I think it would be... quite difficult. But to say the least, we will be informed of such in all likelihood and ward them off. Probably using words.

Preferably using words, actually. Killing is likely to encourage more opposition. Which will repeatedly call upon our time.
On an unrelated note...

DragonParadox said:
Name: Garin Drekelis
Alias: The King's Shadow

To our allies and citizens, Garin is now known as the King's Shadow.

A variant, likely spoken in fear by the contemptuous: "Shadow of a Snake".

On an unrelated note...

To our allies and citizens, Garin is now known as the King's Shadow.

A variant, likely spoken in fear by the contemptuous: "Shadow of a Snake".

Richard is still only known as "Richard the Tall". I think he really deserves "Ironside" by now, given the ridiculous amount of damage he usually tanks.

Likewise, Waymar "the Bronze Knight".
I also like "the Star Knight" which is a bit more Waymar-centric than it is Royce. Our companions each deserve their own individual claim to fame, not have it fed into their families singularly. Not that Waymar would particularly mind. He's pretty level-headed like that.

Richard is already "the Knight of Skulls and Kisses" on top of being "the Tall".

On the one hand, that name would sound ridiculous if it wasn't for the fact that Richard could probably make it sound intimidating just by existing in general proximity of where it was uttered.

Edit: Another thing I did not know: House Lonmouth's words are apparently: "The Choice is Yours".
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But Waymar's the Bronze Knight.

The other Royces only bear the title. Waymar embodies it. Even his magic is centered around bronze, said magic which has absolutely nothing to do with stars, so I'm not sure where "Star Knight" came from?
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If we are giving Waymar a new shield with his Ring of Arming how about we make it the Royce coat-of-arms with a Starfish added in the middle.

Could be the start of a cadet branch.

Edit: He would probably be miffed at that, damnit Waymar!
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But Waymar's the Bronze Knight.

The other Royces only bear the title. Waymar embodies it. Even his magic is centered around bronze, said magic which has absolutely nothing to do with stars, so I'm not sure where "Star Knight" came from?
Waymar thinks regenerating his arm by the novel method of being a starfish, is something worth basing his banner on.
Part MDCCCII: Cauldron of Life
Cauldron of Life

Twenty-First Day of the First Month 293 AC

"Very well then... cousin," you say, privately amused that you used that word for Westerosi lords, Essosi ladies, and even true dragons. "I find myself impressed with you skill and mettle in handling extraordinary circumstances. Truly fate's whims have favored us both with this meeting. It would be a shame to waste that on a mere exchange of gold for services."

"Consider me suitably flattered," she says, the smile on her lips more honest than not, ambition glittering in her now mismatched eyes.

And so you lay out before her your offer, one you had given many times before to men and woman and things far stranger in equal measure, to come in peace and serve with honor, to grow strong in your shadow that your realm might also be made mightier for it. For all you seem to be busy almost every moment, there are always other tasks to fulfill... and if your time in Lys should end as you suspect it might then those tasks will only grow more numerous.

Shara accepts with grace born of long practice which contrasts oddly with the rough leathers she wears. "For my siblings I gladly accept your offer of guesting. However, I would wish to remain in Lys. I've learned to handle myself in places high and low. It would be a shame to waste those skills by leaning on the generosity of kin new-found."

"Far be it from me to push anyone into an exile," you agree. "Any further arrangements will have to wait until the current issues have been resolved."


Thus she departs, Ser Richard and Malarys beside her, more than enough strength to guard against most foes they might face, and if the lord of the city should prove foolish enough to move against them then Dany's parting blessing shall show itself, allowing all three to return as the breath of zephyrs. Should that come to pass Lys shall fall by fire, not poison and honeyed words, you vow.

While Dany and Waymar arrange with Ser Gerold and Alinor for a means to bring the legions here by way of the Shadow Tower, you accompany Lya into the depths of the Flesh-Forge. However, rather than simply willing yourself into the tunnels, or taking the path into Daario's lair, you follow the mushroom men down among the pale roots of the Heart Tree where an opening had been forced through the very bedrock. Crude steps snake down into the earth following the path of great white root tendrils as thick as a man's waist.

The darkness of this deep passage is kept at bay by glowing mushroom pods hanging seemingly at random from the ceiling, casting an eerie greenish-yellow light only slightly fainter than torchlight. On close examination Lya confirms that they are not magical, though she abstains from collecting samples just yet. "I'm not the best with growing things," she admits ruefully.

"I-we teach," your guide pipes up earnestly.

"Maybe later," Lya defers with a fond smile. There are few better ways to get on her good side than offering to teach her something.

A little further on you finally reach the place where the stairway of the Old Gods bores into the complex beyond... but the deep corridors are not what they were. Clumps of shelve mushrooms spread from the walls, shivering ever so slightly like the ears of some odd beast as you pass, and patches of scaly mold cling to ancient arcane writings seemingly leaching some sustenance from the very stone.

As you approach the deeper chambers your guide whistles thrice quickly, and something unseen but obviously quite large shifts side, a sour yeasty scent filing your nostrils.

"Can it make itself visible?" you ask, intrigued. Not many mortal creatures have the power to turn unseen, and so you expect some sort of spirit.

When the guardian does just that you are forced to blink twice just to make sense of its odd form. The size of a wolf or large dog, it has four legs covered, or perhaps composed of greenish-black mold, and it has a sharp-toothed maw, but that is where all similarities with ordinary life end. Dozens of yellowish tubes cover it in a roughly three-sided alignment, and from those tubes slither out probing tongue-like filaments as much as ten feet long.

"How many of these beings are down here?" Lya asks as she walks over for a closer look.

"Eights... eights of thems for sure," the little thing replies, obviously very proud of answering this counting question swiftly.

"What other... servitors do you have down here?" you ask in turn, reflecting on that fact that your deeds have once more made this place a birth-place of the strange and uncanny. You doubt most would find these creatures begotten of strange mushrooms and lingering magic any less frightful than the flesh-crafts of the Valyrians.

"Yes... yes. Come, will show thorny," the excited little incarnate babbles, turning from his path.

Having no real goal in mind down here besides learning all you can, you and Lya follow along through one crumbling hall carved of Dragonstone now held up by the roots of the great tree in an echo of Bloodraven's cave far away.


"You have to admit, the name fits," Lya notes as the two of you watch a mass of green tendrils and blood-red thorns roughly the shape of a hound emerge from one of the old flesh vats now filled with faintly glowing compost. The thing has neither mouth nor tail and it moves in utter silence save for the scrape of thorn of stone.

"We has nine... now tens thornies. You wants one?" The spirit-kin notices your dubious expression. "They follows if you carry limb of gods," he motions to your staff. "Maybe not always understand, but follows... can be trained." You suspect it is trying to smile, a daunting prospect from a being with a circular mouth.

What do you ask of the guardians of the Life-Forge?

[] That some of them accompany you (Currently 17 Fungus Leshies, 8 Phantom Fungi and 10 Thornies)
-[] Write in how many and reasoning

[] That they create more of their kind (Price 50% of standard of a being with the relevant CR, or standard crafting cost, whichever is lower)
-[] Write in and reasoning

[] Ask more questions
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: You can make other sorts of plant creatures or even restore some of the construct creation facilities, but that will require research actions from Vee, Waymar, or Lya.
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I also like "the Star Knight" which is a bit more Waymar-centric than it is Royce. Our companions each deserve their own individual claim to fame, not have it fed into their families singularly. Not that Waymar would particularly mind. He's pretty level-headed like that.

Richard is already "the Knight of Skulls and Kisses" on top of being "the Tall".

On the one hand, that name would sound ridiculous if it wasn't for the fact that Richard could probably make it sound intimidating just by existing in general proximity of where it was uttered.

Edit: Another thing I did not know: House Lonmouth's words are apparently: "The Choice is Yours".
He is running around in a black VS plate with red trim and has a burning black VS sword with a skull pommel.

Anything with "Skulls" is a name to run away from really fast when applied to someone like that.
OOC: You can make other sorts of plant creatures or even restore some of the construct creation facilities, but that will require research actions from Vee, Waymar or Lya.
Any restrictions? Could we make a treant by coughing up the cost?

Can the Leshies self-replicate if supplied with regular bio-degradable reguse?

I was thinking about taking a few to start a waste disposal plant / seed colony in SD.
[] That some of them company you (Currently 17 fungus leshies, 8 Phantom Funguses and 10 Thorines)
-[] Write in how many and reasoning

Growing loot, my favorite kind of loot.

Alright, right off the bat we need to grab a couple of leshy for our own trees back in SD.

If they can make the dead into suitable sacrifices to the gods then having them at our main compost heap would make our 'acquisitions' all the easier when we go on our little trips.

As for the others they're best served staying here and guarding the tree.

Let's see how good burny's little band of fuck ups do when they get a hug from a very happy doggy that just happens to be made of thorns and pain or a surprise handshake from a giant mushroom made of teeth that's just dying to meet them.