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We could have Dany induct her in the faith of Draconic Glory. Her loyalty is for her children first and foremost. Even just an Adept would be awesome. She does not have to go all the way of being tempted by Tiamat's power and reject it.
That said, we should get to making a Draconic Glory temple or altar for now. No, we're not getting a cult to worship us, honest
Little Sister starts new religion of Draconic Glory and specifically excludes Grandma.
Realm inducted into religion, Grandma's schtick is being supreme overlord of her children, new religion empowers children and leaves her stagnant.
Disciples of Draconic Glory are dutiful for boons are bountiful, who's the most Glorious Dragon they know?
Emperor of Planetos Viserys Targaryen of course.
Emperor Targaryen venerated by entire plane of disciples, Grandma continues to stagnate.
It's the logical progression.
And coupled with
Never have you more fervently wished for a god's power before, not the gasp of stillborn light you held in Mantarys but truly power divine, you own and no others' that you might turn back even the void at need.
Why did you become a God?
"Because it was necessary and the people asked it of me."