I'm in Puerto Natales right now, so we are in the same country. I just came from Torres del Paine.

As far as the locals say, the weather is unnaturally warm. It feels like a slighty cold spring here, but the wind is blowing reaaaaally hard.
Well, I've kinda wanted to go to South America for a vacation for quite a while now, but never had a good target.
Thanks for giving me one. Looks great there. :)
Well, I've kinda wanted to go to South America for a vacation for quite a while now, but never had a good target.
Thanks for giving me one. Looks great there. :)
Chile >>> South America, as a rule of thumb. Best country here.

Tho there are some amazing places here in Brazil if you just avoid Rio and Bahia (the later for being more expensive than NYC). For example, Minas Gerais is the personification of "rural charm", known for gorgeous waterfalls and scenic views. Best food in the county, IMO. Not too expensive. Historic towns.

The whole of coastal Nordeste is amazing for their dunes, cristaline and warm waters, wind and water sports.

Fernando de Noronha is one of the foremost aquatic tourism spots in the world, besides being downright paradisiacal.
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Part MDCXCV: Fires of the Damned
Fires of the Damned

Fourth Day of the First Month 293 AC

"Do not presume that I would abandon companions upon the road," you call out loudly to the gleaming mists even as you will yourself to see truly, spending the spark power bound in enchained silver for the day. Yet you see nothing as the foul mists begin to sting your eyes. With the familiar pain of flesh reshaping you grow into the greatest of your winged forms, armored in scales thicker than steel, the power of sorcery burning bright in your thoughts.

"Then I shall use your skull for a goblet," the thing whispers hatefully in your mind. Only then do you glimpse it as the words draw your gaze instinctively to whence the speaker hides. In the heart of the whipping winds, shrouded by the foul miasmas, there flies a twisted figure.

As the djinn it has the upper body and head of a man trailing into mist bellow the waist, but there all similarity to the noble lords of air as you recall them from memories not your own ends. His skin is black as polished dragonstone and the mist that marks him is dark smoke and unclean miasmas. Upon his head two sets of horns rest, the first sharp and swept back like an Efreeti's, the second curving to either side of his head like those of a great bull. In his clawed hand he holds a charred and blackened staff... the mark of a sorcerer.

With an almost careless wave of its taloned hand the dark thing flings a handful of embers that burst into dark flame as they fall, and the cracking of defiled flames is as the anguish of the damned... it burns upon your scales not like fire, but like death that gnaws upon the soul, like the promise of damnation. To your horror you realize the fire will not die, but instead kindles in your flesh like a canker.

You take 14 Vile Damage

You are Shaken (-2 to attacks and saves)

Yet fire can be bright as well as dark. A pillar of shining red and gold plummets down from the ceiling and into the green depths, enveloping the dark figure for a moment. Though he seems barely singed, the monster looks down at Tyene with rage further disfiguring its already hideous features. "You dare burn me, little toy!" he roars aloud, his voice as filled with malice as the touch of his mind though the poison of false civility has long since fled. "I will wring from your flesh such torments as devils shall look upon in awe!"

From the corner of your eye you see Maelor rise into the air on wings of shadow, though he stays well back from the whipping maelstrom. Waymar by contrast is anything but subtle, flinging twin bolts of lightning one after the other directly at the monster, and while its bolt nature and uncanny speed may have shielded it from the brunt of the blow, you see thin cracks in its chest where the blow had struck like a hammer upon stone.

Eschewing direct battle for now, Dany spins instead a web of soothing gold, a ward to guard against mists and miasmas... not a moment too soon for you sense a subtle weight lifted from your chest.

As Ser Richard glares furiously at the foe well out of his reach or Alyneah's, and Glyra calls brashly, "Throw me! I can float!"

Wisely the knight does not toss the little gremlin to go against against the corrupted djinn in his own element, but instead calls to your sister, "I need to get up there!"

What do you do next?

[] Write in

OOC: This guy has the Vile Damage version of Agonizing Flames.
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We should propably do some fire damage too.
Just to prove that while others can cheat with Vile and Divine damage, we can push fire itself beyond its natural limits.:D

How high is the ceiling here, asking for Cometfall?

Any ideas on how to make this one a trophy? I'm having a tough time thinking on how to replicate the lower half of its body.

Any ideas on how to make this one a trophy? I'm having a tough time thinking on how to replicate the lower half of its body.
He will probably just leave a pile of dust.

The important thing is burning him to death and then researching how to make Viserys fire based attacks permanently more potent by consuming it.
With an almost careless wave of its taloned hand the dark thing flings a handful of embers that burst into dark flame as they fall, and the cracking of defiled flames is as the anguish of the damned... it burns upon your scales not like fire, but like death that gnaws upon the soul, like the promise of damnation. To your horror you realize the fire will not die, but instead kindles in your flesh like a canker.
@DragonParadox, the spell description allows someone to transfer the effect on himself by a Grapple check.

Can we do the reverse? Grapple the Djinni to transfer his own spell on him?
@DragonParadox Should be two bolts from Lightning Lance, and Waymar treats Electricity Immunity as Resist 20 per his class features. So 6d6 bludgeoning + (20d6 Electricity - 40). He gets a fort save for half on the electricity.
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Either asr searing pain brand or quickened dispel + s/p brand or quickened s/pain darts + s/pain brand.

Basically quickened or asr.

Then maybe celerity and s/pain darts or s/pain brand.

And then get Richard some Ex wings. Awesome ones that are default hidden but can be used indefinitely, and don't mess with you like a friend/undead/abberation graft.
So remember how Viserys innermonologue had him realize the enemy-to-smoke spelll were probably to capture genie kind originally?


Sure would have been nice if Lya were here for this fight. Dammit.