[X] Plan "Fat Bottomed Ships, You Make This Rockin' World Go Round!"

Hopefully, we can find another seed so we can get the Seelie court for the Other's Unseelie court bullshit
[X] Goldfish

I like your plan, but you might want to mention that the sailor arcanum might take awhile to become a thing @Goldfish

As of now (at least to me) it sounds as though the sailor arcanum is an immediate sign on bonus instead of a long term incentive.
Lets see:
Submerge Ship, 2/day, use-activated: 7*13*1800*0,5*2/5 = 3276 IM
Raise from the Deep, 3/day, use-activated: 4*8*1800*0,5*3/5 = 1728 IM
Make Whole, at will, use activated: 2*3*1800 = 1080 IM
Total: 6084 IM

Man, this entire thing is way more affordable than I thought it'd be. And considering a single wreck nets us an entire new ship, plus any precious cargo it might have been carrying...

I definitely want this on the docket for next turn's crafting.

And it's even coming up already!

What if we reduced the Raise from the Deep to just once or twice a day and added in a once per day Unseen Crew? Way, way back, DP said he would buff the spell so that it created four or five Unseen Crewmen per caster level. That would help us crew salvaged ships.
...hooray? Glad this is all over.
[X]Plan "Fat Bottomed Ships, You Make This Rockin' World Go Round
This title alone is just amazing.

Also question.

What are we going to do with the... Ahem* "current" captain.

As well as setting up more fae. She will likely attract many through the mere weight of her existence. This is not a big deal though.

While I am all for letting her learn about humanity organically. I would hope we know enough to spare everyone a lot of blood and tears.

Basically give her a bit of a crash course on humanity.
So I've cut out the usual niceties and opened with a full broadside, catching @egoo with the edge of it.
@Goldfish, @egoo, for what it's worth, I'm deeply sorry about how things went and it went downhill so fast not because I've had a bad opinion of you, but because the great trust I had in you was worsening the perceived breach.
Pretty much, what @Goldfish said.

I had seen the plan presented when it was made by Duesal as "good enough", and so I fought for it, wanting to make profit out of having that meeting at all.
You had seen that as a bad plan and argued against it.

(Honestly, I didn't read Goldfish's answer to you as trying to silence you either, so it seems we all thought in different boxes that day)

I don't really see what my "perceived breach of trust" there was, though :/

So, yeah, No hard feelings.
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...hooray? Glad this is all over.
[X]Plan "Fat Bottomed Ships, You Make This Rockin' World Go Round
This title alone is just amazing.

Also question.

What are we going to do with the... Ahem* "current" captain.

As well as setting up more fae. She will likely attract many through the mere weight of her existence. This is not a big deal though.

While I am all for letting her learn about humanity organically. I would hope we know enough to spare everyone a lot of blood and tears.

Basically give her a bit of a crash course on humanity.

Another ship can be found for the current captain, I'm sure, if the Queen Rhaella wishes for another to take his place.

As for the title, it's gnawing at my brain. I wanted to see if anyone would make the connection, but I can't stand it any more... :oops:

I made the title as a riff on Fat Bottomed Girls, a classic song by Queen. Considering that the name of the ship is the Queen Rhaella, I was wondering if anyone would notice.
Sorry if you saw my stance as a betrayal, dude. I never intended to silence you, or for my posts to be interpretted in that manner.

I really believe we were just thinking in two entirely different boxes, if that makes any sense. Maybe a bit of a cultural misunderstanding?

I have no hard feelings and hope we can move past this entire unfortunate bump in the road.
Pretty much, what @Goldfish said.

I had seen the plan presented when it was made by Duesal as "good enough", and so I fought for it, wanting to make profit out of having that meeting at all.
You had seen that as a bad plan and argued against it.

(Honestly, I didn't read Goldfish's answer to you as trying to silence you either, so it seems we all thought in different boxes that day)

I don't really see what my "perceived breach of trust" there was, though :/

So, yeah, No hard feelings.
None, you were just collateral damage.
What if we reduced the Raise from the Deep to just once or twice a day and added in a once per day Unseen Crew? Way, way back, DP said he would buff the spell so that it created four or five Unseen Crewmen per caster level. That would help us crew salvaged ships.
They may need more than eight hours to sort everything out, after all, depending on the state of the wreck, it would be a tremendous jigsaw puzzle. That's why it's CL 8 3/day.

Would Make Whole take care of weakened/rotted wood, I wonder?
I highly doubt it. Magic Army is a spell Viserys knows which we had previously discussed being able to use to temporarily turn all of the many, many ballistae on the Queen Rhaella into magical weapons.
Hundred ballistae, five scorpions (which are super neat, being essentially oversized ballistae that are advanced enough to use stone grapeshot or big stone rounds). And we never got around adding that firebreath weapon on the figurehead.

Almost enough dakka.
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They may need more than eight hours to sort everything out, after all, depending on the state of the wreck, it would be a tremendous jigsaw puzzle. That's why it's CL 8 3/day.

Would Make Whole take care of weakened/rotted wood, I wonder?

Fair enough.

I don't know if Make Whole would work to repair rotted wood. Maybe we can ask DP to make one of the Queen Rhaella's special abilities a variant of Plant Growth/Shape Wood/Make Whole that allows her to cause irreparably damaged ship hulls to regrow in a manner similar to her own Awakening, which transformed the Queen Rhaella into a living ship?

Or maybe we can just fill part of her cargo hold with seasoned lumber and provide a Shape Wood item to let the crew make the most efficient use of it?

I still kind of want to get that "guide book to humanity" written.



Co written by, Xor, The Orphene, Relath... Anyone else we can get to wrwrite a "how to interact with squishy meat sacks" book?
[X] Goldfish

By the way... can we remember to ask DP for concrete numbers on our rogues? We're a pirate's nest in origin, literally the most notorious one in the Narrow Sea, so we should have had our very best pick. The Inquisition should be full of high-quality rogues, right?

@TotallyNotEvil, wouldn't rogues be great supplementary spurs for the Legion? Every army needs saboteurs among their ranks.
Also when are we doing the big tree sacrifice to awaken to Deku I mean dawn tree? Next turn I presume?
It depends on the following:

1. For us to talk to Bloodraven about it and about what we want him to do as our reward
2. For Bloodraven to tell us we have a solid plan and we're ready for the sacrifice
3. For us to summon supplemental fiends

I'm hoping we can get another Cornugon if we're lucky, but I'll settle for the three Thanadaemons whose names we know.
Fair enough.

I don't know if Make Whole would work to repair rotted wood. Maybe we can ask DP to make one of the Queen Rhaella's special abilities a variant of Plant Growth/Shape Wood/Make Whole that allows her to cause irreparably damaged ship hulls to regrow in a manner similar to her own Awakening, which transformed the Queen Rhaella into a living ship?

Or maybe we can just fill part of her cargo hold with seasoned lumber and provide a Shape Wood item to let the crew make the most efficient use of it?
Problem is it doesn't work on wood that has been warped.

I'd agree with that but even still we're PoB baby!! We do weird shit for breakfast, literally.

Dragons are rare and distant, maybe Drow are too and their creations strange and opaque but we will have to wait and see.

I am not quite caught up to what seems to be the peak of the thread discussion, I'm a little wary.
The thing is that just about everything in DnD uses the same system of magic items. we just identified a bunch of (probably) Drow loot, after all. There may be exceptions, but they should be rare and exceptional, rather than the rule. Artifacts in the system, you might say. ;)
Here's my preliminary concept for a Sailor Arcanum to accompany the Queen Rhaella.

She's got the Air, Water, and Positive Energy Lores, for maximum mobility and her ability to heal both the Living Ship and her crew.

Her spell selection is a mix of single target and wide area buffs, many of which should apply to the Queen Rhaella, a couple of offensive spells which should lend themselves to non-lethality while still be quite effective, and spells chosen specifically to aid the crew.
-Keep Watch would make it simple and easy for sailors with night duties, such as lookouts or guards, to remain alert and effective.
-A single casting of Aboleth's Lung would allow seven sailors to each breath underwater for up to an hour, or its duration could be concentrated on fewer sailors in order to last longer. It also makes a very effective Touch-based combat spell in a pinch.
-Swim is a great utility spell for sailors and it has a decently long duration at 70 minutes per casting.

Tail Current is a very neat spell. It lasts a long time, has a very large area of effect so that not only the Queen Rhaella could be affected, but also aquatic allies and nearby vessels, and it makes the ship even faster, which is quite amazing, because she's already stupid fast.

A few of the Druid spells I've listed are new to Lya, but we've conveniently got a couple Treant Druids in SD now who can teach her the necessary magic.

Thoughts or suggestions? Need a name for her, too.

Name: ???
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native)
Feats: Expanded Arcana (x4; Aboleth's Lung, Mass Aid, Mass Conviction, Mass Resist Energy, Swim), Flyby Attack, Versatile Spellcaster
Flaws: Fussy, Love of Nature
Class Features: Elemental Air-Water-Positive Energy Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision
(60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 + 14 (??? HP)
Armor Class:
10 + 7 (DEX) + 2(Deflection) = 19 (Flat-Footed: 12, Touch: 19)
Movement: Ground (30ft), Swim (30ft), Flight (100ft; Perfect Maneuverability)
Initiative: +7 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
22 + 2 = +24 (+7) Dexterity
12 + 2 = +14 (+2) Constitution
14 (+2) Charisma
18 + 2 = +20 (+5) Intelligence
14 (+2) Wisdom


FORTITUDE: 5 + 2(CON) + 2(Resistance) = +7 or +9(vs Evil)
REFLEX: 5 + 7(DEX) + 2(Resistance) = +12 or +14(vs Evil)
WILL: 5 + 2(WIS) + 2(Resistance) = +7 or +9(vs Evil)

10 +2 (CHA) = 12
Concentration: 10 + 2(CON) = 12
Diplomacy: 10 +2 (CHA) = 12
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Knowledge (Geography): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Knowledge (Nature): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Profession (Sailor): 10 + 2(WIS) = 12
Listen: 10 + 2 (WIS) = 12
Sense Motive: 10 + 2(WIS) = 12
Spellcraft: 10 + 5(INT) + 2(SYN) = 17
Spot: 10 + 2 (WIS) = 12

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0
: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Blessed Aim, Keep Watch, Mage Armor, Shield, Shield of Faith, (6+2/day)
--Level 2: Aboleth's Lung, Divine Insight, Divine Protection, Glitterdust, Swim (6+1/day)
--Level 3: Mass Aid, Mass Conviction, Mass Resist Energy, Tail Current, Thunderous Roar (4+1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Gaseous Form (Sp): Use Gaseous Form at will as a Spell-Like Ability with a caster level equal to your HD.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Boneward Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Equipped Items: Circlet of Clarity +2 (240 IM), Ring of Protection from Evil (240 IM), Gloves of Zephyr's Grace +2 (240 IM), Boneward Belt (285 IM), Long-Range Dragonbone Longbow, Masterwork Razor-edged Mithral Dagger, Ring of Sustenance (150 IM), Standard Sorcerer's Deep Adventurer's Kit(™)
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Do you guys think it's worth trying to raise dead the Erinyes corpses so we can sacrifice them/harvest grafts/drain them for magebane poison? We can use Speak with Dead or divinations to see if it's worth the effort, and more than that the corpses have been preserved this entire time.
It depends on the following:

1. For us to talk to Bloodraven about it and about what we want him to do as our reward
2. For Bloodraven to tell us we have a solid plan and we're ready for the sacrifice
3. For us to summon supplemental fiends

I'm hoping we can get another Cornugon if we're lucky, but I'll settle for the three Thanadaemons whose names we know.

Yeah I want this big tree too. Hopefully with the power we pour into it it can encompass the entire empire with its effects...