Plan heavily revised based on @TotallyNotEvil's insights.

[X] Viserys immediately uses his earring to gain True Seeing as a Swift Action and grows to HHD form as he says, "My companions and I have agreed to escort our new friends to their home. Although we have no quarrel with you, we will act in defense of ourselves and our allies. Take this opportunity for the gift it is and leave this place, else face destruction."
-[X] The party prepares as follows:
--[X] Malarys prepares as he sees fit (maybe Divine Power?).
--[X] Glyra readies an action to use her Swift Invisibility SLA.
--[X] Maelor targets Viserys with a Nerveskitter spell, then casts Child of the Dark.
--[X] Tyene casts Divine Favor on herself and summons her Sand Whip.
--[X] Richard use his earring to gain True Seeing and activates his armor's Holy Aura as a Swift Action.
--[X] Waymar casts See Invisibility then readies an action to use his Lightning Lance EX ability.
--[X] Dany casts True Seeing.
--[X] Viserys casts Searing Agonizing Mass Fire Shield and Quickened Haste on everyone.
-[] Be ready to Celerity -> Resilient Sphere in case of tunnel collapse.

Malarys doesn't strikes me as a Divine Power kind of guy. Let's not make bad suggestion in the vote when we don't know anything,

[X] Goldfish
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That might be a sign of the Targaryen madness setting in, you know? Carrying around your giant Devil hand puppet and having conversations with it.
I was thinking the Cornugon on his right hand, the Velroc on the left and the Ulitharid on his tail. The last ones mouth is covered by tentacles anyway, so he just needs to waggle him around a bit to make the tentacles sway as a visual cue for it talking.

That's much more entertaining then regular puppet theater. :)
-[] Be ready to Celerity -> Resilient Sphere in case of tunnel collapse.

Malarys doesn't strikes me as a divine power kind of guy.

[X] Goldfish

I don't think tunnel collapse is an issue here. DP described this location as contained within a vast chamber. We haven't even started to use the arch which crosses the strange pools within the chamber.

I wouldn't have thought so either, until he smote the shit out of a Forgefiend using either Harm or Slay Living by touch. Now I'm not sure. He might be more willing to go melee than I expected.
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Thinking on it, we're not getting a shield and mirror image, and those are personal defense only. Viserys' second round might be better sent trying to make enimeis fall prone en mass before they close in on the melee. Maybe quickend (area/targeted) dispel (or searing pain darts) + searing agonising firebrand /clerity searing agonising firebrand on second round/part of first round?

Prone enimeis before they close and make mass prones impossible due to close range with allies is worth way more than personal buffs.

And greater blink trumps shield overall imo.

Thinking on it, we're not getting a shield and mirror image, and those are personal defense only. Viserys' second round might be better sent trying to make enimeis fall prone en mass before they close in on the melee. Maybe quickend (area/targeted) dispel (or searing pain darts) + searing agonising firebrand /clerity searing agonising firebrand on second round/part of first round?

Prone enimeis before they close and make mass prones impossible due to close range with allies is worth way more than personal buffs.

And greater blink trumps shield overall imo.

I've removed all but one round of spellcasting from the plan, given the likelihood that we'll be burning shit to death very shortly after Viserys stops talking.
I've removed all but one round of spellcasting from the plan, given the likelihood that we'll be burning shit to death very shortly after Viserys stops talking.

Awesome. Butttt... Maybe add in about the clerity + agonising (searing) firebrand if a large number of enimeis appear?

Prone opportunies are probably worth the extra round considering how many people are with us imo
Awesome. Butttt... Maybe add in about the clerity + agonising (searing) firebrand if a large number of enimeis appear?

Prone opportunies are probably worth the extra round considering how many people are with us imo

That'll be a vote for after the next update for when we have a clue what we're facing.
do you guys think I should do and interlude while you hash this out?

I think everything is set now. Tally is being weird, but the vote is unanimous.

EDIT: Oops, I originally linked an old tally that didn't have an edit I made for Dany.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Feb 3, 2018 at 2:47 PM, finished with 148104 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Viserys immediately uses his earring to gain True Seeing as a Swift Action and grows to HHD form as he says, "My companions and I have agreed to escort our new friends to their home. Although we have no quarrel with you, we will act in defense of ourselves and our allies. Take this opportunity for the gift it is and leave this place, else face destruction."
    -[X] The party prepares as follows:
    --[X] Malarys prepares as he sees fit.
    --[X] Glyra readies an action to use her Swift Invisibility SLA.
    --[X] Maelor targets Viserys with a Nerveskitter spell, then casts Child of the Dark.
    --[X] Tyene casts Divine Favor on herself and summons her Sand Whip.
    --[X] Richard use his earring to gain True Seeing and activates his armor's Holy Aura as a Swift Action.
    --[X] Waymar casts See Invisibility then readies an action to use his Lightning Lance EX ability.
    --[X] Dany Dreamcasts a Reached Living Bubble spell on all party members and as many Shaitan as possible.
    --[X] Viserys casts Searing Agonizing Mass Fire Shield and Quickened Haste on everyone.
    [X] TotallyNotEvil
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15:13 right now in the South Cone, enjoying a pleasant summer early afternoon here in Chile as poor TNE likely melts up in Brazil heh. @Tomcost how's the weather over the Andes?

I'm in Puerto Natales right now, so we are in the same country. I just came from Torres del Paine.

As far as the locals say, the weather is unnaturally warm. It feels like a slighty cold spring here, but the wind is blowing reaaaaally hard.