.

BAB +9,
Race: Erinyes

HD: d10
Skill points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Intimidate, Knowledge (War, The Planes), Listen, Spot, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Tumble, Use Rope

The Lessons of War: The Steel Furies have harnessed both their millenia of experience and their innatly magical nature into a series of skills that stands on the line between mundane skill and magical abilities, combining both into a greater whole. Though each Fury is limited by the effort and focus needed to master any of these schools, four have clearly crystallized out:
That honor is for the honorable and the hordes of chaos deserve no such thing. A demon engaged in a duel just makes a better target,
The union of bow, hellfire and the aptitude for trickery even a warrior needs to survive in hell, allowing the Fury to blind, burn and kill foes from afar.
The art of channeling their hatred of chaos and devotion to the ideal of order into tangible effects that further improve their strikes and harm the enemies of order more than anything else.
To draw strenght from their duty and unfailing conviction to keep the Abyss back until it can finally be destroyed.

You gain the ability to use maneuvers and stances from any two of the following disciplines Tempest Gale (Use Spot as key-skill), Solar Wind, Black Seraph and Eternal Guardian. Furies that are non-evil or become so during their progression may choose the Silver Crane instead of Black Seraph and exchange any maneuvers already chosen with that new discipline.

You prepare and regain your maneuvers as a Warblade, your initiator level is 1/2 her racial HD as Erinyes (rounded up) added to your level in this class, or any that advances it normally. The Fury's Initiation Modifier for any save-DCs against her abilities is her Charisma.

Lesson of Avernus (Ex): The First Layer of Hell is where the Furies spend most of their time, holding back the endless masses of invading demons. Here the Fury's mettle is tested in constant combat, making her as aquainted with her hellforged armor as with her own skin and just as unlikely to be willingly seperated from it. The max. Dexterity modifier of any armor she wears is increased by 2, the armor penalty decreased by 2 and her speed is no longer reduced by any armor that weights as much as a regular Fullplate or is lighter.

Lesson of Dis (Ex): The City of the Damned is always in movement, everyone in it is always in danger. Here the Fury learns to watch her back constantly, gaining the Uncanny Dodge ability and learning use it even while wearing medium or heavy armor. If she has it already she gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.

Lesson of Minauros (Su): In the Sinking City, the pale and ugly shadow of Dis above it the Fury learns to gauge the value of man, devil and their belongings, at least in a superficial sense, for everything is for sale or stealing in that realm of Greed. The Fury gains a Constant Detect Magic effect. By concentrating as a Standard Action she can use Arcane Sight for 10 rounds per day, consecutive or split up, though each new activation takes an action.

Lesson of Phlegetos (Su): While the Fires of Phlegethos are harmless to the Fury, the fires in its inhabitants are certainly not. Here she learns to resist the temptation and charms (literal or not) of the slaves of Belial or forever becomes one of them. The Fury gains a +4 bonus to resist Enchantment spells and can make a Spot check (DC: 15 + 2xSpell Level) to notice and identify any spell enhancing charisma or charisma-related skills on people she is talking to.

Lesson of Stygia (Ex): The wise avoid the dark oceans of Stygia, but sometimes duty calls to test the Fury in many ways. Under the ice and in the oily waters of this layer the Fury learns to fight unhindered in the water and more importantly to be aware of their environment, avoiding ambushers and the worse than deadly waters of Styx. She gains a Swim speed equal to half her Flight speed and can see unhindered through irritations to her sight, such as murky water, sandstorms, blizzards or smoke, wether natural or magically created. This does not allow her to see through solid objects.

Lesson of Malbolge (Ex/Su): Upon this fleshcrafted monstrosity of a Layer and from the victims of Glasya the Fury learns of survival beyond reason or sanity, willing or not. She gains the Diehard feat and can use Stabilize once a day while denying unwilling targets a willsave.

Lesson of Maladomini (Ex): In Malagard, city of sloth, decay and fatalism the Fury hones a grim determination. Those who falter can never go on, only those who stand tall against despair may rise from its depth. The Fury gains Mettle, standing untouched against adversary as long as she allows herself no weakness, though she looses it for the rest of the encounter if she fails a will or fortitude save against an effect she could have ignored with Mettle.

Lesson of Cania (Su): While the Fury studies the martial arts and sciences first, she is not so foolish to ignore the magic that can shape the course of any war as much as fighters and logistics do. In learning from both the nature and the scholars of Cania she gains the ability to coat herself in fire or ice, once per day raising her NA by 2, and giving all her weapons (natural or manufactured) +2d6 damage in the chosen element. Further all Manoeuvers from the Solar Wind Discipline that cause fire damage are Searing for the duration of the effect. This ability can be activated as a swift action and lasts one round per classlevel per day.

Lesson of Nessus (Ex): In Nessus only the strongest will can exist and stay seperate from Asmodeus' will, only the greatest defences divert his attention and none his gaze if roused to take interest. The Fury that has meditated at the Forgotten Lake and breathed the mist from the Styx has learned to forget her self, but not her skill and pass beneath his sight and so any lesser being's too. The Fury becoms immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, patterns, phantasms, and morale effects). She can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.












The Lessons of War, Lesson of Avernus







Lesson of Dis







Lesson of Minauros







Lesson of Phlegetos







Lesson of Stygia






Lesson of Malbolge






Lesson of Maladomini






Lesson of Cania






Lesson of Nessus

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@DragonParadox, sorry to pester you but I think that this is important.
1. Who knows the principles of ritual lore that Daenerys discovered? Just her? Lya? Viserys?
2. How long would it take for her to teach enough of them to magelings for them to be able to research low-levep spells as rituals?
I kind of want to make a map of Sorcerer's Deep since it doesn't appear we have one. Could I get a list of everything there. I know the population is about 15,000 level so its a small city (I think? if the pathfinder population levels are being pushed upwards). And DragonParadox could I get a rough idea of how the place is set out (with the keep, Scholarium location, arena, docks etc etc) that I can flesh out?

@DragonParadox have you thought about this at all? or @everyoneelse for that matter. Or should I just make it from scratch myself?
@DragonParadox Would be nice to get approval, rejection or what you think should be changed.

It looks fine. Nothing unbalanced

@DragonParadox, sorry to pester you but I think that this is important.
1. Who knows the principles of ritual lore that Daenerys discovered? Just her? Lya? Viserys?
2. How long would it take for her to teach enough of them to magelings for them to be able to research low-levep spells as rituals?

The ritual lore can be learned from her notes. However one needs better spellcraft than the magelings to use it. Teana could do it, but not random NPC wizards.

Since this ritual apparently requires a short monologue on her history, would it be a good or a bad thing to have Yrael in attendance?

I'm very curious about his reaction to Meredeth and having him present while we officially snatch a fallen angel from Baator should go a long way towards making him accepting of the idea.

Mereth herself would object to an archon's presence.... very strenuously.
OOC: Dany did not roll great so you got a pretty expensive ritual at 2500 Gold per freed Erinyes, which only works on Erinyes.

I find it funny that a middling roll still results in a ritual that will snap the bonds of hell, free a fallen angel from damnation, and use items that can be reasonably acquired to such a degree that it can actually get a price tag.

Not to mention the fact that the wording suggests that such a ritual can be done multiple times for the exact same price so long as the target is the same "species" of devil.

Almost makes you wonder what a high roll would have gotten.
@Azel Your looking for Yss here.

Also for brute forcing the ritual as well.

Failed heroes do not like being forced to face their failure. Or watch others succeed.
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For the ritual. She can grit her teeth though encountering an archon, but not recounting her full and bloody history to one so they can proceed to moralize at her.
No need to make the ritual any harder. As is I'm already very nervous about accidentally losing one of them.

I want to cheat as much as humanly possible on this.
@DragonParadox, are we getting Viserys' levelup interlude soon before we go to the Plane of Fire and get ourselves a fleet of looted flying interplanar Efreeti whaling ships?
@DragonParadox, are we getting Viserys' levelup interlude soon before we go to the Plane of Fire and get ourselves a fleet of looted flying interplanar Efreeti whaling ships?
Reminder here that the ships are running on enslaved elementals. Something we just passed laws against due to the gift from the Nereid.

Though I'm most keenly interested in taking those apart for parts and research materials.
Reminder here that the ships are running on enslaved elementals. Something we just passed laws against due to the gift from the Nereid.

Though I'm most keenly interested in taking those apart for parts and research materials.
Not necessarily all of them. Not all elementals are actually sentient. The ones that are sentient we'll obviously free and tell to scram while we take the ships apart for loot.

But ships aside, I'm mainly interested in living loot in the form of minions and possible sacrifices. There shall be turtles and bottles in the near future.

But I wouldn't say no to monetary loot as well.