Life Enduring
Twentieth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
As you hold your sister close and warm healing light pulses through her, erasing the little harm that the ice dragon's freezing breath did to her, your mind flinches from thinking how much more it could have done.
The power to unmake one until not even memory remains... Never have you more fervently wished for a god's power before, not the gasp of stillborn light you held in Mantarys but truly power divine, you own and no others' that you might turn back even the void at need.
The sight of your own blood still dripping onto the snowy ground, the twinge of pain in your palms where you had torn at them with claws pulls you into more immediate concerns. Still holding Dany in a one-armed hug you heal yourself with a trickle of power drawn from your belt, then with a wave of a hand you scour the ground with flame to leave nothing of yourself in this place.
"Mother witnessed all this," Dany whispers to you, then you feel her wings vanish as a dream before morning's light. "I think it might help her to see us both like this now."
And so side by side and now entirely unchanged and unharmed, the two of you walk back to the cave you had carved in haste. Recalling the terrible powers you had wielded and the foe you had battled, you steel yourself to see fear in your mother's eyes, the raw uncomprehending terror you had seen so many times before. Instead she rushes both of you into a hug that is almost painfully tight, seeking wordless assurance. You do not know just how long you stand thus amid the swirling snow before she asks voice shaking. "Are... are you alright? Is it gone?"
Very much so," you assure her. "I would say it's in several thousand pieces."
"Can you..." she swallows, visibly shaking and struggling to blink away tears, "ask the Children if more of those things are coming?"
Nodding to herself Dany utters a brief spell to give herself the power to speak as though in the True Tongue of the Singers and ask just that though her words are oddly slow, a song twinged around them as an echo barely heard. For a moment you wonder why she can not simply gifted the power to speak the common tongue onto the Children themselves, then you realize what her worry must have been.
After listening to Soft Strider Dany replies. "No more of them will come, they are rare as to be almost unheard of even in the Deep North, near the Lands of always Winter, and it is summer still." Of course she could not offer the true reassurance, for every move Bloodraven made the Others would counter and now that counter had been played.
"Rare..." She shakes her head in disbelief. "That was a
dragon... a dragon made of ice."
"Such a thing could not cross the Wall, nor go around it, no more than its true masters might," you reassure her confidently. "Soon we will be at Castle Black and then beyond it where such things cannot trouble us." In your heart you know the words to be hollow in essence even as they are true in the particular. There are horrors and monsters in the south also, but your mother does not need to hear that now.
"What were those...
things?" she asks, trailing off at a loss for words.
"Wards to guard against dark powers, and as to the shape I took that is just another working, like Dany's, though..." you offer a smile, "for obvious reasons I do not use it as often, or
"Indeed," Dany picks up the jest with a show of mock-severity. "The treasury is not so full that it can stand for you breaking keeps all the time."
Your mother starts to laugh then, and if there is an edge of hysteria to it... well you would hardly be one to blame her. "Old Gods, New, and any others that may be listening, I'm glad you are safe," she says fervently.
"Do we press on or make camp here, your grace?" Ser Richard asks, sounding as though he wishes to ask other questions but does not know what else is safe in present company.
Somewhere beyond the snow-laden clouds you know the sun is well past its zenith but there are a few more hours of light still you know.
What do you do next?
[] Make camp here
-[] Write in plan
[] Ride on
-[] Write in plan
OOC: The write in is for stuff like looting, talking to Rhaella, talking to the Children etc... XP will be granted in one shot once you cross the Wall southwards. Also you can thank your lucky stars for Dany's high wisdom. The Children with their alien fatalistic outlook would have seen no reason not to mention why they do not fear a second dragon coming.