It's almost half the month of the new year, and we still have no omakes yet. So it falls to me again, to attempt the way
@DragonParadox, just does with ease 2 to 3 times daily. Have another rush omake folks to lead the others that will follow.
The Man from Yi Ti
Sixteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
Trade flows in and out of the Deep like the tides and Norman Storm has seen himself caught in it. After a few odd jobs here and there, he came to find himself a new trade of the oddest sort,!
It was a surprise even to him that he became so good at butchering animals and cleaning fishes, that his knife soon turned to greens, and from there, stews, roasts, pies, and pasties. Skilled he has become over the two months that he and Lem arrived here, that he came to the employ of the sharp-tongued matron, Mathis.
A survivor from long before Damphair even arrived on these lands. She lost a husband, two children, and their old home to the Green Fire, but that never even shook her mettle, even managing to wrangle the Wizard King's custodian of a higher loan. Her reason being that a cookshop is vital to feeding the teeming masses of Sorcerer's Deep.
So it comes to him, Alton Sand, Toric of Westheaven, and scrawny Gorza who is Mathis' son, to cook for the shop and for Mathis' four surviving daughters who are
hucksters by day. Roaming rounds across the streets and the rooftop paths, hawking pies, pasties, rolls, meats and ale. Same living as they had before the fire. Only now, the reason they hired other cooks, cooking and serving even through the night.
Night would make any Stormlander wary as there is only the light of lanterns and candles to get by. One either sleeps at home, or passes time at a tavern to get knocked out drinking. Not so in the Deep. Night changes Sorcerer's Deep into a some fantastical dream. Marked posts line the streets, and a few monkey-folks in the employ of the King himself, do their duty of climbing them each dusk to uncover the
cold lights on their cage-like perches. A night that you can see a few feet around you is now no barrier to trade, and trade means hungry folk.
Today, is one of these busy nights where Norman was kneading some dough when the stranger passed through the entrance. He was strange looking if wholly a man, not like some of the folk in the Deep. Clothed in a smock and threadbare pants, slanty eyed, fair-skinned, and with long braided hair, he approached Norman near the stoves and spoke in a singsong, if quite understandable Low Valyrian. "Cook, does owner let work for food?"
Norman struggled a bit with his grasp of the eastern tongue. "You have to ask the matron when she's back. She stepped out a bit to buy meats."
The man nodded and sat on a free stool close by. That's when Norman saw that he is carrying a huge rounded object on his back like a turtle. The stranger unslung the object and set it down carefully by the wall. From his robes, he took out what looks like a gourd, and drank from it.
Norman put his thoughts about the stranger aside when his nose told him that the meatrolls he's baking are ready. He started to fumble as he'll need to prepare the next batch, but can't leave the dough unfinished. He rushed towards the oven, and just as he was pulling up trays to cool, the stew pot overflowed with boiling broth.
He was about to panic when the stranger called out, "Let me help, friend." and leapt with uncanny swiftness to pull off the pot's lid, then stir the contents as he grabbed the dough to continue the kneading with the other hand. Norman didn't protest as the stranger seem to know what he's doing and the meatrolls needs tending to. He even forgot to note how fast did the stranger came to his aid.
Just as he was finished and just about to say his thanks when the cookery erupted in jeering shouts. One of Mathis' girls, young Bertha screamed as a rowdy man kept trying to make her sit on his lap. She slapped him instead. The man, incensed called her names, pushed her away, and brought his fist up to hit her.
Norman almost joined in the shouting, when the stranger
flew towards the rowdy man kicking him away from Bertha, all the way out the entrance. The man's companions stopped jeering in shock. It was a good five and twenty feet away from the cooking area. The stranger calmly spoke in singsong once more. "What men you here in the sunset lands, that treat a woman so?" all the while moving his hands over the dough he somehow kept kneading between his arms.
One the man's companions, a yellow-dye haired Tyroshi, sneered. "You are a long way from Yi Ti, traveller. Tis none of your business we getting some fun."
The stranger... no, Yi Tish, replied as he started twisting the dough and kept stretching it. "There is place to heat one's lions and other place to fill the stomach. This is no pleasure house. Leave."
The Tryoshi stood up, a couple of feet taller than the Yi Tish, "Make me!" he spat as he gestured for the others to surround Betha's defender who somehow have braided the dough. Norman, yelped as the tray he's holding heated up through the cloth. That signalled the ruffians to jump at the stranger.
The dough somehow ended up in the air, as the Yi Tish swept a couple of thugs off their feet and started raining punches. A
flurry of blows that timed with the dough falling and leaping, even threaded between the man's arms as he kept dropping the dozen rowdy folks one by one. It was almost a dance if one is fast enough to follow. In moments, the Yi Tish is the one left standing, just as he caught the lengthened, twisted, pulled flour and nooded.
Later, when Mathis and Alton returned with the goods, they would find a few townsguards carting off some unconscious ruffians, a stranger at the stoves kneading the dough in one hand and cooking on a huge rounded metal pan with another, a crowd asking for more servings, and Norman presenting the new food. A new way flour can be cooked. Long stringy bits that can be picked up by forks or with two sticks. Served fried or with a stew. Yi Ti's staple food and master craft of Wong Fan, the wandering cook,
Notes: As congratulations to @Wheel of time for reaching the end of this thread, and his enthusiam with monks, I present, the 3rd level monk that likes travelling and cooking noodles, Wong Fan. Let's see if the next chapter of Norman Storm's story is good enough to be canon again.
Edits: Spelling, and apparently this is too silly to be canon.