@Diomedon Basically, something like this:

Basic Assault Trooper - STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 8 - Warrior 3 - Power Attack, Furious Focus, Cleave - Equipment: Razor Sharp Mercurial Fullblade, Reinforced Fullplate, Mwk Buckler

Veteran Assault Trooper - As basic, two levels in Fighter, take Combat Expertise and Gang Up.

@DragonParadox Which is easier to train/acquire: A Warrior 3/Fighter 2, or a Fighter 4?

Looks similar to what I tried to make, though more polished. I too did the huge sword with gang-up, because if gang-up is ever justified, it's when trained guys with huge swords are swinging them around.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by TotallyNotEvil on Jan 25, 2018 at 10:23 AM, finished with 144270 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan Quartermaster
    -[X] Arms & Armor: We will provide every member of the Nightwatch with Masterwork armor and weapons of the highest quality, including weapons and projectiles fashioned from dragonglass. We should be able to begin delivering on this promise within a month's time.
    -[X] We can provide magical healing to anyone suffering from injury or illness.
    -[X] Along with deliveries of weapons and armor, we can also provide significant quantities of high quality foodstuffs. These we can begin much sooner, within a week or two, if there are no emergencies we must deal with.
    -[X] Although they may be understandably wary of magic, we can provide them with simple but effective enchanted items which would greatly aid them in their duties and reduce their expenses considerably. Lanterns which burn continually with no heat and which require no fuel, items which can provide a limited amount of magical healing each day, and another which would allow a man who touches it to endure even the terrible cold of the North as if it was a pleasant spring day.
    -[X] In the interim, while we gather and craft all of this, we would leave 1,000 IM to augment their finances. Ask that this money be spent on critical supplies or saved for emergencies, as we are hoping to provide for all of their needs that would otherwise require them to expend their limited funds.
    -[X] We have in our service benevolent creatures capable of working stone as if it were clay. If the Lord Commander agrees, we can lend the aid of a team of Pech who would be tasked with repairing the deteriorating fortifications used by the Nightwatch.
"It is not only cold things and dead things that stir, the Old Gods wake to face their ancient foes. The streams and stones whisper to those with the ear to listen even now," you answer, implying a slightly closer kinship with the Old Gods than you have without technically lying. Then again you probably could create something like that map if you spent several years charting the trackless north staff in hand.

It is to that staff that three sets of eyes gaze, Aemon with understanding, the Lord Commander with respect, and Ser Thorne with wariness.
Runestaff of the Old Gods is already paying its way as a symbol of our alliance. :D I love this thing.
I really hope he'll take our words to heart and set the money aside for emergencies. A four Pech repair crew could work wonders for them in a very short time.
He's not. It doesn't get clearer than this:
@DragonParadox, is there any way we could convince Lord Mormont to hold off on fixing the castles?
If you could somehow find him some other influx of recruits, otherwise no.
DP outright told us we'd get a solid no for convincing him to hold off on repairing the castles.

I did try to warn you.
Why not invite the Lord Commander for a quick trip to SD and show him how building is done? Could be done when we transport the Children but before he orders the builders himself.
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I don't think that's a good idea. They're cutting it pretty close to treason as it is. the LC that fought for team Targaryen during the civil war leaving his post to visit us would not go down well.
I don't think that's a good idea. They're cutting it pretty close to treason as it is. the LC that fought for team Targaryen during the civil war leaving his post to visit us would not go down well.
The lord commander didn't fight for team Targaryen, and there is no such thing as treason for him. He's outside the purview of the seven kingdoms.
Okay, trying to organize the construction stuff by DP turn action chunks.

Sorcerer's Deep:
Harbor Improvements (Mostly done)
-Harbor Lighthouse Megastructure (post-tyrosh)
Harbor Warehouses/Mechantile district
Watertower, sewer exit purification rings, public baths, distributed public lavatories/places to drain chamber pots, etc.
City Wall/In city Military areas
City Hall/SSE headquarters/Formal Watch headquarters/bureaucracy buildings, etc.
Menagerie (probably is going to be pretty large, anticipating new captures and successful breeding programs)
Public portion/improvement to Merling King Temple (likely post-Tyrosh)
Probably 2 "Residential Districts" building actions (our planned city is bigger than our current population, so should take some time)
Military Base across the bay (low priority)
-Bay entrance lighthouses/watchtowers/boom chain across entire bay semi-megastructure
Either Improvements to our Keep or Temporary nicer keep before we start the mega-keep (low priority)

Small enough to improve just about everything in one action (harbor, housing, mines, and the defensive bolt-hole for the population).

Port Sorrow:
Also small enough to improve just about everything in one action

Training Center

Deepcleft: (we're mostly making Saan do the work here, and he's pretty meh about it, but included for completeness)

Harbor Improvements

Other projects with not enough information:
Tyrosh Repair
The Wall Castle Repair for the Watch
Basilisk Fleet Base???
Daemon's Folly???

Looking at all that, I think we haven't been giving enough support to Xor, so the material production is the part that is lagging behind. With a few Dany/Lya days more of support we should hit 2.5 Lyre actions a month (not counting the Harbor expansion), or 5 more before Tyrosh, plus the Harbor Expansion.

Rough Schedule
Finish SD Harbor
Complete SD Waterworks
SD Menagerie
Training Center at Westhaven
SD Wall
SD Bureaucracy Buildings

*Tyrosh occurs*

Repair Tyrosh Battle Damage
Westhaven Harbor (to receive recruits)
At least one Residential action
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You had the vote majority so you could have just taken Goldfish's plan with that alteration rather than warning him.
This isn't true. I didn't have the majority. Vote was at a tie before I switched. Afterwards I tried to convince Goldfish to lower the amount of gold he was giving the Night's Watch, but that went ignored.
Adhoc vote count started by Duesal on Jan 25, 2018 at 11:52 AM, finished with 144301 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Aid for the Watch
    -[X] 2500 IM right now
    --[X] Make it clear that you will be providing weapons and armor in your next visit, so the gold is best spent elsewhere.
    --[X] Also make it clear that you will be helping restore the castles of the Night's Watch for free when time allows (when you're sure they won't react too poorly to Xor).
    --[X] Room to negotiate for more monetary aid in the future if the Night's Watch has need of it.
    -[X] Next month:
    --[X] 300 suits of armor as ordered (anything from a chainmail to fullplate, make it clear that there is no limitation, they can get whatever they ask for in the highest quality)
    --[X] 300 weapons as ordered
    --[X] 2000 obsidian daggers
    --[X] 50,000 obsidian arrowheads
    -[X] The month after:
    --[X] 400 suits of armor as ordered (anything from a chainmail to fullplate)
    --[X] 400 weapons as ordered
    --[X] Obsidian prefab parts for castles
    --[X] Obsidian spikes for fortifications
    --[X] 1 statue of Resist Cold for Castle Black
    -[X] Magic items
    --[X] Amulets of PfE over time for their most elite Rangers who brave the dangers Beyond the Wall. This would be one of our rarer gifts given the sheer cost and effort it takes to make them.
    --[X] Healing belts, which could stave off live-threatening injuries. These are a bit cheaper for us to make, but only a bit, and they still need time to be crafted.
    -[X] Magical healing while we're here now, and when we drop supplies off at the Wall. We can remove diseases and addictions, etc, basically anything short of amputations.
    -[X] Food and other supplies that they request will come with the first supply drop, but they need to give us a comprehensive list of everything they want.
    -[X] Ask permission to on occasion send your own mages or others loyal to you Beyond the Wall, either to hunt magic items or slay monsters or any other business you might have.
    -[X] Promise to send mages and others as recruits to the Night's Watch whenever you can.
    [X] Plan Quartermaster
    -[X] Arms & Armor: We will provide every member of the Nightwatch with Masterwork armor and weapons of the highest quality, including weapons and projectiles fashioned from dragonglass. We should be able to begin delivering on this promise within a month's time.
    -[X] We can provide magical healing to anyone suffering from injury or illness.
    -[X] Along with deliveries of weapons and armor, we can also provide significant quantities of high quality foodstuffs. These we can begin much sooner, within a week or two, if there are no emergencies we must deal with.
    -[X] Although they may be understandably wary of magic, we can provide them with simple but effective enchanted items which would greatly aid them in their duties and reduce their expenses considerably. Lanterns which burn continually with no heat and which require no fuel, items which can provide a limited amount of magical healing each day, and another which would allow a man who touches it to endure even the terrible cold of the North as if it was a pleasant spring day.
    -[X] In the interim, while we gather and craft all of this, we would leave 1,000 IM to augment their finances. Ask that this money be spent on critical supplies or saved for emergencies, as we are hoping to provide for all of their needs that would otherwise require them to expend their limited funds.
    -[X] We have in our service benevolent creatures capable of working stone as if it were clay. If the Lord Commander agrees, we can lend the aid of a team of Pech who would be tasked with repairing the deteriorating fortifications used by the Nightwatch.
Alright. That's it.

We are making a musician Arcanum and a second Lyre.

Edit: And we should scuttle the first one soonish. Most of SD is build on it.
Edit: And we should scuttle the first one soonish. Most of SD is build on it.
I'd much rather keep going with the other islands until we get the scheduled warning that someone is planning to steal it. This was supposed to be the Lyre for the entire Stepstones. We wanted to go beyond that but you talked us down to just the islands. Don't make us downsize even further when we haven't even gotten any warnings yet.