Vote count.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 30, 2018 at 9:02 AM, finished with 171204 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan More Divinations
    -[X] Try to pinpoint the identity and targets of the thiefs.
    -[X] Check if you can draw them out ahead of time, by pulling the party from SD a few days before the actual invasion.
    -[X] Check if you can discourage them from trying by hunting them down. (Remove action to spy in Myr for Maelor, Glyra and Garin and let them instead hunt down the thiefs. Aid rendered to this by Malarys, who is at the same time working with the Lawmen.)
    -[X] Check if the commander of the Second Sons can be flipped by exposing the assassination plot on him. His aid for our aid sounds like a fair deal for all involved.
    -[X] Check if having Aradia kill the commanding officers of the Tyroshi fleet will stop the break-out attempts. With them dead, the people most likely fearing for their lives are gone. The survivors should weigh their options between definitely dying now or hopefully slipping the noose later.
    -[X] Use up to 2 Communes and 4 Divinations
I would cut down the Inner City group by 1 HI Battalion and add that to the main landing.
Part of the main force will have to split off with Moonsong to take the inner city cult base and I think 3 HI batallaions are decent for that, since they will face heavy combat in closed quarters.

Ironically, fighting in the catacombs is tremendously advantageous for our HI, since it prevents long range fire and proper formations significantly reduce the risk of ambushes and encirclements.

The Inner City has to take and hold both the inner walls and the Palace, but I can see your point. That would make the main landing a full Company, which works (and naturally splits in two).
I get it that the Contemplative is mechanically better, but I really like the fluff of Justicar more. Sounds more like Malarys then some soul-searching.

Fluff matters to some extent, but Justicar is just bad. To make it worth taking, you might as well just gut the PrC and make something new.

Contemplative isn't just about navel gazing and soul searching. In Malarys' case, it would be soul searching on how to be more of a badass, "I am the law!" kind of dude.
Fluff matters to some extent, but Justicar is just bad. To make it worth taking, you might as well just gut the PrC and make something new.

Contemplative isn't just about navel gazing and soul searching. In Malarys' case, it would be soul searching on how to be more of a badass, "I am the law!" kind of dude.
I'd want to gut and redesign Contemplative as well. Slippery Mind is completely useless to Malarys.

Also, I'm not a fan of turning him into an outsider. I'd like the LE human, not a devil.
Thanadaemons? Oh, fuck, I wanted to be on relatively good terms with Charon. There might be a point when we have to go across River Styx and this will come back to bite us in the ass.
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Fluff matters to some extent, but Justicar is just bad. To make it worth taking, you might as well just gut the PrC and make something new.

Contemplative isn't just about navel gazing and soul searching. In Malarys' case, it would be soul searching on how to be more of a badass, "I am the law!" kind of dude.
I would be game for a slightly altered or re-skinned Contemplative, though I lack a bit of the time to do so right now.

Got to start on the power-point for our invasion plans (which will make this whole thing much easier to comprehend) and then it's back to designing steam cannons.
I get it that the Contemplative is mechanically better, but I really like the fluff of Justicar more. Sounds more like Malarys then some soul-searching.
Malarys already did quite a lot of soul searching. How do you think that his spellcasting works now that his God is dead? And he's had direct mental contact with a Goddess while he was a Sleeper!
I'm super busy today. Short-staffed in the office today, so I won't be of much help until I get home.
Why would you ever want that? Contemplative has better front-loaded stuff and then better capstones. Meanwhile Justiciar of Tyr mostly gives a few half-decent 1/day abilities (Smite Law. Detect Thoughts. Wow.), and some mild skill bonuses.
In 2 levels, if you took Justiciar you'd have detect chaos at will, smite law 1day and +2 to a few skills (Gather Information, yay! Malarys doesn't even speak most local languages!). If you took Contemplative you'd have a whole new domain which is far better (look at the Domination Domain: it's a free Feat and some great mind-control spells). Then in another level he'd get Slippery Mind (which is fantastic - amulets of Protection from Evil can be dispelled, this can't) and then a few better 1/day abilities (self-healing for example - better than melee combat buffs like Smite!) or immunities. And then the capstone is absolutely fantastic!
Bureaucratic Knowledge is a constantly increasing bonus to all things law-related, be it reasearching or arguing (bonus to all CHA-skills when applies to law-issues) it.
And the next level he'd get a DC-increase to all Lawful spells.

I would not be opposed to trying for a combined class, or a redesigned Contemplative, but right now it doesn't really work for Malarys, I think.
I would be game for a slightly altered or re-skinned Contemplative, though I lack a bit of the time to do so right now.
How about just replacing Slippery Mind with Divine Insight [class level] times per day, at CL [class level*2]?
Or replacing Slippery Mind with the ability to roll Fortitude saves as Will saves (at -4) 1/day per 2 class levels?
Would you guys be alright with Viserys doing the Commune spells? Personally I think it makes IC sense for him to take on some of the load there, but since we are talking about taking XP from the main character I feel I should ask first.
I vote in favor of this, Viserys is the highest level character, so it makes sense he takes on the EXP loss.
I'd be happy with using far fewer Communes. Interpreting Divinations can be fun, and spending a hundreds of XP at once seems like a bad precedent to set.
A single CR appropriate encounter yields thousand of EXP, spending a few hundred isn't all that bad.
Huh, I was actually wondering when someone would try stealing from us (again), we have quite a bit a valueable stuff lying about.

We should probably also secure our shadow tower, a high strength demon with greater teleport/planeshift could just abscond with it.

Or can we accurately planeshift into it? ...or at least I don't know of a rule that would prevent it?
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We are definitely bringing the gorgon now.

Petrified allied troops are immune to disease. Last effort to keep them alive?
We can buff the Gorgon to be mostly immune to death effects and disease.

@DragonParadox , would casting mass fire shield prevent the targets from being hit by a Leukodaemon's breath of flies? They would just burn and die before biting our troops.
Petrified allied troops are immune to disease. Last effort to keep them alive?
We can buff the Gorgon to be mostly immune to death effects and disease.

@DragonParadox , would casting mass fire shield prevent the targets from being hit by a Leukodaemon's breath of flies? They would just burn and die before biting our troops.
Any and every alternative to banishing I will gladly take. The daemons have some pretty great treasures. Thanadaemons have "+2 quarterstaffs and other treasure", and Leukodaemons have "+1 composite longbow and other treasure". If there's no curses on this stuff, it can be distributed or sold. If there is? We can have the Old Gods or Yss make it useable depending on how useful the individual weapons happen to be. I'm hoping for a few further-enhanced weapons.

Thank god this isn't like that freaking Wild Hunt Archer.
Damn, we should have allocated 1 day towards summoning PR friendly outsiders before Tyrosh. Would have been a good supplement for the legionnaries with dedicated healers / buffers.

These things are badass. Like, really badass. I want a staff like that for our inquisitors or something along those lines.
@Diomedon No Assault Infantry?

@DragonParadox We want to use Mercurial Fullblades for a specialty assault troop type for the Legion. Is there any problem to it?

Not yet. We have Minotaurs who fill the same role. After this battle it makes sense to me that Viserys would realize that he just doesn't have enough minotaurs for all his planned legions, and thus would start training an elite human replacement.

Even if we retconned them having been training, there'd only be about 50-ish of them at this point (I also have my own suggestions on their build I've been putting off), given how much of a full legion we're deploying.

These things are badass. Like, really badass. I want a staff like that for our inquisitors or something along those lines.
That would make a fantastic trophy. At the very least I want one of those killed and stuffed into our to-be-crafted Corpse-Ferrying Bags instead of Banishment. Same with the Leukodaemon, of course.
So it appears the main problems we're facing involve...

1) Trying to complete our encirclement of the Tyroshi fleet at harbor. Solution seems to circle around assassination of the captains and other officers aboard their fleet, then repeatedly offering quarter to whatever resistance manifests.

2) Need for striking hard and fast and then interrupting scorched earth tactics of the Daemon faction in the slums. Since the main scope of the plan involves deploying the Legion directly against the place where they are most likely to attack the city's populace from, we seem to be hinging on our forces holding them up long enough for us to secure objectives and personages of import, getting the misc. factions to stand down or cease resistance... and proceed from our alpha strike on the cult's bases north and south.

3) Thieves... which is just... audacious. I definitely approve of taking some time to hunt them down and butcher them, then some more precognition to see if we're still going to have problems. Even getting them to go to ground this month would do her alright.

4) Some issues from the above can be resolved, but it looks like the best plan is honestly to stick everyone important inside of either the Shadow Tower, or a Demiplane for bolt hole purposes until the invasion resolves itself. Obviously keeping our important stuff up in there is a good idea too. I imagine that the intent is to steal people from us though, which is absolutely batshit insane, so I'm thinking either a rival sorcerer or Outsiders of some sort.

5) Some image issues with people dying from Daemon douchebaggery, but we might be able to mitigate that (somewhat unexpectedly) with the Archons. I get the feeling the main reason DP managed the lead with that one was so that there would be some unexpected blowup that made the situation untenable, or nearly so, which ends up being easily resolves behind the scenes by Yrael and company, leaving us all feeling alternatively like total heels, or dopes. One or the other.
Leukodaemons look like an uglier version of a Vrock
That's why they're great. They're clearly and unmistakably monstrous. Also, just more trophies to add to the collection.

With this we'll have Devils, Daemons, and one day we might get lucky enough to have a legitimate demon trophy instead of making do with a marble statue.