I'd much rather keep going with the other islands until we get the scheduled warning that someone is planning to steal it. This was supposed to be the Lyre for the entire Stepstones. We wanted to go beyond that but you talked us down to just the islands. Don't make us downsize even further when we haven't even gotten any warnings yet.
What @MTB said. It's getting riskier every month.

At least scuttle it before we deploy a Lure to the Wall. The music analogies ran thick around the CotF, so I'm worried that the Others will target Lyres as their counter move to our building spree for the Watch.
Alright. That's it.

We are making a musician Arcanum and a second Lyre.

Edit: And we should scuttle the first one soonish. Most of SD is build on it.

I know it seems like we've done a lot with it, but we've only really used it for...what, 2-3 actions? We've barely started using it. It's pricey enough that I want to get through 2-5 actions after the fall of Tyrosh before smashing it (at minimum, fix battle damage to Tyrosh and then smash it).

@Diomedon, the SSE headquarters should have been done as the core of the merchant district we finished.

We even already made the wards this month.

I was just listing it as an example of bureaucracy type things. *shrugs*
What @MTB said. It's getting riskier every month.

At least scuttle it before we deploy a Lure to the Wall. The music analogies ran thick around the CotF, so I'm worried that the Others will target Lyres as their counter move to our building spree for the Watch.
Please don't jump the gun. We have a thorough system of divinations already in place to detect any attempts to steal the lyre. Let's use the Lyre for what we built it to do--build up the entire Stepstones--then scuttle it. Prematurely destroying it before we've even gotten a hint of a warning is not going to help us.
I know it seems like we've done a lot with it, but we've only really used it for...what, 2-3 actions? We've barely started using it. It's pricey enough that I want to get through 2-5 actions after the fall of Tyrosh before smashing it.
A result of our slow time progression I think. It feels like ages already.

Case in point, it took 1.5 RL months for the current tirn and it's not even entirely finished yet.

I was just listing it as an example of bureaucracy type things. *shrugs*
Just wanted to make sure, since we already paid for those wards.
Actually, He'Nekar might be close enough to reach the Basilisk Isles. It looks about the same distance from the Stepstones to He'Nekar and He'Nekar to the Basilisk Isles, unless we're running into scaling issues due to poor cartography.

While we couldn't do it in one trip, two hops is still manageable.
This isn't true. I didn't have the majority. Vote was at a tie before I switched. Afterwards I tried to convince Goldfish to lower the amount of gold he was giving the Night's Watch, but that went ignored.
If that tally is accurate then you were ahead, since it's missing my vote which I canceled later when you merged. But if you remember being even at that point you're probably right, I didn't check it myself. Doesn't matter at this point anyway.
@DragonParadox, would you allow a violin of building?

Half-Celestial Arcanum with a violin.
Xor on the Lyre.
Half-Celestial Dany, who plays a tambourine due to lack of much musical skill.
Moonsong on the flute.
The CotF sing along.

Now that's something for the rumour mill.
Are we sure that being known to have been provided shit ton of weaponry, armour, magicl shit and even magical being to repair castle by viserys targaryen will have a positive effect in getting high quality recruits that LC wants? It can actually possibly cause a backlash In public opinion for the nights watch.

....Meh, who cares.
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Part MDCLX: Dragons Atop a Northern Spire
Dragons Atop a Northern Spire

Twenty-Third Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

Seeing that the moment has come to move beyond promises, you place a sealed bag bulging with golden dragons on the table in front of Lord Commander Mormont, five times what you had given Cotter, though still a small enough sum as your finances are now balanced. "This is a gift to be spent how you see fit..."

Lost 1000 Gold

"I can hear the but in your voice, no need to be coy as a courtier about it," the old lord interrupts you.

"I would advise against using it for weapons and armor as in at most a month's time I have will be sending shipments of both, not only dragonglass, but steel, enough to arm and armor all the Black Brothers at need." Seeing the surprised expressions around the table you shrug. "Magic can serve many purposes and not only upon the battlefield. A list of preferred weapons would be useful of course..."

"You are just going to magic up thousands of pieces of armor and weapons." Ser Thorne sounds beyond mere disbelief. "If you can do that, how the hell haven't you kicked the fat bastard out of King's Landing?"

"Alister!" his commander growls. "That is not and never has been the concern of the Watch!" Once he has ensured himself that the knight is suitably chastised he turns to you. "I will see to it that the Lord Steward writes up that list at once. One thing we not lack for is shortages in equipment, not just weapons and armor, but tools, clothes. I'm no corn counter, but you would have to be blind not to see it," he admits simply with a sort of courage that is far less common than that upon the field of war, that of a man willing to put his duty before his pride.

For one irrational moment you resent that he bears the black cloak of the Watch. What use you might have gotten from such a rare commander? You shake the notion away.

"Beyond that my ships can deliver food to Eastwatch even earlier and I can also provide some magic. Nothing too uncanny: lanterns that burn without fuel, and belts that provide a limited amount of magical healing every day," With utmost care you demonstrate then go over the limitation of simple healing belts, remembering how misunderstandings over the limitations of magic can fester.

"So it should be good as long as the man isn't missing any limbs or digits, and he's not sick, including wound rot?" Maester Aemon concludes. "I would advise keeping such a thing safe in the keeps, least the wildlings hunt our brothers as wolves hunt deer over them."

"One more offer then I can make," you add. "In my travels I have gained the service of benevolent beings which can work stone like clay in their hands. I could loan the use of their services to the Watch..."

"Kindly meant though that may be I will have to refuse it at least for now," the Lord Commander says. "Let the men feel honest steel in their hands first before sending over grumpkins and snarks, friendly though they may be."

With that he bids you good day taking a somewhat reluctant Ser Thorne with him, though saying not a word about Maester Aemon.


Though the door closes with a very solid thud you still wait a few moments more to speak. "It is good to see you in the flesh, uncle. Before all else I would thank you. Your advice has helped us... more than you can imagine."

"I never liked him you know," he admits, "Not when we met at court, nor later when he came North with me and soon became Lord Commander, still less when I saw him in dreams and knew he was not as dead as many assumed. Yet perhaps this is a time for such as him. I can bring myself to be glad now, for the Watch and for you, though it causes the odd twinge of conscience." Though his words are light you sense a greater turmoil behind the old man's eyes.

"It is good to have twinges of conscience from time to time uncle," Dany says gravely. "It helps keep it working like a living sinew, not a piece of brittle stone."

"What's this?" he asks, looking around with an exaggerated scowl. "Someone giving me sage advice? I'll have you know that as the oldest here that is my privilege. I've suffered through a great deal of aches and pains to gain it, too."

Dany laughs a little, her expression most unlike the sharp predatory glare that had so unnerved Ser Alister Thorne. "Wait here a moment, there's someone you have to meet."

And so it comes to past that in the tower named for kings but too rarely visited by them a man who might twice taken the throne meets for the first time a woman who had been Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in truth and who had lived and died without once crossing paths with him... and now lived again.

Your mother greets Aemon warmly with a careful hug. After the moment of shock had fully passed the old man asks: "So you do not resent me for setting your children in his path?"

"It seems they were always meant to walk a strange path." A shake of the head, then she adds, likely more to convince herself than any other, "They assure me that he is in fact the lesser evil, and with the world as changed as I have found it... who am I to judge?"

What do you do next?

[] Copy and repair texts from the vaults

[] Offer healing to the Black Brothers

[] Ask Maester Aemon of the troubles of the Night's Watch

[] Write in

OOC: Why yes, Viserys did feel briefly sorry he could not loot Jeor Mormont.
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@DragonParadox, would you allow a violin of building?

Half-Celestial Arcanum with a violin.
Xor on the Lyre.
Half-Celestial Dany, who plays a tambourine due to lack of much musical skill.
Moonsong on the flute.
The CotF sing along.

Now that's something for the rumour mill.

An Arcanum with with Perform and the Divine Insight spell would be an ideal Lyre user. Good idea.

Hell, if she also knew Hoard Gullet, she could store the Lyre in a nearly impossible to reach location.
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Positive Energy/Law, Builder, Supporter, Planner
Name: Singer of Life
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native)
HP: 6d8 (33 HP)
AC: 10 +4 +4 (Shield) =18 (MA)
Initiative: +0
Attack: 6 BAB
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT)
Fast Healing 5
Darkvision 60ft
Resistances: Clod, Electricity, Fire, Sonic 5
SR: 11

8 (-1) Strength
10 (+0) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
14 (+2) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
14 (+2) Wisdom


Concentration 9 +1(CON) =10
Craft (Metalworking) 9 +4(INT) =13
Craft (Leatherworking) 5 +4(INT) =9
Diplomacy 5 +2(CHA) =7
Heal 5 +2(WIS) = 11
Knowledge (Arcana) 5 +4 (INT) =9
Knowledge (Religion) 9 +4 (INT )=13
Kowledge (the Planes) 5 +4 (INT) =9
Knowledge (History) 9 +4 (INT) =13
Knowledge (Nature) 9 +4 (INT) =13
Knowledge (Warfare) 9 +4 (INT) = 13
Knowledge (Architecture) 9 +4 (INT) = 13
Performance (String Instruments) 9 +2 (CHA) = 11
Sense Motive 9 +2 (WIS) =11
Spellcraft 9 +4 (INT) = 13

Edit (SYN) boni later.

Arcane Thesis (Boneshaker), Still Spell, Silent Spell, Extended Arcana ( Great Thunderclap)

Spells Known:
Level 0: Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Light, No Light, Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Cure Minor Wounds
Level 1: Blessed Aim, Keep Watch, Command, Bless, Shield (7/day)
Level 2: Unseen Crafter, Divine Insight, Boneshaker (6/day)
Level 3: Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Great Thunderclap (4/day)

Smite Chaos
Linked Mind (Lya and other Law-Arcanums only)
@Azel very raw version of a Builder Lya.
Silent and Still spell together with Boneshaker to give her some always-available self defence against Watch and Wildlings alike.
String instruments to use the Lyre.
Crafting and Architecture together with Unseen Crafter to be able to do stuff without the Lyre.
Some buffs, Thunderclap and skill in War to make her useful in direct fights, Watchmen can deal the damage, she aids and directs.
@Azel very raw version of a Builder Lya.
Silent and Still spell together with Boneshaker to give her some always-available self defence against Watch and Wildlings alike.
String instruments to use the Lyre.
Crafting and Architecture together with Unseen Crafter to be able to do stuff without the Lyre.
Some buffs, Thunderclap and skill in War to make her useful in direct fights, Watchmen can deal the damage, she aids and directs.
I would swap Law for Good since we don't have Law yet and Half-Celestial is a fantastic template for a highly visible envoy of us.

The potential of Good-Positive becoming pacifistic shouldn't be an issue for a crafter, especially when Wights are the most likely enemies.
I would swap Law for Good since we don't have Law yet and Half-Celestial is a fantastic template for a highly visible envoy of us.

The potential of Good-Positive becoming pacifistic shouldn't be an issue for a crafter, especially when Wights are the most likely enemies.
Good point, I thought about the "Shield of Civilisation" theme, but Good works there too.

You or Goldfish can refine it if you want to, I'm too fascinated finally playing as SETTRA to post much this evening.;)
@Azel very raw version of a Builder Lya.
Silent and Still spell together with Boneshaker to give her some always-available self defence against Watch and Wildlings alike.
String instruments to use the Lyre.
Crafting and Architecture together with Unseen Crafter to be able to do stuff without the Lyre.
Some buffs, Thunderclap and skill in War to make her useful in direct fights, Watchmen can deal the damage, she aids and directs.

Dedicated constructor should probably have stone shape. Possibly Crafters fortune as well.

I was going to say the same thing, zxzx24.

We could also include the Alchemy skill and the Shape Wood spell. Being able to manufacture Alchemist's Fire could be useful, and between the Shape Wood and Shape Stone spells, she would be able to pull off a budget version of Fabricate.
@Goldfish, your opinion?

Hoard Gullet is a great idea. We can stuff the Violin of Building into a warded lead box before she swallows it.

I would prefer to build her as a healer, not a buffer like Mercy.