He also broke guest right. The only Old Gods stricture he didn't break is the ban on slavery.

That said Dany would totally help him break out now if he asked not only because of all the help he's given you but because he is family.

Well, that's to be expected. She's not the lawful King who has incentives to act in a just and worthy manner in all but the most dire circumstances because everything he does is precedent, and has gods who really hate oathbreakers as close associates.
We could technically get around the oath by killing him and then raising him. Afterall the oath specifically says, "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death."
You can't rewrite oaths. That'd work for new people going to the wall, but for people sworn under the old way it'd be tough luck, and just cause resentment. This is why you have to be careful about oaths, they are not modifiable.
You can release oaths.

And it's not like he's not an oathbreaker already, I'm perfectly willing to make up a "if you save humanity from an apocalypse you get a royal free pass" ruling.
Bloodraven realizes that first, he has to win. Probably at any cost.

Then he can start thinking about pushing the idea on the tree network that maybe they should cut him loose and replace him with someone less enraging to be hooked up to.

Possibly when most of the weirwood.exe is no longer howling in righteous anger.
Preliminary plan. I think we should go to Eastwatch first, for reasons I outlined a few pages back. We can ferry all of the Children, except for maybe one who wishes to see the giants, back to SD with Rhaella, rest up, then return to Eastwatch before heading for Castle Black.

[X] Together, Viserys, Dany, and Richard will explain the past eight years in broad strokes, so as to not overwhelm Rhaella more than absolutely necessary. Do not lie, or try to obfuscate the truth, but save the deeper, more disturbing truths for later, once she's back in Sorcerer's Deep, an unfamiliar place, but at least one that fits within her mental paradigm.
-[X] Once Dany has a chance to prepare her spells, she will swap out Blessed Aim for another Endure Elements spell for Rhaella and Revivify for Greater Stone Shape. If we are forced to make camp for a night North of the Wall, she will use Greater Stone Shape to create a small, fortified redoubt from the nearest acceptable rock outcropping. Later, we will share the location of this fort with the Brothers of the Nightwatch so that they may use it in the future.
--[X] When we are ready to depart, give Bloodraven our farewells and heartfelt thanks for returning our mother to us and sharing such important information with us. Express our regret that the obsidian sand will not allow us to remain in regular contact with him.
---[X] Viserys will create 13 Phantom Steeds for everyone to ride; eight using all of his 3rd level spell slots, two using four 2nd level spell slots, and three using 4th level spell slots. Two Children of the Forest will need to ride on most of the steeds. We will then ride for Castle Black at the best possible speed, flying low enough to avoid the harshest of the Northern winds, but high enough to be safe from random attacks made by ground-based threats.
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Wonderful interlude DP. One of the Greats, I can already feel it.

-Why are we dumping the Giants? They're right there! We can order Ser Richard on permament bodyguard duty with Rhaella in case anything happens.

-Showing up in Castle Black with a CotF would leave an impression. Just saying.
@Goldfish, ask Rhaella if she wants to see giants.

If she wants to come along I'd happily bring her. We are more than capable of protecting her from anything that might harm her, and she gets to see us in action.

But bottomline, we're not finishing this quest without speaking with the giants. That is a prime diplomancing opportunity I flat-out refuse to miss.
We could technically get around the oath by killing him and then raising him. Afterall the oath specifically says, "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death."

That hits the kinslayer clause, since he's our relative. Someone else has to kill him, and not on our orders.

And I think flying at all greatly increases our risk. It's not about altitude, it's about the metaphor. We're dealing with magic beings who have a metaphysical connection to air. Flying through it, be it 3 inches above the ground, or 3 miles, opens us up to attack.

I'd prefer to travel on the ground, first to the Fist, and then to Castle Black.
@Goldfish, ask Rhaella if she wants to see giants.

If she wants to come along I'd happily bring her. We are more than capable of protecting her from anything that might harm her, and she gets to see us in action.

But bottomline, we're not finishing this quest without speaking with the giants. That is a prime diplomancing opportunity I flat-out refuse to miss.

I'm not even going to make the offer, because we are most certainly not able to protect her. She's an NPC, and not a high level one. One AoE spell could kill her all over again.
@Goldfish can you add a hug or at least a shoulder slap and a goodby for Bloodraven? He's been great, and its clear the abundance of human interaction has been... well, humanizing him. That's good for the soul.
Can we conjure up some wine for mother dearest since she will need it even if we give her the abridged story of events?
Am I the only one who finds it suspicious that Rhaella has no memory of her life after death, despite it having been so long? Or is resurrection supposed to work this way, with afterlife disappearing from the memory? Order of the Stick seems to say so, but I'm not sure what the exact rule was in 3.5 edition.