It really does seem like we've yet to find an actual Lawful Good person that didn't constantly get on the thread's nerves and make them want to either kill them or get as far away from them as possible.
Waymar (if he was ever around more than once every irl month

) always seemed to get on someone's nerves, even after we have beaten most of the Stupid out of him, and I remember people voting to murder the Archons when we first met them on the road to Mantarys. Even now people mostly avoid contact with them for reasons that seem mostly unstated.
DP decided to make Bahamut Stupid Good, for whatever reason.
The only possible LG person I've seen so far that hasn't been immediately hated by the thread has been Fenly, and he's literally created to be the Perfect Lord. Even then he still pissed some people off by wanting to find the actual Renly in the Feywild.
Is it really too much to ask for a likable, non-stupid LG person?