Not necessarily all of them. Not all elementals are actually sentient. The ones that are sentient we'll obviously free and tell to scram while we take the ships apart for loot.

But ships aside, I'm mainly interested in living loot in the form of minions and possible sacrifices. There shall be turtles and bottles in the near future.

But I wouldn't say no to monetary loot as well.
Same here. We still need a good bunch of freshly minced Outsider for our little backdoor to Bloodravens home.


We can just march Legionaires, Iron Golems and all manner of other fun stuff right up to the Others doorstep that way.

Edit: Or the reverse, now that I think about it. We could bring the Giants and Wildlings to SD that way. No Shadow Tower or ships necessary.
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Same here. We still need a good bunch of freshly minced Outsider for our little backdoor to Bloodravens home.


We can just march Legionaires, Iron Golems and all manner of other fun stuff right up to the Others doorstep that way.
I want all actual Efreeti we see tossed straight to the Larder. Those things are excellent sacrifices.

It's a damn shame DP banned us taking the Wish organs, though. Such lovely abuse of the system could have been accomplished. :(

I really hope they've got fiend-summoners or just actual fiends on those ships.
@DragonParadox, would taking out organs out of efreet work, if we'll be aiming to get a single Limited Wish per efreet carved up?
The problem with taking the wish organs is that we become anathema to all other genies. Really, really not worth it in the long run considering how much effort went into building the coming alliance.

If we want Wish organs either @DragonParadox takes mercy on my cries for more dragons to slay and gives us a Gorynych (pretty please, DP? It's even got three heads. It's perfect for a Targaryen. :D ) so we can harvest the Limited Wish SLA, or we somehow get a fiend that has Wish as an SLA and don't die in the process.
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The ritual lore can be learned from her notes. However one needs better spellcraft than the magelings to use it. Teana could do it, but not random NPC wizards.
Even if they stack buffs like crazy? Philosopher's Tree, skill boosts, the whole lot? Assistance bonuses?

In any case, it can be learned from notes. So we could set the Researcher Arcanum to work on it next month without Danny even losing any time!
Using Efrerti grafts on low level and thus low will save party members would probably not be worth trouble. Even beyond wishcraft is by its nature a volatile art.
Eh, grafts on party members was never on the table for me at least. Especially not evil outsider grafts.

I want to do mad science and tinker with a Flesh Forge to get proper use out of these first.
@DragonParadox is it too late to research Dragonmount to realign the Eryniates to pseudo/draconicness, Viserys, Malarys, and Daenerys restore the spring?

With wishcraft, Fire, and Blood.
Even if they stack buffs like crazy? Philosopher's Tree, skill boosts, the whole lot? Assistance bonuses?

In any case, it can be learned from notes. So we could set the Researcher Arcanum to work on it next month without Danny even losing any time!

Naria could do it, yes.

@DragonParadox is it too late to research Dragonmount to realign the Eryniates to pseudo/draconicness, Viserys, Malarys, and Daenerys restore the spring?

With wishcraft, Fire, and Blood.

It's more like too early than too late. That would be a long term project rather than the urgent unbinding from hell.
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@DragonParadox, how much research time would be required for each of the following?

1. Increase the Maximum CR of the plant creatures that can be made in the Fungus Forge?
2. Unlock Draconic Creatures.
3. Unlock Sonic Breathweapons.
4. Sacrifice the Maelephant and unlock the Maelephant's Breathweapon.
Frankly, I don't want any dragon-templates on our Erinyes.

Make them Lawful Neutral if you must, but please don't mess with their fallen-angel-ness.
Just a quick update on our crafting expenditures this month. So far, we've allotted 34,595.25 IM worth of crafting reagents. There is another 6,190 IM of crafting potential from Lya that hasn't been assigned yet, which I'm keeping in reserve for enchanting the artifact cloak. Hopefully that will be enough.

One way or another, though, Lya's full crafting potential will be assigned to enchant something. That will bring us to a total of 40,785.25 IM in enchanting. Having ten crafters going at once adds up nicely, eh?

We are also scribing 4,771.56 IM worth of spell scrolls and creating 2,125.2 IM worth of Alchemical items.

47,682.01 IM between all three crafting outlets.
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Frankly, I don't want any dragon-templates on our Erinyes.

Make them Lawful Neutral if you must, but please don't mess with their fallen-angel-ness.
I agree fully. Lawful Neutral would be ideal.
I also have to agree. I like the pure Advanced Erinyes as they are.

I wouldn't mind experimenting on regular Erinyes if we get them in the future, but the ones we have I don't want changed.