lot of the people slinging votes during the second half of that runoff was due to people waking up and
catching up with discussion.
I never, ever vote without being up to the last page, unless the vote ran overnight, in which case I at least make sure to read the contending plans.
And I don't doubt a lot of people are similar in that they like to be completely informed about what's been discussed before casting a vote, even if it means missing the deadline.
I had always known which side I would pick in that runoff. We had discussed it earlier, and I was opposed initially. I changed my mind because tangential issues related to it were no longer as combative...
I had assumed. I was gravely mistaken, or at least looking in the wrong direction.
That I initially vehemently disagreed with
@TotallyNotEvil on his plan and changed my mind...
weeks ago, yet still took the time to be as informed as possible, kind of makes the whole "the whole thing was stopped for the benefit of one person" argument toothless as heck. It annoys me also because it implies that I cannot join a supermajority side in a debate without
having no opinion whatsoever.
I have plenty of opinions. A lot of us do.
I digress... I don't think I know who I'm trying to convince anymore of anything. Can I help that I don't feel like the people who got upset over this have any real reason to? I had assumed that the vote would run for longer than it did
too, because,
specifically, it was a vote in contention, and deserved a chance for most of the regulars and non-regular voters and planners to get a opportunity to share their opinion and cast a ballot.
A number of you disagree with me. Maybe not
verbatim opposition of what I just said, but at the end, your stance is
in opposition because apparently it supersedes or completely sidesteps that???
So whatever, yeah, that's cool. I'm honestly not even that miffed, just confused and concerned because
@DragonParadox is going to take this to heart, but what exactly he should be taking to heart? Who can really say?
If you wanted to be constructive, rather than creating goal posts that don't exist, maybe we should have spent all of that extraneous energy on debating the merit of a more conducive voting process for contentious issues, allowing them to get the time they require for discussion and inclusive to people from different time zones, well in advance of a vote actually closing?
Because that's harder than just bitching about your favorite windmill, I guess.
Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not trying to attack anyone in particular. I apologize in advance if it came off that way.
But I do, quite frankly, find this whole thing, and similar subjects that have arisen recently, completely fucking Quixotic.